Mitchell’s AEW Rampage Results & Report! (6/14/24) (2024)

In pursuit of going back to back in the Women’s Owen Hart Cup, Willow Nightingale goes on a Rampage against The Professor of Pro-Wrestling, Serena Deeb!


  • Private Party VS Komander & Metalik w/ Alex Abrahantes; Private Party wins.
  • Rey Fenix w/ Alex Abrahantes VS Turbo Floyd; Fenix wins.
  • AEW TNT Championship Ladder Match Qualifier: Lio Rush VS Action Andretti; Lio wins and advances to Forbidden Door.
  • Shingo Takagi VS AR Fox; Takagi wins.
  • 2024 Women’s Owen Hart Cup Quarterfinal: Willow Nightingale VS Serena Deeb; Willow wins and advances.


Private Party VS Komander & Metalik w/ Alex Abrahantes!

Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy know The Learning Tree, Chris Jericho, will be watching this match, given what’s already on tap for Collision tomorrow night. But will Quen & Zay be more than ready to enter the “Jericho Vortex?” Or will the Commander of the Skies and the King of the Ropes make the fiesta take a siesta?

The teams sort out, Brother Zay starts against the AAA World Cruiserweight Champion, and Fairfax is all fired up for Private Party. Komander and Kassidy circle, tie up, and Kassidy headlocks. The fans rally, Komander powers up and out, drops down, then hurdles. Zay leaps over, comes back, but Komander sidesteps. Zay turns hip toss into arm-drag and the fans fire up! Zay runs up, but Komander BOOTS him! Komander goes up and leaps to RANA! Zay stagger sup, Komander runs and tilt-o-whirl arm-drags! Then DROPKICKS! The fans fire up with Komander and he drags Zay over. Tag to Metalik and they double whip.

Metalik & Komander double HIP TOSS, then they double BAsem*nT DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Metalik clamps onto Zay but Zay fights up. Zay throws body shots, powers out and headlocks in return. Metalik throws body shots, powers up and out, but Quen tags in as Zay goes up and over! Zay runs up, Metalik throws him up and out but Quen is there for some SILLY STRING! The fans fire up, Quen hurries to cover, TWO! Metalik toughs it out but Quen stomps him around. Quen drags Metalik up to whip him to ropes, then he DROPKICKS Metalik down! The fans fire up, Quen drags Metalik up, and he scoops to SLAM!

Quen does a co*cky cover a la Jericho, TWO! Quen says that’s for The Learning Tree. Quen drags Metalik up, fires forearms, then tags Zay. The fans rally, Private Party double whips but Metalik handsprings to DOUBLE BACK ELBOW! All three men are down and the fans rally again. Metalik crawls, hot tag to Komander! Komander springboards in to DOUBLE CROSSBODY! The fans fire up as Komander knuckle locks Zay, kicks Quen, then knuckle locks Quen, too. Komander goes to the ropes, goes up and up and ARABIAN PRESS DOUBLE ARM-DRAGS! The fans fire up as Private Party staggers up!

Komander runs up, tilt-o-whirls on Zay so he can RANA Quen! Zay hurries up, Komander blocks a shot to give knees. Komander CHOPS, runs, tiger feints and somersaults, to then swing and RANA Zay! The fans fire up and Komander goes to the apron. Metalik runs up, Komander holds the ropes down so Metalik can FLY! Direct hit on Private Party but now Komander loads up! A salute and a TOP ROPE SKY TWISTER!! Direct hit and everyone is down! The fans fire up again and Komander realizes he took out Metalik, too. Komander high-fives with the fans, then he gets Zay up and in. Komander hurries in to cover, TWO!

The fans rally up for both sides and Komander watches Zay stir, but Rampage goes picture in picture.

Komander CLUBS Zay, then brings him up to whip to a corner. Komander runs in to UPPERCUT and Zay falls over. Zay crawls but Komander CLUBS him down. Komander gator rolls Zay from his corner to tag in Metalik. Metalik CLUBS Zay, CHOPS him, but Zay CHOPS back! Metalik CHOPS Zay down, then stomps away! The ref counts, Metalik lets off, and then he digs his boots in on Zay’s neck. The ref reprimands and counts, Metalik lets off again, only to stomp Zay some more. Metalik drags Zay up, wrenches an arm and wristlocks, then tags Komander. Komander springboards to AX HANDLE the arm!

