Annie and the Beanstalk Transcript (2024)

This is the episode transcript of Annie and the Beanstalk.

Episode Preview[]

Tyrone: {V.O} Next on "Annie and the Beanstalk".

Demon Pooh: Prepare to face the music of defeat!

Shaggy Rogers: Like, the Golden Goose needs our help!

Tyrone: {V.O} The Golden Goose got trapped inside a giant's castle, but not just any giant.

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: The Forte Giant!

Iggy: We mustn't make a sound.

Tyrone: {V.O} But the journey around his castle might be bigger than they expected.

Pooh: Look at the size of his shoes.

Tyrone: {V.O} Can our friends save the Golden Goose?

Mickey Mouse: We can find a way and save this goose once and for all.

Tyrone: Find out on the next episode of "Winnie the Pooh meets The Little Einsteins".

Episode Title, Art, and Music[]

Lumpy: Annie and the Beanstalk.

Jeff: Arts by, Vincent Van Gogh.

Annie: And music.

{Symphony No.5}

Leo: Symphony No.5.

Sunny Starscout: Music by, Ludwig van Beethoven.

Annie and the Beanstalk[]

{The episode starts with everyone finding books in the Rocket Room}

Annie and Chelsea: {Sings} Hi, hi, hi.

Annie: I'm Annie.

Chelsea: And I'm Chelsea.

Annie: Our friends and us are looking for a book on Rocket's bookshelf.

Piglet: Yep. One thing that we all love is stories.

Rocket: {Jingles "Same here"}

Tigger: Seems like Rocket loves stories too.

Chelsea: {To the viewers} Do you like reading stories?

Annie: Oh, good!

Patrick Star: Hmm, what story could we try?

{Soon, Donald and Goofy came with a purple book}

Donald Duck: Guys, come here!

Goofy: Look at the book me and Donald found.

Minnie Mouse: Ooh! This book has a beanstalk in it.

Elmo: Hmm, is this going to be Jack and the Beanstalk?

Goofy: Nope. It's called {Reads} The Golden Goose and The Musical Beanstalk.

June: Oooh!

Mrs Roberts: That sounds like a good book.

Dorothy the Dinosaur: I think I want to hear the story.

Mickey Mouse: Well, can I read the story?

Annie: Sure, Mickey.

Chelsea: {To the viewers} Want to hear the story too? Great!

Mickey Mouse: Okay, guys. Here we go.

{Mickey opens the book}

Mickey Mouse: {Narrates} Once upon a time, in a special garden, there lived a gaggle of geese.

{There were four geese, with one being golden}

Mickey Mouse: {Narrates} The youngest one of all was Golden Goose. She had golden feathers.

Quincy: Oooh, a golden goose.

Mickey Mouse: {Narrates} The mother, father, and brother of Golden Goose loved it when the Golden Goose sang a song.

{The Golden Goose sang to her family}

Sunny Starscout: How lovely is that.

Fluttershy: {Sighs happily} Makes me feel happy inside.

Mickey Mouse: I'm glad you like this. Anyway. {Narrates} One day, she would sing a song by a big musical beanstalk. Her music notes will float in the air like balloons.

{The notes kept rising higher and higher}

Mickey Mouse: {Narrates} Although, someone else lived at the top of a beanstalk.

{The sound was getting louder}

Scooby Doo: Uh oh.

Daisy Duck: Whoever is making that sound is so loud!

Alphabittle: In other words, forte!

Mickey Mouse: {To the viewers} Can you guess who's at the beanstalk?

{It was revealed to be a gigantic giant}

Mickey Mouse: Yes. A giant! Not just any giant. A forte giant! {Narrates} When he does a happy dance, he sings "Fee, fi, fo, fum! Fee, fi, fo, fum!". Soon, the Forte Giant heard the Golden Goose's singing. He thought "Ooh, I want that music too. I think I have it for myself. I'm sick of eating geese."

{The Forte Giant started to climb down the beanstalk}

Mickey Mouse: {Narrates} So, when the Forte Giant got down from his beanstalk, he caught the Golden Goose and put her in a birdcage.

Tigger: {Gasps} What has come over him?!

Izzy Moonbow: I can't watch!

Mickey Mouse: {Narrates} The Forte Giant used a special singing message that locks and unlocks the birdcage. It was his "Fee, fi, fo, fum!" song.

