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JohnCarrollU N I V E R S I T Y

Vol. 10, Issue 2 sPRING 2006

Making A Difference 2005


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MeSSage FRoM The PReSidenT

Rev. Robert L. niehoff, SJ

on a fine spring day, i come up behind a group of four or five students as they walk from the administration Bldg. to the Lombardo center. one young woman among them is on her cell phone, saying, “i can’t wait for this to be over.”

She hangs up and i say, “is it really that bad?”

i’m not sure she knows who i am, but i am wearing the collar and she’s clearly a little embarrassed. her recovery is wonderful and, if my intuition is any judge, it also seems to be sincere.

She says: “i’m a senior. it’s been a great experience, but now i am ready to go on to what’s next. But, if i could, i would take the Jcu community with me; that would be perfect! This community has supported me, helped me grow, and prepared me to go out into the world. now, i’m ready, but i will miss carroll.”

if there had been a videographer nearby, we would have had a fine recruitment ad. Perhaps i should have offered her a job in enrollment services on the spot.

What this young woman offered, though, is a powerful statement of our mission: to build a learning community that will support students, help them

grow and prepare them to go out into the world. i think it is particularly appropriate to revisit that mission as we experience commencement and the varied activities with which the university concludes the academic year.

after nine months of paying attention to what goes on at John carroll, i’ve come to the conclusion that we do a generally good job of supporting students, helping them grow and preparing them to go out into the world. We need to communicate to prospective students and their families that we do these things well and that we can be trusted with the sacred role of caring for and teaching young people.

at this moment in time, May 6, it is the season in enrollment services that creates anxiety in university presidents. The number of the deposits required to stake a place in the class of 2010 is running a little behind what we had hoped. We do find ourselves in a position of being a bit more costly – not that much, but enough to matter – than several of our competitors in what has become a very tough educational market. That respective cost relationship may change. We need to look at everything we do and find the best ways. That is happening. i believe we are a very good value, but we need to convince the world that we are very good value.

it is a challenging time for John carroll, but by no means a crisis. our enrollment has declined slightly; we are tuition driven; we need to concentrate on increasing enrollment and on tightening our collective belt without causing any negative effect on the quality of what we do. Steven Privett, SJ, my old boss at the university of San Francisco (uSF), was quoted in our area’s News Herald the other

day as saying that i had cut twice as much from uSF’s budget a few years ago as we are cutting now, that this is something i do well, that this is something we should be able to accomplish without major difficulty.

i thank my fellow Jesuit for his confidence. The fact of course is that it is never simple to cut the budget when cuts inevitably have an impact on the institution and the lives of those who serve us. We will do what it takes to make John carroll an efficient, effective and thriving institution.

i am continuously energized by the conversations we are having about the vital importance of our catholic/Jesuit identity, about the best way to manage our budget, about the role athletics plays in the lives of our students and in our recruitment, about the ways in which the administration and the faculty can smoothly work together to strengthen John carroll. Many conversations.

i am also energized by the steady stream of people – alumni, faculty, administrators, students – who offer their gifts in the common effort to make us better and stronger.

i’m excited by the number of wonderful people we have recently recruited to our Board of directors. We will introduce you to them next issue, but i can tell you that they are people of insight and thoughtfulness.

i am grateful and i tell you that we need each of you to help us achieve our mission. We’ve just begun to take some important new steps, and, like that student with whom i spoke on the Quad, i believe we, as the John carroll community, are ready and able to go on to engage what is next.

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John Carroll university • sPrinG 2006 1

JohnCarrollU N I V E R S I T Y

John Carroll University

Presidentrobert l. niehoff, sJ

vice President for Development and alumni relations

timothy t. shannon, sJ

Director of Public affairsJerry sheehan

editorJerry Pockar

alumni JournalMichele McFarland

advisory Board howard Gray, sJ

Barbara schubert ‘62 John Marcus ‘72

Dr. George Bilgere Kimyette Finley ’95

it is the mission of the magazine to provide an engaging and accurate reflection of the university and its

extended community for its alumni and the other members of the

John Carroll family.

John Carroll magazine is published quarterly by John Carroll University,

20700 north Park Blvd., University heights, ohio 44118.

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issn 1542-0418

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Please send your letters to the editor to the above address.

vol. 10 issue 2 spring 2006

John Carroll is a Catholic and Jesuit university dedicated to

developing women and men with the knowledge and character to

lead and to serve.

Contributing photographers: John reid, Barney taxel, rob Wetzler

Designed by villa Beach Communications, inc.

Printed by lane Press.



16 Q&A: Dr. Joffrey Jones

17 2005 Making A Difference

28 The Range Family

32 Creationism & Intelligent Design

36 student Profiles: Doug Phillips

37 Dominique Moceanu

38 Alumni Medal Winners


2 Letters

3 University News

10 Athletics/Hall of Fame Inductees

40 Alumni Journal

41 Class Notes

61 In Memoriam

63 The Late News

64 My Turn

Inside Back Cover- Profile: Dr. Mariana ortega


Making a Difference

Change Creationism

12 32

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which are from a company called Belwin, inc, new york, u.s.a.

the words to the march, hand-written at the bottom of a page, are as follows:

There’s a dear old College that we loveAnd its name is Carroll UAnd its Colors we will neer forgetAre the glorious old gold and blueLet the others boast the Crimson redAnd the other Colors tooBut forevermore our hearts will clingTo the glorious old Gold and Blue

Chorus:As we’re gaily marching down the field,

Victory smiles on our ranks so trueFor the boys of Carroll never yield when

they fight for the Gold and BlueSparkling eyes are watching every play,

eyes that love old Carroll ULet us up and onward to the fray; let us

fight for the Gold and Blue tom Burns, JCu ’61


Editor’s note: Inasmuch as the articles he has written in the last two issues have elicited more reader response than has come to the magazine in total in the last couple of years, it is fair to say that Mr. hearns, the son of the late great music director bearing a very similar monicker, constitutes a considerable challenge to the egos of the other staff members of John Carroll magazine. the larger point is that Mr. hearns hit a couple out of the park with his articles on Fr. William Murphy, sJ, and the first 100 years of John Carroll music. We shall seek more of that kind in the future.

one of the most curious aspects of the hearns-generated phenomena is this matter of the long forgotten Carroll march that turned up in a paper bag. it was actually in the suburb of Willowick, not Cleveland, that the march was found 20 years ago. hearns’ sleuthing has revealed that Peter small was a teacher at st. ignatius, and that he probabably wrote the march and the other cited pieces in approximately 1928. if we learn more on this matter, we will pass it on.



The article on music in the history of the school was just wonderful. I also liked very much the remembrances of Jack Hearns. What a wonderful devoted man he was. He and I did not always see eye to eye on matters, and i was probably a little snotty, but he was very talented. i think at one point i wanted the Carroll Glee Club to sing the Verdi Requiem. His well tuned practical mind ruled that out immediately.

Paul C. Moon ’59

I have very fond memories of my days at Carroll and being in the band. I still remember vividly the concerts and band trips to new york and Washington, D.C. those afternoon practices were fun !

nick nunes ’71

What a delight: another great article by Jack hearns ’61, with a picture of his father in action, looking elegant and distinguished, as always!

even though i played in the JCu Band for four years, i had little knowledge of the music history which preceded and followed my participation. naturally, i was delighted to see my name mentioned in the article.

until i read the article, i had really never stopped to think what a tremendous impact Jack hearns, and subsequently Fr. Murphy, had on my life.

When i graduated from high school, I had no thought of going on to college. at some time during the summer of 1949 i received a phone call from Jack hearns, asking what I was going to do about college. i told him i hadn’t considered it because i had no money to pay for tuition. he told me that Fr. Murphy had been talking to him about ways to bolster the JCU band and one of the things they had come up with was the idea of offering partial scholarships for playing in the JCu band. Jack took me to meet with Fr. Murphy; the offer was made and i readily accepted.

I have many fond memories of the JCu band, one of which was the trumpet

trio that Joe Wasserbauer, Dick shalvoy and i played. For the final concert of my senior year, Jack had me play the traditional Cardinal of Venice solo, which was one of the highlights of my musical career. I have to say a great deal of the credit for the development of my musical ability goes to Jack Hearns. I am sure he had that kind of influence on many of his students throughout his long and distinguished career.

Joe Botsko ’53

Last week a friend of mine who sings with me in the st. vincent Church choir in Akron contacted me. He had recently found a plastic bag full of hand-written music manuscripts lying in a yard in Cleveland (hard to believe but true). included among the 30 or so pieces of music is a five-page manuscript titled John Carroll University March. it, as well as the rest of the pieces, were written by a man named Peter small. the march includes separate parts for piano, violin, 2nd violin, piccolo, and bass. it is undated, but several of the other pieces are dated from the late 1920s. the march probably dates from the same time period.

Most of the rest of these manuscripts seem to be Peter small’s music put to the words of robert Burns, the scottish poet. But the march seems to be small’s words and music both.

all of these pieces are hand-written on Parchment Brand lined Music sheets,

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University News

Brian G. Williams, currently dean of enrollment services at Providence Col-lege, has been named vice president for enrollment for John Carroll. Williams will begin his new position on July 5. the leadership position Williams is assuming has been elevated from an associate vice presidency.

“Brian’s credentials are exemplary,” said rev. robert niehoff, university president. “he has worked in the fields of enrollment management, admission, recruitment, retention and financial aid, developing strategies for success for which he is widely recognized. People for whom and with whom he has worked give him high marks for planning, campus collaboration, it expertise and staff supervi-sion competencies that will serve him and the univer-sity well as he assumes the role of chief enrollment officer.”

Williams said: “I am delighted and honored to have been selected. I have been so impressed with every person that i met through the process and how focused and vested they are in the mission and success of the university. If families see in John Carroll all that i was shown, we will have a very successful enrollment process in the years ahead. John Carroll university is a truly special place and i look forward to telling its story in exciting and compelling ways.”

Williams has served as dean of enrollment services

at Providence College since 1998. he has been responsible for developing, imple-menting and managing a comprehensive strategic enrollment plan to achieve the graduate and undergraduate enrollment, retention and net tuition revenue goals set forth in Providence College’s overall strategic plan.

From 1995 to 1998, Williams served as associate director of admission and operations at la salle university. Williams earned his BA in english from the university of new hampshire and his MA in higher education administration from Boston College.

Hammock is Multicultural Affairs leaderJanetta Hammock, assistant to the

president and secretary to the board,

has accepted the university’s offer

to be the next

director of the

Office of Multi-

cultural Affairs.

“I am

grateful to

Ms. Hammock

for her willing-

ness to take on

the significant

challenges of

this very important office. I am also

grateful to Ms. Diane Campbell for

her accomplishments and dedication

as she continues to serve as interim

director during this academic year,”

said Dr. David La Guardia, academic

vice president, in his announcement to

the campus community.

Prior to coming to John Carroll

three years ago, Hammock held

various positions, including editor of

the Higher Education and National

Affairs newsletter in the Office of

Government and Public Affairs at

the American Council of Education

(ACE). She is completing a PhD at

Case Western Reserve University

where her area of concentration is the

development of education and work

opportunities for African-American

women in the nineteenth century.

Brian Williams named JCu’s first vP for enrollment

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C A R R O L L N E W SCatholic education leader is Commencement speaker

Dr. Christopher M. Faiver, coordinator of the Community Counseling Master’s Program at John Carroll university, received the Distinguished

Faculty Award at Commencement ceremonies on May 21. Faiver has been a member of the faculty since 1989 and

Mark Waner ’91 receives 2006 Culicchia Award Dr. Mark J. Waner, assistant professor

in the Department of Chemistry has

been selected to receive the Lucrezia

Culicchia Award for Teaching Excel-

lence. This

award, estab-

lished in 1990,

is presented

annually to a

teacher who


model class-

room teaching

and outstand-

ing instructional

support. It was named for Chicago

elementary school teacher Lucrezia

Culicchia, the mother of the late 1964

John Carroll graduate Anthony N.


Dr. Waner received his BS from

John Carroll University and his MS and

PhD from Michigan State University. He

joined John Carroll’s faculty in Au-

gust of 1999 and teaches general and

physical chemistry courses. In addi-

tion to these classes, he teaches in the

master’s in integrated science program

for middle school teachers and has

interests in education outreach and the

promotion of K-12 science education.

Named a “First Lady of Catholic education,” sr. Mary Peter traviss, oP, PhD, was John Carroll’s 2006 Commencement speaker and honorary

Faiver wins Distinguished Faculty

For the 17th consecutive

year, John Carroll University ranks

among the top 10 universities in the

Midwest that grant master’s degrees, ac-

cording to the 2006 edition of “america’s

degree recipient on May 21. sr. Mary Peter holds a PhD from stanford. she has been a longtime university professor at the University of san Francisco and is now the president of Queen of the holy rosary College in san Jose, Ca. she has been involved in teacher training activities throughout the world.

sr. Traviss was the sole honorary degree recipient present at Commence-ment, but William Cardinal levada, now the prefect for the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, was also awarded a degree, which he will receive when he visits John Carroll next april. Cardinal levada was archbishop of san Francisco and is regarded as the most influential American at the vatican.

built the nationally accredited Community Counseling Program.

Faiver received his undergraduate degree from hiram College and his PhD from Case Western Reserve University. In addition to being a professor at John Carroll, Faiver has played an important role in the creation and growth of several local professional counseling organizations. he is also a co-founder of the North Central ohio Association and the John Carroll Beta Chi chapter of Chi sigma iota.

U.S. News & World Report RankingsBest Colleges” released by U.S. News & World Report. the Jesuit university was 1st in graduation rate, tied for 6th overall in its regional university category, and 11th among universities selected for the “Great schools, Great Prices” value category comparing academic excellence with cost.

“The best way to assess our univer-sity is to make a personal visit and talk to our students, faculty and alumni,” said

academic vice President David la Guar-dia, PhD. “But the U.S. News rankings are significant in that they rely heavily on the assessment of our peers. We have consistently ranked high, especially in the critical areas of retention and graduation and that indicates we are meeting our stu-dents’ needs and expectations.”

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Dr. Paul K. nietupski, associate professor of religious studies, has been awarded the AsIANetwork Freeman Foundation student-Faculty Fellowship for 2006. this is the second time Dr. nietupski has been honored with this fellowship to support students in east Asian studies.

“Beyond stimulating the student travelers’ interests in asia and asian studies, our goals are to strengthen the presence of asian studies at John Carroll University and strengthen our institu-tion’s presence in the asianetwork community,” wrote nietupski in the asianetwork application.

the $38,000-grant project will take five John Carroll university students and Dr. nietupski to the sino-tibetan highlands inside the People’s republic of China to study enduring cultural tradi-tions as they impact with processes of modernization. each of the five students

nietupski’s asianetwork fellowship

is taking ar 298 with nietupski in preparation for the research in China, May 13-June 12. the students will later prepare research papers for publication and presentation at the asianetwork Conference.

The students are freshmen Jeff Villanueva and Nick Mercurio, sophom*ores Alecia Ott and Rosemary Stanitz-Skove, and junior Melissa Cigoi.

nietupski has published several essays on the labrang region; he won a Fulbright Fellowship in 2002-03 and a JCu Grauel Fellowship in 2003, and he has a full-length book forthcoming on the Labrang region, entitled A Social and Political His-tory of Labrang Monastery and Its Properties.

The grant is funded by the Freeman Foundation, and awarded by asian-network, a national consortium of U.s. colleges and universities. For more information, visit www.asianetwork.org.

Steve Beers ’06, a senior political science major, has been awarded a Fulbright

to teach English in Indonesia. During his Fulbright year, Beers will spend 20

hours per week teaching English as a second language. The rest of his time will

be spent on a research project in Indonesian literature. The emphasis of this

Fulbright fellowship is on cultural exchange. Beers has not yet been assigned

but he may teach anywhere from middle school- to college-aged students.

The university recently approved

the creation of a new master’s degree

program in non-profit administration.

The program is set to begin this fall

and will be scheduled to accommo-

date working professionals. The new

degree program has been created as

an interdisciplinary plan of study in

the social sciences in order to provide

students with practical applied train-

ing. Students will benefit from courses

in the MBA program along with a

number of courses created specifi-

cally for the non-profit administration

degree. Students will be able to com-

plete the 36-credit hours in two years,

taking two courses per semester and

in the summer. The Graduate School

will begin marketing the new degree

in the region.

“We will be offering evening

courses, online courses and even

hybrid courses, said sociology’s

Dr. Duane Dukes, the principal architect

of the program. “Students will, for

instance, be asked to do case studies

online with each other. We’re going

to be doing a lot of interactive, but

very accessible course work. We’re

trying to have weekend and summer

courses as well. There’s a real need

for growing the number of [non-profit]

managers. The idea is to make the

system work better so that the service

delivery to clients is better.”

Non-profit administration master’s created

John Carroll’s next Fulbright scholar

Labrang Monastery

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Dr. Francesco Cesareo has not been a member of the faculty at John Carroll for a year, but he continues to have a wealth of warm relationships with members of the campus community.

At the Name of Jesus, a program of sacred music, was held on the evening of april 8 in saint Francis Chapel. the concert was a program of the institute of Catholic studies.

left, Dr. santa Casciani, director of the Bishop Pilla Program in italian american studies, with Bishop anthony Pilla ’61, the retiring bishop of Cleveland. the two were in attendance on april 6 at the Bishop Pilla Program lecture by Dr. Francesco Cesareo, the founder of the university’s institute of Catholic studies. Cesareo is now a dean at Duquesne university in Pittsburgh.

Rabbi Michael Lerner is the founder of Tikkun, the progressive Jewish journal. he spoke at John Carroll about the israeli-Palestinian conflict on the afternoon of april 10.

that’s Fr. niehoff, in from the cold, to talk to Development staffer Pete Bernardo ’67, with Dr. Mary Beadle, dean of the Graduate school, in the background. the president joined a throng attending this year’s Celebration of scholarship, a five-day festival of learning sponsored by the Graduate school and the office of sponsored research and Faculty Development from March 20-24.

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in 13 years as the coach of John Carroll’s debate team, i’ve seen a multitude of tongues flapping and i’ve heard enough words to fuel Congress or a sports talk show – for a spell. there have, however, been a limited number of occasions when the words of my John Carroll debaters have ab-solutely thrilled me.

that happened at the university of Michigan-Dearborn on March 12 when freshman Chris schroeder and junior sean McClure teamed-up to take the national championship of the American Debate Association (ADA) in the novice division. This is a big deal. The ADA is one of three debate associations in the country. It was founded 18 years ago to ensure that policy debate, a venerable form of ver-bal competition, continue to thrive. Policy debate involves arguing as to whether the U.s. government ought to adopt a particular course of action.

schroeder and McClure didn’t meet until august, but now they are as effec-tively complementary as a dexterous hand and a beautiful glove. Chris schroeder has more knowledge than any freshman i’ve met. he has knowledge, is incisively analytical, and possesses a witty sense of humor, which he uses to disarm judges and smoothly negotiate his way through tricky forensic territory. sean McClure is also smart. he is powerfully passionate about the arguments he forcefully presents in a particularly engaging style.

at Dearborn, John Carroll did something analogous to what the university of Florida pulled off in basketball’s nCaa Final Four: JCu beat a skilled and determined squad from George Mason University. schroeder and McClure finished the championship tournament with a tourney winning 7-1 mark, losing only to the top squad, among several teams, from liberty university, but then

schroeder & McClure: JCu’s national debate championsBy Dr. Brent Brossmann, debate coach & associate professor of communications

they turned around and beat them in the semi-finals. liberty, the virginia institution founded by rev. Jerry Falwell, is actually a debate juggernaut. it places as much emphasis on debate as notre Dame used to place on football.

liberty’s coach, Brett o’Donnell, was George Bush’s tutor in the last presiden-tial debates. liberty was ranked no. 1 in the nation this year and spends roughly ten times as much on debate as JCU does. they’ve garnered amazing publicity: the likes of CBS Evening News and a seven-page feature article in a recent New York Times Sunday Magazine. Facing Liberty is not unlike going up against the yankees in a good year for the Bronx Bombers. schro-eder and McClure were nicked by liberty, but the streaks were the team that won the crown. Moreover, JCu debaters defeated every Liberty squad at some time this year.

schroeder and McClure finished the year with a 56-13 mark and a no. 2 rank-

ing in the nation. They also lost on a technicality to vanderbilt in the quarterfinals of the Cross examination Debate Association (CeDA) cham-pionship. vandy went on to win that championship, but at the conclusion of their match with JCu, the deciding judge began his remarks with a rue-ful; “the better team did not win this debate.”

All of which means that our blue streak-talking Blue streaks schroeder and McClure are more than contend-ers: they’re big winners. But so too are their teammates Matt Gayetsky and Tasha Forchione.

seniors Matt and Tasha had a rough day at Dearborn and didn’t survive the elimination round. None-theless, they literally stayed up all night researching talking points for 15 arguments they supplied to schroeder and McClure for use against Liberty

in the semi-finals. then Forchione and Gayetsky roused the contenders, briefed

them on the positions and sent them off to the decisive match. Tasha and Matt care about Matt and sean and they care about John Carroll debate.

Which is more than alive and well; it’s thriving. We beat the university of Michigan in 2000 in the varsity division aDa national championship. We were in the final round of the aDa’s J.v. division in 2002. We were in the semifinals of both aDa and CeDa in 2001.

John Carroll has a remarkably rich debate tradition. We scored high nationally in the 1970s and 80s under the direction of legendary coach austin Freeley, and in the 1930s, among other accomplishments, we took on and defeated a visiting squad from england’s oxford university.

now, we celebrate our latest champions, schroeder and McClure, two of the young men and women representing John Carroll so very well on the field of forensic play.

Back row, from left: Brossmann, Matt Gayetsky, Tasha Forchione. Front row, from left: Sean McClure, Chris Schroeder.

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endowed scholarships have become an increasingly important dimension of the university’s financial aid to students. shirley reynolds ’85, a veteran development staff member, has a broad range of responsibilities, but overseeing the scores of John Carroll’s endowed scholarships is a primary role.

reynolds, a Cleveland heights native and a Boler school graduate, says; “i work with a development team to ascertain what a donor wants to support. a great

Donna ’72 Brown, Kathy reali ’88 and Dick Murphy ’57.

the Chicago Club’s leadership scholarship award is now $5,000 per year and is renewable. this year’s recipient is incoming freshman Bridget Fitzgerald ’10, a graduate of Fenwick high school, where she was the captain of the cross country team.

tim o’Brien ’10 is also an outstanding matriculating freshman from the Chicago area. o’Brien’s award comes from the John

The Columbus-area committee members are: D. Peter Beirne ’70, len Barbe ’77, John Davidson ’88, Mary leathley ’91, terri lewandowski, and Dan hilson ’82.

reynolds affirmed, “endowed scholarships are a helpful recruitment tool. For academic departments, endowed funds are a way to reward students who have exhibited excellence, as well as a primary means of building a strong contingent of departmental majors.”


C A R R O L L N E W Sendowed scholarships are an important dimension of student financial assistance

Shirley Reynolds ’85

many of our scholarships are created to honor or memorialize a person. another large subset consists of awards named in honor of a class, such as the Class of 1957 scholarship or a city, such as the Chicago Club scholarship. awards vary from approximately a thousand dollars to a full ride. We have found, though, that once a scholarship is created, the initial donors almost invariably want to grow the fund.”

The minimum for an endowed scholarship is $50,000, and as is the case with any endowment, the proceeds of the invested funds are used to award the scholarship. in the case of the Chicago Club scholarship, nearly three hundred thousand dollars have been invested.

Paul hulseman ’82 has been a stalwart supporter of this fund, and he’s been joined by many other alumni in the Windy City, including Don ’70 and

Carroll National Alumni Association. The association’s endowed fund was set up in 1992 and now awards one renewable $3,500 scholarship to an incoming freshman who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and academic ability.

Columbus-area alumni are presently involved in an effort to raise the value of their fund, so that the award may be increased from its present $1,000 to a goal of $10,000.

Terri Lewandowski and her husband George, both ’78, have been involved with the Columbus/Central ohio scholarship from the beginning, terri said, “the scholarship truly assists in getting the finest students in the Columbus area to attend John Carroll. It has been rewarding to me to receive thank you notes from recipients, not only after they are awarded the scholarship, but years later.”

the english Department’s terri ann Goodman scholarship honors the late terri Goodman, a crime victim in the mid-1980s. Current recipients are emily Boal ’06 and Waneesha Jackson ’08.

english department chair Chris roark said: “the terri Goodman scholarship for Women is important because it offers two years of financial support for english majors who have demonstrated superior academic performance and financial need. it is our only department award for women, and has helped a number of promising students since its inception.”

reynolds, who also played a central role in assembling the copy and the photographs for the magazine’s Making a Difference in this and previous years, suggested that anyone interested in creating an endowed scholarship call her at 216.397.1629.

Tim O’Brien ’10 Bridget Fitzgerald ’10

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Are you thinking of buying or selling a home? you might want to take advantage of a new

program being offered now nationwide to John Carroll alumni, faculty, staff and students. as a member of the hanna Gold advantage Program, you will receive cash payment equal to 5% of the gross com-mission when purchasing or selling a home. the hanna Gold advantage Program comes to us from the chairman and Ceo of the company, howard “hoddy” hanna,

University teams with Howard Hanna Real estate services

class of 1969. in 2003, hanna’s company merged with locally owned smythe Cra-mer, the market leader in northeast ohio.

“this program is very exciting because it’s a win-win,” explained rev. timothy t. shannon, sJ, vice president for develop-ment and alumni relations at John Carroll. “For those who are already planning to buy or sell a house, you’ll get the help you need and have a little extra towards setting up your home.”

here’s an example of the benefits that you’ll receive. on a $200,000 home, if the commission rate is 7%, your benefit would be $700. the program offers mortgage and title services through Howard Hanna Mortgage services; competitive insurance rates through Howard Hanna Insurance

it’s past tense. it happened on May 30 – untimely for this issue of John Carroll to either promote the event or relate what transpired. nonetheless, it is important to note that the benefit at the renaissance hotel’s Grand Ballroom occurred. on the evening of May 30th, one of John Carroll’s favorite sons appeared for the cause of scholarship opportunities for Cleveland area students at JCU.

as is recorded elsewhere in these pages, russert ’72 has expressed his satisfaction that his alma mater is strengthening its commit-ment to educating the young men and women of Cleveland. the nBC media force also said, “Tuition assistance for Cleveland students is a vital investment in the future of northeast ohio.”

russert has a new book, Wisdom of Our Fathers, and at the renaissance benefit, he spoke about the wisdom gained and expressed by generations of fathers.

An evening with Tim Russert for John Carroll

services (homeowners, auto, life, medical, etc…); guaranteed best available pricing and priority services from various retail product and service providers through hanna’s retail alliance service Partners (moving, security, carpeting, etc…); and relocation services such as community pro-files, schools, cost of living information and newcomer packages are available.

If you are interested in the Hanna Gold advantage program, contact Howard Hanna Real estate services at 216.643.9767 in the Cleveland area, 1.800.656.7356 ext. 307 or online at www.hannagoldadvantage.com. Registration is free and the benefits are great!


Howard Hanna ’69

Development hosts Jesuit Advancement Association conferenceDuring an extraordinarily busy late

spring that included Commencement,

Reunion, a picnic for the university

neighborhood and a major benefit

featuring Tim Russert, the university’s

Division of Development is hosting the

annual national Jesuit Advancement

Association (JAA) conference for

development professionals at the

country’s 28 Jesuit institutions of

higher education. The event, titled

Building a Culture of Philanthropy,

was held on campus from June 11-13.

It featured a wide range of seminars

and presentations on the practice of

development in higher education.

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in 20 years as the head coach of men’s and women’s swimming at John Carroll, Matt Lenhart has guided the Blue streaks to 31 league championships – breaking the record of 23 accumulated by Tony DeCarlo in wrestling and foot-ball. since taking over the reigns of the program in 1986, lenhart has captured three Presidents’ athletic Conference (PaC) women’s titles (1987-89), 15 ohio athletic Conference (oaC) women’s crowns (1990-2001, 2003-04, 2006) and 12 oaC men’s championships (1990-96, 1998, 2000-04). lenhart has also coached a national champion and nine all-americans, earned PaC Women’s Coach of the year three times, and has been recognized as the oAC Coach of the year 17 times – nine times on the men’s side and eight times on the women’s side.