Rampage returns to single picture as the fans rally for Private Party. The luchadores keep Zay isolated, then Metalik whips him to his corner! Zay stops to go after Metalik!? And he TOSSES Metalik out! Komander tags in, but Zay hits a SPINEBUSTER! Zay and Komander are down and now Zay has to crawl to his corner! The fans rally, but Metalik gets in to get Zay’s legs. Zay rolls to throw Metalik away, then he dodges to hot tag! Quen rallies on Metalik with forearms and elbows, then ducks to PELE! Koander returns but gets a BOOT! Quen puts Metalik up top, ROCKS him with haymakers, but Komander runs up.

Quen ELBOWS Komander, goes up and QUEBRADAS! Then Quen goes back up after Metalik, to SUPERPLEX! Quen shakes it off and goes up the corner. 450 SPLASH!! Cover, Komander breaks it! Komander whips but Quen reverses and TOSSES Komander out hard! But Metalik SUPERKICKS! And SLING-DOGS! Then Metalik goes up and around the ropes to MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, Zay breaks it! Zay helps Quen to their corner and tags in. The fans rally up as Zay gets Metalik up. Metalik fires forearms but Zay fires back! The fans rally, Zay gets the edge and just hammers away! Metalik drops to his knees but Zay CLUBS away!

Zay runs, but Metalik ducks ‘n’ dodges, DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! The fans fire up as both men crawl for their corners. Wait, Komander and Quen each climb up! They both SHOOTING STAR, but Metalik and Zay both move! Komander and Quen manage to land out, then Komander takes a swing! Quen ducks, and he shoves Komander into Zay’s BOOT! Quen hops up to POISON-RANA! Komander staggers out of the ring, Zay runs corner to corner at Metalik! Metalik BOOTS Zay, but Quen lets Zay roll off his back! Metalik goes up, Quen jumps up to get him! GIN & JUICE!! Cover, Private Party wins!!

Winners: Private Party, by pinfall

Fairfax cheers as Quen & Zay now have the momentum! But wait, here comes The Learning Tree to steal the spotlight. Jericho waves to the crowd while Big Bill applauds. But wait! Zay & Quen run up to fight! But that’s 3v2 because Bryan Keith is also there! Quen gets beat down but Zay holds his own, and then security runs out here! Somehow, the two sides are pulled apart, but they’re headed for a Collision! Will Private Party teach The Learning Tree not to look down on them?

AEW takes a closer look at Ultimo Guerrero.

Excalibur narrates that as “one of the fiercest luchadores Mexico’s ever produced, Ultimo Guerrero is among the most highly decorated athletes to compete in CMLL’s 90 year history.” A SIX-TIME CMLL World Tag Team Champion, a FIVE-TIME CMLL World Trios Champion, and a TWO-TIME CMLL World Heavyweight Champion, Ultimo Guerrero now has his eyes set on Kazuchika Okada and the AEW Continental Championship. Ultimo was Okada’s mentor while on excursion in Mexico, and has watched The Rainmaker’s rise ever since. Will Okada withstand the challenge of his former mentor? Or will Ultimo have a golden ticket in time for the Forbidden Door?

Rey Fenix w/ Alex Abrahantes VS Turbo Floyd w/ Truth Magnum!

The Immortal Firebird will be in the Men’s Owen Hart Tournament this year, preparing to battle The Switchblade, Jay White next Wednesday. However, he does need to stay hot, so will he be all warmed up after tonight? Or will this Outrunner look to be more than just a tune-up?