{The song made the cage locked}

Mickey Mouse: {Narrates} This made the Forte Giant happy, but not the Golden Goose. "Now you'll sing me your songs forever" said The Forte Giant.

{The Golden Goose sounded sad}

Mickey Mouse: {Narrates} It made The Golden Goose sad, and even his family from below.

{The family of Golden Goose felt sad just as the story was finished}

Eeyore: To make a long story short, uh oh.

SpongeBob: I can't believe this happened.

Ash Ketchum: Yeah, I just hope he wasn't working for Demon Pooh.

Demon Pooh: {Chuckles evilly} Yep, that's just what I was about to tell you.

{They spotted Demon Pooh floating}

Pablo and Tyrone: Demon Pooh!

Tasha: You're working with The Forte Giant?!

Demon Pooh: That's right. Guess what? Prepare to face the music of defeat!

Annie: No way, Demon Pooh.

Chelsea: We're not gonna let you make us weak.

Demon Pooh: Well, see you at the beanstalk. {Evilly cackles}

{Demon Pooh leaves}

Chelsea: We can't let that baddie beat our favorite golden goose.

Minnie Mouse: But, guys. How are you all going to stop Demon Pooh and The Forte Giant?

Annie: We can all do it if we work together.

Pluto: {Barks "Yeah!}

Goofy: Great idea!

Mickey Mouse: And me, Donald, and Goofy can go with you.

Donald Duck: Yeah, we've dealt with a beanstalk once and we can do it again.

Annie: {To the viewers} But to save the Golden Goose, we're going to need your help.

Chelsea: {To the viewers} Will you help save the Golden Goose from the Forte Giant and Demon Pooh? Excellent!

{Baton twinkles}

Leo: We got a mission!

Tyrone: We're going to save The Golden Goose.

Livingstone: Let the mission...begin!

{Everyone went inside Rocket while the members from headquarters stayed where they were}

Greg: Buckle your seatbelts, everyone.

{Everyone buckled their seatbelts}

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: Seatbelts buckled!

Jeff: In order to give Rocket a lot of order, we have to pat first.

Anthony: {To the viewers} Pat with us to the beat. Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat.

{Rocket almost took off}

Anthony: Now faster! Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat!

{Rocket was about to take off}

Sunny Starscout: {To the viewers} On the count of three, let's all shout "Blastoff". 1, 2, 3!

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: Blastoff!

Zipp Storm: Here wa all go!

{Rocket takes off}

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: Whoa!

Goofy: Yeehaw! {Goofy yell}

Donald Duck: This is awesome!

Mickey Mouse: You said it, Donald and Goofy!

{Soon, they spotted the beanstalk}

Applejack: {On speaker} Guys, any sign of the beanstalk?

Roo: We're coming close to it.

Annie: Up, up, up the beanstalk, Rocket.

Chelsea: You can do this, Rocket!

{Rocket goes up the beanstalk}

Mickey Mouse: Guys, look!

Cinderella: That must be the castle where The Forte Giant lives.

{Rocket went inside the castle}

Iggy: Let's save ourselves a golden goose.

{Soon, they were in the giant's kitchen}

Shaggy Rogers: Like, look!

Bert: This must be The Forte Giant's kitchen.

Scooby Doo: Look at the size of that food.

Quincy: The food in here is as big as an elephant!

Pablo: Bigger than a hippo!

Tyrone: Bigger than a rhinoceros!

Tasha: Some goes to the fridge, cups, bowls, chairs, and table.

Fred Jones: Okay, gang. We gotta be really careful.

Izzy Moonbow: We have to fly over all around the castle.

Daphne Blake: And let's just hope we don't run into...

{Soon, they heard the giant and Demon Pooh}

Demon Pooh: {From the distance} Well done, my gigantic friend. Let's get some flowers to celebrate.

Shaggy Rogers: Oh no. It's Demon Pooh and...

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: The Forte Giant!

Pipp Petals: {To the viewers} Can you find them?

{The baddies were by some flowers that were put on the shelf}

Zipp Storm: Yes. There they are!

Pablo: They're by those flowers.

Forte Giant: {Fee, fi, fo, fum! Fee, fi, fo, fum!}

Tigger: Quick!

Rabbit: Let's hide!

{Rocket hid in the shoes}

Sunny Starscout: Phew.

Izzy Moonbow: They didn't see us.

Pipp Petals: Yeah, but why does that giant have such stinky shoes?

G'Bubu: We can't get stay in these shoes.

