How to deploy NextJS to Amazon EC2 (2024)

How to deploy NextJS to Amazon EC2 (1)

NextJS seems to be the hottest framework to build your next project.Everyone can deploy to Vercel or Netlify including you and me.

But did you know, both Netlify and Vercel uses AWS Lambda functions with NodeJS runtime to render your app on the server?

You may now ask:

Okay, what’s the problem?

Lambda functions have cold start - which means if someone visits your app for the first time, it will take at least 200ms to load a basic website.

How to deploy NextJS to Amazon EC2 (2)

Hosting your NextJS app on EC2 will cost you way less - than you would spend doing the same on Vercel or Netlify.

If we host our NextJS app on a virtual machine like Amazon EC2, we can eliminate the cold start and our app will become faster for everyone.


I know that there are a lot of pros and cons of hosting your server on Vercel or EC2, but we will discuss them some other day in details.

Today, let’s learn how to deploy a NextJS app on EC2 with custom server.

Launch an Amazon Linux EC2 instance

First, go to AWS Console for EC2 and select Amazon Linux 2023 AMI and 64-bit (Arm) Architecture.

How to deploy NextJS to Amazon EC2 (3)

In the instance type you can select whatever you want.Here I am going with the cheapest instance, which is t4g.nano which will give us 2vCPU and 512 MiB of RAM.

This t4g.nano instance will cost you just $3/month in us-east-1.

How to deploy NextJS to Amazon EC2 (4)

In Key pair select or create a new SSH key pair for your instance.We will need this to login.How to deploy NextJS to Amazon EC2 (5)

In the Network section allow HTTP and HTTPS traffic, you can also select existing security group as well.

How to deploy NextJS to Amazon EC2 (6)

Now Launch instance with the default storage config by clicking on Launch instance on the bottom right.How to deploy NextJS to Amazon EC2 (7)

Our EC2 instance was created with this success message: Successfully initiated launch of instance (i-xxxx)How to deploy NextJS to Amazon EC2 (8)

Connect to EC2 instance via SSH

Go to your instance, find and copy the public IP by selecting the instance:How to deploy NextJS to Amazon EC2 (9)

Use the SSH command with IP

We will be using rsync, so it’s best to connect using the terminal.

Alternatively, you can use the connect button to directly get the command or connect to EC2 from the browser itself.

How to deploy NextJS to Amazon EC2 (10)

The default username for Amazon Linux EC2 instance is ec2-user.

ssh -i your-key.pem ec2-user@your-ip-address

Type yes and save the fingerprint:How to deploy NextJS to Amazon EC2 (11)

On successful login you’ll see the Amazon Linux logo:

 , #_ ~\_ ####_ Amazon Linux 2023 ~~ \_#####\ ~~ \###| ~~ \#/ ___ ~~ V~' '-> ~~~ / ~~._. _/ _/ _/ _/m/'Last login: Mon Jun 3 13:15:51 2024 from[ec2-user@ip-172-31-19-82 ~]$

Install NodeJS on EC2 (Amazon Linux)

Simply run sudo yum install nodejs.You’ll see something like this, type y and hit Enter.

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-19-82 ~]$ sudo yum install nodejsLast metadata expiration check: 0:23:36 ago on Mon Jun 3 12:56:21 2024.Dependencies resolved.======================================================================================================================================== Package Architecture Version Repository Size========================================================================================================================================Installing: nodejs aarch64 1:18.18.2-1.amzn2023.0.4 amazonlinux 1.8 MInstalling dependencies: libbrotli aarch64 1.0.9-4.amzn2023.0.2 amazonlinux 316 k nodejs-libs aarch64 1:18.18.2-1.amzn2023.0.4 amazonlinux 14 MInstalling weak dependencies: nodejs-docs noarch 1:18.18.2-1.amzn2023.0.4 amazonlinux 7.6 M nodejs-full-i18n aarch64 1:18.18.2-1.amzn2023.0.4 amazonlinux 8.5 M nodejs-npm aarch64 1:9.8.1- amazonlinux 2.0 MTransaction Summary========================================================================================================================================Install 6 PackagesTotal download size: 34 MInstalled size: 184 MIs this ok [y/N]:

Once installed you will see something like this:

Transaction Summary========================================================================================================================================Install 6 PackagesTotal download size: 34 MInstalled size: 184 MIs this ok [y/N]: yDownloading Packages:(1/6): libbrotli-1.0.9-4.amzn2023.0.2.aarch64.rpm 4.6 MB/s | 316 kB 00:00(2/6): nodejs-docs-18.18.2-1.amzn2023.0.4.noarch.rpm 35 MB/s | 7.6 MB 00:00(3/6): nodejs-18.18.2-1.amzn2023.0.4.aarch64.rpm 7.6 MB/s | 1.8 MB 00:00(4/6): nodejs-npm-9.8.1- 15 MB/s | 2.0 MB 00:00(5/6): nodejs-full-i18n-18.18.2-1.amzn2023.0.4.aarch64.rpm 20 MB/s | 8.5 MB 00:00(6/6): nodejs-libs-18.18.2-1.amzn2023.0.4.aarch64.rpm 31 MB/s | 14 MB 00:00----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total 46 MB/s | 34 MB 00:00Running transaction checkTransaction check succeeded.Running transaction testTransaction test succeeded.Running transaction Running scriptlet: nodejs-1:18.18.2-1.amzn2023.0.4.aarch64Installed: libbrotli-1.0.9-4.amzn2023.0.2.aarch64 nodejs-1:18.18.2-1.amzn2023.0.4.aarch64 nodejs-docs-1:18.18.2-1.amzn2023.0.4.noarch nodejs-full-i18n-1:18.18.2-1.amzn2023.0.4.aarch64 nodejs-libs-1:18.18.2-1.amzn2023.0.4.aarch64 nodejs-npm-1:9.8.1-!

