Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (2024)


  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (1)

    Valentin II

    This bread recipe is totally magnificent!! The flavor and texture are ideal:) especially when fresh out of the oven with a little butter:) mmm mmm good!!

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (2)


    Beautiful bread. Nothing like homemade bread. Will have to try your recipe. What is the reason for rolling up the dough?

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (3)


      Thanks, lana! Absolutely agree. Homemade bread is awesome. Rolling up the dough helps to have an even texture inside.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (4)


    I wonder if you could use milk instead of water to make the bread. Would it work?

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (5)


      If you want to use milk, I have another recipe for bread that uses milk, American Sandwich Bread. Check it out.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (6)

    moms dish

    I want to try a new bread recipe. What is the difference would you say is between this recipe and American Sandwich bread? Does this one taste more Russian?

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (7)


      I wouldn’t say one or the other tastes more “Russian”. The American Sandwich bread uses milk and butter instead of water and oil, so it has a similar texture to a sweet yeast bread, if you know what I mean, except it’s not sweet. It’s hard to explain.

      • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (8)

        moms dish

        I will try this next week 🙂

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (9)


    Made this bread today and it came out great! So delicious! My 2 1/2 and 18 months old boys couldn’t stop eating it. There is still few little pieces left for my husband when he comes back from work 🙂 Thank you so much for all of your amazing recipes. You are the best!

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (10)


      That’s awesome, Natasha! Kudos to you for saving your husband a piece:).

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (11)


    Have you tried making it with whole wheat flour?

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (12)


      Nope, not this bread. I have another recipe that I make with whole wheat flour. It’s a multigrain bread, and I love it too. You can try this bread with whole wheat flour, just substitute part of the all purpose flour for whole wheat, not the full amount, or the bread will be too dense and hard.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (13)


    I was looking for the perrrfect bread recipe and just couldn’t find, yours is perrrfect, thank you for sharing, love your blog

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (14)


      I sure hope you’re pleased with this bread, Veronika.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (15)


    Hi Olga!!

    This bread is absolutely wonderful!! I’ve been trying to find a recipe for bread that is similar to the kind my aunt makes and I must say, this one might be better (shhhh 🙂 )… It’s like perfectly fluffy but not too fluffy and soft and yummy! With everything! Honey, jam, butter, for sandwiches!!! WOW!!!! OK, you probably got the point– it’s sooooo goooood!!! My husband said, “I don’t think we’ll ever be buying bread anymore. This one is delicious!”

    Thank you soooo much!!!!

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (16)


      I’m so happy to hear that! Your comment just made me grin and feel bubbly. I’m so glad you liked it. Thanks for taking the time to write.

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (17)

      Barbara Caldwell

      There’s nothing yummier than freshly baked homemade bread! 😋😋😋😋😋This sounds delicious and I will have to try it soon!

      • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (18)


        I absolutely agree!

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (19)


    Bread is… AAAAMMAAAAZIIING!!! The most PERFECT bread!! Doubt I’ll be buying bread again! Paired with your soup with meatballs… Match made in heaven 🙂

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (20)


      Thanks for taking the time to let me know you enjoyed the bread, Tanya. I think there is nothing more perfect than soup and homemade bread. Glad you liked it.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (21)

    Mariya Gavralova

    What kind of flour do you use? I never made home made bread before for all of your other recipes I used Canadian flour. We also bought “bread flour” but I never used it. Which one would you recommend? Thank you

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (22)


      I’ve never used Canadian flour, so I’m not sure what it’s all about. I recommend unbleached all purpose flour. That’s the one I use for all my baking. Bread flour will work great for this recipe too.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (25)


    I just made this bread yesterday night. It is not hard at all and tastes really, really, really good (get the point?). My husband also liked it alot. I am wondering though, when the dough is stretched into the rectangle, before rolling it up, if it would be ok to sprinkle cinnamon and sugar, so that it bakes into the bread. Safeway has this french toast bread, where you can see the cinnamon swirls on each slice. Do you think that will work with this bread? I might have to try it myself next time (very soon) when I bake this again.