Livingstone: What can we do now?

Mickey Mouse: {Whispers} I have an idea.

Donald Duck: What?

Mickey Mouse: Well, if we patted quietly to the beat, we can help Rocket escape the kitchen.

Uniqua: Hmm, good idea, Mickey.

Mickey Mouse: And we can stop if the baddies are coming. {To the viewers} We need your help. Help us pat to the beat quietly, so the baddies don't see us. Ready? {Whispers} Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat.

{Rocket flew quietly, until}

Demon Pooh: Huh?

Mickey Mouse: {Whispers} Stop patting.

{Rocket hid behind the food}

Demon Pooh: Okay, what was that weird patting sound? Huh.

Pooh: {Whispers} That was close.

Mickey Mouse: {Quietly to the viewers} Now, pat the beat quieter. {Whispers quieter} Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat.

{Rocket left the food and flew quieter, until}

Forte Giant: {Huh?}

Demon Pooh: Okay, something fishy's going on here.

Mickey Mouse: {Whispers} Freeze. Hide, Rocket!

{Rocket hid behind some flowers}

Shaggy Rogers: Here they come.

{The baddies kept looking}

Demon Pooh: I know for certain I smell a rocket.

{The baddies didn't see Rocket in the flowers}

Mickey Mouse: {To the viewers quietly} Now pat even quieter. {Whispers even quietly} Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat.

{Rocket leaves the flowers and flies even quieter, until}

Demon Pooh: That's it! I am gonna start searching for them one last time.

Mickey Mouse: Freeze.

{Rocket hides behind the chair}

Sunny Starscout: Here they come!

{Demon Pooh searches and searches, but didn't see Rocket}

Demon Pooh: Yeah, my eyes are playing tricks on me. Stop making me tricked, eyes!

{Demon Pooh left the kitchen}

Mickey Mouse: {Whispers to the viewers} Now let's pat quietly to leave the kitchen. Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat.

{Soon, Rocket leaves the kitchen}

Daphne Blake: Jeepers!

Iggy: Cervantes! We got across the kitchen!

Reenie: Without the baddies seeing us.

Mickey Mouse: {To the viewers} And good job patting to the beat.

{Soon, they heard The Golden Goose singing}

Uniqua: Listen.

Tyrone: Hey, that sounded like the Golden Goose.

Pablo: We must be halfway.

Austin: This way.

{Annie and Chelsea sing}

Annie and Chelsea: {Sing softly} Softly go, flying piano. All through the castle, we will save the Golden Goose.

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: {Sings} The Golden Goose, The Golden Goose. Golden Goose.

{Soon, the team were in the giant's bedroom}

Bert: Whoa!

Ernie: We must be in his bedroom now.

Tigger: Say, look at those stuffed animals.

Eeyore: And that clock.

Ash Ketchum: And his bed too.

Quincy: Yeah. It's as big as a house!

{Soon, they heard a familiar loud noise}

Taffy: {Whimpers worried}

Barbie: Uh oh. {To the viewers} Do you know who that sounds like? Yes. It's...

Annie and Chelsea: The Forte Giant!

{Soon, they saw him and Demon Pooh}

Demon Pooh: Well, Forte, I feel kind of hot. I think you and I need to take a break.

{The Forte Giant sat in a giant chair}

Livingstone: Uh oh. Something's wrong.

Austin: Now he's blocking the door.

Tyrone: What can we do now?

Shaggy Rogers: Like, the Golden Goose needs our help!

{Soon, Ash and Pikachu spotted an instrument next to the giant bed}

Ash Ketchum: Guys, look.

Pikachu: {There's an instrument next to the bed}

Scooby Doo: Yeah, it's a harp.

Austin: Maybe if we play the harp, it can make him fall asleep.

{Rocket landed on the bed cabinet, until the harp splits into three different colored harps}

Donald Duck: Uh oh,

Goofy: This giant's got three harps.

Cinderella: I wonder how we can make him sleep now.

{The three harps play the same music except two play loudly and one played quietly}

June: They all sound different.

Izzy Moonbow: Hmm, we have to figure out which harp is the quietest. {To the viewers} Let's listen to them.

Goofy: And I'll listen too. Red.

{The red harp plays loudly}

Goofy: Green.

{The green harp plays quietly}

Goofy: Purple.

{The purple harp plays loudly}

Izzy Moonbow: Ooh, hmm.

