Can't find my Red Pitayas on the Network (2024)

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Can't find my Red Pitayas on the Network


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Soon I will be really "crazy" if I do not find a solution how to find my Red Pitay's on the local network!

I have find one of them but not the other RP. I do not know how I find it!

Hermes Lite 2 and other Ethernet devices are found very easy by the router but not the Red Pitay's.

Sometimes I can see them in Ethernet device list but without IP number and sometimes not!

I am not the best man regarding network technology but I understand the basic and little more!

73 de Sven SM6FMB

Bob Wilson, N6TV

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Are you trying to access two RPs from the same computer? If so, you have to rename the DLL so that each one is accessed independently, and use two separate SkimSrv directories (SkimSrv and SkimSrv2), one per Hermes DLL.

Let's say the two RPs have MAC addresses ending in 1111 and 2222. You must rename HermesIntf.dll to





Of course everything has to be on the same subnet (same first 3 parts of IP address). So, if your Windows PC is using WiFi and is on, but your Router puts Ethernet devices like the RPs on a different subnet, like, then they won't be able to find each other.


Bob, N6TV

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On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 1:57 PM Sven SM6FMB <svempa42@...> wrote:


Soon I will be really "crazy" if I do not find a solution how to find my Red Pitay's on the local network!

I have find one of them but not the other RP. I do not know how I find it!

Hermes Lite 2 and other Ethernet devices are found very easy by the router but not the Red Pitay's.

Sometimes I can see them in Ethernet device list but without IP number and sometimes not!

I am not the best man regarding network technology but I understand the basic and little more!

73 de Sven SM6FMB

Drew Vonada-Smith K3PA
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Is it static vs DHCP thing?

Pete Smith

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Hi Sven - Bob makes some good points, and it sounds like he may have put his finger on your problem. Let me just add that I've noticed that various routers can vary considerably in how quickly they recognize the presence of a new device. My current FIOS router seems to be quicker than my old one.

73, Pete N4ZRCheck out the Reverse Beacon Network at <>, now spotting RTTY activity worldwide. For spots, please use your favorite "retail" DX cluster.

On 2/7/2019 4:57 PM, Sven SM6FMB wrote:

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Soon I will be really "crazy" if I do not find a solution how to find my Red Pitay's on the local network!

I have find one of them but not the other RP. I do not know how I find it!

Hermes Lite 2 and other Ethernet devices are found very easy by the router but not the Red Pitay's.

Sometimes I can see them in Ethernet device list but without IP number and sometimes not!

I am not the best man regarding network technology but I understand the basic and little more!

73 de Sven SM6FMB


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Thank you all to answer very quick to my urgent request!

I have had a working setup with both RP1 and RP2 working since month back.

But I starting changing things.

Starting using new SparkSDR for Red Pitaya on my RP2 and on my RP1 CW Skimmer and RTTY Skimmer. Working great!

From the beginning I used old SparkSDR, CW Skimmer and RTTY on RP1 and Red Pitaya FT8 TRX 1.0 on RP2. Was also working great.

Now working with SparkSDR, CW Skimmer and RTTY on RP2 and RP1 could not be found!

I haven't at any time operated two CW Skimmer at one computer.

I have renamed in my SkimSrv folder my HermesIntf.dll to Hermesintf_61a2.dll which is my RP2 and also my content in CWSL_Tee.cfg to HermesIntf_61a2 64.

Is there any other files to be changed with to 61a2?

The other RP1 has 5db6, the one not found by router.

I do not use any router on WiFi network, just connected with Ethernet cables.

My default sub net is 192.168.0.x

But I suspect that maybe my RP1 has in someway changed sub net. Any tool/method to check that up?

I have tried to use static IP address but there where no success with that. Now just DHCP running to find IP addresses for my devices

My big problem is to see both my RP’s in Ethernet Device List in Router with IP addresses!

Big thanks in advance to help me out.

73 de Sven SM6FMB

Bob Wilson, N6TV

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On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 10:17 PM Sven SM6FMB <svempa42@...> wrote:

I have had a working setup with both RP1 and RP2 working since month back.

But I starting changing things.

Well, perhaps you can try to change things back to the way they were before?