Richard “Dick” Walker ’55 was a four-year varsity center for the Blue streaks in the early to mid 1950s under Herb eisele. A three-year starter and let-ter winner, Walker played 60 minutes of every game as a center and linebacker over his last two seasons. Walker played on the last John Carroll teams to face a major col-lege football sched-ule (his final game was against Kent state). The best year for the Blue streaks during Walker’s career was the 1953 campaign when JCu posted wins over Xavier, toledo and Bradley en route to a 7-2 season. Walker then embarked on a coaching career that has spanned over 40 years, and has included stops at the university of toledo, the naval academy, the Montreal alouettes of the CFl, and

successful high school teams in Columbus and Atlanta. His most famous coaching stints were with Woody Hayes and the national championship 1968 ohio state university football team, and with the super Bowl Xiii and Xiv championship Pittsburgh steelers under Chuck noll.

Although he did not graduate from John Carroll, the impact of Charles Becks on the school’s only national championship team is measured by the fact that, without him, the Blue streaks would not have won the 1975 nCaa Division III Wres-tling title. After finishing the 1974 Division III tourna-ment as the national runner up at 150 pounds, Becks rebounded by winning the 1975 nCaa Division iii national crown. as one of a record four national champions that year (joining 134-pounder Mark hawald ’77, 177-pounder Brad Bowman ’78 and heavy weight Joe Bertolone ’75), Becks and his teammates led John Carroll to 111 points and held off Montclair state (96 points) for the title. Becks posted a 32-9-2 record in two seasons as a starter, helping his team finish the 1974 nCaa Division iii Champion-ships in second place before claiming the 1975 crown.

Christie Palumbo Dyke ’92 never lost a conference championship diving event in her four-year career. An eight-time conference champion, Palumbo won the 1- and 3-meter diving events at the Presidents’ athletic Conference cham-pionship meet in 1989, then won on both boards in the ohio Athletic Con-ference in 1990, 1991, and 1992. A four-year letter winner, Palumbo set both the school and oaC 1- and 3-meter diving records. her

efforts helped John Carroll capture league titles all four years she competed. nation-ally, Palumbo qualified for the 1989, 1990, and 1991 nCaa Division iii Champion-ships, with her crowning moment a 12th place finish in 1-meter diving at the 1990 nationals that earned her honorable men-tion All-American status.

Judd Smith ’93 was a two-time All-American in three seasons with the wrestling team. he qualified for the national tournament twice, placing third at 167 pounds in 1991 and fifth at 177 pounds in 1992. His career record at the NCAA Cham-pionships was 9-3. A two-time oAC champion in two different weight classes (167 pounds in 1991 and 177 in 1992), smith concluded his career with a 21-0 lifetime record against oaC opponents. he was the 1992 national Catholic invitational champion, was a member of JCu’s only Division III National Duals team cham-pion squad in 1992, and helped lead the Blue streaks to a pair of oaC titles in 1991 and 1992. smith received the team Most valuable Wrestler award in 1991, the Coaches award in 1992, and finished his career with a 63-22-1 record in three seasons, which included a 24-8 mark in his senior campaign.

A four-year letter winner and starter for the men’s soccer program, Rick Ferrari ’94 was the leading scorer on the out-standing teams of the early 1990s. Ferrari was first team all-oaC in 1992 and 1993, as he led the team in scoring both seasons (2.50 points per game in 1992, 2.30 points per game in 1993). When he gradu-

Meet the Blue streak Hall of Fame Class of 2006

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Meet the Blue streak Hall of Fame Class of 2006ated, Ferrari left the JCu program second all time in career goals (51) and career points scored (111). he also had the sec-ond highest single season goal total (21 in 1993) and points scored (46 in 1993) in program history. his remarkable senior season resulted in his being named to the nCaa all-Midwest region team in 1993. John Carroll had a 56–13–2 record in Ferrari’s four years, and qualified for the oAC Tournament in his junior and senior season, which were the first two years in which the oAC Tournament format was implemented. the Blue streaks were an amazing 25–1–1 against oaC opponents over Ferrari’s final three seasons. JCu won the oaC regular season championship three times (1991, 1992 and 1993), and captured the oaC tournament in 1993. Ferrari ended his career on a 17-match winning streak.

Thea Consler ’96 was a standout in two sports, but made a name for herself in track and field. she earned all-american honors in the long jump four times – twice indoors and twice outdoors – with her best finish a fourth place showing at the 1996 Division iii indoor champi-onships. Consler was also a four-time national qualifier in the triple jump, and was the first woman to earn All-American honors in track and field at JCu. on a conference level, Consler was a four-time all-oaC, and owned six school track and field records at graduation. she was also a two-time all-oaC selection in women’s soccer. named Most valuable Player in women’s soccer as a senior, Consler graduated as the third-highest point scorer in women’s soccer team history. A four-year letter winner in track and field, and a four-year letter winner and starter in women’s

soccer, Consler was the female recipient of the 1996 Clyde a. lamb award, annually accorded to the top student-athletes in the oAC. selected Academic All-oAC several times over the course of her career, she received the nCaa Postgraduate scholarship following her senior year.

three-time all-american and 1996 Jack nicklaus College Player of the year Award as the best golfer in the nation at the Division III level, Brian Unk ’96 set the bar for all others at John Carroll. Unk performed excep-tionally well on the biggest of stages. he had three top-30 finishes, including a ninth place showing as a sophom*ore and a fifth place effort as a senior, at the Division iii Championships. his efforts enabled the streaks to finish in the top four of the nCaa Division iii Championships in each of his final three seasons. he was selected first-team all-american his senior year. Unk was a four-time All-oAC performer thanks to four consecutive top five finishes at the league championship meet. he helped lead JCu to a pair of oaC titles in his sophom*ore and junior seasons. at the end of his senior campaign, unk was selected as the recipient of the Clyde a. lamb award (top student-athlete in the conference). several years after his graduation, the oaC Champion-ship medalist trophy was renamed in his honor. after completing his collegiate career, unk began a professional career as a member of the Canadian Tour. After he won a total of 12 mini- tour events between 1997 and 2000, unk qualified for the Canadian tour in 2000, and won the 2000 eagle Creek Classic. He has remained a qualifying exempt player for seven consecutive seasons.


• ThebigandverygoodStreakathlet-ics news is that both the men’s and women’s tennis teams won this year’s OAC Championships. The men’s squad had an amazing rally and took the last three singles match-es to beat Ohio Northern for JCU’s first title since 1999. The women’s team, in the championship round against the Polar Bears for the third year in a row, had an easier time, prevailing 5-2. The Streaks were the first OAC team to sweep men’s and women’s titles in nine years.

• Sophom*oreJacob Borth defeated ONU’s Kyle Webb, junior Eliot Brown bested Ryan Paul and James Steward knocked off 2005 first team All-OAC performer Micah Scott to earn JCU its fifth championship in tennis team history. JCU advanced to the cham-pionship with a quarterfinal win over Otterbein and a semifinal victory over Baldwin-Wallace.

• GoodeffortsbyPaul Schroder ’08 and Dan Arison ’09 led JCU to a fourth place finish in the OAC golf tourney.

•CompetingagainstathletesfromDivision I schools at the Gina Relays in Hillsdale, MI, Ellie Fernandez ’06 took a third in the 3000 meter steeple-chase and broke the school record in the process. Gen Kahn ’06 was fourth in the triple jump and sixth in the long jump. At the same time, JCU’s 4x400 relay team, composed of Josh

Zamiska ’07, Mike Charlillo ’07, Mike Juker ’08 and Matt Charlillo ’09, won their event at Baldwin- Wallace’s Sparky Adams Invitational on April 29.

• Atpresstime,theStreakbaseballsquad was 8-8 in OAC play, stand-ing in a three-way tie for fourth, and living in some danger of not making the league playoffs.

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late winter and early spring of 2006, with the weather fluctuating between winter’s relentless gray and the warm light of spring, was a mixed and challenging season for the still young administration of Rev. Robert niehoff. repeatedly, the campus communi-ty came together collectively to face some difficult news related to enrollment and the budget and to face also the necessity of moving carefully but rapidly into change on a variety of fronts. The good news is that decisive, promising changes began and are continuing to be made.

February, March and april brought, every week, sometimes every day, important steps: a new vice presidential appointment, the beginning of an ex-tended “conversation” about John Carroll’s

Catholic and Jesuit nature, a commit-ment to provide a “full ride” to 30 of the Cleveland area’s best students, strong steps to insure a balanced budget in the next fiscal year... much more.

on March 24, President niehoff led a meeting in which the budget for the university’s next fiscal year was explored. in early april, Brian Williams joined the administrative team as John Carroll’s first vice president for enrollment. Janetta hammock, who has been secretary to the Board of Directors and assistant to the president, was named as the director of the office of multicultural affairs in late March. A host of additions to the Board of Directors – eight at last count – and the Board of regents accepted governance

ChanGeresponsibilities after being recruited by the president.

the town hall Meeting process con-tinued in February and March. Dr. David la Guardia, the academic vice president, led the February 14 event in which the challenges and opportunities facing the academic aspect of the university were presented to an assembly of faculty, staff and administrators. tom Fanning, the in-terim dean of enrollment services, was the point person at the March 16 meeting in which the critical enrollment dimension was explored through charts, statistics and verbal analysis. at press time, one town hall to illuminate John Carroll’s physi-cal plant and its development division remained in the series of five.

Office of the President A message from Rev. Robert L. Niehoff, SJ

EASTER GREETINGSI am writing to encourage your attendance at the fifth and final John Carroll University Town Hall Meeting, which will focus on Fund Raising and Development. This meeting will provide an overview of the work of the Division of Development and Alumni Relations and offer summaries of the recent campaign.

In this week, which has special significance to the Jewish and Christian communities, I am conscious of the obvious signs of spring in the new leaves and blossoms. ..The new life and flowering of this season is a tremendous gift. … In these days since I returned from the Northwest, I am conscious of the thoughtful-ness and care of the JCU community for me and my family. … During this, the holiest of weeks for many of us, I wish you every blessing.

Office of the President A message from Rev. Robert L. Niehoff, SJ


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A wealth of information has been supplied at all the meetings. the ex-perience of having hundreds of faculty, administrators and staff present to listen and talk – if they wished to talk – about their shared challenges was probably as important as the information grasped. These gatherings to learn about the challenges were, collectively, as strong an affirmation of community as has taken place at John Carroll in a very long time.

When they have been completed, the town halls will fill approximately a dozen hours of explanation, questions, Power-Point screens, and statistics. there is no effective way of capturing in these pages the important information of even the four that have taken place to date. how-

ever, so much of the information revolves around enrollment: who our students are, where they come from and what they want to achieve at JCU.

the enrollment situation is complex. While this year’s freshman ’09 class is approximately 50 larger than the matriculating Class of 2008, the latter was atypically small and its smallness will be reflected in revenue for four years. The Graduate school enrollment has been lower for several years and the number of undergraduate transfer students has recently declined. The traditionally high undergraduate student-retention rate has slipped a bit over the past couple of years. in sum, overall enrollment has declined recently, though certainly not

dramatically. however, John Carroll remains a tuition-driven institution, so that an enrollment decline of any significance requires attention.

there are multiple reasons to explain each of the above phenomena, but it is difficult to precisely establish correla-tions and explanations. the explanations include: the northeastern ohio’s stagnant economy and unfavorable demographics; heightened competition in the region; perceived deficiencies in the weekend social life of the campus; the lack of cer-tain amenities in some of the university’s residence halls; even, according to one ad-ministrator, parking – “Parking may cost us 50 students a year.”

It should be noted that none of the

I am pleased to announce that Brian G. Williams, currently dean of enrollment services at Providence College, Rhode Island, has accepted John Carroll University’s offer to become vice president for enrollment. Brian will assume his new responsibilities for the university on July 5.

Office of the President A message from Rev. Robert L. Niehoff, SJ

…I would like to revisit today the matter of John Carroll’s Catholic identity. What does that mean to us? What should it mean? How does John Carroll’s appropriation of the Catholic tradition compare to the experience of other Jesuit and Catholic colleges and universities? I propose that we discuss these questions as a university community…



A competitive strength of John Carroll University over many decades has been our excellent athletic programs. We know from surveys and anecdotal evidence that many high school students who apply to John Carroll do so with an intent to compete in one or more of our sports programs.

Office of the President A message from Rev. Robert L. Niehoff, SJ

Office of the President A message from Rev. Robert L. Niehoff, SJ


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phenomena is in itself deeply alarming, and they only mask a great campus. Mor-ever, a wealth of evidence attests that John Carroll is generally doing its job well and continuing to elicit admiration from those it serves. Moreover, there are fluctuations in every organization’s performance.

Williams’ hiring (see page 3) is an important response to the situation. he is the university’s first vice president for enrollment and he comes to Univer-sity Heights with a record of dramatic achievement at Providence College, the Catholic institution in Rhode Island. In announcing Brian Williams’ hiring and in thanking the interim dean of enroll-ment services, tom Fanning, at the March 16 town hall meeting, President niehoff expressed gratitude for hard work and a strong performance by Fanning and the admission staff during the last several challenging years. the offices of admis-sion and Financial Aid have gone through

a critical period and appears poised to lead the university’s recruitment efforts to new growth.

In announcing budget cuts at the March 24 meeting in the lombardo Center, President niehoff said: “it is imperative that we focus on what will allow John Carroll to attract, enroll, and retain the quality, quantity and composition of a student body that will show us to be the fine, selective Catholic and Jesuit university we already are.” he made it clear that it is non-negotiable that none of the proposed budget cuts negatively affect the mission, attractiveness or general excellence of the university.

the moves announced March 24 are to compensate for a budgetary shortfall anticipated to be $2.7 million. the president proposed that $800,000 of that amount be found by not filling vacant faculty positions and by not renewing a number of visiting faculty appointments.

I write to inform you, with considerable regret, that Rev. Howard Gray, SJ, assistant to the president for mission and identity and rector of the Jesuit Community at John Carroll, will leave the university at the end of the next academic year. ... To prepare for Father Gray’s departure, I am establishing a Mission Coordinating Committee to assure that the programs and activities that he has initiated and strengthened will not be lost when he leaves.

he proposed that $700,000 come from reductions in staff and administrative positions. approximately half of those savings will be achieved by not filling currently open positions; the remainder may be gained by an early retirement option offered to those over 62 years of age.

another half-a-million is expected to be gained from non-payroll departmental operating savings. two-hundred-thousand dollars will accrue from a debt re-financing measure. Finally, an additional one-half-mil-lion will be drawn from the endowment.

Fr. Niehoff also said that the univer-sity’s bond rating remains a favorable a2, and that there will be a salary increase for university employees in the next fiscal year.

The cuts were by no means drastic but their very existence and the occurrence of the March 24 budgetary meeting commu-nicated that John Carroll is in the middle of an economic challenge, one that corre-lates closely with a profoundly important

This has not been an easy time for John Carroll. I know that there is anxiety and apprehension in our community…It is imperative that we focus on that which will allow John Carroll to attract, enroll, and retain the quality, quantity and composi-tion of a student body that will show us to be the fine, selective, Catholic and Jesuit university we already are…

Office of the President A message from Rev. Robert L. Niehoff, SJ

Office of the President A message from Rev. Robert L. Niehoff, SJ


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enrollment and net tuition challenge.the Cleveland opportunity scholar-

ship announced by Fr. niehoff on Febru-ary 17 and covered in the last issue of John Carroll continued to draw substantial interest from the community at large and was widely seen as compelling evidence of President niehoff’s determination to firmly connect John Carroll to the Cleve-land area. the benefit appearance at the Renaissance Hotel by media giant Tim russert ’72 on May 30 will provide some of the funds needed to give necessary tuition assistance to a diverse collection of talented students from the area.

on March 22, Father niehoff, in one of his now familiar e-mail messages to the campus community, announced his intention to have an extended conversation among all members of the community – certainly including alumni – about John Carroll’s Jesuit and Catholic identity. howard Gray, sJ, the assistant

to the president for mission and identity, was asked to lead the initial phase of the conversation. upwards of 30 members of the faculty, staff and administration volunteered to assist in the project. niehoff’s initiative was seen as evidence of heightened attention to the university’s identity and its core values.

on april 11, the president announced the formation of a Committee on Athlet-ics and enrollment. Tom Fanning will chair this group. as is true of the town hall meetings, the work of this committee is expected to create new understanding of the impact of John Carroll athletics on enrollment and the student experience.

amidst all of this, the president’s 92-year-old mother, Mildred niehoff, died on March 28 at her home near eatonville, Washington. The south Dakota native was the mother of nine, grandmother of 26, great-grandmother of 37 and great-great-grandmother of two. Declining

health prevented Mrs. niehoff from attending her son’s inauguration here last october. rev. robert l. niehoff, sJ, returned to the Northwest for the funeral Mass, at which he presided and gave the homily for Mildred Ruby Niehoff.

In the course of offering e-mailed easter greetings to the campus community on april 12, the president thanked the people of John Carroll for the “thoughtful-ness and care” expressed in response to his mother’s death. he also said he was “grate-ful that we are on the cusp of springtime as we celebrate the easter mysteries.”

it would be premature to see the varied initiatives that occurred at John Carroll in late winter and early spring as authoritative evidence of a metaphorical springtime for the university. nonetheless, it was indubitably a busy season for John Carroll and its president, an in-between season in which unmistakable signs of vibrant new life appeared.

I am pleased that my alma mater has made a strong commitment to educating the young men and women of Cleveland. Tuition assistance for Cleveland’s students is a vital investment in the city’s future.

Timothy J. Russert, John Carroll Class of 1972


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For 14 years, in partnership with John

Carroll University, the Institute for

Educational Renewal (IER) has worked

with area teachers to improve literacy

and assist in the ongoing project of

creating more effective schools. IER’s

stated mission is to improve the quality

of school life and foster the development

of child-centered communities of learn-

ers. IER works closely with John Carroll’s

Department of Education and Allied

Studies and the Dean of The Graduate

School. IER literacy coaches provide

on-site professional development and

routinely conduct master’s level courses

for teachers in Cleveland and in school

systems like those in Cleveland’s inner-

ring suburb of Euclid. The problems

that afflict education in urban America

are clearly present in Euclid. However,

school officials say their efforts to meet

their challenges are being strengthened

by the IER team working with the city’s

teachers, principals, and parents.

John Carroll met with Dr. Joffrey Jones,

Euclid superintendent of schools to

discuss urban education and IER’s

impact on the Euclid schools.

Tell us about your relationship with IER?

We were introduced to IER at a

school superintendent’s retreat hosted

by the director of the Jennings Founda-

tion in 2004. The leader of the retreat

spoke highly of IER and their work in the

Cleveland schools. He invited them to

make a retreat presentation. They talked

about how literacy was the critical skill

in the schools where they worked and

they discussed IER’s strategies for deal-

ing with literacy development.

I asked a couple of my principals

to meet with principals from Cleveland

who had been working with IER. The

Cleveland principals spoke glowingly

of how IER supported their effort, how

they were a resource, how they came

in saying, “How can we help you.” We

decided to bring them in to work with

our teachers. I think they have proved to

be a great option.

Did “support” imply mentor-ing, coaching teachers?

Anything the teachers needed.

Some IER staff work very diligently

on parental involvement, or they go

in and coach literacy lessons. They’re

hands-on with our teachers. They also

persuaded a number of teachers to

participate in the John Carroll instruc-

tional work that happens on site here in

Euclid. That’s attractive to our teach-

ers because they need their master’s,

and they may need additional training

if they have their master’s. From what

I understand, our teachers enjoy the

learning exchange.

So, in a number of ways IER is fostering dialogue about teaching?

One of the things I’ve been trying to

advance is the development of profes-

sional learning communities, which

involve teachers talking together about

instruction. Teaching tends to be a soli-

tary activity. If we have people working

across the hall from one another with the

same type of kids, and one of them gets

dramatically different results, that’s an

alarm bell. One of the ways we address

that issue is to get the teachers talking

about what works and what doesn’t.

That can be threatening to teachers, but

the IER team is actually better able to

build trust because they don’t evaluate

teacher performance. As a result of all

this, teachers are beginning to under-

stand that maybe they can become more

effective if they talk and work together

with a focus on student learning.

Any particular pedagogical strategies IER employs?

As far as I can determine, they have

an advanced repertoire of instructional

approaches. The evidence is largely

anecdotal, but our test scores are better

and our teachers attest that IER is mak-

ing them better teachers.

So, even though yours is a challenging educational environment, the trends are upward?

They are trending upward even

as our population is more mobile and

possesses fewer skills. We have kin-

dergarten kids coming to us who don’t

know their last name or where they live;

they don’t know their parents’ names or

phone number. That group of students

is growing. Though the results are not

trending upward as much as I would

like to see, the fact that they are trend-

ing upward is encouraging.

We are an urban school. Many of

the issues that plague urban centers are

plaguing us now. We are seeing an in-

crease in gang-related activity. Poverty

is a huge issue. There is a lot of Section

8 housing. Everyone needs a place to

live, but these issues do have an impact

on the results we achieve. We teach

anyone who comes through our doors,

and I think we can be better with IER.

Euclid Superintendent of Schools,Dr. Joffrey Jones

Q&AInstitute for Educational Renewal: meeting the challenges of urban education

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This is a varied list and inevitably arbitrary to some degree. We are working with those who have

been nominated and those who have come to our attention, and there are undoubtedly many others who did not come to our awareness in this season. this group varies from elders whose

heroism elicits tears and young people just beginning a life of purpose and service. What unites them are two attributes: they are members of the extended John Carroll community, and they are – Touching and changing our world in positive ways. As we have said before, a third thing that unites them is that they give all of us a window onto the value and beauty of those who are ours. it is, we believe, always useful to be reminded of the value and beauty of those who are part of our community. We celebrate the gifts of and give thanks for this Making a Difference class.

Making A Difference 2005

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’69G, ’85G was a longtime english teacher at John Carroll and Gilmour academy; the executive director of the Women’s City Club of Cleveland; the executive director of the Cleveland education Fund and the president of her own non-profit consulting firm. she has been a stalwart volunteer for many civic and educational organizations and a board member of a wide range of educational, social service and civic organizations. she and her husband, Charles ’51, are the parents of three daughters and three sons and the grandparents of nine.

Ms. Patterson’s most recent challenge was being a member of the first class of the university’s ignatian spirituality institute. she said she did that “to expand my theological knowledge and my listening skills in order to help others get to a place of prayer and peace.” she has completed her certification work with the institute and is now providing spiritual direction for groups at the adjacent Church of the Gesu Parish and to individuals at John Carroll.

Patterson, who earned her undergraduate degree at notre Dame College, says: “My greatest satisfac-tion as a guide is to help foster a relationship between the seeker and God. some seekers have had a life crisis that destroyed their equilibrium. others simply want to grow in deepening their dialogue with God. a happy by-product is that my own spiritual life is considerably enriched. spiritual direction is what i want to do with the rest of my life.”








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Barbara Patterson

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’65 is a master teacher, who has long since made the teaching of teachers his primary mission. For 15 years, he served his alma mater as a professor charged with mentoring flocks of emerging classroom instructors. Before that, he was a principal at Chambers elementary in east Cleveland, a principal honored as a national Distinguished Principal. Prior to that, he sharpened his craft in the classroom.

Joe retired from JCu in 2005 and joined teachscape, a san Francisco-based company that focuses on helping teachers become more effective. since leaving the university, Whelan has worked in 15 states and Canada. in the picture, he is seen at his current assignment at the navajo reservation in shiprock, new Mexico, where he is serving as an educational coach for the principal, teachers and students.

Before and after his retirement from John Carroll, Joe has spoken to thousands of teachers at hundreds of presentations throughout the continental u.s. and in places as far afield as alaska, Canada and Ireland. He has unquestionably become one of the foremost leaders of teacher education.

Whelan is the recipient of the alumni Medal and the alumni service award. he is the past president of the alumni association’s Cleveland Club and is presently a trustee of the association.

’90G has, for six years, been the principal of Charles Dickens elementary school in Cleveland. Bessie, a widow and the mother of three, says her greatest satisfactions are: “The hugs I get from the students as I stand at the door and greet them every day.” she also cherishes a recent e-mail that said, in part, “...I felt like you treated me like I was your child. I want to make that difference and you’re one of the reasons why ... you really have inspired me to become a teacher.”

Durr said her challenges are the “same as in any urban district. Lack of government funding has not only affected our district and school, but has affected education across the nation with teacher cuts causing ... increased class sizes and decreased resources.”

Durr said budget pressures caused her kids to move from a K-5 building to a K-8. she said there was a lot of anxiety on the part of her parents about their little ones going to school with older children, but that it has worked out nicely thanks to volunteers and extra effort on the part of Durr’s learning community.

Bessie, a devout Christian, said she loves children and finds a rich reward in “observing teachers who create safe learning environments where a student feels as though he or she can say, ‘i don’t understand;’ environments where “i can also watch their eyes light up as understanding dawns and they hold up their hands and say, ‘yes, i got it.’”

Joe Whelan

Bessie Durr

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Osasiuwa (Siuwa) Edomwande ’09 wrote: “i learned the essence of service, which is deeper than going out to do work or sending money or food. it is, rather, identifying ourselves with others and being like Christ, and giving people human dignity and respect no matter their socioeconomic status, race or gender.” she was referring to her work over spring Break in an “urban Plunge” in which she spent time working with the homeless and the poor at the Catholic Worker House and other locations on Cleveland’s near West side.

siuwa is a freshman from lagos, nigeria, and she is a marvel. she went to Loyola Jesuit College in abuja, the capital of her african nation, where, she says, “there were many opportunities for me to be immersed educationally, spiritually and socially.” at JCu she is simply picking up where she left off. she is a member of The Leadership and Social Justice Learning Community; she is a student union senator for the Class of 2009; she is on the student eMs team; she is a mentor to students at east Cleveland’s Chambers elementary; she is on the student union Program-ming Board; in the choir; a Blue streak ambassador; a member of the Residence Life dining and advocacy committees; she is a lector and a retreatant.

she is, in short, the very model of a woman for others, and in a year when Engaging the World is our theme, osasiuwa edomwande is a smiling lesson in how one engages the world, as well as in how a bright young light of the world can engage and inspire and make a difference at John Carroll. Mak







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, sJ, ’55, is a Jesuit elder, one who has been busy making a difference for over half a century. Fr. Cachat entered the society of Jesus after graduation; was assigned to the Jesuit province of Patna, india, and began teaching in nepal in 1961; was ordained in 1966, and subsequently became the principal of a K-12 school in Kathmandu, nepal. after a seven-year stint as principal, Fr. leo engaged in spirituality studies with anthony DeMello, sJ, and Fr. Bede Griffiths, osB. When he returned to Kathmandu in 1978, he co-founded Godavari ashram (center for spiritual development) where he directed pre-ordination programs and retreats for the next seven years. he also led retreats in many other areas of southeast Asia.

in 1985, in addition to his continuing work at the ashram, Fr. Cachat set up a formation house for the newly formed nepal region of the soci-ety. in 1991, he became the regional superior, and in 1998, he was assigned to Myanmar (Burma) where he directed the teaching of english and did vocation work. he returned to the u.s. in 2001, and after a sabbatical year at the Jesuit school of theology, he established the new office of chaplain to the faculty and staff at the University of Detroit High school.

Fr. Cachat has experienced great physical challenge from a particularly virulent form of malaria, and great emotional challenge when his friend and colleague, tom Gafney, sJ, ’54, was murdered in Kathmandu. Fr. Cachat’s satisfactions include working with Mother teresa and experiencing the presence of God in the people of asia. Fr. Cachat is a student of Creation spirituality and is on the board of Spirit Earth.

Joseph Adair, Jacquelyn Catanese, Peter Kvidera, Peter Aubry, Ches-ter Banaszak, Anne DiFranco, Molly Ruth Falasco, Alexandra Grubbs, Noah Hahn, Matthew Harmon, Kelsey Hutchings, Jason Miller, Randy Stalter, M. Anthony Vecci, Megan Zumbrun, Paul Bender, Ryan Bianco, David Ceglia, Jennifer Hauschildt, Carrie Hawk, Amy Howley, Jillian Neimeister, Daniel Schneck, and Craig Strauss. The aforementioned are the students who went to the aid of the victims of hurricane Katrina, mak-ing a December trip and another one in March. there will be a third this summer.

Joe adair ’00, a graduate student and Community service Center staff member, has been one of the leaders of these trips. We’ll let Joe explain how this group made a difference: “the purpose of the hurricane relief Immersion is to give our university community the chance to really engage others through service that is generous, compassionate, and informed. this is an opportunity for participants to encounter the “gritty reality” of the world which Father Kolvenbach spoke about six years ago at santa Clara. i think that this program gives our community an opportunity which they could never have in any classroom. We pick up blurry family photographs, eat with the folks we are there to help, and listen to their stories of survival and starting over. i have learned that it’s the photographs that people care more about than their cars, clothes, or appliances. this program is a power-ful way to both give and receive through direct service. This immersion takes its inspiration from the very heart of what we are as a mission-driven and ignatian community.”