Goofy: {To the viewers} Did you spotted the quiet harp? Let's listen to them one more time.

Izzy Moonbow: Red.

{The red harp plays loudly}

Izzy Moonbow: Green.

{The green harp plays quietly}

Izzy Moonbow: And purple.

{The purple harp plays loudly}

Goofy: {To the viewers} Can you figure out which harp that you heard was the quietest? Yeah, it's the green harp.

Izzy Moonbow: Good think harps come in different sizes.

{The green harp changes into the right size for Izzy to hold}

Izzy Moonbow: This one plays quietly. {To the viewers quietly} Help me play this harp to make The Forte Giant fall asleep.

{Izzy and the viewers wiggle their fingers to tickle the strings}

Forte Giant: {Yawns}

Tigger: Hey, look.

Rabbit: He's yawning.

Izzy Moonbow: {To the viewers} Even more quietly.

{They continued wiggling the strings}

Forte Giant: {Yawns and lowers his head}

Pablo: He's almost completely asleep.

Izzy Moonbow: One more time. {To the viewers} Ready? Go.

{The viewers and Izzy tickled the strings one more time and soon, the giant fell asleep}

Forte Giant: {Snores}

Quincy: {Whispers} We did it.

Hitch Trailblazer: Now, Demon Pooh won't know.

Rabbit: This way.

Roo: Hurry before he wakes up.

Iggy: And now, let's save that goose.

{Rocket flies and leaves the bedroom}

Tigger: Hey, guys.

Pooh: I hear the Golden Goose.

{They heard the Golden Goose's singing}

Leo: She's still stuck in the cage.

Livingstone: {To the viewers} Can you spot the birdcage?

{Soon, Rocket was by the birdcage}

Pipp Petals: Look, there's the birdcage!

Chelsea: {To the viewers} You found the Golden Goose!

Annie: She's at the top of the stairs in the tower.

Annie and Chelsea: {Sings} Here we come, up the stairs we come. Up to the tower, where we'll save the Golden Goose.

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: {Sings} The Golden Goose, The Golden Goose. Golden Goose.

{Soon, they stopped and went to the birdcage}

Annie and Chelsea: {Sing to the Golden Goose} Hi, hi, hi.

Golden Goose: {Hi, hi, hi}

Chelsea: {Gasps} Look. She's not alone.

{They spotted another giant}

Uniqua: Oh no! Another giant.

Piano Giant: Wait, guys. I'm not the bad giant.

Tyrone: You're not?

Piano Giant: No, I used to be loud. But now, I am quiet. I really am nice.

Annie: What happen to you?

Piano Giant: I was about to see my friend Golden Goose, until the loud me tied me with rope. And now, me and Golden Goose can't get out.

Sunny Starscout: Well, that's terrible!

Izzy Moonbow: Annie and Chelsea, you guys help the Golden Goose.

Livingstone: G'Bubu, Iggy, help untie the nice giant.

{Chelsea tried to open the cage, but it didn't work}

Chelsea: It's locked.

Leo: The Golden Goose's cage is locked shut.

Ash Ketchum: We have to hurry before the baddies know that she'll be free.

Donald Duck: Guys, how about trying that musical password?

Golden Goose: {Oh, you mean the one that goes "Fee, fi, fo, fum! Fee, fi, fo, fum!"}

Chelsea: Yes, Golden Goose. But, the way how you do it won't work.

Annie: We need to sing it just like a giant.

Chelsea: {To the viewers} We need your help. Does the giant that caught the Golden Goose sing forte or piano? Yes. He sings loud, forte!

Annie: Right.

Chelsea: {To the viewers} Sit up straight and sing with us.

Annie and Chelsea: {Sings} Fee Fi Fo Fum! Fee Fi Fo Fum!

{The cage open a tiny bit}

Tyrone: It's working.

Uniqua: Yeah, it opened a bit.

Chelsea: {To the viewers} Sing louder. Forte!

Annie and Chelsea: {Sings} Fee Fi Fo Fum! Fee Fi Fo Fum!

{The cage opened a little bit}

Leo: All right!

Barbie: You go, girls!

Tasha: Yeah, you can do it!

Annie: {To the viewers} Sing really loud! Fortissimo!

Annie and Chelsea: {Sings} Fee Fi Fo Fum! Fee Fi Fo Fum!

{The cage was almost open}

Roo: The bird's almost free!

Lumpy: Sing with all your might, Annie and Chelsea!