The bell rings and the fans rally up behind Fenix. Fenix and Turbo circle, tie up, and then Turbo shoves Fenix. Fenix runs up, they RAM shoulders, but Turbo flexes as he stays standing. So Fenix CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS again! Fenix BODY BLOWS, fires up, then runs, only for Turbo to run him over! Turbo runs to drop the BIG elbow! Cover, ONE!! Fenix is tougher than that but Turbo keeps cool. Turbo ROCKS Fenix, runs up, but into a BOOT! Fenix then dodges Turbo, brings him around and goes up, up and CROSSBODIES! Fairfax fires up with Fenix and he goes back up, to tightrope PENALTY KICK! Fenix goes to the corner, FROG SPLASH! Cover, Fenix wins!

Winner: Rey Fenix, by pinfall

Well, that was certainly fast! Maybe Fenix should be called “Turbo.” Penta & Abrahantes celebrate with Fenix, will there be #CeroMiedo in the Owen Hart Cup? Or will Jay White force even Fenix to Breathe With The Switchblade?

AEW TNT Championship Ladder Match Qualifier: Lio Rush VS Action Andretti!

Turns out that The Bad Child and the Sight to See have known each other a long time, but friendship only goes so far when there’s gold on the line. Will Lio make sure he’s the Man of the Hour tonight? Or will Andretti get in on the action in Long Island?

The bell rings and the fans rally up as the two circle. The fans are on Lio’s side but Action doesn’t sweat it. They shake hands to show there is sportsmanship, then things speed up! Action drops down but Lio gator rolls that, only for Action to slip around to a waistlock. Lio slips under to waistlock then spin, but Action reverses the whip. Lio reverses, Action reverses, repeat, but Lio springboards to RANA, only for Action to handspring through! The fans fire up for this exchange, and Lio says alright. They talk a little smack, then things speed up again. Action follows Lio, even as he turns the corner on a dime!

Lio ducks the lariat, baits Action in then throws him out! Lio builds speed but Action moves aside. Lio stops himself, bails out, but Action sees him, too! They meet at the steps, backflip away, and then both slide in! The fans cheer again, and the two reset. They go again, hook arms, use that to redirect, then they redirect again, to DOUBLE CROSSBODY! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Lio and Action are definitely likeminded as they go to ropes, and Rampage goes picture in picture.

Action and Lio rise up, storm over, and Action facelocks to suplex. Lio slips out to shove, then he ELBOWS Action down! Lio hurries to cover, ONE!! Lio keeps Action down with a chinlock but Action endures the grind. Action fights up, but Lio shifts around to become a backpack! Action still stands up, but Lio sends him into a corner! Lio clotheslines, then short arm LARIATS! The fans rally while Action checks his jaw. Lio gets him right up to snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Action pushes Lio away, so Lio KICKS him down! Lio eggs Action on, gets him up, and shoves him to a corner to stomp low. Lio fires hands, then lets off as the ref counts.

Lio brings Action up, whips him corner to corner, then runs in, but into a BOOT! Action runs up, Lio slips around then snapmares to UPPERCUT! Cover, TWO! Action is still in this but Lio stays on him with another chinlock. Lio body scissors Action to keep him down, but Action endures as Rampage goes to break.

Rampage returns and Lio brings Action up. Action fires body shots, then forearms. Action whips, Lio reverses then runs up, but into a BOOT! Lio comes back, Action dodges him, then DECKS him! Action DECKS Lio again, wrenches and ROCKS him! Action fireman’s carries, but Lio grabs the ropes! Action puts Lio on the apron but Lio ROCKS Action back! Action BOOTS Lio to the floor! Lio stands up, Action slingshots to ARABIAN PRESS! Down goes Lio again and Action hurries to put him in the ring! Action springboards to 450 but he has to roll through as Lio moves! Lio kicks the legs out, Action ducks the heel kick to return the favor!

Action CHOPS, BUZZSAWS, thendeadlifts Lio into a FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO! Lio survives and Action grows frustrated. Action stalks Lio but the fans rally up behind the Bad Child. Action torture racks Lio, pops him up, but Lio arm-drags free! Lio then bobs ‘n’ weaves, fires off fast hands and ROCKS Action! Lio runs, but Action is up, SPANISH FLY! Cover, TWO!! Lio survives and Action grows frustrated again. The fans rally, Action considers his options. Action puts Lio in the drop zone, goes up and up and SPLIT- NO, Lio dodges the moonsault, roll up and SPIN KICK! The fans fire up and Lio says it’s time!