Leo Cachat

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’99 has enjoyed a stunning rise in professional football, but then he did grow up in Canton, ohio, the home of the Professional Football hall of Fame, and his father has coached at Canton McKinley, one of the most legendary football high schools on the planet. More-over, McDaniels went to the university that formed Don shula ’51, the National Football League (NFL) coach with the most wins ever. even so, to go in six years from being a good wide receiver on the ’98 Blue streaks grid contingent to being notre Dame head coach Charlie Weis’ successor as the offensive coordinator of the three-time super Bowl winning new england Patriots is a bit of a leap. at 29, McDaniels is the nFl’s most precocious offensive genius, as well as the possessor of a pro football career of boundless promise.

McDaniels is now a colleague of nick Caserio ’98, the former streak quarterback who threw passes McDaniels’ way not so long ago. Caserio is enjoying his own precocity as the Patriot’s director of pro personnel. McDaniels, who started climbing the coaching ladder as a just graduated assistant to nick saban at Michigan state, made his bones by being the handler of tom Brady, the quarterback who is at the heart of the Patriots’ franchise in this era.

McDaniels was a personnel assistant when the Patriots won their first super Bowl in 2002, but he was Brady’s guru as quarterback coach when the Pats took two more, and the Canton native has the rings to prove it.

The coaching career of this young husband and father has only just begun, but stay tuned. McDaniels’ prospect is gorgeous.








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Josh McDaniels

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’81 has been a longtime youth athletic coach, an active school board member in northern new Jersey, a national youth soccer referee and a dedicated member of the Knights of Columbus, with whom he has been engaged in serving a variety of people in need and from whom he says he has learned deep lessons of compassion.

sparrow is the husband of Barbara, to whom he has been married for 25 years, and together they have raised Jeffrey, a Marine Corps lieutenant, and Kimberly, a sophom*ore at elon College in north Carolina.

sparrow was initially a pre-med major, was close to Fr. Casey Bukala ’54 here, and switched to the Boler school as a junior. he went into sales for several national clothing manufacturers after graduation and became the national sales manager of oshKosh B’Gosh in the mid-’90s. From there he jumped to sports marketing, becoming director of licensing and retail marketing for the national Football league (nFl), where he relished the chance to work with some of his childhood heroes.

Paul did well with the nFl and was courted by nasCar: “the lure of the fastest growing sport in america and the enormous upside to the nasCar business model led us to make what was the most difficult decision of my career.” in november of 2003, he became the managing director of retail marketing for the auto racing behemoth and relocated his family to Charlotte, north Carolina. the nasCar brand is thriving under sparrow’s leadership and the syracuse, new york, native has emerged as a national force in sports marketing.

’85 used to be the CFo of a major law publishing company. that company was bought out and Barry went on to be a founder of Conway Greene, an information services company ranking high in the Weatherhead 100 list of Cleveland-area corporations. Conway Greene is a leading provider of data conversion, management and publishing services. they specialize in solutions to technology problems.

Barry, who several years ago was listed in the Crain’s 40 under 40, has thrived as a business man, but he is anything but uni-dimensional. he is a serious bagpiper, who has played his pipes at the Kennedy Center, the smithsonian and has 10 times competed in the world piping championships. this last year Conway’s group placed third on the planet in the music of the scottish national instrument.

Moreover, Barry and his wife, Kim, are also beginning a child enrichment center called FastracKids in suburban strongsville. this international program aims at enriching the learning skills of three to seven year-olds. Barry said he was motivated to move in this direction because of his perception that american children are not benefiting from the child enrichment programs employed in other developed nations. he said it is particularly gratifying to be involved in an educational activity with Kim.

Paul Sparrow

Barry Conway

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’92 is the executive director of the rainbow Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Foundation, one of 85 chapters nation-wide committed to finding a cure for the devastating genetic disease which attacks the lungs of children. she is especially proud of her organization’s role in the 28 clinical trials being conducted at rainbow Babies & Children’s hospital in Cleveland. McGuire said: “When the Foundation started 50 years ago, children with CF did not live to attend elementary school. today, average life expectancy is 35 and more than 40% of the CF population is over 18.” in her first year on the job, McGuire increased the overall revenue of the chapter by more than 15% and the special event revenue by more than 30%. she is a manager and a fund-raiser and she notes that more than 90 cents of every dollar raised by the foundation goes to research and foundation programs.

McGuire was an english major who graduated cum laude at Carroll before moving into non-profit work. she is a single mother who lives with her daughter, Meghanne, in rocky river, ohio.







5 ’05 was the captain of the women’s basketball team at John Carroll. she was a student union senator, the Circle K chair, a dean’s list student and a Presidential scholar. athlete, scholar, leader, volunteer, heller represents the whole person Jesuit education strives to form. after graduation, Meagan went to work with sharon somerville-Mc-Guire at the rainbow Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. there she is the special events coordinator, responsible for 17 events designed to raise funds and elevate the profile of the organi-zation dedicated to fighting the deadly illness. she deals with corporate sponsors, solicits donations and tracks donor history.

Meagan said she finds it challenging to cut cost corners for an operation that is always working to maximize the usefulness of the money it collects. she said she realizes the value of her work when she hears CF patients and family members talk about the effects of the disease and the critical im-portance of the foundation’s mission.

Meagan worked her way through college and is now tackling her student loans. she is also a residence hall proctor and the student activities coordinator at Gilmour academy, where she lives.

Meagan was very involved with community service in college and welcomes the challenge of service in her first post-university job.

Sharon Somerville-McGuire

Meagan Heller

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’89 played football at the university and graduated cum laude in biology. He was a four-year RoTC member and went on to be commissioned and earn his medical degree at the Uniformed services university of the health sciences in Bethesda, MD, in 1993.While a resident at Walter reed army Medical Center, Dr. Curley suffered a spinal cord injury that required several major surgeries and left him able to walk but with severe lung and nerve damage.

his wife, Katherine Carran, who nominated Dr. Curley, said it is hard for her to write about the father of their three children, but that he “still serves his country and has made many advances in surgical training and robotic surgery and recently has become involved in developing advanced prosthetic devices and ‘neuroprosthetics’ for soldiers wounded in afghanistan and iraq. in nominating him, she noted his dedication to Jesuit ideals and his triumph over great physical challenge.

Dr. Curley’s biography notes that he was medically retired from the army in 2002, but that he subsequently became the chief scientist at the henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine. Dr. Curley continues to be in the vanguard of those exploring the use of technology in medicine. he is also a counselor and advocate for those suffering chronic pain.

, parent, is our first parent in the ranks of Making a Difference, and it would have been extraordinarily difficult to pick a more distinguished can-didate. alas, these scant words cannot do justice to the resumé of the father of Mac Kimmitt ’08. a much decorated officer in vietnam, robert Kimmitt, a graduate of West Point, earned a Georgetown law degree and served on the national security Council staff in the mid-’70s and early ’80s. he was subsequently deputy assistant to the president for national security affairs and then general counsel to the u.s. treasury Department. after a two-year stint with a law firm, Kimmitt rejoined the government as the under secretary of state for political affairs.

robert Kimmitt held that post until becoming ambassador to Germany from 1991 to 1993. he went on to a series of high-level positions with law firms, a leading investment banking firm, a software company and time Warner, where he was executive vice president from 2001-2005. the ambassador joined President Bush’s administration in august of 2005, becoming the deputy secretary of the u.s. Department of the treasury. he remains in the treasury post.

the ambassador has received many awards for public service and he retired in 2004 as a major general in the u.s. army reserve. he and his wife, holly, are the parents of two daughters and three sons, including Mac, with whom ambassador Kimmitt shares a passion for rugby.

Dr. Kenneth Curley

Robert Kimmitt

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Hannah Fritzman’03 is a believer: in Cleveland, passion and people who see the glass as half full and in the process of filling. the young grad says: “i love being surrounded by passionate people. in my role, everywhere i go and in everything i do, i am surrounded by people who want to make a change in their community. I always try to maintain optimism, which is easy for me when those I work with every day are working with a glass that is half full.”

Hannah is a familiar face in Northeast ohio because she is one of the models of the Believe in Cleveland ad campaign, a joint partnership of virtually every media vehicle in town to remind citizens of the great things go-ing on in the area.

Ms. Fritzman is the program coordina-tor of the Cleveland executive Fellowship and Civic Innovation Lab. As such she has a key role in funding, through the Cleveland Foundation, projects that are expected to have an economic impact on the Greater Cleveland community; and a different role, through the foundation-funded fellowship part of her job, in selecting people to be mentored in prepara-tion for effective civic leadership.

In reflecting on the difference she has been empowered to make, hannah observed: “Certainly there are speed bumps and rough patches, but i constantly meet people ready and willing to transform difficult situations into positives.”M


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’73 was a non-traditional age student when he walked the Quad. ed has been a longtime community leader in the inner-ring suburb of euclid. he has been an incredible resource of his alma mater’s alumni-in-admission Program, and he is a recipient of the alumni Medal, the highest award bestowed by the univer-sity Alumni Association.

on taking a retrospective look at his student experience, ed says: “each subject i took affected my life and contributed to my growth as an intelligent person sensitive to my moral and religious obligations. My education at John Carroll was paramount in my career development. it prepared me to plan more effectively, to socialize more comfort-ably and to inspire my family and others – particularly my daughter, who went on to earn her Ph.D. after watching her dad work hard to achieve his college education.”

ed has long worked effectively to build solid bridges between the races in euclid. he was a leader at the u.s. Postal service. he has also been a leader of the alumni association. he has a special relationship with ann Mell ’82, another non-traditional age student, who directed the alumni-in-admission program at Carroll for many years.

Dickson says: “it is with the alumni-in-admission group that my greatest satisfac-tion has been achieved as an alumnus. I am able to reach minority students and their parents and influence their enrollment decisions, and it gives me great satisfaction when i can lead a student to the university i love.”

’00, an alumni-in-admission volunteer in Chicago, says: “it’s been six years since i graduated and i keep in contact with many of my classmates. i think JCu gives you relationships you tend to have for life. i applied to roughly 10 schools, all offering impressive academic programs, so i knew it would come down to my campus visits. as soon as i stepped on the Quad, i felt an instant connection. i soon learned that Carroll placed as much emphasis on making a positive difference as it did on academic excellence.

“alumni-in-admission is an amazing concept that makes the college search personal. i try to share my experience and help them to achieve the same kind of connection i did.”

henry owned two thriving juice bars in Chicago, but searching for locations led him to commercial real estate, where, working with transwestern Commercial services, Henry is again demonstrating that he has the juice.

Ed Dickson

Henry Lee

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The Range family: a mother’s faith,

a father’s courageBy Michele Brown, Director of Communications Content

Jerry range applied to John Carroll university, site unseen, in the fall of 1961. he was a senior at Dover st.

Joseph high school and was interested in going to a Catholic college not too far from his home near new Philadel-phia, ohio. “a recruiter for the school gave a presentation at st. Joe,” related Jerry in his autobiography, Cripple – The Story of an American Journey. “After his talk, my parents wheeled me up to him. i told him i had been accepted at John Carroll. a week later, i received a letter from John Carroll virtually begging me to enroll elsewhere.”

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What Jerry hadn’t mentioned in his application to Carroll was that he was severely disabled, paralyzed by polio at age 11. he was left with only 50 percent use of his right arm. Jerry spent the sec-ond half of his childhood in and out of hospitals and rehabilitation centers. he learned how to take care of his basic needs as a person confined to a wheelchair. at 18, the letter from John Carroll did little to deflate Jerry’s youthful aspirations. there proved to be only one program in the country that would allow him to live independently as a college student. the University of Illinois became his home away from home. John Carroll was far from his thoughts.

Four decades since his initial accep-tance at John Carroll, Jerry range watched proudly this month as the youngest of his six children graduated from the university that “begged” Jerry not to come. Patrick ’06, a history major with a minor in philosophy, followed his brother Peter ’04, who was a deeply respected student and was selected by his classmates to receive the Beaudry Award as outstanding senior.

“i’m really happy with what the Jesuits have done with you,” Jerry range tells his sons at a family gathering in early spring. “the growth that they both experienced

at Carroll is so gratifying,” he in-forms the visiting writer. “We’re just delighted with that. I told the kids, all of them, ‘Get the most out of college that you can get – immerse yourself in it. take chances, take different courses.’ i think in large part they’ve done that. The greatest growth that i’ve seen is in the area of spiritu-ality,” the patriarch observed.

“The kids choosing John Carroll was the best thing for us. they have grown so much per-sonally and spiritually,” said their mother, Mary Jean.

“My father didn’t share his story with me about him applying to John Carroll until I decided that I wanted to go there,” Peter recalled. “i’m so loyal to him, i probably wouldn’t have considered it. But, then i realized that this is where i’m supposed to be.” Patrick tells a similar story. it wasn’t until his sophom*ore year that he learned that his father had applied to Carroll.

“your dad wanted you guys to go where you wanted to go,” said Mary Jean smiling at her husband from across the kitchen table.

“I wanted you to make your own deci-sion,” Jerry affirmed. “and, by the time you applied to John Carroll, that was an-cient history. no bad feelings.”

There certainly are no bad feelings now. Things have turned out as they should for Jerry Range and his family.

Proud papa sits among his six children and four grandchildren as the family gathers for a celebration.

“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, Gracie and Sammy. Happy birthday to you!” Gracie and sammy, cousins and grand-children of Mary Jean and Jerry, were celebrating their second birthday together. as the ranges ate birthday cake, shared stories and laughter, it was apparent that God had provided in many ways for this family facing extraordinary circ*mstances.

Jerry and Mary Jean’s first meeting evoked the mysterious territory of fate or faith. Jerry had been working as a “copy editor” at the Plain Dealer. Unable to drive, he said “an offer of a ride was like a small bit of manna from heaven… It meant that i didn’t have to beg someone for a ride.” on september 21, 1968, Jerry’s

friend Marty said his wife would be glad to take them both home. Jerry accepted the ride.

Marty’s wife, virginia, wanted him to drive because of the rain, but he told her she would be fine. they helped Jerry into the front seat of the

peter plays with nephew, Nicholas.

patrick holds new nephew, Lucas.

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old Ford Fairlane station wagon and trav-eled down the West shoreway as the rain continued to fall in sheets. Just past the West 49th street exit, virginia lost con-trol of the car as it began to hydroplane. the car crashed at nearly 60 mph into the guardrail and came to rest several hundred yards down the road. Without a seatbelt, Jerry had no way of staying safe in the spin-ning car. The eMs team debated whether to take him to Lutheran Medical or st. John’s hospital. st. John’s it was and that is where an angel by the name of Mary Jean stepped in.

“I had just gotten back to the bones and stones floor,” Mary Jean related, as the boys listened to their mother tell the story they’ve heard a thousand times and still love to be retold. “Jerry was in the wheelchair in the hallway on my floor. i didn’t know at the time that it was his own wheelchair. I said to myself, ‘Gosh he’s good looking.’ Because i was a new lPn, my nurse supervisor wanted to give me the patient who needed the most care. For that reason, i was assigned to Jerry. We made a bet on the Indians…he won. I was his nurse for a whole week. We started dating a few months later and a year after that we were married.”

in the years that followed, Mary Jean and Jerry started a family. First came daugh-ter Mickie (Michelle), and then Jerry Jr. in the winter of 1973, the growing fam-ily began a new adventure as Jerry left the Plain Dealer and took a job with the Dayton Daily News. unfortunately, while his family continued to multiply and his work stayed steady in Dayton, Jerry range was quietly battling depression. Mary rose was born in 1974 and then Christopher in 1976.

the responsibility that was grow-ing at home was sending Jerry deeper into his own shell. Jerry writes of that time, “all the external pieces seemed to be falling into place for me to have a happy life in Dayton, ohio, by the end of 1977. however, slowly and steadily, i was deteriorating inside.

“other people seem to glide through life effortlessly while everything I achieved had come through huge expen-ditures of effort and energy… you deal with the cards that you are dealt, and i

do that. But that does not mean I like the hand that i have,” Jerry said in his memoir.

he talks often of his wife’s grace under fire and his inability to see just how much she was handling in those early years, when the kids were young. The last of their six children were born five years af-ter Christopher. Peter arrived in Decem-ber, 1981 and Patrick was born in novem-ber, 1983. Counseling in the early 1980s, along with anti-depression medication, helped Jerry keep his depression at bay.

When Patrick was in kindergarten and Peter in second grade, their father spent two months in a Dayton-area hospital. “i can still remember celebrating my birth-day in the hospital that year,” Peter ob-

served. “I remember a tear running down my father’s cheek. i was only 8, but i real-ized it was serious.” the mysterious illness that sent Jerry to the hospital this time left him even more paralyzed. he no lon-ger had use of his right arm. In the months that followed, the ranges learned that the amino acid tablets he had been using to help his depression were the cause of deaths across the country and were being pulled from store shelves by the FDa.

in 1990, Jerry was forced to take disabil-ity retirement from the Dayton Daily News. he was unable to work, and that meant even greater financial strain on the family. By late summer, the range family moved

across the state to new Philadelphia to get a fresh start where they would be surrounded by extended family and old friends.

“i think what kept dad alive then is that he knew he had to be around for you guys,” Mary Jean commented to her two youngest sons. “i kept both of you alive for quite some time,” said Peter laughing. and, with perfect timing of a comedy rou-tine, Patrick added… “and i’m the one who keeps taking life away.”

“My mom is a living saint,” said Peter with seriousness, to his mother’s obvious discomfort. Peter was referring to the long run of unconditional love and care that Mary Jean range has given to her six chil-dren and her husband.

“Jeannie has taught me the meaning of self-sacrifice and of selfless love,” wrote Jerry in Cripple.

“she has enriched my life beyond my wildest dreams. Without her, i would be nothing. With her, i am made whole.”

selfless love seems second nature in the Range family. As Jerry tells his story amid the chaos of the birthday party, one by one his children offer to give him a drink of water. the simple gesture dem-onstrates how dependent he is on the rest of the family and how willing they are to follow their mother’s example.

“We just had a sophom*ore retreat at st. Martin de Porres,” Peter noted. “i gave a talk on the washing of Jesus feet. i spoke about having to take care of my father in intimate ways when I was a teenager. Being that young, it makes you grow up really fast. It humbles you and makes you appreciate what you have. those things that you worried about in high school, like who you’re dating or whether you won your football game, don’t seem as impor-tant. you really can see what’s important. My dad doesn’t see it in himself, but the strength and courage that he has had in what he has gone through and how he con-tinually fights through it … and seeing my mom, who is a living saint, take care of him every day…it really makes you grow up.”

since graduation in 2004, Peter has been serving as a volunteer with the sisters of the Humility of Mary. His cur-rent work is at st. Martin de Porres high

Jerry and Mary Jean Range

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school in Cleveland.“Pete was much more patient with my

dad than i was,” Patrick admitted. “i defi-nitely went to my mom a lot more. When i was in high school, i didn’t appreciate it all. I now realize how much my family has shaped me. it really has taught me to be more patient. i’m sad to know how child-ish i was even my freshman and sopho-more years at John Carroll. I had a harder time coming to terms with my father’s disability. Coming to Carroll, the Jesuit experience has led me to help others; it has really given me an appreciation for my family and what we have.”

“What you are hearing is something that’s light years from where he was. and, that is John Carroll,” said Jerry with pride in his voice.

“When I went to Carroll, i made a conscious decision that i didn’t want to get involved,” Patrick ex-plained. “i didn’t want to go to church at all. I was very involved in high school. I was on my parish coun-cil, was a server and eucharistic minister… i just didn’t want to get involved at Carroll. then, Pete just kept calling me and asking me to go to Mass with him those first few sun-days. and then, i heard about the retreats. John Carroll had enough opportunities for me to do it without pushing it in my face.”

“I went on the Rosto de Cristo immer-sion trip to ecuador (to live with the poor) my sophom*ore year. there’s not a day that goes by that i don’t think about it. When i take a shower, i’m reminded of the poverty in ecuador and the simple living that we did there. I think that was the beginning of my wanting to be more. i plan to do a year of volunteer service when I graduate. After that, i hope to go to graduate school…maybe to study theology.”

“These two were the best thing that ever happened to us,” says Mary Jean

looking at her two youngest sons, now grown men. “There was an article in the Plain Dealer about John Carroll students who feed the homeless and i thought, ‘how wonderful; now why didn’t Pete and Pat get involved in that?’ so then i find out: Pat calls me on the phone and says, ‘i got to go now; i have to feed the home-less.’” Mary Jean range smiled.

“their Carroll experience has taught them to reach out to others,” remarked Jerry. “While we’re not a well-to-do fam-ily, we have enough. to me it’s so im-portant to reach out and not change the world, but to try one person at a time.”

“through my years of service, i’ve come to the realization that we all are one,” Peter affirmed. “the triumphs, the

joy, the sadness that we all experience, they are the same that others have as well. When i went to ecuador, it really changed my life. To see a two-year-old crawling through garbage looking for something to eat; you never look at the world the same again.”

“What he didn’t tell you is that he went to the back of the bus and started crying,” Mary Jean clarified. “and i thought, ‘that’s exactly what i would have felt if I had seen a child searching for food like that.’ it’s got to change you.”

and so it has changed Peter and Patrick, each in his own way. John Carroll has been a place of shelter and growth

for both brothers. It has been everything their parents hoped it would be. “if you want a good liberal arts education, or in business, that’s fine, that’s there,” Jerry asserted. “If you would also like something more, if you want to be able to reach out and go outside of yourself, you’ll come to understand that there are some people in need of you. i’m very pleased with their growth at John Carroll,” Jerry asserted.

“you can make college whatever you want it to be, wherever you go. But, one thing that Carroll emphasizes is that you are there to get a good education, so that you can use your talents and gifts to better serve the world. i think that’s where Carroll separates itself,” said Peter, who has learned the lesson well.

“our faith has meant absolutely every-thing,” Mary Jean said, glancing at her sons and husband as they sat huddled around the kitchen table, telling as much of their life story, a great deal, as is pos-sible in a few hours.

“you know that Blessed virgin statue on campus we prayed at when we dropped these guys off at John Carroll?” Mary Jean said to her husband. “We prayed to our Lady to take care of

both of them. that’s what a mother does; she prays really hard… John Carroll has been everything I ever dreamed of and more. That they would do all the things that they’ve done. …i’ve been blown away.”

Both Peter and Patrick range were well prepared for the mission of a univer-sity that challenges students to engage the world around them. their mother’s faith and father’s courage have taught the Range children a lifetime of lessons.

The lesson for Jerry Range? Watching two of his sons graduate from John Carroll University is certainly fair trade for the chance he didn’t have.

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by Valerie R. Flechtner PhD, Chairperson, Department of Biology,and Joseph F. Kelly PhD, Chairperson, Department of Religious Studies

Many voices in society have claimed that Darwin’s

Theory of Natural Selection – evolution

– is only a “theory, and that the competing accounts

of creation represented by intelligent

Design (ID) and the manifestly less plausible

fundamentalist account of Creationism should be given

a hearing in our schools. Dr. Joseph Kelly, religious

studies professor, and Dr. Valerie Flechtner of biology,

explain why these competing accounts explaining our

existence should not be considered valid.

Creationism & Intelligent Design

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Creationism says that the creation ac-count in Genesis chapters 1 to 11 provides a reliable physical account of how the world began, a notion rejected by Jews, roman Catholics, and mainline Protes-tants but supported by fundamentalist Protestants. all biblical scholars teach-ing at accredited colleges and universities such as JCU also reject it. Why? Because the Genesis creation account makes no sense physically since it contains inter-nal contradictions and events that simply could not have happened. as with every-thing involved with the Bible, this can become very complex, but let me give just a few examples of why the Genesis story of creation cannot be factually true.

Genesis 1 says that on the sixth day God created animals and then, as the summit of creation, the human race, but Genesis 2 tells us that Adam was lonely so God created the animals to keep him company. either the animals came first or the humans did, but both did not, so this narrative contradicts itself.

Further on, in Genesis 7, noah brings on board the Ark animals in both the clean and unclean categories. In ancient Israel the cleanliness of animals was determined largely by the dietary laws, which were given to the people by Moses, who had not yet been born! Moreover, if we return to the story of God’s creating the animals to keep adam company, it’s interesting that

we learn in Genesis 2:21 that even after the animals’ creation, adam was still lonely. think what this means: God failed in his attempt to relieve adam’s loneliness, or, more to the point, God made a mistake! He did a great deal better in creating eve to relieve adam’s loneliness.

What is going on? scholars believe that the ancient Israelites collected diverse traditions which someone arranged into the Genesis 1-11 narrative, and that is why these primitive and sometimes conflicting notions survive. however, in no scientific way does Genesis 1-11 make sense as an ac-count of the beginning of the world.

This article will not do justice to the weaknesses of creationism as a religious or scientific theory, but its supporters are few compared to those who support intelligent Design, so i will devote most of my part of this article to that.

supporters of intelligent Design (iD) generally eschew creationism, partly because of its contradictions and partly because accepting Genesis as a physical account forces them to accept a very brief age for the earth – no more than 10,000 years – which contradicts all that geol-ogy and physics tell us about the earth’s age and that of the universe. Instead ID supporters argue that many aspects of the biological world are so complicated they could not just have evolved via natural selection but instead required an Intelligent

Designer; that is, the claim is being made that ID is not only a religious theory but a scien-tific one.

iD supporters scrupulously avoid the G-word, and claim theirs is a scientific theory which the scientific establishment, prejudiced by its accep-tance of Darwin’s theory of natural selection, obstinately refuses to accept. this approach has helped iD persuade many religious people, who feel it’s consistent with their faith even if profes-sional scientists reject it. in fact, no thinking believer can accept intelligent Design as a viable scientific theory.

the most immediate problem with iD is the identity of the Intelligent Designer. if she, he or it is not God, then who? are we back to the 1980s and erich von Danik-en’s Chariots of the Gods, with intergalactic aliens working their will on the innocent earth? if iD supporters reject the imper-sonal materialism of natural selection, then they must identify the person doing the de-signing. otherwise they are asking people to accept the existence of an insubstantial being of unverified identity.

as just noted, iD supporters avoid the creationist trap of a young earth, but that

by Valerie R. Flechtner PhD, Chairperson, Department of Biology,and Joseph F. Kelly PhD, Chairperson, Department of Religious Studies

Creationism and Intelligent Design as Religious Theories

Creationism & Intelligent Design

Joseph F. Kelly

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puts them in another dilemma. if the cosmos is indeed billions of years old and if living species on earth indeed go back 3.5 billion years, why did it take the intel-ligent Designer so long to create them? Biologists can demonstrate why it took natural selection so long, but surely an Intelligent Designer could have done the work a bit quicker (six days?) and then gone off to intelligently design some oth-er world. Instead the Designer has dragged the process out for billions of years and still hasn’t finished the job! Fundamental-ists may not know what they are talking about, but at least they are consistent.

not only dilatory, the intelligent De-signer also wastes energy. Why would the Designer give birds like kiwis wings that do not fly? Why give cave-dwelling animals eyes that do not see? Why give embryonic birds toothbuds that do not develop into teeth after the birds are hatched? Creating non-functional body parts certainly calls the Designer’s intelligence into question. But the wastage goes well beyond that. the vast majority of the species which have ever lived have become extinct. how

intelligent is it to create multiple species that cannot even survive?

Finally, how intelligent is it to design a world filled with evil and suffering? to be sure, intelligence need not include benefi-cence; we have all read about criminal ge-niuses. But iD supporters have repeatedly rejected the cruel indifference of natural selection, and insisted the Designer has wisely given creatures all they need to sur-vive in the world. yet these creatures do not survive. they die of starvation, other creatures eat them, they even become extinct as a species. even the “highest” of creatures routinely degenerate into violence against one another, as the news programs endlessly remind us. the intel-ligent Designer blew it again.

no thinking theist could possibly accept either creationism or intelligent design. Both “theories” leave us with a creator/designer who is fallible, inefficient, dilatory, cruel, and, most importantly, un-intelligent. theists can believe in a God who acts in creation, but they should not equate this deity with a pseudo-scientific Intelligent Designer.