Verify NodeJS installation

Run node -v to check if you get the version or the error:

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-19-82 ~]$ node -vv18.18.2

Build your NextJS project

Go to your NextJS project and run the build command

npm run build

You’ll see something like this once done:

$ next build Next.js 14.2.3 Creating an optimized production build ... Compiled successfully Linting and checking validity of types Collecting page data Generating static pages (5/5) Collecting build traces Finalizing page optimizationRoute (app) Size First Load JS / 5.44 kB 92.4 kB /_not-found 875 B 87.9 kB+ First Load JS shared by all 87 kB chunks/23-0627c91053ca9399.js 31.5 kB chunks/fd9d1056-2821b0f0cabcd8bd.js 53.7 kB other shared chunks (total) 1.86 kB (Static) prerendered as static content

Set up standalone NextJS server on EC2

Create a directory for the NextJS app:

sudo mkdir -p /var/www/nextjs-app

Give your user ownership of the directory:

sudo chown $USER /var/www/nextjs-app

Install NextJS and set up a basic server

Learn more about custom server on NextJS official docs.

Create a server.js in the project directory and paste the content below:

const { createServer } = require("http");const { parse } = require("url");const next = require("next");const dev = false;const hostname = "localhost";const port = 3000;// when using middleware `hostname` and `port` must be provided belowconst app = next({ dev, hostname, port });const handle = app.getRequestHandler();app.prepare().then(() => { createServer(async (req, res) => { try { // Be sure to pass `true` as the second argument to `url.parse`. // This tells it to parse the query portion of the URL. const parsedUrl = parse(req.url, true); const { pathname, query } = parsedUrl; await handle(req, res, parsedUrl); } catch (err) { console.error("Error occurred handling", req.url, err); res.statusCode = 500; res.end("internal server error"); } }) .once("error", (err) => { console.error(err); process.exit(1); }) .listen(port, () => { console.log(`> Ready on http://${hostname}:${port}`); });});

Install next package

If you run node server.js you’ll get an error:

node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1080 throw err; ^Error: Cannot find module 'next'Require stack:- /var/www/nextjs-app/server.js at Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1077:15) at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:922:27) at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1143:19) at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:119:18) at Object.<anonymous> (/var/www/nextjs-app/server.js:3:14) at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1256:14) at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1310:10) at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1119:32) at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:960:12) at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:86:12) { code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND', requireStack: [ '/var/www/nextjs-app/server.js' ]}Node.js v18.18.2

Simply run npm i next and try running the server again, you’ll get another error:

/var/www/nextjs-app/node_modules/next/dist/server/lib/router-utils/filesystem.js:151 throw new Error(`Could not find a production build in the '${opts.config.distDir}' directory. Try building your app with 'next build' before starting the production server.`); ^Error: Could not find a production build in the '.next' directory. Try building your app with 'next build' before starting the production server. at setupFsCheck (/var/www/nextjs-app/node_modules/next/dist/server/lib/router-utils/filesystem.js:151:19) at async initialize (/var/www/nextjs-app/node_modules/next/dist/server/lib/router-server.js:61:23) at async NextCustomServer.prepare (/var/www/nextjs-app/node_modules/next/dist/server/next.js:242:28)Node.js v18.18.2

Copy .next build folder to EC2 server

Lets use rsync and transfer our build folder to EC2 instance

rsync -avPz .next ec2-user@your.ip.addr:/var/www/nextjs-app/

Now if you run node server.js, you’ll see it works:

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-19-82 nextjs-app]$ node server.js> Ready on http://localhost:3000

Preview NextJS app in your browser

You’ll first need to open port 3000 from security group.How to deploy NextJS to Amazon EC2 (12)

If you go to the your.ec2.ip.addr:3000, you’ll see the preview of your app.

How to deploy NextJS to Amazon EC2 (13)

Get ready for production

Install pm2 and use it run your node server continuously

Install pm2 via NPM:

npm i -g pm2

Start your app by running:

pm2 start server.js

Set up custom domain and SSL with Caddy

  1. Point your domain to EC2 IP
  2. Install and set up Caddy as a reverse proxy
  3. Setup CDN like CloudFront or Cloudflare for caching

That’s it!You’re ready to go.

I hope you enjoyed reading till here and found the article helpful.Spread the knowledge by sharing this article.

How to deploy NextJS to Amazon EC2 (2024)


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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.