Chelsea: {To the viewers} Sing loudly! More fortissimo!

Annie and Chelsea: {Sings} Fee Fi Fo Fum! Fee Fi Fo Fum!

{Soon, the goose was free}

Golden Goose: {Free at last!}

Quincy: Awesome!

G'Bubu: Good job, guys!

Iggy: And we already untied the good giant.

{Now, both the quiet giant and Golden Goose were free}

June: You did it, Annie and Chelsea.

Livingstone: Yep, this is like one exciting mission I won't forget.

Chelsea: {To the viewers} And thank you too.

{Golden Goose smooches the both of them}

Pooh: {Chuckles} I think she likes the both of you.

{Soon, they heard a very very loud and familiar sound}

Pablo: Wow! Chelsea! You really really have some pipes!

Tyrone: Yeah, that's what I call fortiss-iss-issmo!

{Chelsea and Annie were confused}

Chelsea: Um, guys, that wasn't me or Annie singing.

Mickey Mouse: Wait. What does that mean?

Minnie Mouse: {On speaker} Guys, maybe it's because the f, f, f, f.

Mickey Mouse: Frolicking Fairy?

Minnie Mouse: {On speaker} No, the f, f, f, f.

Mickey Mouse: Fiesta Fanatic?

Minnie Mouse: {On speaker} No, Mickey, I think it's the work of...

{It made everyone freaked out}

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: The Forte Giant!

Donald Duck: I think that means that Demon Pooh returned from his break.

{They heard Demon Pooh}

Demon Pooh: {Gasps and shouts from the distance} You fool! Someone used your musical password to open the cage!

Piano Giant: No worries, guys. I'll distract them.

Sunny Starscout: You sure?

Piano Giant: Trust me.

Shaggy Rogers: Like, we gotta get out of here!

Daphne Blake: Before the baddies stop us again.

Taffy: Yeah, we can't let the baddies catch her again.

Barbie: We have to get back in Rocket.

{Everyone got inside Rocket}

Eeyore: Rocket, I think it's time to use your super fast mode.

Rocket: {Right!}

Leo and Pablo: Super fast!

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: Super fast!

{Rocket takes out his backup booster}

Tasha: Now to do this, we have to start with adagio.

Austin: {To the viewers} Pat the beat slowly on your lap.

{They all patted to the beat slowly}

Roo: Moderato.

Lumpy: Now pat the beat on your tummies a little faster.

{They all patted to the beat a little faster}

Izzy Moonbow: Allegro is up next.

Hitch Trailblazer: Pat the beat on your shoulders even faster.

{They all patted to the beat even faster}

Daphne Blake: Now, it's presto!

Velma Dinkley: Reach your arms up and shake your whole body!

{Everyone and Golden Goose joined in}

Tyrone: Awesome!

Pablo: We're all flying...

Leo, Pablo, and Tyrone: Super fast!

{Rocket zooms pass the baddies}

Demon Pooh: Hey, they're getting away!

Sunny Starscout: Try and catch us!

{Rocket speeds up fast while the baddies tried going after him}

Demon Pooh: Come back here!

{Soon, Rocket went all the way out of the castle and down the beanstalk}

Lumpy: We made it to the bottom.

Pooh: Quick, we have to sing a song to make the beanstalk shrink.

Chelsea: Hmm, I know. If me and Annie can sing quietly, pianissimo, the beanstalk will shrink.

Annie: Okay. Good idea, friend.

Annie and Chelsea: {Sing quietly} You can shrink, beanstalk, you can shrink. Down to the ground, down to the ground. And now we'll save, The Golden Goose.

Chelsea: {To the viewers} Sing quietly with us.

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: {Sing quietly} The Golden Goose, the Golden Goose, Golden Goose.

{Soon, the quiet music made the beanstalk really tiny}

Hitch Trailblazer: Yay, Annie and Chelsea!

Elmo: You saved The Golden Goose from The Forte Giant!

Livingstone: And now, this beanstalk is small.

Demon Pooh: {Growls} They foiled us again!

Piano Giant: So long, Forte Freak.

{The Piano Giant kicked the Forte Giant and it screamed in different people}

Forte Giant: {Screams like Bonnie, Clemont, and Dedenne}

Ash Ketchum: Wait, guys. Look!

{The Forte Giant revealed to be three people in a giant costume}

Fred Jones: Hold the phone. It's...

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: Bonnie and Clemont?