Dr. Joseph Kelly

For scientists, evolution is a fact. there is also all but unanimous agreement that the mechanism through which it has oc-curred is best described by the Neo-Dar-winian theory of natural selection. While opponents of evolution often imply that a “theory” is nothing more than a guess or hunch, The Oxford English Dictionary defines theory as “…a hypothesis that has been confirmed [emphasis mine] or estab-lished by observation or experiment, and is … accepted as accounting for known facts.” it is in this sense that scientists re-fer to the theory of gravity, the cell theory and the theory of evolution.

In its current form, this theory can be summa-rized in three general proposi-tions: (1) the species on earth today are descen-dants of other species that lived earlier. The changes that led to the emergence of modern species from a common ancestor have been gradual and have taken place over billions of years. (2) New forms of life are generated by the splitting of a single line of descent into two or more branches.

Intelligent Design as Science

valerie R. Flechtner

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(3) natural selection is an important force in driving much (but not all) of evolution-ary change. this proposition also holds that while all members of a species carry the same type of genes, individual members of the species differ in which form of a gene they carry. Combinations of traits make some members of a species better suited for a given environment than other members of the same species. those members of the species best suited to the environments are the ones who survive and get to pass their genes on to the next generation. the dramatic emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria over the last 40 years is persuasive evidence that natural selection does work, as well as evidence of how it works!

if we are to compare the theories of iD and Neo-Darwinism as alternative scientif-ic explanations of how the organisms that exist on earth today arose, it is necessary to consider to what standards science holds itself accountable in assessing these expla-nations. science is guided by natural law, is testable against the empirical world, and is falsifiable. the ability to collect verifi-able evidence is the mainstay of science.

What, then, does the scientific evi-dence available say about these competing theories? if species have evolved from a common ancestor over a very long period of time, one would expect to find evidence supporting a historical movement from simple to complex forms; to find transi-tional organic forms, and to find evidence of evolutionary “dead ends.” in fact, a significant body of evidence speaking to all of these points is available.

A substantial body of evidence sug-gests that the earth was formed over four billion years ago and that the first life forms appeared on earth approximately 3.5 billion years ago. this time scale is sufficiently large for biological forms’ descent with gradual modification to be plausible. examination of stratified layers

of sedimentary rock laid down over mil-lions of years shows a progression from structurally simple to structurally more complex organisms. transitional forms such as the Archaeopteryx which possesses reptilian skeletal characteristics and wings with feathers provide a link between dino-saurs and birds, and an extensive series of intermediate forms fills the gap between dinosaurs and birds. a very complete fossil series of whales moving from terrestrial forms with legs to aquatic forms whose forelimbs evolved into flippers also exists.

What need would an intelligent creator have for such transitional forms? Why not create organisms completely and perfectly adapted for terrestrial life as other species are adapted for aquatic life?

Proponents of intelligent Design main-tain that some features of modern organ-isms are too complex to have come about by natural selection. iD proponents like Michael Behe argue that structures such as the human eye display “irreducible com-plexity,” which means the structure is “…a single system composed of several well-matched, interacting parts that contribute to the basic function, wherein the removal of any one of these parts causes the system to effectively cease functioning.”

What about the ID argument of “ir-reducible complexity” of the human eye? to refute the argument that this complex structure by the very nature of its com-plexity could not have been produced by natural selection, one would need to do the following: (1) Demonstrate the presence of light-sensing organs in primi-tive organisms. (2) show how the organs would have been useful to the organisms. (3) Follow a sequence illustrating how progressive changes led to the highly com-plex structure found in humans.

scientists can, in fact, follow a pos-sible evolutionary sequence of changes beginning with the pigmented eye spots

in flat worms through the formation of the anatomical features of the skull and eye in other invertebrates, and from there to the camera-eyes complete with lenses, muscles to focus and optic nerves seen in mammals.

Furthermore, the mammalian eye is not really the epitome of design that one would expect from an intelligent Designer – the human eye is flawed. For example, the nerves that are attached to the photo-receptor cells are on the inside of the eye. this means that to get to the brain, the nerves must move through a hole in the retina at the back of the eye, producing a blind spot. this defect would be elimi-nated if the nerves attached to the outside of the eye. It seems that a designer starting from scratch would be intelligent enough to avoid this defect.

The acid test of good science is testability. is there sufficient objective evidence in support of a hypothesis to convince the scientific community that the hypothesis is valid and a reasonable explanation of the phenomenon under consideration? in the mainline scientific community, the medium through which evidence is presented and evaluated is publication of scientific findings in a peer-reviewed journal. a paper is accepted for publication only after the work is thor-oughly vetted by several independent experts in the field.

If the reviewers have questions about how well the data support the conclusions or if they consider the work incomplete, the submitter is required to do additional work and/or revisions of the manuscript. numerous publications supporting the theory of evolution through natural selec-tion exist in the scientific literature and while not all workers agree on all points of the theory, there is no doubt in the scien-tific community that evolution is a fact.

Valerie R. Flechtner

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Doug Phillips ’06 is so good you feel like giggling; his tale sounds like a story some Pr flak manufactured: starting quarterback on the football team, who sports a 4.0 GPa, is a Campus Ministry stalwart, a stylish play-by-play broadcaster and a resi-dence hall assistant. yeah right, and after lunch he finds a cure for cancer and fixes the levees in new orleans!

the strongsville native was captain of the streak ’05 grid squad. he won The Mike Gregory Award as the best offensive back in the ohio athletic Conference (oaC). he was first team all-oaC, – academic all-oaC, second team academic all-american of ESPN The Magazine. he was one of the winners of the rare nCaa Postgraduate scholarship ($7,500) – less than 30 men (and the same number of women) received it in all sports at all levels last fall. (another streak, Mark hawald ’05, won it the year before Phillips).

on the field, Phillips passed for more than 2,500 yards and 25 touchdowns last season. as the senior helmsman – first year as the starter – Phillips was indispens-able in his leadership of a team that ran off six victories before faltering in his last season’s last two contests – we will not say anything about the game that preceded that six-game streak by the streaks.

“For some reason,” says Phillips, “everything clicked after the Mt. union game (he said it). i think we peaked at otterbein” – a 32-6 deconstruction of a good Cardinal squad on Parents Weekend.

Phillips pretty much packed his career highlights into last season, but he saved a lot for last – best offensive back in the conference!

“he’s an awesome kid,” said head coach regis scafe. “to me he embodies everything that’s good about Division iii. he balances academics and athletics, and

that’s just some of what he does. he’s a good athlete; doesn’t have the strongest arm, but he knows how to play.”

Phillips’ favorite part of football is the mental game – reading defenses, study-ing film to detect tendencies that can be exploited, being the coach’s extension. “Coaching is definitely a possibility,” says Phillips.

it’s a sidebar for this story but Don shula ’51 is not the only one to pave the way. at the moment, Josh McDaniels ’99, wide receiver here, is the new england Pa-triots offensive coordinator (big job, which makes McDaniels a likely nFl head coach down the road) and nick Caserio ’98, quarter here, is that storied squad’s director of pro personnel (by no means a small job). one always has to pay dues, but Phillips is a good coaching possibility.

he has options, a good thing on the field or in life. “i really enjoy doing

sports broadcasting,” says the relaxed, confident senior, who cut his broadcasting teeth at WJCu. Coaching? Grad school?

Phillips is passionate about history. he’s still buzzing about the trip he took several years ago to rome with Dr. Francesco Cesareo, the former director of the institute of Catholic studies: “history came alive with Francesco, walking, for example, through the Forum. he showed us so much you would never get on a standard tour.” Being a history academic appeals. Phillips’ arm is co*cked but he hasn’t settled on his target yet.

Right to Life, Habitat for Human-ity… Phillips takes his faith and his values very seriously. since the season is over, where you will find Doug now is playing guitar during liturgy at saint Francis Chapel – “it started when a friend wanted to start a praise and worship group.”

his accountant parents divorced when he was a preteen, but Doug says he and his two siblings received enormous love and guidance along the way. that 4.0? “academic excellence was always stressed in my house.”

Doug says that his status as a renaissance student does occasionally elicit joshing, on the part of his grid fellows, among other students, but he affirms: “none of it is ill-natured.”

as regards his university community, Doug says the admiration is mutual: “i feel very comfortable, i feel very comfortable talking to professors and other adults, and i think this university has helped. i feel very happy i came here.”

the members of the John Carroll community are at least as happy he came here. the only downside is that his graduation looms, but then he can be a renaissance alumnus.


Doug Phillips:

‘an awesome kid’

BeauDry awarD winner

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by Jake Oresick ’06 some John Carroll students are

destined for greatness. Dominique Moceanu ’08 is going back for seconds.

a crucial component of the “Magnificent seven” – the moniker given to the 1996 u.s. gymnastics team – Dominique was an olympic champion at age 14. the plucky, pint-sized gymnast was america’s sweetheart: honored everywhere from Wheaties boxes to the White house in the wake of winning gold.

these days you’ll find her en-grossed in a marketing textbook, hidden between the reference stacks at Grasselli library. in addition to gymnastics juggernaut and olympic icon, she is also a bona fide Blue streak. after brief stints at other schools, Dominique has “stuck the landing” at Carroll, and her presence has created quite a buzz.

“The Dominique Moceanu?” asked one professor as he called roll. Dominique’s classmates are excited to have a celebrity on campus. “i was such a huge fan,” gushes communications major Kristi hosko ’06. “it’s really cool to have gotten to know her.” Dominique has grown accustomed to the extra attention.

“Crowds sometimes cluster outside our philosophy class,” remarks political science major allison Kern ’07. Dominique remains unfazed. “i get tons of fan mail from men in prison,” she explains. “it would be difficult for someone at Carroll to make me uncomfortable.”

so how did she get from the atlanta Games to Cleveland? she followed her heart.

after two major surgeries forced her into retirement, Dominique attended the 2001 u.s. national Championships as a specta-tor. it was there she crossed paths with an old acquaintance: nCaa champion gymnast and fellow retiree Michael Canales.

the two began a long-distance relationship – Dominique in texas and Canales in ohio – but she wasn’t satisfied. “i had to know if it was going to work,” and so she packed up her car and drove the 23 hours to Cleveland. it did work, and Dominique and Canales are now engaged.

once in Cleveland, Carroll just made sense. the consummate entrepreneur – she runs dominique-moceanu.com and its online boutique between classes – Dominique wants to operate her own gym, and understands the advantage of a Boler school degree. “JCu is prestigious in the business world; i’d even heard its reputa-tion back in houston.”

retired and preparing for a november wedding, you might think Dominique has things on cruise control – and you’d be wrong. as a Sports Illustrated correspon-dent during the 2004 athens Games, she recognized a fundamental truth: that age doesn’t matter as much as she thought. While one’s mid-20s once seemed

geriatric for a gymnast, Dominique was inspired by annia hatch – a then 26-year-old who helped the u.s. to claim silver. Dominique decided to begin a comeback, and with Canales as her coach, she is aiming for Beijing in ’08. “i want to show that you’re never too old.”

regarding her place in the JCu legacy, Dominique treats the subject with humility. shrugging off compari-sons to past Carroll champions and the slew of Blue streak business moguls, she insists, “i just want to do my dream.”

seemingly a woman for others, she says she feels a strong connection with her fans. “i think i have a responsibil-ity to them.” Following atlanta, Dominique often stayed at autograph sessions long after she was required. “i’ll sign until my hand falls off,” she jokes. “if i can make someone’s day by

signing a picture, then i’ll sign as many as i possibly can.”

Despite the frenetic pace of her life – the demands of JCu, running her busi-ness, and training for the olympics – Dominique has retained what she lacked in atlanta: perspective. “When i was 14-years-old, nothing else mattered but gymnastics.” having more on her plate the second time around, she has come to relish the enormity of the experience. “it’s really the journey that’s important.”

and what a journey it’s been: from houston to Cleveland and back around the world. even so, Dominique feels her education is the foundation for her future. “[John Carroll professors] teach you life lessons. they really prepare you for the world.”

With her determination and concern for others, there’s no doubt Dominique will continue to glimmer – even after the gold rush.

Dominique Moceanu:

JCu’s olympic gold medalist

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Molly G. ROBINSONhe who nominated Molly robinson ’75 for the honor she is about to receive, said the phrase most characteristic of this consummate volunteer is: “yes, what can i do?” that “yes” has been a long-running surrender to the service of others. Molly was a leader of the rochester, ny, alumni after she graduated. she went on to organize presidential receptions, college nights, and service activities in Baltimore, and then, when her young family found a home in Detroit, she was the stalwart of the Detroit alumni. she has been a class agent, solicited donations for class gifts, made endless alumni-in-admission calls, and helped create Detroit’s alumni scholarship. she has co-chaired reunions and hosted picnics for a long succession of fresh John Carroll students from Detroit. she is the recipient of the association’s alumni service Medal. Molly has been a fountain of loving attention for the people of her parish; the members of and those served by the Christ Child society, and to all the children in her children’s schools, where she apparently participated in every mother’s activity and conceivable fund-raising solicitation known to Catholic schools. to retired Jesuits like the late Frs. Birkenhauer and Zombor at the Colombiere retirement center and to infirm friends, Molly has been a tender presence. to her four children, who include Kate ’96, and to her husband, Dave ’74, Molly robinson has been the presence of love and generosity. For all she is and has given to her university, the alumni association is delighted to award Molly robinson the alumni Medal.

salvatore r. FELICEFortunately for the university there would be a myriad of candidates for the following hypo-thetical distinction, but if there should be an effort to select the most loving and devoted son of John Carroll, the contest would be a fraud were the name of salvatore r. Felice ’57 not given deep consideration. For starters, sal, who won the silver Quill for best class columnist 12 years ago, as well as the alumni service Medal, has long been the point person for the Class of 1957. he’s chaired their last three reunions. he was a member of the alumni association leadership Council and of the Parents advisory Council. he has been a passionate advocate for mini-reunions and has successfully engineered several. he is the vigorous chair of the endowed scholarship fund of his class. vigorous is one adjective that works, warm-hearted is another. Col. (ret.) salvatore Felice is as vigorous and warm-hearted and competent a man for others as anyone his friends at John Carroll know. For almost three decades, he was a distinguished military officer. he served as a notable leader of Cleveland’s transit system for more than three decades. he has played key roles as a volunteer in his parish and his community. he and his beloved rose are the nurturing parents of six and the grandparents of 14. sal Felice is, in short, a very good man, who has served so many so well for so long. For all he has done and all that he is, the alumni association is pleased to award sal Felice the alumni Medal.







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Donald r. COBURNDonald Coburn ’43 was known as a “doctor’s doctor” during his 40 years of practicing medicine. after accelerating through John Carroll, Don completed an efficient medical education at the Jesuit’s st. louis university in 1945; practiced as a doctor in the army for the next four years, and then gathered ad-ditional medical knowledge at the university of Pennsylvania. there was a residency at the Cleveland Clinic and a stint at Mercy hospital in Canton, after which the doctor locked into a long, productive run as a thoracic surgeon at euclid General hospital. Dr. Coburn was a consummately dedicated physician whose sterling reputation endures 20 years after his retirement. one exotic dimension of this steady and marvelously productive workaholic is that, every day, for close to 30 years he rose before dawn; rode his ancient bicycle 12 miles to the hospital; rode back to the heights at day’s end – much of the time after dark; and did it again for thousands upon thousands of next days. the bike has been upgraded and if you look carefully you can still see Don, in all weather, peddling to the supermarket or on other errands to which elaine, the mother of their seven children, has assigned him. Don has passed on his passion for biking to those seven children, five of whom graduated from the neighborhood university, as he has passed on his passion for Cape Cod, and for being a servant leader in his community, parish, fam-ily, university. Dr. Don has been a profoundly valuable presence in all those contexts. For his exemplary service to so many for so long, the alumni association is pleased to present Dr. Donald Coburn with the alumni Medal.

Fr. Joseph CALLAHANJoe Callahan ’79 was a chemistry major at John Carroll who found a vocation to the priesthood after he graduated. six years after ordination, Joe Callahan found a home, el salvador, the land of the saviour. he joined the Cleveland Mission team, which for more than 40 years has labored and suffered and loved (always) in the impoverished, war-torn, exhilarating and inspiring Central american nation. to see the team at work is to understand the Gospel with new eyes. to walk with Padre José Callahan among the people he loves is to become opened to the power of the shepherd as he cares for his flock. the other men and women honored with the alumni Medal offer inventories of generous activities. Joe Callahan does one thing; he lives the Gospel, especially the Beatitudes, among the people of el salvador. to see that one thing as it plays out in time is, inescapably, to be humbled. nonetheless, for truth’s sake, it should also be noted that Padre Jose is a happy man, as the headline of the article about him in John Carroll magazine read eight years ago. Joe has served almost as long as anyone in the history of the team and he has worked to continue to secure Bishop Pilla’s permission to stay. to see Joe Callahan in el salvador is to understand that his heart is utterly salvadoran. some years ago, Joe said: “there is greater need here, and not only that, we’re enriched; we’re enriched by what we experience here, and what we take home, and it forms us.” For being one of John Carroll’s powerful lines of connection to the reality of the Gospel, the alumni association is pleased to award Fr. Joe Callahan its alumni Medal.

Paul KANTZJohn Breen ’56, the former chair of the university board and an alumni Medal winner in 2005, said on the occasion of the retirement of Paul Kantz, Jr. ’63, in 1999: “of all the development people with whom i’ve worked at various organizations, Paul Kantz was the most effective.” it would not be difficult to gather a large squadron of corporate, civic and educational leaders who would attest to the truth of that assertion. Paul Kantz was a rock at his alma mater for a long time. he was a valuable staff member for a dozen years before he became vice president for development in 1981, but when he moved into that office, he became a pillar. he led John Carroll through four capital campaigns, each of which had a satisfying outcome. he led the team that raised over $100 million overall during his watch, and, thus, became one of the creators of contemporary John Carroll. he was a boss who expected and exhibited attention to detail as well as a determination to see that tasks for the university were done well. he was also a deeply compassionate leader who daily illuminated what it takes to be a ‘man for oth-ers.’ after Paul and Kay, the mother of their four sons, migrated to Florida following the vice president’s retirement, Paul’s leadership and compassion found a vehicle in the management of a large Central Florida hunger center, a challenging mission that continues. Paul Kantz has been a memorable exemplar of the Jesuit commitment to service. For all he is and all he has given to his alma mater and the world, the alumni association is pleased to present Paul Kantz with the alumni Medal.

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it’s that time again!i don’t know how your summer schedule

is shaping up, but the best party of the season is about to take place, and it’s a great way to start your summer. i am, of course, talking about reunion Weekend, and i heartily in-vite all of you to come on by. this is the year of the 1s and 6s, but we want to draw alumni from all classes for a portion of reunion 2006 – that is Friday night after 9 p.m. under the Big tent. We have a national reputation for our annual reunion, which is put together so beautifully by long-time reunion Coordina-tor rosalie Massey.

our campus has changed dramatically

in recent years, and there is so much that’s new – like the Dolan Center and the shula stadium (both of which are well worth checking out!). however, what draws people to reunion, of course, is what has stayed the same: the spirit of John Carroll and the rela-tionships that were built when our graduates walked these acres in university heights.

although our new president, Fr. Bob niehoff, has spent the past six months traveling to meet alumni at 22 Presidential receptions across the country, i suspect that many of you have not had the opportunity to chat with him. Fr. niehoff enjoys meeting graduates and hearing their stories about their

years at Carroll; reunion Weekend would be a terrific time to introduce yourself to him!

in addition to reunion, there is a lot going on here at Carroll. We are very excited to have a new vice president for enrollment, Brian Williams, and a new dean of the Boler school of Business, Dr. luis Calingo. these key administrators will join Carroll in July. in addition, we’re making many strong additions to the board of directors and the board of regents – almost all of them alumni!

in this year of transition and new leadership, we are in the process of building a stronger and more excellent John Carroll university. Please come to see for yourself as you join us for reunion 2006!

the JCu national alumni association establishes scholarships For alumni sons & Daughters

The strategic development process does the following:• aids in the formation of goals

and objectives• aids in the identification of

major strategic issues• assists in the allocation of

discretionary resources• Guides and integrates the diverse

operating and administrative activities• assists in the development and training

of future board members• establishes benchmarks for evaluation

From this process, the board offered

ideas and narrowed down the large list to nine strategic activities that support our foundation – sharing resources, spiritual heritage and Friendship.

the board will continue to keep alumni informed of the process and activities.

interested in helping JCu with admission, reunions or any of the above strategic activities? Please contact ryan Daly ’99, alumni director at 216-397-4336.

editor’s note: Paul Hulseman ’82 has asked that John Carroll Alumni Association board members contribute messages. The first is from Tim Freeman, development director of the Chicago Province of the Society of Jesus.

a message from rev. timothy t. shannon, sJ, vice president for development and alumni relations

Board members have volunteered to lead the following strategic activities:i. admission/scholarships/Parent networking tim Freeman ’78ii. strategic Plan for Board/Board organization rich radke ’91iii. Career networking and online services Ken honecker G ’04iv. reunion Julie schwing ’01v. national Day of service Peggy Finucane ’80vi. City Clubs John Creamer ’85vii. Development Bob valente ’69viii. annual alumni Mass Fr. Casey Bukala, sJ, ’54iX. engage Faculty with alumni Joe Whelan ’65







By Tim Freeman ’78

the JCu national alumni Board offers a $3,500 per year, renewable (for four years) scholarship for daughters and sons of alumni. sons

or daughters of alumni traditionally account for more than 15% of each incoming class of freshman students. the JCu alumni Board is happy to announce this year’s recipient is timothy o’Brien ’10, son of Mary Carol (anthony) and Bill o’Brien, both from the Class of ’81. to learn more about the alumni scholarship program, contact the office of admission at 216.397.4294.

With the goal of making John Carroll a better place, the national alumni association Board continues to make progress with the strategic planning process. under the leadership of Paul hulseman ’82, national alumni Board president, the strategic plan process has included an organization evaluation, meeting with deans and past presidents of the alumni association.

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and does parish work for Gesu. ... Jim Schlecht lives alone at his home in Euclid. He retired in 1976 from the appeals division of the IRS (and he always seemed like a nice guy!). He is a lector at St. William and for 27 years he has headed their Catholic Charities drive. ... Jack Brennan main-tains his sunny disposition even though wheelchair bound. ... John Kenney says that rumors that he was taking fife lessons to join the parade in Wil-liamsburg are untrue. He is taking drum lessons. ... Nobody has heard from Jim Morgan since Katrina roared through. If he is home when these class notes are published, I hope we will hear from him. ... I have a two bedroom apartment in a retirement hotel. I am dealing with a severe case of computer addiction. {a MAC with a 23” flat screen} I have excellent software to make greeting cards, so I try to make sure everyone living here gets a birthday card. I have a Yamaha keyboard, down in the atrium and try to emulate Dick Breiner and play happy hour at 5 p.m. twice a week. It keeps me off the street. Thus endeth the lesson. Take care of each other, Carl

I planned to write about the San Francisco recep-tion for Fr. Niehoff, SJ, but it was not meant to be; instead, I became ill and remained at home. Had we met, as I hoped, he would’ve been added to the illustrious gentlemen whom I’ve met that occupied the position of JCU president. I attended his inauguration which gave ’42 first place with Larry Kelly ’36 in the procession line. That changed when we entered the gym. There on my side and ahead of ’42 was Prof. Arthur Noetzel, Ph.D. ’38. My presidential contacts were Edmund C. Horne, SJ, youngish prexy who died an early death and who, thank God, talked me into joining the U.S. Navy V-7 program which eventually got me to Columbia U. and a commission. If not for him, I would have been drafted into the U.S. Army. The others: Fr. Henry F. Birkenhauer, SJ, seismologist; Fr. Thomas P. O’Malley, SJ, from Boston College; Fr. Michael J. Lavelle, SJ, with whom Fran and I went to Italy; and Fr. Edward Glynn, SJ; what a great group of leaders. Hopefully an opportunity will allow meeting Fr. Robert L. Niehoff, SJ. ... My only contact with classmates this quarter was with Tony Yonto, class secretary and now, you shall see, class leader! When I called on a Saturday morning, Helen, his wife, gave me the plant phone number and his extension. We didn’t talk then because he was among the machines. He is still running the show for that successful casting plant of his in Orrville, OH, and I’m assuming, with the help of his son. His son attended the University of Notre Dame where his uncle, Tony’s brother, was on the coaching staff for many years, giving Tony a connection with that university, too. ... Our leader is dead. Part of his obituary from the Toledo Blade, follows: William A. Jacoby, age 84, of Toledo, OH, passed away Wednesday, January 25, 2006. Bill attended St. Wendelin School, Fostoria; received a football scholarship to, and graduated

from John Carroll University and was drafted by the Detroit Lions. He was a certified public accoun-tant and partner for 35 years at Arthur Young and Company, former president of the Ohio Society of CPAs, board member of the former Sylvania Savings Bank, board member of Catholic Cemeter-ies, and a Navy veteran of WWII. After retiring he continued his career in accounting, working for both Schill Pattern and Lo-Temp Brazing. At grandparents’ day at St. John’s Jesuit High School, Bill was recently recognized as having the most offspring attending the school. Bill is survived by his wife, Kathleen (Gillig/Wonderly); children, Mary Ellen (David) Estrada, Stephen (Mary Jo), Anne (Bernie) Heinl, Timothy (Jennifer) of Concord, MA, Mark (DeeDee), John of Midlothian, VA, Janet (Rick) Skidmore, Paul (Debbie), William (Kerrie) of Chandler, AZ; 30 grandchildren. Bill was our last living elected president, in his sophom*ore year; all other presidents and vice presidents are deceased. Tony Yonto appears to be our last elected official, serving as secretary of the class in our junior and senior years. ... Fr. Matt Herttna is the director of the National Shrine of St. Dymphna - www.natlshrinestdymphna.org - patroness for ner-vous and mental disorders. The shrine is located on the grounds of Heartland Behavioral Healthcare, Massillon, OH. Individual perpetual membership is $25.00 – family $100. He enrolled me January 13, 2006. ... Art

We are confident you will esteem our headline story — “Donald J. Coburn awarded prestigious JCU Alumni Medal.” This is the highest award given annually by the Alumni Association to an individual who, through distinguished conduct and accomplishments of life, has brought extraordinary credit to the university and/or through conscien-tious service to the association or both. Don Coburn is indeed a worthy recipient and will be honored at commencement May 21. Other class of ’43 Alumni Medal recipients have been Helen K. Weil, John V. Corrigan, Pierre R. Diemer, and Bruce E. Thompson. ... In the recent winter 2006 issue, we recognized the January 17, 1943 graduating class upon their 63rd commence-ment anniversary. Let us now do likewise for the other ’43 grads whose commencement was May 9, 1943. Degrees were conferred upon 28 men and five women by President Rev. Thomas J. Donnelly, SJ. *indicates deceased, or no information available Bachelor of Arts: War-ren H. Corrigan, Edward B. Kupcik*, Mitchell F. Shaker. Bachelor of Philosophy: Robert J. Bambrick*, John J. Carey*, Pasquale J. Columbro*, Maurice Denbo*, Fred L. Fanelly, Henrietta F. Heintel*, Robert J. Horan*, Philip T. McGrath*, Robert T. McGraw*, Robert U. Obringer, John M. Sacuto*, Lillian E. Schlund*, Jerome P. Sullivan, Helen K. Weil*, Sr. Mary L. Wypyszynski*. Bachelor of Science in Busi-ness Administration: Neal E. Carroll*, Robert J. Cleary*, Robert M. Costello*, Edward W. Heil,

How can you write a column about fellow alumni that graduated before your class finished JCU — when my own classmates are at least ninety years old! When I look in the bathroom mirror in the morning and see my reflection, I’m very thank-ful! ... Since Francis Burns, M.D. and Jim Darling died last year, I haven’t heard a word from any of you! Maybe it’s time to fade away and make more words available to the generations that follow us. It would give the other columnists about 15 additional words before the editor starts “editing” the columns. I lost about 50 words from the tail end of my last column. Maybe somebody is trying to tell me something? Nevertheless, they may be right – this year is our 70th Reunion. I wonder how many will show up? Right now all I’m sure of is Bill Muth and me – maybe Al Weiler ’38 and Ken McCarthy and his lovely wife, Marie. I hope to see all of you at our Reunion – that’s June 23-25, 2006 – at least attend Saturday night! ... I came across the picture of me as a captain and Major Jack Lavelle that was taken in the summer of 1945 at the P47 Fighter Air Base in Germany – I was stationed in Fulda, Germany. It was the first time I saw Jack since I left Randolph Field, TX. Jack was an instructor at the time. In June 1940, I was best man at his wedding to M. Josephine McEllin. I arrived back in July of 1941 for basic flight training as a flyer cadet. Jack stayed in the Air Force and became JCU’s first Major General. Jack had a heart attack and died July 10, 1979. ... Keep pray-ing, just Larry