Lio runs to springboard, RUSH HOUR! Action falls back, Lio hurries up top! FINAL HOUR!! Cover, Lio wins!

Winner: Lio Rush, by pinfall (advances to Forbidden Door)

And with that, Lio is headed for Long Island! Will Lio make sure it’s his time in that TNT Championship Ladder Match? Top Flight heads out here to check on Action, but then they stonewall Lio. Lio pushes past them to help his old pal to his feet. The fans cheer the sportsmanship, and Lio offers a handshake. Action looks to his teammates, but he still shakes Lio’s hand. Lio offers, he gets more a low-five out of Darius, but a full handshake from Dante. Dante and Lio will both be in that ladder match, will friendship again be out the window when only one man can be the Face of TNT?

Shingo Takagi VS AR Fox!

Speaking of the Forbidden Door, NJPW’s Rampaging Dragon is going to show up in Long Island for a fight with theAmerican Dragon, Bryan Danielson! Not only that, but that match will be part of the Men’s Owen Hart Cup tournament! Will Takagi prove it’s his time, no matter where he wrestles? Or will he have a hard time with the Whole Fox’n Show?

Wait! Fox attacks before the bell! He won’t be a “tune-up” like Turbo was with Fenix! Fox CLUBS away but Takagi KNEES, HEADBUTTS and CHOPS! Takagi runs, but into a CALF KICK! The fans fire up with Fox as Takagi bails out, but then Takagi steps back. Fox stops his plancha to land on the apron, but Takagi goes for a leg. Fox mule kicks free, then uses the corner to QUEBRADA! Direct hit and the fans fire up with Fox! Fox drags Takagi up, puts him in, and then climbs up a corner, to SWANTON BOMB! And long range at that! Cover, TWO! Takagi is tougher than that but Fox has the fans rallying up.

Fox brings Takagi up, CLUBS him, then kicks him. Takagi eggs Fox on so Fox runs, into the ELBOW! JAB! YUKON LARIAT! The fans fire up for that display of power! Takagi drags Fox up, reels him in, but Fox fights the suplex, so Takagi hits a TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! The fans duel, but Takagi sits Fox up for some HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! Takagi runs to SLIDING- NO, Fox dodges the lariat to kip up, SUPERKICK, and BUZZSAW! But Takagi ducks the second superkick, only to get a BAsem*nT CUTTER! Fox hurries up and up and 450 SPLASHES! Cover, TWO!! Takagi survives the speed blitz and that shocks Fox!

The fans rally up but Fox brings Takagi up. Fox fires forearms, hoists Takagi up top, then gest space. Fox runs back in, goes up, but Takagi holds onto the top ropes to stifle the Arabian Press Fly! Fox flounders back up, the fans fire up, and Takagi pumps up! PUMPING BOMBER! Takagi drags Fox back up, pump handles and torture racks, but Fox sunset flips it! TWO!! Takagi escapes, Fox goes Matrix to avoid the Pumping Bomber, but Takagi ducks the Pele! Takagi shoves, to POP-UP DEATH VALLEY! The fans fire up as Takagi gets moving, PUMPING BOMBER!! Takagi shouts “OI! OI! OI!” and Fairfax joins in!

Takagi drags Fox up, pump handles, torture racks, and LAST OF THE DRAGONS!! Cover, Takagi wins!

Winner: Shingo Takagi, by pinfall

Fox put up a fight but Takagi is a former IWGP World Heavyweight Champion for a reason. But wait, here comes Bryan Danielson! Fairfax chants “YES! YES! YES!” as Bryan applauds for Takagi. Dragon meets dragon, and we only have 9 days until these two have it out. Bryan offers a handshake, the fans chant “YES! YES! YES!” so Takagi nods and SLAPS the hand away. The fans boo but Takagi pushes past Bryan to take his leave. Takagi says it’s still his time, but will he have to prove it in Long Island? Or will Bryan kick Takagi right back out the Forbidden Door as he moves forward in the Owen Hart Cup?