Ash Ketchum: Dedenne too?

Pikachu: Pika? {Huh?}

Velma Dinkley: Jinkies! They're falling!

{Luckily, the family of the Golden Goose came and threw a bunch of pillows to soften the landing}

Bonnie: Whoa, oof!

Pooh: You guys okay?

Clemont: We're fine.

Bonnie: But, trust me, never wear that costume when falling.

{The family came to Golden Goose}

Rainbow Dash: {On speaker} Look, guys!

Applejack: {On speaker} Now the Golden Goose has her family back.

{The Golden Goose sings for her family again}

Annie: She's finally where she belongs.

Shaggy Rogers: Like, way to go, besties!

{Chelsea hugs Annie}

Chelsea: I knew we can do it.

{Demon Pooh flies in anger}

Demon Pooh: Man, I'll get you next time, you Golden Einsteins!

Annie and Chelsea: Little Einsteins!

{Demon Pooh leaves}

Bonnie: Well, that's what he gets for trapping us like that.

Leo: Mission completion!

{Baton twinkles}

{The curtains close}

Anthony: And now, time for...

Uniqua and Tasha: The curtain call!

{The Curtain Call song plays}

Pooh and Leo: Let's give a hand and hear it for the team.

{They all clapped}

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: And rah, rah, rah, for Rocket!

Goofy: Come on, take a bow.

Mickey Mouse: It's you're turn now.

Annie and Chelsea: Let's hear a big hand for you.

{Bonnie, Clemont, and Dedenne waved hello and so did the Golden Goose}

Bonnie: {Giggles} This is fun!

Leo: Now pat, clap, pat, clap, pat, clap.

June: Let's give a big cheer for the artist of the day.

Pooh: Van Gogh!

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: Van Gogh!

Quincy: The composer of the wonderful music we played.

Leo: Beethoven!

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: Beethoven! Hooray! Yay, Beethoven!

Annie: And here comes the music of the day.

Chelsea: Symphony No.5.

{Symphony No.5}

Greg: See you for the next mission.

{In the first silly surprise, they heard something falling}

Donald Duck: Uh oh.

Tigger: Something's about to fall!

Piglet: Let's catch it!

Uniqua: Wait, June and Piglet. It's there!

Pablo: No, it's that way!

Iggy: I am pretty sure it's that way.

G'Bubu: Catch it, guys!

Pooh: Here it comes!

{Soon, they caught a stuffed leopard}

Daphne Blake: Jeepers!

Lumpy: They got a spotted leopard.

Ash Ketchum: Seems like we've spotted that out.

{In the second silly surprise, Quincy and Tigger are with a tuba}

Quincy: {Blows tuba hard}

Reenie: What's stuck now?

{When Tigger blew the tuba, it blew out a zebra}

Cinderella: Look!

Greg: There was a zebra in Quincy's tuba!

Murray: Well, black and white are its fashionable colors.

{In the third silly surprise, Annie and Chelsea sang "Up" while something was behind the curtain}

Jeff: There's something behind the curtain.

Anthony: It's got spots.

Iggy: And, he's got a funny noise he's making.

G'Bubu: What is it?

{The curtains show a friendly hyena}

Pooh: It's a hyena!

Piglet: Well, good thing it's friendly.

Elmo: Yep, because dangerous ones are not the right ones.

{In the fourth silly surprise, Rocket, Ash, and Pikachu saw a string with a ring}

Shaggy Rogers: Like, look!

Mickey Mouse: I see a string.

Goofy: Try pulling it, you guys!

Bert: No, don't do it!

Skipper Roberts: Yeah, if you do that, who knows what will fall.

Tasha: {Giggles} Well, pull it.

Tyrone: Yeah, what's it gonna be?

Ash Ketchum: Well, okay.

{When the three of them pulled the ring, it started make weaverbirds flutter down}

Pooh: Hey, look!

Quincy: Weaverbirds.

Bert: They're flying around Rocket.

Ash Ketchum: How pretty.

Pikachu: {Yeah, pretty}

{In the last silly surprise, Leo and Scooby were by a jack-in-the-box}

Shaggy Rogers: Like, what's it gonna be now?

{When Leo and Scooby conducted, a monkey popped out}

June and Barbie: It's a monkey-in-the-box!

Chelsea: Guess they got time to monkey around.

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: {Laughing}

Annie and the Beanstalk Transcript (2024)


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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.