One of the benefits yielded by the info gleaning required for this reportage are the lunches that bring the Ohio “Lunch Bunch” to the table. We are again indebted to John Sweeney for providing the leadership to create this fattening forum. This info is of great interest to those of us far removed from the Cleveland area. Speaking of John, he is doing his version of the “iron man,” visiting new people at Breckenridge Village in Willoughby and those returning from the hospital. He retired from his law practice in 1983 but serves on the board of direc-tors of the Lake Geauga Center for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse. ... Louis Sulzer retired from running Perkins Steel in 1986 and is busy staying close to his wife, Bea, who is in a nursing home in Shaker. ... Jim Carey is back in Rocky River after a career of 57 years in California. He still makes that long drive to visit every year. He spends two mornings a week as a volunteer at the West Side Catholic Center. ... Bud Noetzel semi retired as a partner of KPMG accounting firm. He still lives close to JCU

The Golden Yearssend your notes to:larry Kelley16213 Marquis ave.Cleveland, oh 44111216-941-1795

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43send your notes to:Bruce e. Thompson2207 south Belvoir Blvd. university hts., oh 44118216-382-4408

42send your notes to:art Wincek3867 Floral Courtsanta Cruz, Ca 95062831-475-1210e-mail: [emailprotected]

40send your notes to:Carl Giblin1100 Ponce Deleon Blvd., 401 nClearwater, Fl 33756727-518-7961e-mail: [emailprotected]

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42 John Carroll university • sPrinG 2006

John J. Kearney*, Edward J. McCormick Jr.*, Richard J. Moriarty. Bachelor of Science: Frank J. Ausflug*, Mary Terese Bernardic*, Bernard L. Brysh, Louis V. Cachat*, Robert J. Cliffel*, A. John Fanta*, Richard J. Huelsman*, Edgar F. Ryan*. As a number of the above had already departed for military duty some fathers accepted their diploma. A Mass in honor of this class will be offered in Saint Francis Chapel on May 9, 2006. ... Tom Dunnigan rightfully corrected my statement in the previous issue that “all January 17 grads were in uniform by February 1, 1943.” To his rec-ollection a number were inducted at Camp Perry on April 16. He recalls the train ride there with Jack Corrigan, John Whelan, Emmet Quinn, Tom Mazanec and a few other forgotten ones. Eventually they all scattered. Small world that this is, a year later in the Rainbow Dance Club in Wilt-shire, England, Ed Heil bumped (actually) into Tom Dunnigan. They agreed to keep in touch. They did, meeting in Paris in Ed’s impressive office on the Champs-Elysées — Tom was stationed in a forest on the outskirts. Ed was on campus May 21 when his grandson John Heil received his MBA. ... We extend our sincerest sympathy to Tom Mazanec and his six sons upon the recent death of wife and mother, Helen. A Mass in her name will be offered in JCU’s Saint Francis Chapel. ... Former Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Salvatore Calandra and wife, Marie, were recently honored by The Bishop Anthony M. Pilla Program in Italian American Studies at JCU for their long service, their contributions, and their commitment to Cleveland’s Italian American Society. An overflow crowd forced well-wishers into adjoining rooms and hallways. Congratulations to Sal and Marie. ... Smoooothe-swinger, Jerry Sullivan stroked a four iron 129 yds. for a hole-in-one (his second) on the #3 hole at the Naples, FL, Lakewood Country Club. Drinks on you Jerry? ... Bob Wilson answered our pleas for news with a note of greetings to all of our class — and he enclosed a generous gift for the university. ... Bruce

There are two big events coming up in June — the first is the annual Golf Outing at Sleepy Hollow Golf Course, Monday, June 5 and the second is Reunion Weekend, June 23-25. The big event Reunion Weekend is the co*cktail party and dinner Saturday evening, June 24. Let’s try to get some attendance at both events. I’ll be calling the local people from our class regarding the Reunion dinner. Read your Carroll mail for details before I call. ... People are returning from the sunny south. Grace and I saw a lot of Carroll friends at various times during the month of March in Naples, FL. St. Patrick’s Day was special mainly for the lunch Jim and Ann Delaney arranged at the Dock Restaurant. Marge ’81G and Pete Diemer ’43 were with us on many occasions during March. ... Remember Margaret and Bob Colopy in your prayers. They are both finally home after hospital and nursing home stays with serious health problems during the winter months. ... Eddie O’Connor is still re-

siding in St. Petersburg and he too has been having health problems. ... Don Coburn ’43 received the Alumni Medal May 19. A well deserved tribute to a great alumnus who is very well known by many members of other classes. Our old friend, Paul Kantz ’63, received the medal at the same time. ... Till next time, stay well and give me some good news to report — like your children’s or grandchil-dren’s accomplishments. You can brag all you want and we will put your remarks in the next column. ...All the best, Don

Maybe no news is good news – but not fun to read! I try but tough getting any response from ’47 ... Drop me a note or call. Ed

Hope to see you at the Saturday night dinner, Reunion Weekend, June 23-25. It’s always a good time. Send news! Julius

Norman Fuerst has concluded an illustrious public service career and retired for the second time. I remember voting for Norm in the early ’50s, when he ran for State Representative. After serving several elected terms under Governors Lausche and DiSalle, Norm, was appointed judge of he Court of Common Pleas, for Cuyahoga County. He then served as an elected judge in this court for 36 years. When he retired the first time, he was asked to continue, as a visiting judge, he served in this capacity until, surprise, his 80th birthday. Con-gratulations to Norm, and best wishes for his post-poned retirement! ... Rev. Steve Krupa, SJ, PhD, joined the group at the April 12 Second Wednes-day Lunch where he described the establishment and growth of the Ignatian Spirituality Institute, which he has organized at Carroll. He introduced Dr. Joan Nuth who described how the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius are a key to the deepening of Christian life, and useful in the development of the ministry of spiritual direction. ... Bill Monroe and I conversed during lunch. While Bill has handed off most of his law practice to others, “the early to rise and get to work habit” still prevails, so he gets to the office on a fairly regular schedule, catches up on his reading and serves a few long-term clients, who, also out of habit, look to him for help. ... In mid February, I received a mailing that invited

Clevelanders to an “After the Parade Gathering” on St. Patrick’s Day. Because I’d be in Florida in March, I scratched this event and planned to join the usual Carroll Alumni in the St. Patrick’s parade in Naples. Two things went terribly wrong: The parade was held on March 18, and no one appeared with a JCU banner which has appeared in every previous March 17 parade. So I have no news from Florida. ... The location for the Second Wednesday Lunch changes occasionally to a site on the JCU campus. Be sure to call Tim Ryan, at 440.995.1585 to reserve a place at the table and verify the location of the event. ... Tom

It took another golden age lunch at JCU to find out that Jim Conway responds with dispatch to the screams of women! At a meeting downtown Jim heard female exhortations about a purse snatcher, and our hero captured him then held him until the police arrived. Hurrah! Conway’s law partner Clyde Thomas ’51 said he didn’t possess such a “death wish”! ... The university passed on a note from ’50 alum Leonard Siegel in California, PA, south of Pittsburgh. I called him and we had an informative chat (which reminds me that I have an 800 number that NO ALUM chooses to use to call with info!). The town of California, PA, was founded in 1859 and Siegel taught at California University of Pennsylvania for 32 years as a his-tory professor. He and Lorraine have two children in their young 40s. Leonard was raised in Lake-wood, OH, and in 1960 earned a Ph.D. in history at Western Reserve University. He won an award from Congress for his writings on the Anatomy of Dictatorship! In short, he has an extensive history background. Never gets the alumni news he says; trust that will be changed! ... Jo and I attended St. Colman’s March 17th having heard about the great Mass and music on St. Paddy’s Day. It was well worth the struggle with the crowd. Fr. Jim Conry ’49 was among the 20 concelebrants. The marching bands and musicians were fabulous! ... Finis, CAB

See you at the reunion! Don

Greetings on this lovely spring day. I hope you all had a great Easter and that this nice weather is helping old bones to start moving again. I am on

50send your notes to:Charles Byrne2412 euclid heights Blvd., #302Cleveland heights, oh 44106216-791-7900 1-800-594-4629

44send your notes to:don Mcdonald3440 south Green rd.Beachwood, oh 44122216-991-9140

47send your notes to:ed Cunneen22020 halburton rd. Beachwood, oh 44122 216-561-1122e-mail: [emailprotected]

48send your notes to:Julius sukys440-449-8768e-mail: [emailprotected]

49send your notes to:Tom harrison3980 West valley Dr.Fairview Park, oh 44126440-331-4343216-881-5832 (fax)e-mail: [emailprotected]

52send your notes to:dorothy Polande-mail: [emailprotected]

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send your notes to:J. donald FitzGerald2872 lander rd.Pepper Pike, oh 44124216-765-1165e-mail: [emailprotected]


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the mend after knee reconstruction and am being very good and doing all those exercises that hurt but you have to do them anyway! ... Sad news ... at the March alumni luncheon, which was held at JCU, Gene Wetzel ’53, said that brother Sam had passed away and would be buried on Friday. Sam was a good friend to many and will be missed. Rest in Peace, Sam. ... I had a couple of very nice e-mails from Warren (Don) Terrell. Don and his wife, Ann, live in Santa Barbara, CA, in an old hunt-ing clubhouse built in 1908. Doesn’t that sound neat? They have six children, nine grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Don retired in 1986 after 16 years of teaching high school, several years with the sheriff’s department and then as a financial consultant with a local bank. A very full life; contact Don at [emailprotected]. ... Also heard from that “old geezer” (his words, not mine) Lee Cirillo ’51, who sent me four e-mails with this new e-mail address — [emailprotected]. ... Till next time, be safe and please send me some news. Don’t forget, #55 is coming in June of ’07. Dorothy

Hello to all in the class of ’53 and to your family and friends. On with the news ... Don Gorman lives in the Richmond, VA, area where he has been since 1990. The Gormans have a son, two daughters, and eight grandchildren. Don and I were acquainted while we both were employed at Leaseway Transportation, but did not realize at that time that we were both JCU class of 1953. It was only after reviewing the class roster that I made the association. ... Dick Barrett and his spouse, Nancy, live in Canfield, OH. They have five children and 13 grandchildren. They have also hosted 15 exchange students from all over the world. Dick told of some of the relationships that have been formed with these children and their families. Some of the parents have been to visit the Barretts and in turn the Barretts have visited their homes in different parts of the world. Fond memories have been formed. Dick says he is often in contact with Elmo Miller and with Jim Mazzi. Dick is very active in recruiting prospec-tive JCU students in the Youngstown area. ... We hear that on Saturday evening April 1 there was a surprise party celebrating the 75th birthday of Tom Dugan (which happened to be April Fool’s Day). Among those attending were Jim DeChant, John Kall, and Tony LaPerna. The LaPernas were plan-ning to visit with Harry and Marlene Ohlrich the following week. The LaPernas were blessed with the birth of their second grandchild last October. ... Ed Metzger is a member of the executive com-mittee of the Ohio & Erie Canalway Association. About 70 miles of the towpath trail along the canal are now open. At a recent Akron First Friday Club meeting, Ed visited with Chuck Brunn and Leo Longville. Ed and Lynn had recently returned from visiting family in Seattle. ... When I talked with Ed Mundzak, he and Mary Pat were still wintering in Florida. They were planning to return north on the same May day that my wife, Ceale, and I were

planning to leave Tucson, AZ, to return to Ohio. Ed had attended a JCU alumni reception brunch in Naples, FL, where he had a chance to visit with Frank Schilling. ... The last issue of John Car-roll magazine featured an article about the “first hundred years of music at John Carroll.” Wasn’t it great to see Joe Botsko listed among three of the best JCU trumpeters ever! Remember Bill Weaver’s piano solo? ... Send in your news for the next issue. God’s blessing to you all, Jim

...well my prayers to St. Hilary have generated some response for this effort ... thank goodness Tom Harrison who is pundit and scribe for the group of ’49 knows the likes of Mike Faul ... Mike who left the rigors of the transportation industry (eighteen wheelers et al.), went to law school and eventually became a judge, is semi retired and a town judge in Phelps, NY; his robes are a little worn around the elbows, but he still likes the job. ... Every year Dave Nilges writes to tell that this year is the best ski season in the last 50, but this year has a new twist or break. Dave’s wife, Sandra, was blind-sided by a runaway skier and ended up with a broken leg. Sandra is under the care of her daughter (retired army major) who is head of the Tripler Army Medical Center, Pearl Harbor, HI. ... Bill Adler and Steve Oleksyk were recently lunching at Sokolowski’s University Inn with a group from Jesuit city west grads, class of ’50. ... Bob Small, another semi retired attorney, has joined forces with a small Irish law firm (Sligo)- no joke -Argue Phibbs and Small. Bob will provide legal services to the Irish in the West Park area of Cleveland — his knowledge of Gaelic should be helpful. ... Wife and I recently pass through Disneyland for adults (Las Vegas) but failed to catch up with Tom Corbett. He is still acting as an advisor to the TV hit CSI Las Vegas. ... Keep the faith, Pete

We met with the Jerry Futtys again this year in Winter Haven, FL, to check out the Cleveland Indians baseball team. Jerry and Mary Kay think they are going to be winners this year. Lots of po-tential. Jerry fondly remembered the train trips he took with the JCU basketball team when he was student manager. They prayed a lot. ... Ed TePas has notified us of a change of address – someone must have discovered their “hidden valley.” New address is 20851 Locust Street; Willits, CA 95490, telephone 707.456.0908, or [emailprotected]. Ed has taken up golf and says he is getting three or four pars per nine. Watch out for the windmill blades, Ed. His wife, Helen, retired last year and his only daughter, Meena, is getting her teacher’s credentials. Like

father, like daughter! ... Several years ago, John “Buck” Byrne nominated our own Dick Walker for the JCU Athletic Hall of Fame. Dick has finally made it and will be inducted during homecoming this year. Buck states that Dick is the most knowl-edgeable football person he has ever known. ... A large number of our classmates will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversaries this year. Bob and Mary Lou Ensign will celebrate their 50th on August 6. Jerry and Jean Geiss were married on August 7, 1956, the same day that Larry and Rosemary Faulhaber were married. Art and Barbara Dister were married in September 1956 and Jim and Kay Hoying in October of that very productive year. ... Jerry Geiss, a member of the Tower City Chorus Harmony Society, recently sang for the residents of the Westerly Apartments in Lakewood, OH. The program was held in the Faul-haber Auditorium, named for our Larry Faulhaber in 1998 in honor of his service to the senior citizen residents there. Larry was the managing director of this facility for 20 years from 1976 to 1996. He is still active as treasurer of the non-profit corpora-tion that owns the Westerly and as a volunteer for the senior center. In February, Larry retired as chairman and director of First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Lakewood after 28 years on the board of directors. ... We are planning an informal class reunion in one of the truly great homes in the Cleveland area owned by one of our classmates. Tentative plans are for the weekend of September 23, Homecoming. There are many activities planned for Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning, including Dick Walker’s induction into the Athletic Hall of Fame. On Saturday, we will attend the football game and then on to Tony Musca’s home for a little reminiscing. ... Many thanks to those who e-mailed me news for this article. I was unable to make my usual phone calls due to an operation on my vocal cords. That’s it for now. Remember to pray for our classmates who are suffering physical and mental ailments and can’t share in the joys reported here. Ray

The winter season, as always, brings alumni and university personnel to Florida and this year was no exception. In February, Father Robert Scullin, SJ, the Detroit provincial and the John Carroll staff were in Naples and West Palm Beach for a Mass and Detroit Province gathering. The Naples affair had about 30 Carroll Alumni among the 120 attendees. Our class was well represented with Paul Schlimm, John Boler, Al DeGulis, Danny O’Horo and I. Our lone representative at the Palm Beach event was Jim Knechtges. ... In March, we had our annual Ft. Myers class luncheon. This year’s group included hosts John and Mary Jo Bo-ler, Mike and Lois Conti, Jim and Marykay Knech-tges, Leo and Mary Duffy, Ed and Joan Daugh-erty, Paul and Noreen Schlimm, Frank Moran, Al DeGulis, Leo Slack, and myself. Needless to say, the JCU war stories were making the rounds. As a

54send your notes to:Peter Mahoney401 Bounty Way, #145avon lake, oh 44012440-933-2503e-mail: [emailprotected]

53send your notes to:Jim Myers315 Chesapeake CovePainesville twp., oh 44077440-358-0197e-mail: [emailprotected]

55send your notes to:ray rhode1543 laclede roadsouth euclid, oh 44121216-381-1996e-mail: [emailprotected]

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56send your notes to:Tom o’neil1411 ne 30th CtFort lauderdale, Fl 33334954-561-5253

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sign that we might finally be adults, the restaurant invited us back for next year’s reunion. ... Speak-ing of Leo Duffy, he and Mary still spend summers in Naperville but really enjoy wintering in Punta Gorda, FL. ... Unless you have been on Mars, you must realize that our 50th Reunion will be held June 23-25. As of the first week of April the following classmates have registered for Reunion: Jack Breen, Bart Caterino, Edward Daugherty, Robert Gale, James Gasper, Leo McDonough, Ben Miralia, Al Oberst, Tom O’Neil, Ray Pfei-ffer, Jim Schempp, Ron Wysocki. If you haven’t committed, it’s not too late to add your name. Remember, there is no cost and you may bring any widow of our class to the events. We need 72 classmates to break the 50-year class record. ... One last note to report is that we lost another member of the class. We learned that Jack Boyle passed away in May of last year. RIP ... See you June 23rd, Tom

The weekend following Father’s Day June 2007 is the date you have to set aside to attend our gala 50th Class Reunion. We are planning on a BIG PARTY weekend – “it’s our time to shine.” We highly encourage those that attended Carroll with us from 1953 through 1957 to also plan on joining us, whether or not they graduated with our class. ... John P. Lynch relocated from Winnetka, IL, to Wilmette, IL, in 2005. He retired after 26 years with The American College of Surgeons. He is now serving with the Ignatian Volunteer Corps. Jack and his wife have five children and nine grandchildren. Their children are: Terry (42), Todd (40), Maureen (38), Katie (35) and Christopher (33). Jack can be contacted at 847.251.2394, or fax [emailprotected]. ... Dave Zenk extends greetings from sunny California. He and Germaine are experiencing good health now, thanks to the excellent medical care they are receiving. In early March, Dave reported that during the previous 15 months, he had a series (three) of angioplasty

procedures on one of his coronary arteries – the same one bypassed in 1992. He now has six stents in that one artery. The Zenks are truly amazed at the progress of medical science. They planned to visit John and Ann Rae in Tucson, AZ, in April. Dave and John, who attended elementary and high school together, had only 39 graduates in their small high school class. Last year, the two couples joined another graduate couple at their Las Vegas home. They are hoping to make this connection an annual winter event. The Zenks have eight granddaughters, two grandsons and two great grandsons. As reported in the winter 2006 John Carroll magazine, Dave and Germaine will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary during Reunion 2007 and regret that it will be their first miss in the past five reunions. ... In late March, Nancy and John Gormley returned home after spending six weeks in Florida. They dined and played golf with Jackie and Pat Keenan several times. On their first week in Florida, the two couples attended a reception for the new JCU president, Rev. Robert Niehoff, SJ, and the president of the University of Detroit at the Sailfish Club in Palm Beach. In early March, the Gormleys had dinner with Jerry Holzhall in Des-tin, FL, several times. ... Progress on our Class of 1957 Endowed Scholarship Fund is moving along well. In light of the original appeal to raise $350,000 for our reunion class gift to support the scholarship, several committee members were moved to create a Challenge Grant of $35,000 to match any new or increased giving before June 1, 2007. This is an excellent opportunity to double your money (dollar for dollar), support our reunion class gift and really make a difference for JCU and its students. To participate, kindly contact one of the following class committee members: Jim Clark at 330.336.6190, Bill Comiskey at 216.321.3931, or Dick Huberty at 440.888.1139. Please help support this effort and our class; we owe it to our alma mater and to the future genera-tions who will become men and women who will hopefully do the same for others. This very worthwhile fund has already helped seven seniors to graduate. Please remember to indicate – For the Class of 1957 Scholarship Fund on your gift to JCU. This fund was established in memory of all the deceased members of our class. Thank you for your generosity. God bless, Sal

It’s Monday, the 17th of April - tax day — but, not to worry, I did mine last Sunday and filed it electronically last Wednesday. Won’t catch me procrastinating. The heat and dry condi-tions continue here in South Texas — yesterday, Easter, it was 96; should reach 99 today, 101 on Wednesday and no rain in the foreseeable future.... Speaking of taxes, John J. Bachhuber wrote and mentioned that he finished his taxes last Sunday. We of the Class of ’58 sure learned discipline. Get things done before they’re due. John’s youngest son Nathan is a second-year voice student at the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, and has had roles in several operas. The most recent one was in Albert Herring by Benjamin Britten on Good Friday. John and his wife, Karen, try to attend his performances, when he’s not baking, cooking, woodworking and caning chairs in his retirement in Appleton, WI. It’s John that does the baking and cooking, not Karen. She will join him in retirement this year from teach-ing high school math. Son Steve is an electronics chip designer (MS EE) working for the company that designs the transmit/receive chips for Nokia phones. He is single and lives in Greensboro, NC. Son John is vice president of field compensation design and measurement with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. He is married (Mary) and has two sons, Owen (6) and Danny (4). They live in Apple Valley, MN. Daughter Amy lives in Houghton. MI, and has two sons, Oliver (5) and Elliot (3). John promises to be at the big 50 in 2008. ... Donald R. Emmerich reports that he is still living in Naples, FL, working part time at Sears, and volunteering at a local St. Vincent de Paul thrift store. Both Don and his wife Ann (nee Butler) are retired and keep busy traveling around the country visiting their six children and 12 grandchildren. Ann helps out at the thrift store and also volunteers at the new Ave Maria University in Naples. ... We want to recall our friend William A. Norkett, who died a few months ago. He was our freshman and sopho-more class president, and very active in Carroll organizations during those four years, including Scabbard and Blade. He attended the 45th Reunion in 2003. I recall that every time I saw him, in the snack bar or the halls, he was always smiling. We send out best wishes to Barbara. ... Finally, on the road to the big five-0 in ’08, we remember that on this day in 1947 in the afternoon you heard Super-man in chapter five of “The Mystery of the Lost Planet,” and in the evening in 1955 you heard the broadcast of “The Final Problem” in which Sher-lock Holmes and Professor Moriarity squared off (Gielgud, Richardson, and Welles). If you want any old time radio programs, I have a collection of over 6,000. Just let me know what interests you and I can e-mail them to you. Stay tuned ... peace, JEC

57send your notes to:salvatore r. Felice3141 W. Pleasant valley rd.Parma, oh 44134440-842-1553e-mail: [emailprotected]

58send your notes to:John e. Clifford922 hedgestone Dr.san antonio tX 78258-2335210-497-3427 (w)1-888-248-3679e-mail: [emailprotected]

Class of 1956 Ft. Myers Luncheon. Front row: L to R; Jim Knechtges, John Boler, Leo Duffy, Frank Moran. Middle row: L to R; Tom O’Neil, Al DeGulis. Back row: Leo Slack, Paul Schlimm.

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Yes, Phil Cusick, I am alive and well, although when the due date for my last column arrived in January, I was in Washington, DC, and sick as a dog with bronchitis. We had just returned from a cruise with Cathy and F.X. Walton to celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary and decided to visit our son and his family before heading home. ... Sadly, our class lost one of its really good guys with the passing of Nat Malizia, who died of a heart attack. Many of the Class of ’59 were in attendance at Nat’s funeral, including Nat’s close friends Bill Colson, Tom Tully, Ed Doody, Marty Dempsey, Jerry Burke, Rog Risher, Duffy Moran, and Mike Campo. The funeral eulogy was given by Nat’s brother Jerry ’60, who did a terrific job. We lost another good friend of Nat’s, who attended law school with him at Northwestern University, with the death of “Mendota Flash” Jim Phelan, who died of cancer in DC. Jim had a distinguished career with the Pentagon. Our class was represented at his funeral by Duffy Moran, who had known Jim since they both at-tended Campion High School in Wisconsin before attending JCU. They were also bestmen in each other’s weddings. ... Two members of our class also lost their mothers. Tom Tully’s mother died at the age of 105 and F.X. Walton’s mother left us at age 102. ... Mike Campo reports that his daugh-ter just presented him and wife Lynda with their first granddaughter. ... Betty and Louis Kastelic are alive and well and residing in Silver Springs, MD, where Louis is president of Jordan-Crandus, P.A. They have three children – Anthony, Ann and Ellen. ... Ed De Voy and wife Marilyn live in Hart-ford, NY. Ed is retired after a distinguished career as a psychologist/registered nurse at the Mohawk Valley Psychiatric Center. They have six children. ... Mattie Mathews checked in to say thanks for the JCU jacket that Bill Marks, F.X. Walton, Dave Nichting ’60, Gerry Porter ’58 and myself gave him to celebrate his being inducted into his high school’s Hall of Fame. Special thanks to Dave Nichting for taking the lead on this. ... We had nice visits this last winter with Barbara and Bill Beahan in Coral Springs, FL, and Wendy and Bob McFaul, who had just moved permanently to Wellington, FL, on the East Coast. We then journeyed over to the Breznai’s on the West Coast. We enjoyed play-ing golf with Donna and John Breznai, Louise and Tom McGann, and Ed Paglione. We also enjoyed a luncheon date with this group who were joined by Mary Paglione, and Carolyn and Joe Ruble. ... John Breznai is having a heart valve replaced and then is off to Hungary to visit the land of his an-cestors. ... Joe Ruble, Bill Marks and Tom McGann recently treated Pete Pucher ’60 to a round of golf. They were joined by the Pagliones, Carolyn Ruble, Ann Marks, and Louise McGann for dinner to celebrate Pete’s birthday. Joe Ruble presented Pete with a Rolex watch. Joe was able to obtain this watch at a wake he recently attended. He claimed the previous owner was no longer able to tell time. Pete was overwhelmed by this act of kindness and claimed that he was never treated

59send your notes to:Jerry Burke1219 W. Grove st.arlington heights, il 60005-2217847-398-4620 e-mail: [emailprotected]

this well by his Cleveland friends. ... In reviewing this column, it sounds like this was written for a medical journal. Let’s see if we can’t come up with some more uplifting, positive news for the next newsletter! ... Stay well. Peace, JB

“IT’S A PUZZLEMENT”! As I recently sat pondering the secrets of the universe (much as I did as an undergrad) the following dawned on me. Last April 4 a once in a lifetime event took place. It lasted only a second and will never occur again in our lifetime — do you know what it was? (answer below - no peeking) ... Upon requesting prayers for a classmate who prefers to remain anonymous, I received the following reply from classmate Dave Starre. “Three and one half years ago I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a rare cancer of the marrow in the bones from the hips to the skull. I was level three cancer and given six months to live.” Dave’s wife wrote a letter to Regina Brett, a columnist for the Cleveland Plain Dealer (19 September 2004) asking her to seek prayers for Dave and explaining her own belief in the power of prayer. Brett explains that Barb, Dave’s wife, upon reading a book about prayer entitled “The Isaiah Effect” came to believe that the secret of prayer is believing in your heart that you already have what you seek. You don’t ask for it; you feel it already present. Dave has far surpassed the six month prognosis and informs me that over 30 multi-denominational church groups pray for him at 7 p.m. daily — even if it’s only thinking of him as healing. His wife, Barb, is looking forward to him dancing with their granddaughter at her wedding and their granddaughter is only three years old! That is certainly a belief in the power of prayer. Keep Dave and our anonymous classmate, mentioned earlier, in your thoughts at 7 p.m. every day — I am trying to remember to do the same. Dave is retired, but runs the Monday night meal for the poor and homeless at St. Malachi’s in Cleveland. He and Barb have four children and 12 grandchildren. They both have been on a macro-biotic diet plan for the past year. To quote Regina Brett, “...if you can, say a prayer for Dave. You don’t need to worry about words. Just imagine a man dancing at his granddaughter’s wedding.” ... Read a quote by my old roomie, John Slosar, in the Wall Street Journal recently. It was in regard to the “Job Bank” program being used in the automotive industry and was as profound as I’ve heard, John. Bubba Schayer called it to my attention and Jim Mason made a copy for me. ... Speaking of The Shark; he, Frank Dempsey, Dave Nichting, Greg Fisher, Bob Fitzgerald and I spent a week in Santee, SC, golfing. Jim was the medalist, but I won most of the money. (Handicap)! ... Upon hearing that Corky & Lenny’s was closed for a week because of Salmonella, Bill Buescher offered the explanation that it was no doubt an Al-Qaeda plot to discredit Jewish delis. He vowed to wear a hair shirt until they reopened and proposed that the U.S.A. immediately bomb

Iran, Iraq, and Palestine. Bill should be thrilled to know that C & L’s recently received an award as one of the top three Jewish delis in the country. (They have reopened.) ... The class of ’59 suggests we hold a joint mini-reunion during a non-reunion year for our classes. Homecoming weekend was suggested (year to be determined). Please let me know if you are in the least bit interested. While you’re at it send me news. Be well! Jerry

Editor’s Note: Sadly, Dave Starre left us on April 2.