2024 Women’s Owen Hart Cup Quarterfinal: Willow Nightingale VS Serena Deeb!

The Babe with the Power won the entire tournament last year, and even won titles between then and now, but she’s also lost between then and now. However, there’s motivation beyond repeating as the Queen of Harts here, because former friend Kris Statlander is waiting in the semifinals for the winner of this match. Will Willow pass the Professor of Pro-Wrestling’s test to take on The Galaxy’s Greatest Traitor? Or will there be no mercy in Deeb’s Dojo?

The bell rings, Willow offers a handshake, and Deeb accepts. The fans cheer the sportsmanship, then they rally up for “DEEB! DEEB! DEEB!” as the hometown hero. Deeb nods, but Willow brushes that off. The two tie up, Willow wrenches an arm, then wristlocks. Deeb rolls forward, rolls back, reaches over and wrenches to wristlock Willow. The fans duel now as the Willow fans fire up. Willow feels her way through the wristlock to then get around and waistlock. Willow SLAMS Deeb down, holds on, but Deeb moves around. Deeb pops the hold open to hammerlock then headlock, then spin and hammerlock again.

Deeb hits another headlock, another spin, and another headlock. Deeb keeps the pattern going to disorient Willow, but Willow powers out. They RAM shoulders, and Willow says, “Ooh~, okay.” Deeb runs, RAMS Willow, but Willow still doesn’t budge. Deeb runs again but Willow follows to then run Deeb over! The fans are torn but Willow scoops and SLAMS! Willow runs then SPLASHES! Cover, TWO! Willow keeps cool and she brings Deeb up to suplex. Willow holds Deeb up, then SLAMS her down! The fans fire up more and Willow goes up a corner. Deeb stands, but she avoids the missile dropkick!

Deeb grabs a leg, turns Willow over, HALF CRAB! But Willow gets the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Deeb lets go, and Willow goes to the apron. Deeb storms up but Willow ROCKS her first! Willow steps in but Deeb gets the leg! DRAPING DRAGON SCREW! Deeb runs to BLAST Willow down! Deeb then hurries out to get Willow up, TWIST ‘N’ SHOUTto the floor! The fans fire up for Deeb while Rampage goes picture in picture.

Deeb drags Willow up, puts her in the ring, then drags Willow up foranother TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Cover, TWO! Willow stays in this but Deeb drags her back up. Deeb ripcords to ELBOW, then wrenches the arm to wrap Willow up in the IRON OCTOPUS! Willow endures, marches her way forward, but Deebbends the fingers! Willow still endures, still fights her way over, and her free arm gets the ROPEBREAK! Deeb lets go, Willow goes to a corner, and Deeb storms over. Deeb wrenches and whips, but Willow reverses! Willow runs up, blocks a boot, but Deeb reels her in to KICK! Deeb goes to the apron, brings Willow into the ropes, and HOTSHOT NECKBREAKERS!

Deeb hears the fans, then she storms in after Willow. Deeb sits Willow up but Willow throws body shots in return! Willow stands to CHOP, then CHOP again! Deeb staggers, Willow ROCKS her with a forearm! Willow CLUBS away in the corner, then stomps a mudhole in. Deeb turns things around then CHOPS Willow in the corner! Willow staggers away but Deeb puts her in another corner, for another CHOP! Deeb UPPERCUTS Willow, reels her in, but Willow fights the lift to back drop free! Deeb writhes, Willow hobbles to a corner, but Deeb hurries up. Deeb whips, but Willow cartwheels and ENZIGIRIS!

Both women are down, but Deeb shakes out her arms. Willow crawls her way to ropes, Deeb stands, and Rampage returns to single picture. Willow runs Deeb over, then runs her over again! And again! Willow is fired up and the fans are with her now as she runs to back body block in a corner! Willow clotheslines, snapmares, BOOTS, and then fires up! The fans cheer as Willow whips and SPINEBUSTERS! High stack, TWO! Deeb survives and Willow is frustrated, but Willow gets Deeb up. Willow whips, Deeb KICKS back! Deeb wrenches, hooks Willow up again, IRON OCTOPUS! But Willow powers out, right into an AIR RAID CRASH!