Starting using new SparkSDR for Red Pitaya on my RP2 and on my RP1 CW Skimmer and RTTY Skimmer. Working great!

Why SparkSDR? What's the advantage? Are you using a Beta version? Did you try to power cycle the Red Pitayas so they could obtain a new IP address from your Router via DHCP?

Now working with SparkSDR, CW Skimmer and RTTY on RP2 and RP1 could not be found!

I assume you mean CW Skimmer Server, not CW Skimmer.

I have renamed in my SkimSrv folder my HermesIntf.dll to Hermesintf_61a2.dll which is my RP2 and also my content in CWSL_Tee.cfg to HermesIntf_61a2 64.

If you are starting the Skimmer with the Aggregator, you must also update CWSL_Tee.cfg in the Aggregator's folder.

Is there any other files to be changed with to 61a2?

See above.

The other RP1 has 5db6, the one not found by router.

One is found, one is not?

But I suspect that maybe my RP1 has in someway changed sub net. Any tool/method to check that up?

Yes. Connect a USB cable to the secondmicroUSB port on the Red Pitaya (not the one used to provide power, but the one next to it). This will be recognized by Windows as an FTDI virtual serial port. If necessary, use the Windows Device Manager to determine the new serial port number.

Next use a terminal program like PuTTY to connect to create a new SERIAL connection to the new COM port, using 115200 baud, N, 8, 1. This will give you a Unix command prompt. The command ip addresswill show you something like this (if using the Ubuntu Linux distribution):

root@rp-f05272:~# ip address

1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default

link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00

inet scope host lo

valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

inet6 ::1/128 scope host

valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000

link/ether 00:26:32:f0:52:72 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

inet brd scope link eth0

valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

inet brd scope global dynamic eth0

valid_lft 657577sec preferred_lft 657577sec

3: sit0@NONE: <NOARP> mtu 1480 qdisc noop state DOWN group default

link/sit brd

Or it will look slightly different if using Pavel's Alpine Linux image:

rp-f050eb:~# ip address

1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN qlen 1

link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00

inet scope host lo

valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

inet6 ::1/128 scope host

valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000

link/ether 00:26:32:f0:50:eb brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

inet brd scope global eth0

valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

inet6 2601:646:9380:35c0:226:32ff:fef0:50eb/64 scope global dynamic

valid_lft 174741sec preferred_lft 174741sec

inet6 fe80::226:32ff:fef0:50eb/64 scope link

valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

3: sit0@NONE: <NOARP> mtu 1480 qdisc noop state DOWN qlen 1

link/sit brd

One of the inet addresses should be on the same subnet as your Router.

I have tried to use static IP address but there where no success with that. Now just DHCP running to find IP addresses for my devices

Whatever you changed in Linux to assign it a static IP address probably messed up its ability to request an IP address via DHCP. You can reboot the system while connected via the serial port to see any error messages at boot time regarding obtaining an IP address from your Router.

My big problem is to see both my RP’s in Ethernet Device List in Router with IP addresses!

That will only work if your RP is properly requesting an IP address via DHCP, and getting one.


Bob, N6TV


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My comments:

Den 2019-02-08 kl. 08:17, skrev Bob Wilson, N6TV:

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On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 10:17 PM Sven SM6FMB <svempa42@...> wrote:
I have had a working setup with both RP1 and RP2 working since month back.
But I starting changing things.
Well, perhaps you can try to change things back to the way they were before?
Well, well, remembering things is not my strong thing! Ask my wife!
Starting using new SparkSDR for Red Pitaya on my RP2 and on my RP1 CW Skimmer and RTTY Skimmer. Working great!
Why SparkSDR? What's the advantage? Are you using a Beta version? Did you try to power cycle the Red Pitayas so they could obtain a new IP address from your Router via DHCP?
SparkSDR is a great multifunctional program. If you want to save system resources and have FT8, JT9/65, PSK 31/63, WSPR, running at the same time . I have used it since a year back on my Hermes Lite 2 which in itself is a great receiver/tranceiver. Now is SparkSDR 2 on market, also for Red Pitaya, in a release candidate version. Quickly developing.
Now working with SparkSDR, CW Skimmer and RTTY on RP2 and RP1 could not be found!
I assume you mean CW Skimmer Server, not CW Skimmer.
Correction: Now working with SparkSDR, Skimmer Server and RTTY Skimmer Server on RP2 and RP1 could not be found!
I have renamed in my SkimSrv folder my HermesIntf.dll to Hermesintf_61a2.dll which is my RP2 and also my content in CWSL_Tee.cfg to HermesIntf_61a2 64.
If you are starting the Skimmer with the Aggregator, you must also update CWSL_Tee.cfg in the Aggregator's folder.
I do not start it with the Aggregator. I start it directly in SkimSrv folder.
Is there any other files to be changed with to 61a2?
See above.
The other RP1 has 5db6, the one not found by router.
One is found, one is not?
Yes my 61a2 is ok the other one is not.
But I suspect that maybe my RP1 has in someway changed sub net. Any tool/method to check that up?
Yes. Connect a USB cable to the secondmicroUSB port on the Red Pitaya (not the one used to provide power, but the one next to it). This will be recognized by Windows as an FTDI virtual serial port. If necessary, use the Windows Device Manager to determine the new serial port number.
Next use a terminal program like PuTTY to connect to create a new SERIAL connection to the new COM port, using 115200 baud, N, 8, 1. This will give you a Unix command prompt. The command ip addresswill show you something like this (if using the Ubuntu Linux distribution):
root@rp-f05272:~# ip address
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 00:26:32:f0:52:72 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope link eth0
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet brd scope global dynamic eth0
valid_lft 657577sec preferred_lft 657577sec
3: sit0@NONE: <NOARP> mtu 1480 qdisc noop state DOWN group default
link/sit brd
Or it will look slightly different if using Pavel's Alpine Linux image:
rp-f050eb:~# ip address
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN qlen 1
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000
link/ether 00:26:32:f0:50:eb brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global eth0
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 2601:646:9380:35c0:226:32ff:fef0:50eb/64 scope global dynamic
valid_lft 174741sec preferred_lft 174741sec
inet6 fe80::226:32ff:fef0:50eb/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: sit0@NONE: <NOARP> mtu 1480 qdisc noop state DOWN qlen 1
link/sit brd
One of the inet addresses should be on the same subnet as your Router.
I will look at this when I am in contact with RP1. Just now only U-Boot 2018.01 (Oct 20 2018 - 19:53:32 +0000) Model: Red Pitaya Board Board: Xilinx Zynq loading. Seems that I missing something! Where is the image!
Closer look showed a problem with SD Card. No contact. Formated a new card and copied image to the card. Now I had a functional RP1 again.
I have tried to use static IP address but there where no success with that. Now just DHCP running to find IP addresses for my devices
Whatever you changed in Linux to assign it a static IP address probably messed up its ability to request an IP address via DHCP. You can reboot the system while connected via the serial port to see any error messages at boot time regarding obtaining an IP address from your Router.
My big problem is to see both my RP’s in Ethernet Device List in Router with IP addresses!
That will only work if your RP is properly requesting an IP address via DHCP, and getting one.

Bob Wilson, N6TV

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On Fri, Feb 8, 2019 at 9:54 AM Sven SM6FMB <svempa42@...> wrote:

I will look at this when I am in contact with RP1. Just now only U-Boot 2018.01 (Oct 20 2018 - 19:53:32 +0000) Model: Red Pitaya Board Board: Xilinx Zynq loading. Seems that I missing something! Where is the image!
Closer look showed a problem with SD Card. No contact. Formated a new card and copied image to the card. Now I had a functional RP1 again.

So, all problems are resolved now? Congrats.

How do you get SparkSDR to work with a Red Pitaya / CWSL_Tee? I could not find documentation. Same technique as HDSDR, using Extio_CWSL, just one band at at time?

For reference, I tried to get SDR-Console to work with the Red Pitaya using the same techniques used with HDSDR. Despite "OpenHPSDR" support, SDR-Console would not locate any of the receivers. It's kind of a shame as SDR-Console has the ability to show a waterfall display for all eight slices of a multi-band SDR.