Reunion central: Before our 45th Reunion takes place this June, take time to visit our class page on the John Carroll web site, where there are numerous photos of past reunions - they are courtesy of class photographer, Tom Theriot. You can view them by going to www.jcu.edu - click on alumni & friends, to class links, and then to 1961. There are several further links on our class page that might also be of interest, including Reunion Headquarters, which will tell you as of that date which class members will be on campus for reunion this summer. ... John Cleary and his wife, Irene, just returned from the Florida Keys and the Caribbean. Since retiring after 37 years with the Air Force Research Laboratory in Rome, NE, the Clearys have also traveled to Europe on four occasions. They have three children and four grandchildren. John recently completed two family histories and visited lots of cemeteries in the process. ... Dan Fullerton and his wife live in Clinton, IA, and have five children and 12 grand-children. Dan is a psychotherapist at Bridgeview Mental Health Center in Clinton and specializes in the area of violence - particularly with sex offend-ers. ... Terry Ahearn is assistant vice president of Underwriting for BCS Insurance Company in Hammond, IN. He and wife Pamela have five children and eight grandchildren. ... Retired FBI agent Marty Lauer and his wife, Carol, just returned from a trip through South America includ-ing visits to Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay. ... Joe Guta and wife Rosemarie reside in Strongsville, OH, and have two daughters and four grandchildren. Joe has a time share in Atlantic City where he likes to play any kind of cards. ... Dr. Tom Hogan is professor of psychology at the Uni-versity of Scranton. He and his wife, Dr. Margaret Hogan, have six children and nine grandchildren. ... Al Hogan and his wife, Barbara, just returned from several weeks in Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia. Al retired after thirty years at the Univer-sity of Toledo, where he was director of systems for the university libraries. The Hogans have two children and six grandchildren. ... Paul Hinko has retired from Cuyahoga Community College after 36 years as a professor and counselor. He and his wife, Lynda, live in Brooklyn, OH, where Paul is a volunteer for the local school district, assists

send your notes to:Jerry schweickert14285 Washington Blvd.university hts., oh 44118216-381-0357e-mail: [emailprotected]

60send your notes to:Jack T. hearns4186 silsby rd.university heights, oh 44118216-291-2319216-291-1560 (fax)e-mail: [emailprotected]

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the city as a first responder to local emergencies, and works with the Red Cross as a mental health assistant in times of crisis. ... Jim Kemeny and his wife, Dorothy, just returned from an Alaskan cruise. Jim retired as deputy director of the De-partment of Social Services in Long Beach, CA, af-ter 34 years. The Kemenys have five children and nine grandchildren. His current hobby is model sail boating ... Bill Newman retired during the last year after 38 years as a money manager - he was most recently a general partner of Frontline Capital Management LLC in Avon, CT. He and his wife, Janet, have three children and 13 grandchildren. ... Tom Burns, from Munroe Falls, OH, retired from the U.S. Department of Labor after 34 years of service. He and his wife, Kathleen, have six chil-dren and two grandchildren. Tom is now working part-time for the American Automobile Associa-tion and lends his voice to the choir at St. Vincent Church in Akron. ... Keep us informed and hope to see all of you at our 45th Reunion, Jack

We recently returned to Ohio from our winter home in Palm Bay, FL, after having had the oppor-tunity to visit with some of our classmates sharing in the warmth of the south. ... We received a note from Tom Vince, who was a featured speaker on Lincoln at the Lincoln Day conference in Washing-ton, DC, in February, sponsored by the Military Or-der of the Loyal Legion of the United States (MOL-LUS), a hereditary order founded in 1865. Tom also assisted in placing a wreath from MOLLUS at the Lincoln Memorial. Tom is now in his 10th year as historian for the Western Reserve Academy in Hudson, OH. ... Paul Dwyer and his wife, Sharon, have returned to Rochester after spending the winter in South Fort Myers, FL, where they have a condo. Paul has suggested the possibility of a “get together” in Florida in the fall 2006 for members of the class of 1962. Anyone who is interested in becoming a part of that reunion, or would like to participate in the planning, please send me your suggestions as to time and place - [emailprotected]. I know that there are others who live in Flori-da on a permanent basis who would be interested in a gathering. ... Congratulations are in order for Dr. Raymond Turk, who retired as of January 1, 2006, from Rockwell Automation, Inc., where he was senior principal engineer. Ray and his wife, Kathy, are looking forward to spending more time visiting their two children, Douglas and their first grandson, Ryan, who reside in Santa Monica, CA, and their daughter, Gayle, who lives in New York. Ray and Kathy also plan to do additional travel-ing, both in the United States and abroad. ... We were sad to be notified of the death of Dr. Richard Rohrer ’63, who succumbed to cancer in Novem-ber 2005. Dick was a member of the first graduat-ing class of McQuaid Jesuit High School, and later was a dedicated board and committee member at

the school. After graduating from John Carroll, he attended the University of Pennsylvania, and Den-tistry - University of Rochester Medical Center. He was a nationally recognized orthodontist with prac-tices in Fairport and Canandaigua, NY. ... That’s it for now. Thanks for reading about us. I’d like to include some information about you too. Please send me an e-mail with something that you would like to share with the rest of our class. Bob

It’s either late spring or early summer as you are receiving these notes. I hope that all is well with y’all (Ha! It sounds as though I’m still in Arlington, TX, what with the very popular Texas slogan still in use.) and that the rest of ’06 continues to be good to you. My mailbox is unfortunately a bit empty this go around, and my e-mail is not much better. ... I received an e-mail from Mike Mudler - [emailprotected] - who commented on my earlier notes about my son, daughter-in-law, and grandkids now living in Belgium. These are the Mykytyns who were in Okinawa for 3+ years. Anyway, Mike was recruited from Cleve-land to Brussels in 1994 as SVP of Finance & Development for a few groups of Volvo. He left Volvo in 2002 and joined a Brussels-based M&A boutique as a partner. He and his wife, Carine, have three married children in Cleveland, Chicago, and Atlanta, are now empty nesters and live in New York City. They also commute monthly to Belgium. Carine is from Belgium originally and speaks French, Flemish, and, thankfully, says Mike, English. Mike never learned French, and his Spanish isn’t very useful in Belgium. But he does still play golf and work out. Mike indicated that his best European trip was in 2001 with Mike DiSanto, Charles Hauck, and Rev. Bob Sanson to the Ardennes and Normandy. ... It would be nice to know what took Darryl O’Sickey - [emailprotected]) - so far away; he lives in the far North-west in Hayden, ID. He has two children: a son, John, and a daughter, Noelle, and was married to Laurie, who is deceased. We extend our deepest sympathies to Darryl and his children for their loss. ... Phil Collins - [emailprotected] - lives in Tampa, FL, and received an MA degree from Ball State University in 1983. ... I may have mentioned that Kathy and I completed our open water scuba certification in Key Largo, FL, last July. We didn’t have much of a chance to do any diving until this March when we were in Jamaica. Jamaica is not known for having the best diving spots in the Caribbean, but when you’re a “newbie” like we are, almost anything is good. Anyway, I got in six dives in four days and loved every minute. My next opportunity is in a local quarry in June, which unfortunately can’t compare to the Caribbean. We’ll just have to get down there again soon. ... I hate to sound trite, but please fill my inbox for the next issue. Until next time, Pete

Its three months until the mid-reunion at Home-coming 2006, September 22-24. Football game, old friends, tall stories, exaggerated memories, and a beer tent! Plenty of time to cement your partici-pation plans. Jim Williams reports that we can expect a reminder card in June and a registration form in July. You can also find info on the jcu.edu web site. ... Jim Joyce has a new book being published entitled Use Eagles If Necessary: A Psychoanalyst’s Story. At time of this writing (April) Eagles was being serialized in the Rocky Mountain News. You can order directly through James A. Rock & Company Publishers - www.rockpublishing.com. Those who read Jim’s Pucker Factor 10 will need no further prompting. ... Tom Ungashick is busily growing his new busi-ness, White Horse Advisors, in partnership with his son, Patrick. A fee-based financial advisory firm with 30 employees in four states, they specialize in the needs of privately owned businesses, featuring estate planning, retirement strategies, and wealth management. Visit their impressive web site - www.whitehorseadvisors.com. ... Tom Maroney and wife, Dianne, back from a journey to Poland, report youngest daughter Keri’s recent wedding in New York City. Their other two daughters, Megan and Erin, each have three children. No need to be-labor here the joys of grandkids. Tom is the founder and CEO of Banner Therapy Products, providing a single marketplace for over 6000 professional-qual-ity physical fitness, rehab, and health products. Visit his web site - bannertherapy.com. ... On the topic of health and physical fitness, time now to place the highly coveted “FK recommends” designation on two inspiring and practical books for young-at-heart seniors: Ready, Set, Go Synergy Fitness by Phil Campbell and Younger Next Year by Chris Crowley and Henry S. Lodge, MD. These two are a large cut above the average exercise tomes and are guaranteed to get you into your heart monitor and onto the exercise machine of your choice. ... Moving from good health to good sports, Ron Timpanaro reports his first hole-in-one, 7-iron 145 yards, recorded at Kingwood CC, TX, in January. The bad news: his playing partner alerted the club-house at the turn and club members expecting the traditional free drink were hanging from the rafters when he finished the round. Ron can expect a suspicious inquiry from Tony Compisi, who grilled me when I reported my ace a couple of years ago. Bring your notarized witness certificates to the mid-reunion, Tippy. ... Looking forward to seeing you all in University Heights, September 22-24. Until then, God bless all Streaks. Frank

63send your notes to:Pete Mykytyn3015 alveria DriveCarbondale, il 62901618-549-1946618-453-7885 (w)e-mail: [emailprotected]

send your notes to:Frank Kelley20 County Knoll Dr.Binghamton, ny 13901-6109607-648-5947e-mail: [emailprotected]


send your notes to:dick Conoboy165 south 46th st.Bellingham, Wa 98229e-mail: [emailprotected]


62send your notes to:Bob andolsen36100 Maple Dr.north ridgeville, oh 44039-3756440-327-1925440-327-5629 (fax)e-mail: [emailprotected]

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I saw Bruce Asmus at a recent Jesuit retreat conducted by Fr. Metzger, SJ, (I’m certain that the St. Ignatius guys in our class will fondly remember Fr. Metzger). Bruce’s son, who attended Loyola of New Orleans, graduated and fortunately moved to Chicago before hurricane Katrina struck; however, he is currently housing two of his college friends, who had to leave the city because of the storm. ... On a personal level, our youngest child will at-tend JCU as a first year student in August; she is looking forward to the experience. ... Don’t forget Reunion Weekend, Friday, June 23-Sunday, June 25! ... Fran

I was recently in Chicago and placed issues of the last magazine in the lobby of the Marriott Hotel. It was not 10 minutes later when an alumnus began reading the magazine. His daughter graduated from JCU and he was visiting her. I was also there visiting my daughter, Jennifer ’99. We were there for St. Patrick’s Day. We saw the green put in the Chicago River. The parade never actually goes down Michigan Avenue but there was a lot of activ-ity. We went to a gathering and there were a lot of JCU grads around. Now the parade in Chicago is a week before St. Pat’s, so we were also able to at-tend the Cleveland event. Cleveland had 375,000 in attendance. Chicago had a bit more! ... Heard from Anthony Baltakis. Anthony resides in Eunice, LA, with his wife, Donna, and two children. Anthony re-ports that he received his Ph.D. from the University of Akron. He was just promoted to a full professor of history at Louisiana State U at Eunice. He was also selected as a Fulbright Scholar to teach in the Czech Republic at the University of W. Bohemia in Plezn. ... Spoke to Mark DeLong and his lovely wife, Susan. He became an extension of the French family when his daughter married my nephew, Mi-chael French. They are expecting their second child soon. Mark and his wife love being grandparents and spend as much time with their grandchildren as possible. Mark resides in Huron, OH. At family func-tions, Mark and I talk about our days at JCU. ... Carl Glotz continues to enjoy his retirement. ... Tom Ashdown keeps very busy. ... I recently spoke with Mike Mullin. He works at the Society for the Blind in Cleveland and enjoys his work. Mike stopped by my office and we went over old times. Mike and I returned to the Cleveland area at the same time in 1980. ... John Forhan called from Santa Barbara to say all is well in sunny CA. John continues to enjoy retirement. He and his wife, Carol, also enjoy their time with their grandchildren. ... John Gibbons called to state that he and his wife, Pat, recently

returned from a trip to Naples, FL. They had a great time and ran into some JCU alumni. ... Don’t forget to call if you want to attend an Indians game, we could even work through the alumni office. ... Take care. Keep the notes and calls and e-mails directed my way. Peter

Very disappointed, I received no offers to cover retirement parties as requested in my last column. Did I tell everyone that I also double as the photog-rapher? Also I received no offers of help on how to handle your daughter’s wedding. All advice still taken. ... Another classmate has surfaced on the pages of USA Today — Fred Hintenach, Erie, PA, was quote widely in a USA story about the United States Postal Service. Turns out Mr. Hintenach is in charge of the customer service operations for over 34,000 local post offices and the 100,000 individuals who work at the counters everyday in our post offices. I know that I have seen a huge improvement in service at my local post office, so Fred, thanks for all your hard work to make postal service customer service better. Fred, please send me any hints on the future price of stamps. ... Had a nice note from Michael Hardy, one of the bril-liant history majors in our class, and an outstanding Cleveland area attorney. Mike wrote to say both of his sons are married and enjoying successful ca-reers. I did try to get a golf game with Mike but he said he just had shoulder surgery. ... I also talked recently to another history major and attorney in our class, former Student Union president George Mackey. George has a wonderful family and is living in Rochester. I tried to get a golf game with George and he also just had shoulder surgery. Get well, George. George also has a daughter graduat-ing from Temple next month. ... Three names are not enough for our class. Please send me news or a least info on a phone to call or e-mail to get some news. ... PS – Does anyone want to play golf with me that didn’t recently have shoulder surgery? ... PSPS – Give to the JCU Annual Fund. Grimmer

It must be a case of “spring fever,” as I have not heard from many of you. A couple of our class-mates did update their alumni profile through the university web site — www. jcu.edu. ... James Fay lives in Norfolk, MA, - [emailprotected]. He has an advanced degree from Villanova University, and is president of James L. Fay Associates. ...

66send your notes to:Fran nunney12115 Waywood Dr.twinsburg, oh 44087330-425-2750e-mail: [emailprotected]

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Edward Velyvis lives in Concord Twp., OH, with his wife, Celia. They are parents of three children: Stephen (35), Amy (33), and Kathryn (28). He has an advanced degree from Baldwin-Wallace in 1982, and is president of Fleet Fueling Systems, Inc. - [emailprotected]. ... Here’s a new one for those of you who claim to be too busy to e-mail me - have your spouse do it! That is what Jimmy McIntyre did — he had his wife Peggy - [emailprotected] - e-mail me. Peggy said Jimmy does not use the PC at home, as he is on one all day at work!! Jimmy is part of our Cleve-land connection, he’s been with the Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s office the last 12 years as a corrections officer, as is his son Roy (22). Their daughter, Tina (19) is studying massage therapy at community college, and just got engaged to be married. Peggy saw my note in my last column about Rick Sabolik. She said that she and Rick went to St. Malachi’s grade school together, and she wanted me to pass on to Rick “that Sister Naomi is still alive and shrinking.” ... Reunion notes: In one of my previous columns, I brought you up-to-date on some of our class’ Chicago area alumni, so I thought I would devote the rest of this column to the Cleveland area attendees. In addition to Jimmy McIntyre, George Vourlojianis, Dale DeRoia, Sue Eagan, and Jim Day were among those present. George is married to Sally, and has 2 stepdaughters, Laura (26) and Stephanie (22). He has his Ph.D. in history, and has taught at Lorain Community College since ’90, at Kent State from ’90-’94, and at JCU since ’97. At JCU, he teaches Vietnam War history, and American Military history, and at LCC he teaches history survey courses and Ohio history. ... Dale has been married to Dawn for 32 years, and they have three children: Dani (32), Dion (29) and Dayle (22) and three grandchildren. Dale owns an indepen-dent contracting company that does helicopter maintenance for the U.S. Army. Sue is working at JCU as an alumni-in-admissions volunteer, after working for the Permabond Book Company for many years selling textbooks to schools. In 2000, Sue accompanied the JCU MBA class to China. Jim has been married to Linda for 18 years. Linda just retired from teaching special education for 30 years. They have four children: Meghan (25), Amy (22), Jimmy (14), and Christopher (13). Jim has owned an appraisal company for the last 30 years, and in addition, has worked for Cuyahoga County as a commercial and industrial auditor. ... Well, classmates, I only have just a few reunion tidbits left for future columns, so I am counting on you to get me the “lowdown” on what you have been up to, who you are married to, what advance degrees you have, who you are working for (or hopefully re-tired from), etc. Don’t let me down! Regards, Ted

Our 35th Reunion Weekend is approaching. We hope that you have reserved the dates of June

68send your notes to:ray Burchyns336 Golf view rd. #1106north Palm Beach, Fl 33408561-622-3314e-mail: [emailprotected]

69send your notes to:Gerry Grime-mail: [emailprotected]

70send your notes to:Ted heutsche2137 east howe roadDewitt, Mi 48820517-669-4005e-mail: [emailprotected]

send your notes to:Tom and rosemary Costello716 West vermont ave.urbana, il 61801-4827217-344-2076 e-mail: [emailprotected]

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67send your notes to:Peter French27955 Forestwood Pkwy.north olmsted, oh 44070216-881-7882216-881-7896 (fax)e-mail: [emailprotected]

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23-25 to join us for the many activities that the reunion committee has planned. Even if you can’t come for the entire weekend, feel free to attend as much as you can. Perhaps you can only join us on Saturday evening for a co*cktail hour in the press box of the stadium followed by dinner in one of the tents. Having been to all of our reunions, we can confidently say that reunion weekend is a great opportunity to reconnect with classmates and with the John Carroll community. ... The Alumni Office has forwarded information to us about several classmates. Fred Orehek - [emailprotected] - is living in N. Riverside, IL, where he is a lawyer. Fred graduated from DePaul Law School in 1975. ... Dennis Hricko - [emailprotected] - is retired and living with his wife, Anita, in Sagamore Hills, OH. ... James Lynch - [emailprotected] - works for IBM Business Consulting Services as a managing con-sultant in Fairfax, VA. Jim lives in Annandale and has three children. ... It has been fun talking with the reunion committee making plans for the week-end. Please contact any of us on the committee with questions or suggestions. Check out the JCU web site, alumni, class links to find out who’s on the reunion committee, or contact us at our e-mail addresses - [emailprotected] or [emailprotected]. All the information about the reunion is on the JCU web site as well. There is also a listing of classmates who will be returning for the reunion. We hope to see many of you in June! Tom and Rosemary

So you have a scramble golf tournament coming up, you need a fourth and wouldn’t it be great to get a real ringer to drive down your score and help you win, what? ... a box of golf balls? Well if that sits high on your priority list I’ve got a suggestion. Ed Harrington - no relation to Bob Harrington, Ken Sophie’s sweat-shop boss, might be the call to make. If you remember, Ed was captain of the JCU golf team. Following a brief stint in the Army, Ed turned his career from teaching kids how to shoot rifles to teaching old people how to shoot birdies. We had lunch in downtown DC (he paid) and he told me all about it. He started out as an assistant pro at Hunt Valley Golf Club, here in the DC area, then moved to Congressional – one of the top clubs in the country. But after several good years at Congressional, he chased his dream to Florida and became GM/head pro at a place called Jacaranda West CC, near St. Petersburg. Talking to Ed reminded me of the Marx Brothers movie “The Coconuts” — Groucho is Mr. Hammer, a Florida hotel owner trying to unload shoddy real estate on unsuspecting buyers, Chico is an “idle roomer,” and Harpo is his “silent partner.” Chico to Harpo: “Right now I’d do anything for money. I’d kill somebody for money. I’d kill you for money.” [Harpo looks crestfallen] Chico: “Ah, no. You’re my friend. I’d kill you for nothing.” [Harpo smiles]. Well it wasn’t that bad for Ed, but as he explained, his main job as GM is to keep the membership rolls “up.” Problem is, the young people live and work

in Tampa and Ed was in St. Pete, where the young rich workers’ parents lived. Every time Ed would lock in a new member, another would die. So Ed did the smart thing, left Groucho, Chico, Harpo and the old people in Florida and came back up north and got into banking. He was with Greater Atlantic Bank, Sequoia Bank, and BB&T and is now senior VP and regional manager for James Monroe Bank ... Sir Francis must be out on the moors, Bertges is holed up in Lindstrom’s pub, Russert must be at the Cape; it’s BBQ time so Bergy and Hogan are probably hosting Lake Michigan beach parties (to which I have never been invited!); Quilty’s teaching Peggy to drive before next year’s reunion ... and everyone else is just getting older and checking out memberships at Jacaranda West CC (wonder if things are any better at Jacaranda East CC?). ... I did hear from two underclassmen ... Dave ’74 and Molly ’75 Robinson. Molly was awarded the JCU Alumni Medal. Young Dave is regional marketing and sales director for Presby-terian Villages outside of Detroit. So those of you who are looking for a place after retirement, see Robby. ... Also heard from Ray Zammit ’73; he’s operating his own business, an industrial laundry business, outside of Toledo, has two daughters, the same wife (Toni – 25 year anniversary coming up), and says, “I am still short. I play golf in the summer, and I referee wrestling in the winter.” ... Take a minute and send me something ... anything ... and remember: I accept myth, fabrications, in-nuendo, and outright lies. Take care, JM

After four years of “life transitioning,” it’s about time that I come out of the closet; open that window to who I really am; kick down that door of objection; and get my life out of the gutter. What do I mean? After 25 years as a 9-to-5 market-ing communications executive, I totally changed career paths four years ago. To sales. To in-home sales at all different times of the day and night. To sales of home-improvement products such as replacement windows, entry door systems, closet and garage storage systems and Advanced Gutter Cover. I am a factory-direct sales representative for AIR-TITE Home Improvement of West Chester (Cincinnati), OH, serving home owners in the seven-county Greater Cleveland area. I have been with the company long enough now to know that our quality is exceptional, our service is outstand-ing and our warranties are second to none — all at the “mid-range” price level. So please call me, Gerry Patno, 216.228.4291, if any of this dovetails with any of your home-improvement needs. ... What inspired this little self-advertorial was a recent conversation with Reed McGivney. After a long career with his own company, Reed “retired” years ago, only to get involved later part-time with a former client’s company, Ferrous Metal Processing Co. Well, Reed is very much full time as executive vice president of Ferrous’ parent company, Ferragon Corporation, and what’s even more pertinent, he just bought windows for his home from another company. Ouch! Hopefully,

that missed opportunity will not be repeated by my many, many faithful readers of this column. Reed and his wife Kris (Feltes ’74 ), who is still with the Jacobs Group, built a new home in Avon Lake six years ago, after many years in Bay Village. Their older son, Mike, married current JCU grad student Debra (Zwilling) last summer at Notre Dame Uni-versity in South Bend, where Mike had completed his MBA in accounting. In attendance was Mike’s and Debra’s grade school (St. Raphael) and high school (St. Ignatius) buddy, Brian, son of Mike Ni-enstedt. Reed sees Niner regularly at the fitness center in Westlake, where he lives, works, and works out. And to bring this story full circle, Reed’s son is now working as a CPA at the very firm Reed co-founded in l973, Cohen & Company. ... In other news, Sister Mary Assumpta noticed my lack of column last issue and — not wanting me to appear as a slacker sent me a nice little tid-bit. She will no longer be superior of the Sisters of the Holy Spirit. Her 20-year term in office has resulted in tremendous growth on the campus of Jennings Center for Older Adults in Garfield Heights as well as a decrease in the median age of her religious community from the mid-70s in 1986 to 56 today. She’ll take a brief summer sabbatical in Bend, OR, before starting her new “dream job” as regional representative of the Sacred Art of Living Center, covering everything east of the Mississippi, work-ing out of her own motherhouse here in Cleveland, while teaching programs on “the sacred art of living and dying.” ... So, to keep this column from dying, please do as Sister Assumpta did and e-mail me some “411” on your family. Go Tribe! – gop

The last of the Super Bowl confetti has finally been cleared off the streets of the Motor City. Detroit adopted the Pittsburgh Steelers, their favorite “Bus,” Jerome Bettis, and hosted a world class event. As I write this column, both the Wings and Pistons prepare for runs at championship rings as they ended with the best season records in hockey and basketball. Too early to comment on the Tigers, so we’ll save that for the next column. ... Kevin Purcell, finally bit the bullet after 18 years in solo practice and joined the law firm of Smith and Condeni in downtown Cleveland. Kevin is certified by the Ohio State Bar Association as a specialist in estate planning, trust, and probate law. Smith and Condeni is a medium-sized law firm primarily devoted to estate planning, wills and trusts. Kevin is married to Patti, a St. John College-Notre Dame graduate with a master’s in trauma nursing. Kevin, Patti, and his two step-sons, Brandon and Cory, live in Middleburg Heights. When he is not setting wills and trusts, playing dad and husband, Kevin can be found strumming on his guitar and listening to the Moody Blues. ... The alumni office received an e-mail from Carol Dambach in Lodi, WI, telling of the passing of her husband Michael J. Dam-bach on March 8th. Michael died after an eight month battle with leukemia. In addition to Carol, Michael is survived by four sons: Michael, Mark,

74send your notes to:dave robinson3963 oakland hills Dr.Bloomfield hills, Mi 48301248-642-9615 (h)800-240-3866 (fax) e-mail: [emailprotected]

73send your notes to:Gerry o. Patno13421 Merl ave.lakewood, oh 44107-2707216-410-0129e-mail: [emailprotected]

72send your notes to:John M. Marcus5707 trafton Pl.Bethesda, MD 20817-3738202-296-0901e-mail: [emailprotected]

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Jason and Thomas; and three grandchildren. The family acknowledged their gratitude to the hema-tology/oncology staff and nurses at the University Hospital in Madison for their wonderful care and support of Michael. On behalf of the class of ’74, please accept our condolences and prayers. ... I received an e-mail from Jeff Schaefer — [emailprotected]. Jeff and I met our freshman year at JCU while living in Dolan. Jeff was on the wrestling team and many a night, Jeff, Henry (don’t call me Hank) Schulte, Chris Nulle, Jim Weitzel, Bob Shannon, Larry Meathe, Terry Dwyer and Chuck Arida (sans the hammer) debated the issues of the day, drank a few 3.2 beers and held our own version of World Federation Wrestling. If memory serves me right, we also set the record for the most people on the top bunk before “The Russian” broke up the milestone! Jeff posed the often asked ques-tion “What happened to the old gang?” He’s been unsuccessful at tracking down his roommate, Ralph Srp. Well Dolanites, this sounds like a great “to do”; everyone who lived on the third floor of Dolan 1970-71, send an update before the next issue. A brief e-mail to me with a quick update and any story or event you remember from living in Dolan. Jeff has been living in Akron since 1972. He has his own remodeling business and a big old re-done house of his own. ... On a personal note, I am very proud of my wife, Molly Gibbons Robin-son ’75, for being one of this year’s Alumni Medal winners. Molly has been one of the university’s best ambassadors since she left campus. She has been a class agent, alumni recruiter, board mem-ber, class gift chair, and just about anything else John Carroll has asked her to do. She has always practiced the Carroll tradition of “service for oth-ers.” Her greatest vocation is being a great mom to our four children: Kate ’98, Brendan, Keenan and Macklin. We love you, Molly! ... Have a great sum-mer everyone. As always, don’t be bashful, proud or indifferent; drop me a line to include in the next column. Robby