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (26)


      Ok, so I did it. Today I made the bread again, and this time I put in the cinnamon and sugar on it before I rolled it. Oh, and I added extra tablespoon of sugar to the recipe because my intention was to make it taste kind of like safeway french toast bread. It was the right idea, the bread turned out beautifully. My son especially liked this new version with the cinnamon. One thing though, I didn’t roll it too tightly, so there is a swirly gap in the bread when cutting it. But besides that, put a little honey on it, and you’ve got your dessert. Thanks Olga for posting your recipe, this is definately a keeper.

      p.s. you should put a disclaimer on your site: If anyone who cooks often from this website can’t fit into any of their regular clothing again, Olga’s not to blame, and will not be paying your new wardrobe. 😉

      • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (27)


        That’s great to know, Oksana. I’m glad your cinnamon bread turned out so well. I would have used a bread dough that is based on milk and butter instead of water, though.
        That disclaimer is a good idea, thanks! You made me smile!

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (28)


      That’s awesome, Oksana. I’m glad my humble bread recipe is enjoyed by others. Homemade bread is so wonderful!
      I see you already tried making it with cinnamon with great success. Good job!

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (29)


    Ok, so I have to write another comment again. Since my first post, I’ve made this bread like 6 times now and will be making another one before the week is out (can’t make a double batch because I only have one bread pan). The house smells like a bakery several times a week.
    To anyone who was like me before, the idea of homemade bread seems impossible, or that you have to have a bread machine to make good bread, don’t give up. Seriously, every time I made this bread, turns out the same awesomeness(is that a real word?). Wow your friends and family.
    Olga, I can’t thank you enough, my husband and kids equally love this bread. Is there an easy recipe for whole wheat bread too? My husband wants to expand my cooking skills, lol.

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (30)


      Wow. Good for you, Oksana. I’m glad to hear that you and your family are enjoying some homemade bread. You’ve inspired me to bake some bread tomorrow. Thank you so much for the kind words, Oksana!

      I’ll try to post some of my favorite whole wheat bread recipes sometime in the future.
      Do you like Russian Black Bread? It’s one of my favorites and I have the recipe here on the blog.

      • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (31)


        Just looked up that recipe, and I made a list of ingredients to buy. So maybe I’ll tackle this recipe next week and surprise my husband. Thanks so much.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (32)


    Hey Olga, I would like to double this bread recipe in the future. Do you know if this bread will come out perfect if I double all of the ingredients?

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (33)


      Yes, the bread will be just fine. Just bake in in 2 bread pans. I mentioned in the post that I used to bake 5 loaves of bread at once when I still lived with my parents.

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (34)


      Yep. You can freeze it. However, I don’t advise storing any kind of bread in the refrigerator. The bread will dry out and stale much more quickly in the refrigerator. I usually store bread at room temperature, with in a bag or wrapped in a clean kitchen towel.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (35)


    So I went ahead and made both of your breads (Simple Homemade and American). My husband liked the bread with water and oil and I liked the bread with milk and butter. 🙂 Thanks for the recipe 🙂

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (36)


      Isn’t it awesome how everyone has different tastes?

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (37)


    I am a little confused about the amount of flower you put in the recipe?

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (38)


      The amount of flour is 3 cups or 3 and 1/4 cups.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (39)


    So delicious! So simple! Thank you Olga! May God bless you, your site, parenthood, everything! You’re wonderful!

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (40)


      Thanks, Maryana.
      I just made some today and most of the loaf is gone already. We had half of it with Chicken Noodle Soup and the other half with butter and jam. Yum.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (41)

    Marina Degler

    Hi Olga ,
    You are great in the kitchen ! You love to cook and it shows:)
    I love this bread. It is Rustic Italian,
    I made it many times and agree it is absolute delish. I do wander why it is need to be rolled?
    Can it be just be put in the form?
    I do like the idea of the sandwich slice, and before I just made a round loaf.

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (42)


      Thank you so much, Marina.
      The bread will rise better and have a more even texture if you roll it before placing it in the bread pan.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (43)


    I was wondering if the baking time will be the same in the glass bread pans? Thanks

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (44)


      I honestly don’t know, Olga. I’ve never baked bread in glass bread pans.

      • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (45)


        Well, I did it in glass pans the same day and I doubled the recipe, turned out awesome! Family loved it! I was making artisan bread previously and kids told me they like this one better! Thanks for the recipes! 🙂

        • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (46)


          That’s good to know. Thanks for giving me an update, Olga.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (47)

    Olga G.