Bob, N6TV


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Problem is solved and I am happy. Thank you for looking into the problem and guided me to the solution.

SparkSDR commnication with Hermes Lite 2 and Red Pitaya is based on the orginal openHPSDR protocol.
I am using my RP1 as a stand alone receiver for FT8 on 8 band. More info can be found here
I am using my RP2, controlled from CW Skimmer Server on 8 band, RTTY Skimmer on 8 band and SparkSDR on 4 band. More info can be found here
None of them using CWSL_Tee.

73 de Sven SM6FMB

Bob Wilson, N6TV

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Oh, so you are only running one app. at a time?

Using CWSL_Tee, we can run CW Skimmer Server and RTTY Skimmer Server and multiple instances of HDSDRsimultaneously, all sharingthe same 8 band receiver stream from one RP.

So, is there any way to use CWSL_Tee or ExtIO_CWSL with SparkSDR?

Bob, N6TV

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On Sat, Feb 9, 2019, 1:45 AM Sven SM6FMB <svempa42@...> wrote:


Problem is solved and I am happy. Thank you for looking into the problem and guided me to the solution.

SparkSDR commnication with Hermes Lite 2 and Red Pitaya is based on the orginal openHPSDR protocol.
I am using my RP1 as a stand alone receiver for FT8 on 8 band. More info can be found here
I am using my RP2, controlled from CW Skimmer Server on 8 band, RTTY Skimmer on 8 band and SparkSDR on 4 band. More info can be found here
None of them using CWSL_Tee.

73 de Sven SM6FMB


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On my HL2(12 fq) and RP1(16 fq), all applications, in total 28 fq running at the same time.

RP2 running FT8(8 fq) at the same time.

HL2 and RP1 running on a very powerful AMD with 8 cores. Which is needed on a RTTY contest weekend.

73 de Sven SM6FMB

Bob Wilson, N6TV

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OK, so where is the documentation that shows how to run both CW Skimmer Server and RTTY Skimmer Server and SparkSDR one RP, on 8 different bands, without using CWSL_Tee? Pavel's documentation does not explain it.


Bob, N6TV

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On Sat, Feb 9, 2019 at 7:51 AM Sven SM6FMB <svempa42@...> wrote:


On my HL2(12 fq) and RP1(16 fq), all applications, in total 28 fq running at the same time.

RP2 running FT8(8 fq) at the same time.

HL2 and RP1 running on a very powerful AMD with 8 cores. Which is needed on a RTTY contest weekend.

73 de Sven SM6FMB

Bob Wilson, N6TV

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I still do not understand your claims Sven.

To be clear, I'm asking if you are somehow making all of these programs (RTTY Skimmer Server, CW Skimmer Server, and SparkSDR) share the same RP at the same time. I know you can run one program at a time on different SDRs, but that's not the question.

To date, the only documented method of doing this is via CWSL_Tee, but you claim you are not using it at all, unless I've misunderstood something.


Bob, N6TV

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On Sat, Feb 9, 2019 at 8:34 AM Bob Wilson, N6TV <n6tv@...> wrote:

OK, so where is the documentation that shows how to run both CW Skimmer Server and RTTY Skimmer Server and SparkSDR one RP, on 8 different bands, without using CWSL_Tee? Pavel's documentation does not explain it.


Bob, N6TV

On Sat, Feb 9, 2019 at 7:51 AM Sven SM6FMB <svempa42@...> wrote:


On my HL2(12 fq) and RP1(16 fq), all applications, in total 28 fq running at the same time.

RP2 running FT8(8 fq) at the same time.

HL2 and RP1 running on a very powerful AMD with 8 cores. Which is needed on a RTTY contest weekend.

73 de Sven SM6FMB


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Understand that you ask!

It was not much correct in my last mail.

HL2 running standalone on it's own IP address with old/new SparkSDR. Same as before!
CW Skimmer Server / RTTY Skimmer server running alone on my RP1 installed as per your earlier instructions with CWSL_Tee.

There is also a version of SparkSDR for RP. This version demand it's own RP

Sorry to misslead you.

73 de Sven SM6FMB

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Can't find my Red Pitayas on the Network (2024)


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