Hi ho everyone! I’ll presume that you are busy packing traveling bags and unearthing photo boxes that contain the “Remember When…” pix. The reunion committee has had a lot of fun putting together a wonderfully enjoyable weekend. The previous column listed the committee members, all of whom have generously donated their time to putting this celebration together. They definitely deserve our appreciation. It was after press time for the previous issue that Elaine Yeip and Terry Fergus volunteered to chair the gift committee. We can’t thank them enough for taking on such a

time-consuming task. Onto the usual business of this space. ... Jonita Ramacciato is living in Chan-dler, AZ, and sends along her e-mail: [emailprotected]. Thanks for getting in touch, Jonita! ... Until we meet on the Quad, safe travel and good health. See you soon! As always, Cools

Before the last issue of this rag was even on the presses I heard from my old Bernet Hall buddy Rob Dwyer. Rob felt compelled to squelch the rumor about Peter Gailey raising emus in Encini-tas. Turns out that Peter is living in Plano, TX, with “wife, two kids, mini-van, the whole nine yards.” Okay, fine. Do you think Peter could at least drop me a note? Rob lives in Los Angeles now. I always thought he’d go California. He married a girl he met at UCLA Business School and they have two daughters, the oldest of whom will attend college this fall. Rob does forensic accounting for Navigant Consulting Inc. Rob also gave me some news about another former Bernet Hall resident, Bob Reigert. Bob lives in New Orleans now and, yes, his home suffered from the wrath of Katrina. According to Robby, it was bad but not as bad as some. Bob is married with no kids and works for a local television station. ... Terry Bedell provided a wealth of information on fellow classmates. He informs us that Ralph Stilphen’s son Ryan is a starting forward for the Marist College Red Foxes in Poughkeepsie, NY. That is Division 1 play and Ryan is only a sophom*ore. For the past 12 years or so, Ralph has organized a Christmas Eve breakfast that brings together Marty Kelly, Bob Hennessy, Brian Ellis, Jim Clancy ’78, John Duber, John Corrigan, Tom Wallenhorst, Mary Ann Garvey and her “very understanding” husband, AJ Cianflocco ’72. Nicely done, Ralph. ... Terry also reports that Pat Cummings “recently completed a one-man benefit bike ride for Chicago PADS, Catholic homeless shelter in southwest Chicago. Pat raised $15,000 cycling from Chicago to Champaign/Urbana.” Pat measured it as 130 miles and a tube of Preparation H. ... There was also a bit of news about Mike Powers heading up something called the 45 and 20 Club. I’ll try and get more information on that before the next column. ... I also heard from Tom Swanson, who is living just down the highway from me in Bethesda, MD. Tom is married, with three daugh-ters and as he puts it, “I basically work for shoes.” ... Chris Smerglia dropped a note to say that he and two other gentlemen are starting a new full service bank in Beachwood, OH. The new venture is called Ohio Commerce Bank and they expect to open the doors on July 1 this year. ... Somewhat further south, we hear from David Murphy. He and his wife, Joanne, now reside in Boca Raton where David works as a customer support manger for Hamilton Sundstrand. ... And since we find our-selves in Florida, I should report that Brian Henke, Stan Mambort, Mike Downing, Bob Keir, Dave Cullen, Urban Picard, Bill Gagliano, Dr. Al Hess ’79 and John (“JR”) Rutherford gathered once again for their annual spring training trip. They converged on Naples this year. Nancy (Cunning-

ham) Benacci, who was also in Naples visiting her mom, joined the boys for “Roman dinner” on Saturday night. Terry Roberts also found the time to join the boys for a co*cktail or two. She lives in Naples and works for Gulf Shore Insurance. They were all in Naples for St. Patrick’s Day but appar-ently they were not able to pull together another impromptu parade like the one we had in Fort Lauderdale in 1973. That is probably a good thing. ... Keep those cards and letters coming. Dennis

Paul and Rosie Gellott live in Mayfield Heights. The Gellotts have four children, two of them grown and on their own. The second-oldest, Rebecca, graduated from JCU in 2004. Paul is employed by AMC Theatres and serves a variety of functions with that company. In addition to be-ing the general manager of the Ridge Park Square Cinema in Brooklyn, OH, he is the market recruiter and market trainer for the Cleveland market, re-sponsible for recruiting and training management personnel for Northeast Ohio theatres. A recent extra duty includes serving as a theatre ambas-sador, assisting in the transition of operations for the Loews Theatre chain, recently merged with AMC. Rosie is a vocalist with the Cleveland Orchestra Chorus and is in her eighth year with that group. She regularly performs in the Sever-ance Hall concerts and the Blossom Summer Series, and has also performed at Carnegie Hall, in the Edinburgh Music Festival in Scotland, and at this past summer’s Lucerne Arts Festival and the BBC Proms Festival in London. The Gellotts are both active at their parish, St. Clare in Lyndhurst, where Rosie is a cantor and Paul is a lector and past chairman of the parish council. ... Jon Grosse married Patricia Johnson in December. They live in Westlake, OH. Jon is container repack/labpack supervisor for Ross Incineration Services Inc. in Grafton, OH. ... Joyce Blackburn lives and breathes hockey. Joyce lives in Princeton, NJ, with spouse, Jim ’75. The Blackburns have four sons: AJ, Harry, Peter and Lewis. AJ and Harry attend The Hun School in Princeton - junior and freshman years. Peter and Lewis attend the local Catholic school - grades seven and four. All four boys play competitive hockey; Joyce and Jim are in the college search mode with AJ. Joyce and Jim welcome visitors in the Princeton area. ... Rich Kenney made a career move. In February 2006, Rich became the regional sales manager for the Ohio Valley Region for Global Logistics provider Kuehne + Nagel, based in the company’s Cleveland branch office. Services provided include air, sea, customs brokerage, warehousing and distribution in over 100 countries worldwide. The company’s global headquarters is in Switzerland. Rich keeps in touch with John Martin, general manager of Colortone Inc. At Colortone’s “Annual Garage Sale,” John and Rich enjoyed scoping out the company’s production facilities, reliving the WUJC radio days. ... Jack Schufreider left a long career at Molex in December to take a position

The Position is now openWe thank nancy for her long, devoted service as class of ’75 columnist.send your notes to: [emailprotected]

76send your notes to:diane Coolican Gaggin118 elm st.Fayetteville, ny 13066e-mail: [emailprotected]

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77send your notes to:dennis J. lane 8144 Winding ross Wayellicott City, MD 21043e-mail: [emailprotected]

78send your notes to:Tim Freeman334 n. Catherine ave.laGrange Park, il 60526773-975-6909 (w)708-579-9075 (h)e-mail: [emailprotected]

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with Amphenol Commercial Products. As national distribution manager of the Americas, the job re-quires more travel, but Jack is enjoying the move. Jack lives in Littleton, CO. ... Terry O’Brien was re-elected in the March 2006 democratic primary as commissioner and president of the Cook Coun-ty Metropolitan Water Reclamation District. Terry will now run in the fall full election to continue his remarkable service – 17 years on the Board of Commissioners, nine of those years as president. Terry and spouse Julie live in Chicago and have four children. ... Thanks for writing! Tim

Heard from Tom Chialastri. He moved to Atlanta from Miami about three years ago and works for Abraxas Business Services. The company he works for provides mergers and acquisition, exit strategy planning and business brokering services to mid-sized business. Tom is a chief financial officer for the company. He still travels home to Miami quite a bit to get his sea food and ocean fix and visit family. ... Mike Horning is living in Potomac, MD, with his wife, Debbie. They have three children: Michael Jr. is completing his junior year at Washington & Lee University in Lexington, VA; Christopher is completing his junior year in high school at Georgetown Prep (Mike’s alma ma-ter and another fine Jesuit school!); and daughter Kimberly will be moving on to high school next year. After spending nine years in public account-ing, Mike moved to the insurance world and has spent the past 18 years as chief financial officer at two different insurance companies. He currently works for United Educators, an insurance com-pany in Chevy Chase, MD, that insures the liability risks of schools, colleges and universities. He proudly notes that John Carroll University is one of their insured. He also mentioned that he was responsible for the hiring of another JCU graduate, Jennifer Costarella ’00. Mike (as well as the rest of us, I’m sure) would love to hear what’s going on with Mike Pappas, Jim Zins, Rob Rosen, Jim Coyne, Dan Grady, Pete Hughes, Chuck Kretschmer ’78 and any other IBG brothers from the late ’70s. ... So how about it guys and gals out there: please let us know what is going on. Just drop me a line (see my e-mail address above?). Don’t forget to write! As always, Nancy

Hello class of 1980 ... Thomas “Joe” Mockler dropped a note that he and his wife, Sheryl, welcomed their second son, Sean Patrick, on December 31, 2005. The Mocklers have another son Joey (5). Joe, a Wakeman, OH, native lives with his family in Easton, PA, and is working for UnitedHealth Group in Philadelphia. ... We have

a little JCU sports history to report in that Patrick Hulseman ’09 was honorable mention All- Ameri-can in diving. Patrick is the son of Patrice and Paul ’82 Hulseman. Paul and Patrick form the second father-son All-American duo in Blue Streak history. Paul, my roommate in Bernet Hall, was an All- American swimmer. ... I received an e-mail from Jeanne Wall Cannon or actually Jeanne Ann Martha. She wanted to share some info about herself with her classmates which is very sweet on her part. She likes Chinese food, gets hot flashes when it gets warm outside and enjoys a really good Bloody Mary. Calls Chris Somosi ’81 her crazy friend and last movie she saw was Disney’s High School Musical. My oldest, Rose-mary, would have loved to watch it with her. I did buy Rosie the CD soundtrack. Jeanne has been at her current job for 200 years, enjoys the Today Show, convertibles and thinking about her favorite toy — Chatty Cathy. ... Readers of the Christian Science Monitor will note that two recent editions contained book reviews by John Ettorre. John offered a primer on March Madness with a review on John Feinstein’s Last Dance: Behind the Scenes at the Final Four. Feinstein is a commen-tator on NPR and contributor to the Washington Post. Ettorre gives a must read account of a book that would surely interest all readers. John’s other review was a book written by Newsweek manag-ing editor, Jon Meacham titled, American Gospel: God, the Founding Fathers and the Making of a Nation. Ettorre using his JCU history major background offers an insightful view on a book written by a well known author. ... Keep the notes coming, MFH

We’re just weeks away from our 25th Class Re-union! It will be wonderful to be together again. In case, you’ve been on another planet and you have forgotten to send in you reservation form, DO IT TODAY! The committee has been working hard to plan a very special 25th celebration for us includ-ing lunch in the courtyard of the library and an intimate dinner in the atrium of the Dolan Science Center. And I’m going to repeat myself, but it is well worth it ... To continue the traditions at John Carroll University as we know and love them, we need to give generously to our class gift. Hal Hawk, our gift chair, and his committee have been hard at work hoping to present the university with the largest gift a 25th reunion class has ever given. We can do it! You can contact Hal with any questions at - [emailprotected]. I received some sad news about Hal and his family. Both of his parents have passed away within the year. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Hawk family. ... I did receive a couple of e-mails from our classmates. Jean Anne Crawford is living in Crescent City, CA. She is a library coordinator for the Castle Rock Charter School -

[emailprotected]. ... Dennis Morgan and his wife, Eileen, live in Solon, OH. He is the CFO and vice president of Bird Technologies. His family includes two daughters, Jacqueline (20) and Sarah (18). If you want to find out Dennis’ plans for the reunion, you can write him - [emailprotected]. I was really hoping this would be a banner year for information about our class, but I guess you’ll have to wait for the next article. At the reunion, I’m looking forward to getting an update on as many classmates as possible. I hope to see you there! God bless, Julie

Greetings from Chicago! Cheryl Domasinsky Eynon will be in cap and gown again this May as she receives her master’s of management from Ursuline College. Cheryl still works at the same company, but the name on the door changed from Alcan to Novelis. Hot Damn! Congratulations, Cheryl. ... I flew to Minneapolis in a snowstorm with Joe Basar in March. I went to see my #2 son dive for JCU in the NCAA Division III Nation-als. Joe was en route for another typical day as regional human resources manager for Ingersoll Rand’s Hussman Corporation. Joe and his wife, Gail, have two girls, ages 13 and 11. He seems to be aloft quite a lot these days and was remark-ing how he did a day trip to Houston recently. Air travel is so much fun these days – not! Joe’s exceptionally developed HR skills should come in handy with those two girls as they hit their stride as teenagers. ... Our friend, Mike Hermann, is all over the news again. First I was reading my favor-ite Golfweek magazine in February and saw him quoted extensively. In addition to his duties as ath-letic director at Niagara University, Mike has been chairman of the NCAA Division I Golf Committee. Maybe we can line Mike up at our next reunion for some golf lessons? ... Just as I was trading e-mail barbs with Mike, Kevin Coyle dropped me a line to tell me that a guy with the same name was the new athletic director at Towson University near Kevin’s home. Not only the same name, but the same person – our very own Mike Hermann. Mike kept this one under the radar, but he officially starts the new job July 1. If you are keeping track, it has been JCU to Kent State to Midwestern Collegiate Conference to Xavier to Niagara to Towson for Hermann. Good luck, Mike. ... Katie Grace Brandt, former class officer and columnist, fed us a few weeks back at her beauti-ful home in Chicago. It was an all JCU evening with Mary Walsh Freeman ’87, Jeanne Ann Wall Cannon ’80, Suzie Whelan Shoup ’81. It was such fun, but apologies to the non-JCU spouses – Tom Brandt, Pat Cannon and Chris Shoup – they were good sports to put up with our stories all night. ... Onward on! Paul

80send your notes to:Matt holtz22487 laramie Dr.rocky river, oh 44116440-331-1759e-mail: [emailprotected]

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send your notes to:Julie sanner hepfer406 hunt Club Dr.st. Charles, il 60174630-586-3367e-mail: [emailprotected]


82send your notes to:Paul hulseman120 evergreen ln.Winnetka, il 60093847-867-9322 (c)e-mail: [emailprotected] [emailprotected]

79send your notes to:nancy agacinski4009 Washington Blvd., #3university heights, oh 44118-3865216-932-2824e-mail: [emailprotected]

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he has the energy of a 5-year-old, and, it seems, the idealism to match. Brian Donovan ’89 followed his acting dream to los angeles after graduation, and the Buffalo, ny, native hasn’t looked back. his resume includes tv, film and radio. if you know his engag-ing voice, you may recognize it on cartoons and commercials.

“i’ve been out here and acting for a very long time. it’s an art that chisels away your own sense of self,” Donovan observed. “so, i started to think about what i love. i love to act, i love to per-form and i love kids. i need to make children’s shows!”

that’s when Brian came up with the idea for his latest project, the “Mighty Me Training Camp.” it’s a half-hour children’s educational exercise show for 3-year-olds and up that teaches self-empowerment. “it’s a training camp for kids who want to be a superhero, a ‘Mighty Me!’” Donovan asserted.

i tested out Donovan’s project on an expert, 4-year-old Calvin. Calvin was a tough sell at first. like most kids his age, he is used to watching tv passively. “Mighty Me” asked him to get on his feet, to jump around and dance. slowly, Calvin began to move his little body. he rolled out the exercise mat, just like Brian. he made noises and movements, just like Brian. By the end, he wanted to be – just like Brian.

“Mommy, i have a Mighty Me in me. and, he looks just like me, only he wears different clothes,” Calvin said, smiling from ear to ear. he got it! Calvin understood, far better than his mother thought he would at age 4, that he has an inner self seeking to be strong and alive.

that’s exactly the response Donovan hopes to get from young children. he tells the story of another young Mighty Me fan who watched the video over and over. When the little boy went to the store with his mother, he asked if he could get the

Brian Donovan ’89 asks kids to find the Mighty Me inside

Mighty Me underwear. his mother replied, “they don’t make them in Mighty Me.” Well, at least not yet.

What higher compliment could a children’s show receive than to be the choice under-garment of a kindergartener? “it would be great if everybody said ‘i am a Mighty Me’ a couple of times a day,” said Donovan. he thinks that even grownups would benefit from focusing on the dormant superhero inside of them. “life can be hard. you forget you are special. there is only one of you,” said Donovan.

Donovan’s sense of self seems to be shaped by his upbringing and his education. he grew up with a father who is deaf and a sister with Down syndrome. “i’ve been inspired and very fortunate to be inspired by my family. My sister Kelly has a wonderful sense of self. she is a Mighty Me.”

every winter, Kelly visits her brother in

California for two months. For her, the trip is not only a break from the harsh Buffalo winter, but a chance to rub elbows with hollywood heart-throbs. Brian honored his sister with a one-woman-show on stage in hollywood this winter. With celebrity friends on hand, Brian put on a show his sister will never forget. in many ways, Kelly remains his inspiration, as her spirit and positive outlook are reminders of what it means to embrace your inner self.

self esteem, exercise and kids – these three ingredients are the power blend in Mighty Me. Donovan has always enjoyed working with kids. he’s been a nanny, volunteered at Kids Camp during reunion weekend at John Carroll, and even taught tiny tumbling for several years when he first moved to California. “once i really committed to doing a children’s show, i developed the concept for about a year. it was a labor of love. it was important to me to do it,” he said.

Discovery Education picked up the show, and now it is streaming through

schools across the country. the next step for Donovan is to find a studio or company to take his idea and run with it, perhaps creat-ing a series on tv or DvD.

“My long term goal is to pursue more of children’s programming. i didn’t like Mr. rodgers growing up…it was too slow for me. it didn’t meet my temperament. though i admire his place in children’s programming. i want to be the Mr. rodgers of the new millennium. i’d like to see his principles and his values woven into a more energy-filled kind of show. My dream would be some kid remembering Mighty Me when they’re 12, 24, 36, and 72,” Donovan mused.

and, maybe someday there will be Mighty Me underoos.

to learn more about Mighty Me, visit www.mightyme.com.

By Michele Brown, Director of Communications Content

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Greetings from the North Coast of America. As I write this column, the Indians are in 1st place in the AL Central. Let’s see where they are when we all read this! ... Debra Wolter reports from Basking Ridge, NJ, that she will marry Kevin Lavery on May 28. Deb is a chief executive dance teacher at Dance World Academy. ... Mary Tuason Bunker ’87 just started a new job as treasury business analyst with Motorola in Schaumburg, IL. Mary lives in Chicago with husband, William, and children Elena (6), Timothy (4) and Nora (1). ... Congrats to Daniel Frate who has been appointed executive VP at National City Corp. in Cleveland. He will oversee NCB’s seven-state retail network. He received his master’s degree in finance from Purdue University. ... Our sympathies to Eileen Byrne Hickerson, who lost her mother last sum-mer after years of taking care of her in her home. Eileen did have happy news to report — her daughter, Caitlin, is studying in Florence, Italy, for a semester and when she returns, will spend a semester in NYC. She’ll graduate with a major in fashion design from Kent State. Eileen’s 9th grade son, Cliff, is developing into quite the athlete at Olmsted Falls High School. ... Sympathies also to Colleen Hyland-Robertson and Sandra Ryan as both their mothers passed away and to Tim Hutchison who lost his dad in January. ... To all my classmates who are dealing with the death of a parent, I have a comforting thought. I’ve got a head start on adjusting to life without parents and what I know for a fact is this: The same memories that make you misty now will make a big smile come to your face in the future. I’m not sure how long it will take for each of you but it does happen. ... Deb Solyan responded to my SOS for alumni info with news of a wedding, bout time for some happy news, don’t ya think!! Congratulations to Aggie Nagy ’85 and new husband Tim (sorry, Tim, Deb didn’t pass along your last name.) The September blast at the Mayfield Country Club had a prestigious guest list including: Ann ’84 and Kevin Durkin, Nancy Grimes Couto ’84, Bill and Kathy (O’Neil) Battistone, Liz Nau Montgomery ’84, Carol Brennan Joseph ’85 and Maureen McDonough Curley ’85. ... Lastly, please keep Joe and Connie Czekaj in your prayers. Connie was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2003, we thought we had it beat but it’s back. Connie’s a fighter but she could use a spiritual lift for her and Joe and their kids Jennifer (17), Joey (15), and Jimmy (12). ... OK, take care of yourselves and when something happy happens in your lives, pass the news to me so I can share some of it with your friends. Tony

It is with great sadness that I have to report the loss of a good friend to all of us, Pat Goold. Pat passed away on Holy Saturday, April 15, after battling cancer for several months. He is survived by his wife, Cathy, and his three children: Katie, Jack, and Mathew. Pat was loved by everyone, and that was very evident in the past few months as witnessed by the huge showings of support during his illness. In early March, Pat’s sister-in-law organized a walk of friends for him. I was grateful to Shannon (Carey) Dolan who passed the news on to me regarding the walk, allow-ing me to spread it further. Pat’s JCU roommate John Breen flew in from Florida to join in. We all wore “Life is GOOLD” t-shirts as we walked from Huntington Beach in Bay Village to Pat’s home two miles away. It was a crisp Sunday morning, and the crowd of hundreds of Pat supporters stretched for blocks. Myles Gallagher who lives near was there, as was Shannon who walked with her daughter. John brought a framed collection of fun snapshots from the early Dolan Hall days to give to Pat. As we came to Pat’s house we gathered around the front. He was in good spirits and greeted everyone. We said a group prayer in his front yard. It was recently discovered that Pat’s father is also ill and our prayers were shared towards him as well. Two weeks later, another former St. Ed/JCU alum, Ken Keeler, let me know about a healing service for Pat that was being held at St. Bernadette’s in Westlake. Dave ’85 and Sue Herman were there of course and I sat with Chris Fortunato and my family. After the Mass we joined family and friends gathering around Pat as Dr. Issam Nemeh, a renowned Catholic healer, prayed over Pat. The funeral was held in a packed St. Raphael’s Church on bright, sunny April 20th. Four priests concelebrated. I sat with John Breen, Tim Cavanagh and John Siefert. Among those also there were Ken and Dave and Tom Guarente. We were all moved deeply as Pat’s parents reflected on their son. Pat’s father shared a most touching letter that he wrote to Pat a few months earlier regarding his great love and pride of him. Every son and father should share such a magnificent bond. Tim Orie was selected by his close friend Pat to give the eulogy. Tim spoke of the Pat we all knew; the fun-filled, golf-lov-ing, successful businessman that was a friend to everyone. Many classmates have been e-mailing regarding their support, and their prayers and their concern for Pat and his family. I have never seen this much classmate e-mail activity. I am sure ev-ery classmate joins me in sending good thoughts and prayers to the Goold family. I began my JCU career in a room on the third floor of Dolan across the hall to the right of John Breen and Pat Goold. They were the perfect guys to live next to if you were looking for the full college life experience. It was always a fun and positive room to visit, because Pat and John were confident and full of life. Pat was a naturally charismatic and smart person that everyone could not help but like. We all have memories of him that bring on a smile.

He had an optimistic attitude that mirrored his joy of life. Life really is Goold. We will never forget that great man, who was a friend to everyone, Pat Goold. Don

This past December, Tim Orie, organized a “party” for Pat Goold ’84 at the Cleveland Clinic, drawing in friends from across the nation. Dreu Carney ’86 in from Dallas, Larry Blum from Maryland, Vince Brennan and Kevin “Note” Coyne from Detroit, Jim Donahue from Chicago, Tim Cavanagh ’84, Dave Murphy, and of course all the locals: Dave Pratt, Sean “Men” McAn-drews, Sean “Ace” McCauley are only a few that attended — telling jokes, old stories, remember when — were still going strong after midnight. Again, on March 6th the “Walk for the ‘Goo’” was a great success as over 200 people showed up to say, “Hi” and support Pat as he sat outside on his lounge chair watching a parade of friends walk from a park nearby passing his home in Bay Village. ... Sadly, we lost him on April 15. Pat Goold was a wonderful person. ... Craig Eldridge kindly responded to my e-mail inquiry and reports that after graduating from OSU College of Law he worked as a county prosecutor for many years. He then decided on another career path and went to medical school at OSU and is now a physician with the Cleveland Clinic. He lives in Avon, OH, with his wife, Wendy, and daughter, Britta, and son, Zebby. ... Word from the ‘Burgh (yes, the City with five SUPERBOWL CHAMPIONSHIPS – myself, a native Pittsburgher, I had to slip that somewhere in this column) is that Tony Ciabat-toni, JCU golf team alumnus, is busy running his company, Fairways Corporate Golf Services Inc. in Pittsburgh — it’s a golf/travel company that runs golf tournaments for clients such as Chrysler, Coca-Cola, MCI, etc. It’s time to get those clubs out and swinging, so Tony’s the man to call if you are scheduling any corporate golf outings nationwide. ... It was a pure pleasure to hear from classmate Barry Conway. Barry is still running Conway Greene Co. - www.conwaygreene.com - located in downtown Cleveland. It is a leading provider of data conversion, management and publishing services focusing on providing solutions to solve a client’s technology problems. He lives in North Royalton with wife, Kim, and their three chil-dren: Aedan, Fiona and Liam. This year marked an exciting venture for both of them as they opened a new child enrichment program for 3-7 year olds in Strongsville called FasTracKids - www.fastrack-ids.com. This is the first FasTracKids Academy in Ohio, although there are over 200 worldwide in 34 countries. Barry also attended the World Bagpipe Championship last August in Scotland, where his group finished third out of 250 bands from around the world! Can’t you just hear the melody of “When Irish Eyes are Smiling!” Best of luck on your new endeavor! ... Congratulations are in order for our Captain, John Marsh. John and Jodi were married this past January and are residing in Worthington, OH. ... Heartfelt condolences are

84send your notes to:don d’amore29570 Dorchester Dr.north olmsted, oh 44070440-235-1323e-mail: [emailprotected] 85

send your notes to:diane (nerem) Wendel629 Quaker road rte 120Chappaqua, ny 10514-1507914-238-2227e-mail: [emailprotected]

83send your notes to:Tony Pallotta31507 Drake Dr.Bay village, oh 44140440-892-4766e-mail: [emailprotected]

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ann healey Bowen ’91 a child of Chicago’s western suburbs, grew up blow-ing on a trumpet. she was a breath of exu-berant air in the pep band when she was a business student here around the turn the ’80s made into the ’90s. along the way, though, she realized that her trumpet chops were not as excellent (or market-able) as her business school skills. like her brother tom ’85, now a Washington attorney, ann was an economics major.

the trumpeter has had a long-running love affair with the arts, though, and it was a eureka moment when she under-stood she could combine her training and aptitude with her passion. the university of Wisconsin-Madison developed the nation’s first arts administration master’s degree in the very late ’60s. it has since morphed into an MBa, but it was a master’s in business when healey enrolled after graduation from JCu.

she says now: “the program taught me how to learn in the field. it didn’t teach me how to run a concert. it offered more of a broad overview, and it really gave me connections.”

When she graduated from uW in ’93, healey took a gig for a year with the Mis-sissippi symphony in Jackson. in 1994, hawaii called and she answered, becom-ing an administrator with the honolulu symphony, which proudly advertises that it is the nation’s oldest symphony orches-tra west of the rocky Mountains.

ann said that hawaii is certainly hawaii, but that despite its longevity, the honolulu symphony is not blessed with the kind of strong and stable audience base that the Cleveland orchestra, for ex-ample, enjoys. “it was a stressful time,” she recalls. “We went through a lot of changes with the orchestra; we cut back the season and there were people laid off.” there were surfing lessons, but she realized she is a better trumpeter than surfer.

so there were no major regrets when

ann healey Bowen ’91: managing a symphony and a baby

she was pulled back from honolulu to Madison in october of 1997. her title changed a couple of years into her admin-istrative role with the Madison sym-phony, and she is now general manager of the highly regarded regional orchestra, a GM presently on maternity leave because of the arrival on the planet of Catherine Mae Bowen on December 11.

Baby Catherine, says ann, is a joyful

new challenge. ann and the symphony had another such two years ago when overture hall opened its doors. a stunning arts complex designed by internationally renowned architect Cesar Pelli, overture was built with more than $200 million in donations from Madison residents Jerry and Pleasant Frautschi. the complex is unquestionably one of america’s finest arts facilities, and its spare-no-expense,

state-of-the-art design and equipment e.g., the world’s largest concert organ – make the Madison symphony the envy of its peers, as well as a tourist destination. the hall is gorgeous and particularly remarkable given that Madison, for all its cosmopolitan character, is not a major city.

ann healey married pharmacist Bill Bowen in 2004-they met via Match.com – and baby Catherine makes three. there

was also the acquisition of a charming, West side of Madison home before Catherine appeared in their lives. ann said she is already a little teary at the prospect of leaving the care of Catherine to others during the day, but she and Bill are exploring day care plans a & B. so, the shows will go on for the symphony general manager.