    I baked this bread last night and made a sandwich for my husband with it. He called to tell me how good it was. I didn’t put anything new or different than what I usually do. Secret ingredient is the yummy bread! Such a keeper for anyone who wants a great sandwich bread! Thanks Olga. 🙂

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (48)


      That’s wonderful, Olga! I’m so happy to hear that. My husband loves homemade bread too.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (49)


    Hello Olga,
    My name is Julia, I made this bread about 1/2 year ago. How can it be, 1 cup of water for 3 cups of flour? The mixture turned out very very dry and I had to add an extra 1/2-1 cup of water. The bread turned out delicious but 1 cup of water is too little. Am I missing something? Or did I misread the recipe?
    Thanks 🙂

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (50)


      Hi Julia!
      Nope, you didn’t miss anything. The ingredient measurements are all correct. This is the recipe I use all the time and it always turns out great:). You can try adding 1/2 cup less flour, if you’d like.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (51)


    Thanks 🙂 I will try it again!! Blessings!

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (52)


    I was thinking to make this bread recipe in a bread machine. Is there another specific way for the bread machine version?

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (53)


      I usually only make the dough in the bread machine, in which case just put all the ingredients in the bread machine and let it do the work. Then bake as instructed. If you actually want to bake it in the bread machine, I can’t help you there. Follow your manufacturer’s instructions, Maria.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (54)


    Hi Olga! I love this bread. Ive made it in the past no problem. I made a double batch the other day and the dough, once kneaded, became like rubber. 🙁 I don’t know what I did differently. I thought maybe the yeast is expired but it foamed in the water so I thought it’s ok. I would appreciate your insight if you know what could cause this? I’m not sure what I did wrong. Thanks so much again!

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (55)


      Hi Marysya,
      I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you. It’s very hard for me to say what could be the issue, since I wasn’t with you while you were making it, and you yourself say that you’re not sure what you did wrong. Sorry. Did you let it rise enough?

      • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (56)


        Hello! I called my mom to see if we could troubleshoot and save the dough. She says I most likely used water that was too hot and scorched the yeast so to speak. I activated some more yeast in lukewarm water and let it rise an extra time and got excellent results. When I thought back to it, I had always used warm water but here mixed a cup of boiling with a cup of cold (since I doubled the recipe) and it was probably too hot. Hopefully that can help someone if they run into the same problem. Thanks for your reply!

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (57)


    Hi Olga. I’m planning to make this bread tomorrow. Wondering where you bought your bread pan. Don’t want to drive around town looking for one. Thanks:)

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (58)


      I’m sorry, I don’t remember. I bought my bread pans years ago. Bread pans are very common and you shouldn’t have any problem finding one.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (59)


    This bread recipe is amazing!!!! Thank you for sharing it. I’ve never worked with yest and I started with this bread recipe and it didn’t fail me:)

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (60)


      I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Anna. Homemade bread is the best.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (61)


    I do not have a standing mixer. Can i knead the dough by hand? If so, how long should i knead it? I also have a small food processor. Would that work?

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (62)


      You can definitely knead it by hand, Marina. I don’t think it would work in a small food processor. Bread dough is really dense and you need a large food processor for such heavy work. I would say to knead it for at least 10 minutes if you do it by hand.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (63)


    Hi Olga , I had a few questions i have a lot of whey from the farmers cheese I made from your blog( thank you, for that recipe it turned out fast, and great! ) can I replace whey for the water in this recipe? Should I heat it a little? Also can I make this bread in a bread machine? After I let the yeast stand for 5min?
    Thank you!

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (64)


      Absolutely! I always do that any time I make farmer’s cheese. Yes, you should heat up the whey so that it’s between 105-110 degrees Fahrenheit. (If you don’t have a thermometer, it should be like a very warm bath.) And yes, you can make the bread in a bread machine.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (65)


    Hey there Olga darling love this bread recipe omg you’re right this is so mad easy and really way simple made this today and half of it is like already gone this one is a keeper am definitely making it again girl thanx so much for sharing can’t wait to make this again whoop whoop

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (66)


      I’m so happy to hear that, Tzivia!

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (67)


    Hi Olga,

    I was wondering if you could do a recipe for costco styled country french bread. We LOVE it but I would love a homemade version.

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (68)


      I will try:). We love French bread too.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (69)


    Can you put the dove in the instant pot on yogurt setting for 20 min so it will rise faster? I made breadsticks and the recipe had the dove put in the instant pot for 20 min and it doubled in size

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (70)


      You probably can. As long as the dough will fit in the Instant Pot, I don’t see why not.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (71)


    It’s so good! I tried my homemade bread for the first time and it’s delicious! Thanks for the recipe!

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (72)

    Joan D.

    I do not have a mixer, just a portable hand mixer…..can I make it the “old fashioned” way like my grandmother used to do?