The fans fire up, Willow gets Deeb up and gut wrenches, but Deeb grabs a leg! Deeb CLUBS that leg, trips Willow, and turns her into the HALF CRAB! Willow endures, even as Deeb sitsdeep! The fans duel, Willow crawls, then runs over. Willow kicks and kicks and kicks free, then brings Deeb around! Fireman’s carry, but Deeb fights free! Deeb wants the full nelson but Willow elbows free! Deeb shoves Willow to SNAP GERMAN! Willow staggers up, Deeb hammerlocks and PEPSI TWISTS! Cover, TWO! Willow survives and the fans fire up! Deeb is frustrated, but she refocuses and goes to a corner. The fans are torn as Deeb climbs up top.

“This is Awesome!” as Willow ROCKS Deeb first! Willow climbs, CLUBS Deeb, then brings her to the very top! SUPERPLEX! And a stiff one! Both women are down but the fans are all fired up! A standing count starts as both women stir. Willow rises at 5 of 10, and she finds Deeb. Willow stands Deeb up to ROCK her! Deeb UPPERCUTS back! Willow CHOPS, Deeb CHOPS, repeat! Deeb UPPERCUTS, Willow huffs ‘n’ puffs and ROCKS Deeb! Deeb rebounds to LARIAT, but Willow rebounds to LARIAT!! Deeb is down and Willow hurries to cover, TWO!! Deeb survives but Willow just powers up!

Deeb is in a corner, Willow goes corner to corner, CANNONBALLonly gets buckles! Deeb hurries to reel Willow in and tuck the arms! DEEB-TOX!! Cover, TWO?!? Willow survives but Deeb doesn’t hesitate! Deeb SMASHES the knee into the mat again and again! Deeb then steps over, but Willow kicks her away! Willow fireman’s carries, but the leg buckles! Deeb slips down, UPPERCUTS, and then UPPERCUTS again! Deeb runs, but Willow goes the other way! POOOUNCE~!! PERIOD! The fans are thunderous as Willow gut wrenches, BABE WITH THE POWER BOMB!! Cover, Willow wins!

Winner: Willow Nightingale, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

Willow passes the Professor’s test, and now she’s not only one step closer to repeat Owen Hart Cup finals, she’s going to get her grudge match with Kris Statlander! Will Willow also get her revenge? Or will Kris add to the list of things she’s done to ruin Willow’s life?

My Thoughts:

A very good Rampage, and they’re really stuffing these episodes lately. For one, two good tune-up matches. Fenix of course beats Turbo Floyd easy, and we get a great match out of Takagi VS Fox. But again, of course Takagi won so he has momentum, and I figured Bryan would show up. Bryan will surely have his own great tune-up match as part of a Forbidden Door go-home episode, and then we’ll get an awesome match out of Bryan VS Takagi in the Owen Hart Cup. Great opening tag match from Private Party with Metalik & Komander, and while Metalik & Komander are great, Private Party gets the momentum going into their match tomorrow night on Collision.

As such, of course Jericho and team show up, but the brawl was a bit of a surprise. Chances are that means Jericho & Bill win with help from “Bad Apple” Bryan Keith. Great TNT Championship qualifier from Lio and Action, and I like this tension they’ve kept between Lio and Top Flight. Given how AEW handles contracts and departures, there really never was closure behind Lio leaving AEW for NJPW, and then that means there was no explanation why Lio left Dante high and dry and that has to be the kayfabe by default, but at least they’re making up for it now. Lio and Dante interacting will be a great part of the ladder match in itself, but I’m still leaning towards Jack Perry winning the title.

And great main event from Willow and Deeb. Deeb is great, she deserves something, but sadly there are a lot of other great wrestlers in the AEW Women’s Division. And with story taking precedence, of course Willow won here. Willow VS Kris will be great, and could go either way. However, also because of story, Mariah May is surely going to win this tournament so she can take on Toni Storm for the Women’s World Championship. Plus, Kris and Willow can feud through the summer, escalating things to something really wild to then give the winner of that momentum going towards the world title, perhaps in time for All Out.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s AEW Rampage Results & Report! (6/14/24) (2024)


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.