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (73)


      Yes, absolutely. You can mix it by hand, but don’t use a hand mixer – it will ruin it and most likely kill the motor. It just isn’t powerful enough to mix bread dough. Your hands will work great:).

      • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (74)

        Joan D

        How long do I knead the dough without a mixer?

        • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (75)


          About 7-10 minutes.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (76)


    This bread recipe is so delicious! We love it.

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (77)


      Yay! So glad it worked out for you. Thanks for sharing your feedback.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (78)


    Delicious bread! Thank you for sharing with us

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (79)


    Hands down. This is the best bread recipe!
    Thank you, Olga!

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (80)


      Thank you, Alesia! I’m so glad you enjoyed this recipe.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (81)


    Second batch done today. I used half whole wheat flour this time and it didn’t rise as much, but still tastes wonderful . ❤️ The first time I followed the recipe exactly and it had a beautiful 2nd rise….then half of it fell when baking ☹️ I have never had any luck with yeast bread but these two were the best tasting by far. Thank you for all the wonderful recipes.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (82)


    I thought I left a comment days ago but apparently I didn’t! Made it exactly per directions (used scale for flour both times) for the first batch – wonderful 1st and 2nd rise and then half of it fell in the oven during baking. It was delicious but looked ugly…lol Second batch yesterday and I subbed 1/2 of the flour for whole wheat and added 1/2 tbsp baking powder to (hopefully) even out the added weight of the more dense wheat flour. It didn’t rise as much either time but it was over the rim of the bread pan, and again it fell during baking, this time completely. My yeast was new and I proofed it before adding other ingredients for both batches. Both loaves tasted wonderful, but I have never had much luck with yeast breads as a whole anyway.. Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated and THANK YOU for all the wonderful recipes and ideas.

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (83)


      Hi Regina! Sometimes when the bread collapses in the oven, it can be because the bread was overproofed before being placed in the oven, which makes it not as strong and it falls when it’s baking. I also don’t recommend using baking powder in addition to yeast when making bread. Whole wheat flour naturally won’t rise as much as all purpose or bread flour will. If you want to use whole wheat flour, just use the same amount of yeast, you don’t need to add any baking powder. If you want it to rise more, use more bread flour than whole wheat flour. It will taste good, just won’t be as tall and fluffy as when you use all bread flour. I hope that helps!

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (84)


    Hello, I am wondering if I can use a Dutch pan instead of the loaf pan?

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (85)


      I have never tried it with this recipe, so I can’t tell you if it will work or not from experience. Let me know if you try it.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (86)

    Rahul Yadav

    Thank you! I just tried this recipe and it turned out great.

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (87)


      Wonderful! So happy you were happy with this bread recipe:).

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (88)

    Donna Couture

    Hi Olga! I want to try this recipe but I do not have a stand mixer. Would I be to use a hand beater and then finish off mixing by hand?

    Donna C.

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (89)


      Hi Donna,
      Yes, you can definitely mix it by hand. Just knead it longer and it will work great. I don’t recommend using a hand beater, because it isn’t strong enough for bread dough.

  • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (90)


    Why does my bread smell like wine/ alcohol I have fresh yeast and the water was at 108 degrees, and my flour doesn’t expire until next year?

    • Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (91)


      One of the reasons could be that the dough was overproofed. If it’s proofed too long (left too long to rise), sometimes the yeast will smell stronger. It’s also not uncommon for the bread dough to have a small amount of wine/alcohol aroma. During the natural fermentation process of adding yeast to bread dough, yeast breaks down the carbohydrates in the dough into alcohol and carbon dioxide. It shouldn’t be really strong though. If it really bothers you, try using less yeast, although the bread may not rise as much. Usually though, it’s because it was proofing too long, became over-fermented and then smells sour. I hope that helps.

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Easy Homemade Bread Recipe (2024)


What are 3 common quick breads? ›

These include muffins, tea loaves, nut breads, corn bread, and coffee cakes. Lastly, the quick bread may be a dough that is dry enough to be kneaded slightly, rolled, and cut into shapes.

What is the secret to making homemade bread? ›

12 tips for making perfect bread
  1. Use the right yeast. ...
  2. Store your yeast properly. ...
  3. Treat salt with care. ...
  4. Take your time. ...
  5. Try different flours. ...
  6. Consider vitamin C. ...
  7. Practice makes perfect. ...
  8. Don't prove for too long.

What are the four basic ingredients in bread? ›

In addition to the four main ingredients used to make bread – flour, salt, yeast and water – there are often small quantities of other ingredients which are added to improve the texture, crumb structure and keeping properties of the bread.

Is it cheaper to make my own bread? ›

In a nutshell, if you're buying basic, cheap sandwich bread, it's probably cheaper than you can make it at home. But if you compare two loaves similar to what you could make at home — one made with high-quality ingredients as opposed to one made with lesser quality ingredients — home baking becomes much cheaper.

What are the 7 basic ingredients for quick bread? ›

Muffin and Quick Bread Ratio of Ingredients

Quick breads are prepared with flour, eggs, sugar, fats and liquids including milk, buttermilk, or sour cream, and each plays a part in the overall texture and flavor of the finished product.

What is the difference between basic bread and quick bread? ›

Simply put, quick bread is a bread recipe that is made without yeast. That's it! Instead of using yeast to achieve a rise, these bread recipes rely upon leavening agents like baking soda and baking powder. Unlike yeasted breads, quick breads don't need to be proofed or kneaded.

What is the best flour for bread? ›

While bread flour is the best option, it can sometimes be used if you don't have bread flour. “Check the protein content,” advises Chef Jürgen, since it can vary from brand to brand, and an all-purpose flour that contains protein on the higher end of the range, 12 to 13 percent, will produce a better outcome.

What not to do when making bread? ›

  1. Failing to Weigh Your Ingredients Accurately. ...
  2. Mistakenly Adding Salt DIRECTLY on top of Yeast. ...
  3. Incorrectly Adding Too Much Liquid. ...
  4. Not Covering Up Your Dough At All Stages of Breadmaking. ...
  5. Inadequately Proofing Your Dough. ...
  6. Failure to Create Steam in the Oven. ...
  7. Don't Let the Heat Escape During Baking.
Jan 16, 2020

How much yeast for 2 cups of flour? ›

For each cup of flour (125 g), that is 1.5 g of instant yeast, or 1/2 teaspoon. For salt, I add 2% of the flour weight or 2.5 g per cup or about 0.4 teaspoons of table salt if all else is unsalted.

Is egg added to bread? ›

The whole egg contributes to the richness and moisture content of the dough and enhances the overall flavor and texture of the bread. The yolks, being rich in fats, enhance emulsification and ensure a smoother texture. Whereas, the whites, when beaten, create stable foams, adding a light and airy quality to the bread.

What is E471 in bread? ›

Emulsifiers in bread:

Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids (E471): often derived from plant oils or animal fats, E471 may have some negative health effects, including an increased risk of heart disease and weight gain. Furthermore, their production contributes to deforestation and habitat loss.

How long does homemade bread last? ›

Johanna Hartzheim, co-founder and head of product at Wildgrain, a bread and pasta delivery service, recommends eating homemade bread within three days but says it will last up to a week. "The bread will start to dry up and become a bit harder over time, but it takes much longer until it becomes moldy," she says.

Is homemade bread healthier than store-bought? ›

That said, most homemade breads are likely healthier than store-bought breads, which are often high in sugar and preservatives. One benefit of making your own bread is that you can control the ingredients. For example, you can use whole wheat flour instead of white flour, or add healthy toppings like nuts and seeds.

Does more yeast make bread fluffier? ›

Because gas is created as a result of yeast growth, the more the yeast grows, the more gas in the dough and the more light and airy your bread loaf will be.

What are the 5 types of quick breads? ›

All the best quick breads, including banana bread, zucchini bread, pumpkin bread, and cornbread recipes.
  • Irish Soda Bread.
  • Popovers and Yorkshire Pudding.
  • Tortillas.
  • Scones.
  • Biscuit.
  • Cornbread.
  • Pumpkin Bread.
  • Zucchini Bread.

What are the 3 main types of bread? ›

There are three main kinds of bread in the world those that rise highest so are baked in pans, breads with a medium volume like rye and French breads, and those that hardly rise at all called flatbreads.

What are 6 quick breads? ›

Muffins, scones, soda bread, pancakes, banana bread, cornbread and biscuits all fall under the “quick bread” category. These quick bread recipes typically fall into two subcategories: bread made with dough and bread made with batter.

What are the 3 types of quick bread doughs or batters? ›

Dough consistency
  • Pour batters, such as pancake batter, have a liquid-to-dry-ratio of about 1:1 and so pours in a steady stream. ...
  • Drop batters, such as cornbread and muffin batters, have a liquid-to-dry ratio of about 1:2.
  • Soft doughs, such as many chocolate chip cookie doughs, have a liquid-to-dry ratio of about 1:3.


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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.