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extended to the Durkin and D’Angelo families as Bill Durkin, Nick ’84 and Heidi ’86 D’Angelo and Sal ’86 and Donna D’Angelo all lost their fathers this past February. ... Now, after reading this column the next thing for you to do as you check your e-mail on your laptop, desk top, Blackberry (I know you do this at least ONCE if not 10 times a day) is to send off an update on YOU to ME at [emailprotected]. Thanks! Diane

I’ll remind you all again ... REUNION ... this June 23-25. BE THERE. You all received your reser-vation forms and hopefully you returned them already. If not, remember you can register online! It’s fast, easy and convenient. Trust me ... that’s how I did mine. If you like to shop online, this is for you! It’s that fast, easy, and convenient and hooks me every time. Point, click, pay ... right from my desk ... it’s no wonder I have my VISA number memorized! Remember that when you register for Reunion, you can also make your class gift at the same time. Even if you are not planning to attend Reunion, won’t you consider making a donation to our centennial class gift? Your help in reaching our class-gift goal of $50,000 will be appreciated. We have a very lofty donor goal for our centennial class, but as a committee, we felt that while lofty, the goal is definitely attainable. ... I read a press release that indicated Jim Grazko has been promoted as of January 1, 2006 to vice president, general manager of Underwriting and Contract Services for Premera Blue Cross in Mountain Terrace, WA. Jim received his MBA in Health Services Administration from George Washington University. He has worked for Health Net, Ernst & Young, and Blue Cross Blue Shield. Jim mentioned via e-mail that his dad probably for-warded the press release to John Carroll, as he’s been so busy he never got around to it! Jim and his wife, Marybeth, are living in Redmond, WA, with their boys: Matthew (9), Ryan (7) and Chris-topher (4). Although they like Washington State, they wish they were back home in Cleveland and they miss it here a lot. ... I also received an e-mail from Carolyn (Mockenhaupt) O’Connor. She and her husband, James, welcomed Christian Joseph Edward O’Connor on January 3rd. His big brother Cole (6) is thrilled to have a little brother. ... This is really OLD news, but someone just sent it to me, so mea culpa for being so long overdue. Ric Harris was named executive vice president and general manager of Digital Media and Strate-gic Marketing for the NBC Universal Television Stations Group. He made a name for himself in the Cleveland area in local and national sales at Channel 5, WOIO Channel 19, and WUAB Channel 43. He earned his master’s degree in communica-tions management from JCU last spring. He and his wife, Mindee, and their children are now living in the NYC area. ... My best pal Silvia Grava got married to Andrew Bird on December 30, 2005 in

their hometown of Toronto. Silvia and son Davis now have a dog to go with their cat! ... Last, but not least, Frank Uhlir and his wife, MaryAlice, welcomed their first child, son Thomas Peter, in February. Thomas didn’t come home right away. Like all Uhlirs, he had to do things the hard way and he arrived a little early. So while mom got to recuperate at home, Thomas had to stick around at the hospital for awhile. But everyone is doing fine now, and I can’t wait to hear how they like the new “Walter...” books we bought them as a gift! I can just hear the laughter as they read about poor Walter. ... Well, I have more news, but again, I’ve run out of space. That’s a good problem! So ... see you at Reunion! Until next time ... Caio! Belinda

Spring is here! Hope everyone is doing well. Spring breaks are over, many of us are turning 40, and we would love to hear from you and highlight the great places you may have traveled to over the holidays or the exciting ways to celebrate your 40th birthday. PLEASE WRITE! ... In the meantime, we heard from Dan Miller, who received his MBA from Carnegie Mellon and is living in San Francisco with his family. ... Bonnie McCulley is living in Sheffield Lake, OH. She is working at Community Health Partners and is the director of spiritual care. ... The grapevine also told us that John Slagter was recognized and received the Associate Supplier of the Year Award from the Home Builders Association. John is with Bucking-ham, Doolittle & Burroughs LLP. In addition, John was recently recognized in Cincinnati Magazine as one of Ohio’s Super Lawyers, as voted by his peers. ... Ingrida Nasvytis writes to us from her home in Los Angeles, CA, and kudos to her, she won an Emmy this year! ... Lisa (Verszyla) Cantalamessa shared with us that she eloped to Las Vegas and was married at the Bellagio. Please join us in wishing all the best to Lisa and her husband, Mark! ... Peter Anthony wrote to share that he, his wife, and daughter welcomed their newest little one, Will, in March. Peter and his family live in downtown Chicago. Peter has been with UGN, a supplier to the automotive industry, for 15 years and travels frequently to Europe. ... If you know of any other classmates who still have little ones, or achieving great things or accomplish-ing milestones, please let us know. We all love to hear good news and read about the great things happening to our fellow classmates. Until the next edition, best wishes from Jamie and Kathy

As of today, the Cleveland Indians are 5-1 and in first place! Several of us attended the home open-er, including Dan and wife, Julie Kahl ’92 Weaver; Dan Soucie and wife, Diane; Mary Kay O’Malley and husband, Jim; Joe O’Malley ’88 and Annie Kahl and yours truly. Most of the group, including my wife, Beth (Kromer), and Mike Fanning ’88 and wife Joanna ’90, celebrated Annie Kahl’s 40th birthday at Atlantis in the Bahamas, where we spent the first week of February; no kids were al-lowed — good times. ... Great hearing from Mike Krizmanich who’s been living in Fairview Park with wife Krista-Marie for over three years now. Mike is working downtown for CAMP’s Business Consulting Group, where they help other business groups improve internally with six sigma initia-tives and lean manufacturing building blocks. Mike reports that Justin Murphy lives in Chicago and is doing well. It appears Mike, Adam Flinchbaugh and Brian Winovich actually enjoyed watching the Steelers roll through the playoffs and super bowl together; congrats Steelers fans. Mike ran into Beth Senay at a party hosted by Tammy and Jack ’90 LaGattuta, and she is doing well and living in Philly. ... The shout out to Lauree Popovich has proved lucrative as she reports in this month from Upper St Clair, PA, where she is a regional manager for Infusion, a medical sales firm selling products for home infusion needs. Lauree has two wonderful children, Olivia (11) and Bobby (8); both enjoy sports and attend Irish step dancing competition regularly. Lauree talks with Sue Zachary quite a bit via phone and still enjoys the holiday “free” candy Sue offers. ... Christine (Salupo) Riggle is now in Broadview Heights with her husband, Tim, and children Alyssa (4) and Amanda (1). ... I am still looking for memoirs from several of you out there and you know who you are; if you don’t send me something, I will call you out next time. Happy and safe spring and summer to all. Peace, David

Spring has sprung! I love how nice the first day above 65 degrees feels! Now that we are blowing of the dust of winter, take a minute to drop me a note so I can let the rest of the class of 1990 know how you are doing and what you have been up to!I got a nice e-mail from Ann-Margaret (Leshinsky) Lambo. She and hubby, Jamie, are living in New Castle, PA. They are parents to Ann Therese (10) and Paul (6). Ann-Margaret is a stay at home mom and free lance writer. Jamie works for Goodyear Tire in Akron. He is the director of internal audit-Americas. He commutes each day from New Castle to Akron, but Ann-Margaret said it’s not too

87send your notes to:sue Farinacci Grazia10338 loreto ridge Dr.Willoughby, oh 44094-9547440-256-0338 e-mail: [emailprotected]

88send your notes to:Jamie Jamison7072 Kildeer rd.Canfield, oh 44406330-702-1965e-mail: [emailprotected]

Kathy reali Matthews28012 W oviatt rd.Cleveland, oh 44140-2145440-871-7283e-mail: [emailprotected]

89send your notes to:david Gassman3996 astoria Wayavon, oh 44011440-934-0366e-mail: [emailprotected]

90send your notes to:Melissa Wenzler4021 Wandsworth roadsouth euclid, oh 44121 216-691-3759e-mail: [emailprotected]

R E U N I O N 2 0 0 6 J U N E 2 3 - 2 5R E U N I O N 2 0 0 6 J U N E 2 3 - 2 5

send your notes to:Belinda Glavic Grassi6815 edinboro Pl.Concord township, oh 44077440-352-2231440-352-2232 (fax)e-mail: [emailprotected]


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this is a story that has a particular charge if you’re a member of the campus branch of the Carroll community. it’s a tale of a popular alumnus and employee, Mike roeder ’93, and a woman, Dr. sherri Crahen, who plays an important Carroll role, dean of students. Crahen came to JCu from Minnesota’s hamline university in the fall of 2004. she grew up in the town that styles itself “the only Wauna-kee in the World” a couple of stone throws from Wisconsin’s state capital of Madison. she earned her PhD at Minnesota and did student affairs duty at four schools before migrating here. all the good and difficult news about the students reaches her desk, and there have been a couple of challenging times.

roeder is the manager of facilities services, which means that if there is anything involv-ing a building you need done, you go to Mike. he’s famous for his warm and dedicated custom-er service. he’s famous for more than that. there are always a few who share more of the load of making the community a community. Mike is one of those. he came 18 years ago to work on the grounds crew. he took courses and earned a degree in communications while climbing the career ladder. if there is a streak athletic contest, he’s there. he runs marathons with JCu buddies. he goes along on student service trips. there are many photos you can put in the university encyclopedia under “Man for others,” but roeder’s fits that slot. it is absolutely non-controversial to trumpet that “roeder’s a good guy.” those of us a little more sappy, are probably going to say something closer to “sweetheart.”

When Crahen came, roeder met her – his office is around the corner from hers.

he was cordial – it’s a reflex. he said they should go to lunch, but it didn’t happen for months. When it did, they scrambled to find an open restaurant. When they finally sat down, “it was very easy,” says Crahen now. “he was just really nice, but, you know, Mike’s nice to everyone.” true.

they went to a happy hour at a neigh-borhood place, had a second lunch. no big deal, but it continued to be very easy. “the real date, when i knew it was a date, was when he invited me over to watch the Packers play the vikings. he grilled,” says Crahen.

“i think i invited him over a couple of weeks later – ‘i knew that was a date,’ roeder interrupts. “i made a chicken dish, roasted potatoes, roasted vegetables,”

continues Crahen easily.“as we started spending time together,

i think it became pretty clear that this was working,” asserts Crahen through her smile. “at our age you know pretty clearly if you want to keep moving forward.”

“i knew i didn’t want to screw it up by going on a date with someone else,” adds roeder.

you now where this is going. it got there at Blake’s restaurant in Chagrin Falls early last november. Crahen says they had evolved a little routine where Crahen amusedly assures roeder, “you know, you’re right.” on this occasion in Chagrin Falls, she finds herself saying, “you know, that’s the second time today you’ve been right.” on this occasion, roeder rejoins: “i think there’ll be a third time,” and before you know it, there’s a ring on the table. yes – only marriage for both.

June 24th holy Cross Church in Mike’s hometown of euclid. reception at the irish-american Club. rehearsal dinner at Carroll lodge for a bunch, including the caravan that will drive down from Waunakee. after that roeder will move into Crahen’s place in university heights.

When the news broke, it got reviews crowding Fr. niehoff’s. some, like roeder’s running buddy and first boss tom reilley ’99,

were a trifle startled. the couple may not have been the first match you’d envision,” reilley observes, “but when you see them giggling together, being easy together, you get it very fast. “

“it was sort of amazing, the similari-ties,” says Crahen. “Catholic, very similar families...”

they’re both right... and easy... and a perfect emblem of the blossoming that is summer.

Crahen and roeder ’93: being easy together

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Durham area, where we lived for 17 months. In November of 2005 I was promoted to regional manager for the State of Pennsylvania (Wells Fargo Auto Finance) and we live in the North Hills of Pittsburgh in a beautiful golf course community. We have one daughter, Riley Corrine (3). I look forward to attending any Pittsburgh area socials if they exist.”... As Dee and Greg ’93 Bauer put it ... “oh boy, oh boy, oh boy ... it’s a girl! Brynn Catherine Bauer was born January 28, 2006, 6:40 a.m., weighing in at 6 lbs. 12 oz. and 19 inches. The picture I saw of her wearing a purple cap was adorable! Their sons Connor, Brendan and Jack just can’t get enough of Brynn and are the best big brothers. Even with (at the time three kids) the Bauers make time for charity. I bumped into Dee and Greg at Taste of the NFL at Cleveland Browns Stadium this past October. ... It’s not too early to start thinking about our 15-year reunion which is next year! Please make plans to attend Reunion Weekend 2007. ... Jim

Lynette (Pizmoht) Piech reports that Andy ’92, big sister Katie and she welcomed Ryan Andrew on August 9. Kristi (Sullivan) and Christian Warzocha had their first baby, Samantha Sullivan Warzocha in December. Mary Lou Sferra got engaged to Bob Mlachak and is getting mar-ried July 29th. Sarah (Rossate) Mallon and her husband, Jim, are expecting a boy in June. Thanks so much for the updates Lynnette! ... Rachelle (Carroll) and Bill Engel ’94 moved from good old University Heights to Pittsburgh a couple of years ago. They live in his hometown - Upper St. Clair. They had their third child on October 4th; Peter Joseph joins big sister Mary Claire (6) and big brother Will (3). Bill works for PNC in the advisors group and Rachelle is home full time. ... Last July 10th, Debbie Rak Farina and husband, Ben, had twins: a girl, Piper and a boy, Wyatt. Debbie is the general manager at Red Tail Golf Club in Avon. Denise Rak Niemojewski and Bob had their third girl, Mae Rose, on October 16. She joined Ruby (5) and Jetta (2.5). The Nemo Grille, a restaurant in Avon that Debbie and her husband own and operate is in its 5th year of business and doing great. Stop by and see them if you are in the area. ... Doug Ennis sent an update: Bob Gannon got married last July in Buffalo, NY ... And, Gino Faus-to has a new job flying private jets for a company in Georgia. ... Last but not least, Doug has finished his master’s of science in information technology from Capella University. ... Laura Napoli was elected to the 2006 board of directors as treasurer of the Federation of Italian-American Organizations of Greater Houston. ... Maggie Kenny married Stephen Lamb ’92 last October and they reside in Grayslake, IL. ... Jason Stahl was recently hired by Babcox Publications as the managing editor of BodyShop Business, a trade magazine covering the collision repair industry. He has two children Brittany (10) and Jacob (6) and lives in Lakewood, OH. ... Todd Ferraro and wife, Arlene, live in Pitts-burgh and have a son and daughter. Todd recently

bad a commute since the Steelers won the Super Bowl! Jamie does get to travel frequently to Bra-zil. They see Carol (Lawrence) Bender at family functions. It turns out that Carol married Jamie’s first cousin, Pat. Carol and Pat reside in Bethel Park, PA, with their daughter, Abby (7). Ann-Margaret also wrote that she keeps in touch with Lisa (Forniti) Aeillo. Lisa and her husband, Frank, live in Lyndhurst. They have two children, Genevieve (6) and Nick (4). In her e-mail, Ann-Margaret asked if I heard from Rita Abdallah, Lisa Grisez- Shullick, Lesley Zelasko and Claudine Melich. I did happen to see Rita Abdallah’s photo in the “Happenings” section of the Cleveland Plain Dealer for a fundraising event in which she was a participant. Ladies, would love to hear from you ... drop me a note! ... Mark Perretta is living in Massillion, OH. He and his wife, Dana, are parents to Angela (11), Anthony (9) and Alexis (2). Mark is CEO of 10K Fundraising. His company helps start fundraisers for schools, churches and organiza-tions. If anyone is interested, check out their web site – www.10kfr.org. ... Michael Branigan is liv-ing in Indianapolis, IN. He received his MBA from CWRU in 2002. He has one son, Jack (4). ... That’s all the news I have so far ... hope to hear from lots more of you now that the winter hibernation is over. Remember, e-mail is pretty quick and easy! Here’s to a sunny summer, Melissa

Working on our Reunion has been fun, I’ve enjoyed seeing the committee and catching up. Mark Waner, who has worked a lot on our web site, works at JCU as asst. professor of chemistry. As you will see elsewhere in these pages, Mark was also recently honored by being given the Culicchia Award for Teaching Excellence in the College of Arts and Sciences. ... Our deepest sym-pathy goes out to the Maestranzi family. Patrick Maestranzi died after a long battle with cancer in February at his home in Illinois. He is survived by a wife and three children. If you are interested in do-nating towards the educational fund being set up for his children, please call 847-362-3009. ... Alex Benyo resides in Youngstown and is the VP of Brilex Industries. ... Amy Finke Cook ’90 belongs to the same parish as I do — St. Bernadette. Amy and her husband, Brian, have five children. ... I recently had dinner with Tony Georges and wife, Rosanna. They have two boys and live in West-lake. Tony manages/owns a beverage store with his dad in Brooklyn, OH, near the zoo. Stop by for a gyro, he says. Tony keeps in touch with Maura Burke Sweet who is married to Michael Sweet. ... Betsy Benander Traben and family have applied for an international adoption in China. Betsy and Ken have four children but have always wanted to adopt. ... Sue and Mike Mangan will be in Ireland this summer for a vacation with their children. We will miss them at Reunion. ... Tara O’Neill Lavelle is working for American Greetings, lives in Avon, and teaches ski lessons during the winter months.

... Tim DeGeeter is an attorney and is the State Rep. for the 15th House District. ... I was fortu-nate enough to see Joe Cimperman ’92 in the St. Patrick’s Day parade along with Mary McNally Tirpak, who also marched in this year’s parade. ... Patrick Palleschi and his wife are expecting their third child around Reunion. They live in Rochester and have two boys. Pat works for Excellus Blue Cross/Blue Shield as a network reimbursem*nt manager. ... Living six houses down their street are JCU grads: Chris and Katie Clifford ’92 Kantz. Small world it is! ... Missy Vertes Butler and her husband are residing in Chagrin Falls with their three girls. ... Tim Horan is living in PA. He owns his own small sport company and also is the direc-tor of Philadelphia Sports Social Club. He is single and enjoying life. ... Jennifer Lockard McConnell is in Georgia. She works for Lawson Software. She and her husband have one child. Thanks for writing in! ... I recently received an e-mail from Carole Kovach. Carole teaches English at Shaker Hts. High School. She has been named a Martha Holden Jennings Scholar and also won the Grace B. Graham award for teaching. Good Job! Carole had dinner with Alison Rooney Otterman. She and Chip live in Madison with their three chil-dren. Kim Ballenger just moved from Medina to Chicago. Also, Carole tells us that Lisa Lagana is in Chicago preparing for a wedding this summer. Hope to see you all at Reunion. ... If you have any questions about Reunion go to www.jcu.edu/alumni/reunion/06web/FAQ.HTM ... May God bless you all with happiness and remember “Life may not always be the party we hope for, but while we are here we might as well dance!” Live, laugh, and love — most of all, come back to Carroll. SEE YOU REUNION! Fondly, Molly

Spring flowers are blossoming on campus as I sit down to update you on the latest. Let’s start with a marriage announcement! Stephen Lamb and Maggie Lamb nee Kenny ’93 were married in October 2005. The happy couple currently resides in Grayslake, IL. ... I was happy to hear that Lisa Klepac Lockhart has been promoted to the rank of associate professor of psychology at the University of the Incarnate Word. After receiving her doctorate from Kent State University in 1998, Lisa taught at Radford University in Virginia. She then accepted an assistant professorship at Texas A&M University-Kingsville. In August of 2004 she began her current job at Incarnate Word. Lisa lives in San Antonio with her husband, Greg, and daughter Miranda (8). ... I dropped an e-mail to Daniel Harrington to see what he has been up to. This is what he had to say: “I think since I last communicated with JCU things have changed quite a bit. In 1998 I went back to school and graduated with my master’s from Antioch Univer-sity in Yellow Springs, OH. I immediately relocated to Phoenix, AZ, where my wife, Vanessa, was working on her doctorate at ASU. That’s when I started my current career with Wells Fargo. Two promotions later I was relocated to the Raleigh-

93send your notes to:Julie reardon12361 Woodridge Dr.north royalton, oh 44133440-877-0939e-mail: [emailprotected]

92send your notes to:Jim sislo203 Marilyn ln.eastlake, oh 44095-1561440-269-1245e-mail: [emailprotected]

91send your notes to:Molly Coughlin Fanta25107 Wildwood Dr.Westlake, oh 44145440-716-1749e-mail: [emailprotected]

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attended Mike Graber’s wedding to Jana Perretti in Boston. They met while living in New Orleans a few years ago and were both relocated to Min-neapolis/St. Paul after Hurricane Katrina. Mike is a regional manager with Michelin Tires and Jana is an executive with Ritz Carlton hotels. In atten-dance were fellow Green Gators Mike Boychuk, Alfredo Vitug, Paul Bayhurst ’92, Rob Miller and Lew Dichairo. ... Mike Boychuk attended with wife, Dana. They live in Pittsburgh, have two children and are expecting their third in August. Mike is in dental equipment sales. Paul Bayhurst and fiancée Nicki Sack live in Silver Springs, MD. Paul is a cabinet maker and Nicki teaches Irish dancing. ... Alfredo Vitug and his wife have three daughters and two sons and live in Manhattan. Freddie owns two or three bars in Manhattan and Brooklyn. ... Rob Miller and wife Heather came in from Fredricksburg, VA. Rob is a department head for the USDA in DC and they have a son. ... Lew Dichairo and his wife, Emily, both work as child psychologists for the Cleveland Municipal Schools. ... Tom and Pam (Phelleps) Shields welcomed their second son Benjamin George on September 13, 2005. ... Hope you all enjoy your summer and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Take care and all the best! Julie

As I write this it is April 18 and we are having re-cord highs of 100s in Texas already. I cannot imag-ine what summer will be like. Please continue to e-mail me, phone or send me letters in regards to what is going on with you. ... Lisa Lombardi Mendenhall, her husband, and Hannah (2) are moving to Yokosuka, Japan, where her husband will be stationed with the Navy. Lisa is pregnant with their second child, a boy! She has continued to work as a public relations consultant. We look forward to hearing all about your adventures, Lisa! ... Bonnie (Heaton) Kerber wrote after 12 years (we have been waiting for this!). Bonnie moved all over the country after graduating from JCU (San Francisco, South Carolina, Chicago, and Los Angeles) and has settled in Ann Arbor, MI. Bonnie married Kevin Kerber, who is a neurologist at the University of Michigan. She worked for internet marketing for five years and has retired to be a stay-at-home mom of aspiring actress Ellie (4) and red-headed, ball-of-fire Thomas (1.5). Bonnie, please don’t wait till Thomas is in college to write again. It was great to hear from you! ... Kevin Biasci moved from NYC to Atlanta, GA, three years ago. He writes that he is feeling healthier than ever. ... He would love to hear from you — [emailprotected]. ... Kelly and Sara ’95 (Tabis) Crowe welcomed the first Crowe daughter into the world on January 25. Megan Crowe joined big brother Thomas (3). ... Alex Spinos and his lovely wife, Allison ’02G, welcomed their first son into the world on February 10. Kevin Joseph is showing Alex how to stay up late without party-ing! Welcome to both our little Blue Streaks! ... I have been busy teaching graduate classes in

Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz told us, there’s no place like home. ... Speaking of Oz, my book club is reading Wicked by Gregory Maguire. It’s fiction of course and based loosely on the life and times of the Wicked Witch of the West – perfectly appropriate for tornado season here in Canton, OH. I’ll let you know next time if it’s a good read. When I’m not reading, I can be found at the gym or on the treadmill. I ran a half marathon in April 2005 and I’m planning on finishing the other half in Cleveland on May 21 of this year. Hopefully my wonderful husband, Scott, and two dear children, Gigi (4) and Ryan (almost 2) will be waiting for me at the finish line. That’s all for now, Annie

Ryan Martin graduated from the Illinois Institute of Technology in ’03 and is living in Denver, CO. He finished a year of volunteer work with the Colorado Vincentian Volunteers in July 2005. Dur-ing that year he lived with 11 other volunteers, all working with the poor in different fields. Ryan worked at the Catholic Worker with the homeless and he continues to work at an overnight home-less shelter. He is asst. director of the St. Francis Center but still manages to get some snowboard-ing in. ... Carie Michael Bloom is an MD working at Cary Pediatric Center in Cary, NC. She and her husband, Josh, have two children, Payton (3) and Taylor (1). ... Tom Monagan is assistant athletic trainer at St. Bonaventure University in NY and earned his MS from Eastern Illinois University. ... Thomas J. Bertsch is living in Rocky River and is asst. VP of IMG’s McCormack Advisors Inter-national. ... Matt Becker earned his M.Ed. from Xavier in ’02 and works as manager, learning and performance at CareSource Management Group. He and his wife, Amanda, have a four-week old, Noah John. ... Rebecca Carter Miller earned an MS from the U. of Pittsburgh in ’99 and works as a clinical supervisor at Mercy Behavioral Health in Pitt, where she lives with husband, Chris. ... Matthew Fico works in Rochester, NY, where he is a pharmaceutical representative for Takeda Pharmaceuticals. ... Christopher Flynn and wife, Molly, live in Los Angeles where Christopher is an agent trainee in Beverly Hills. ... Derek Garden and his wife, Melissa, live in the Westerville, OH, area with their daughter Delaney Grace (2). Derek is in the MBA program at OSU. ... Scott Ziska is living in Sagamore Hills and a partner with RollingBrook Financial Advisors in Solon. ... Suzanne (Butch) Heckroth is living in Baltimore with her husband, Mark. She resigned her job at In Vitro Technologies to stay home with Katie (2) and Ryan (3 months). While at In Vitro, Suzanne worked with classmate Jennifer Bugel Mertz, who earned her master’s in clinical psychology from Loyola College in MD. Jen now lives in Cary, NC, with her husband, Kevin, and runs the payroll and benefits department at Sony Ericsson. ... Also living in the Baltimore area are Steve Blahut and Tara Reddy-Blauhut. Their sons are, Donovan

Higher Education at UNT and loving it! I hope all is well with everyone! If you are reading this, take a minute and e-mail me some info on you and your friends from JCU! Luck to you always, Moe

While in the midst of tornado season and with hurricane season quickly approaching again, it is inevitable that someone we know would be closely affected by our country’s natural disas-ters. In my last column I briefly mentioned Ethan Lamb. It turns out that Ethan’s life was turned up-side down by Hurricane Katrina. Like many of the victims of last years’ tragedy, Ethan lost 99% of his personal belongings in New Orleans, where he had been attending school, working construction, and helping to restore the vehicles on display at the National D-Day Museum Pavilion by volunteer-ing. Ethan says, “I was fortunate enough to have gotten my car to higher ground before the flood came. Once the waters receded, I packed my car and headed out to start a new life here in Or-egon.” Today, Ethan is living in Portland, working as a payroll analyst for Fred Meyer, a West Coast division of the Kroger Company. Ethan’s positive attitude has helped him move beyond the catas-trophe. He says, “As for Katrina, I never really dwelt on losing all of my stuff. Compared to a lot of other people that I knew there, I got off easy. Life is quite different when you take away food, supplies, electricity, running water, the police and fire departments, and the ability to drive. You find out really quickly that, in the end, we’re all respon-sible for taking care of ourselves.” ... True, we are ultimately in charge of our own lives; however, Amy Dygan has made her life’s work taking care of others. Amy works as the program director at a family stabilization program. Her organiza-tion services patients in their homes throughout northeastern Massachusetts. Amy says her career in health care administration provides her with a tremendous amount of satisfaction. She lives in Tyngsboro, MA, where she recently bought a townhouse and, she says, she loves life in New England. ... Casey Yandek ’99 is an associate principal at Archbishop Hoban High School, where he has worked for the past five years. He also teaches English and coaches freshman basketball. Last year, Casey graduated from the University of Notre Dame’s Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) Leadership Program, a master’s program that focuses on Catholic school administration. He resides in the West Park area of Cleveland with a housemate and Mike Keys ’99. ... Victoria Insley has lived in Hong Kong for five years and will probably be there another two. Her husband, who works for Mattel, was transferred there from California. Victoria volunteers for many charities in Hong Kong, mainly educationally oriented through her involvement with an international club called the American Woman’s Association. Although she has enjoyed the opportunity of living in a culturally different world, Victoria is anxious to return home to the United States. She says, “There is no place else in the world I would rather be.” Yes, just as

95send your notes to:annie (hummer) dePerro4161 Glenmoor rd. n.W.Canton, oh 44718330-966-8845e-mail: [emailprotected]

94send your notes to:Maureen McGuinness Clouse1609 Marble Cove ln.Denton, tX 76210940-566-1361940-369-8764 (fax)e-mail: [emailprotected]

send your notes to:amy spisich Kogovseke-mail: [emailprotected]

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(2.5) and Vincent, born in November. Tara received her master’s in clinical counseling psychology from Towson State University and Steve earned a master’s from Towson State University and then a doctorate in statistics from the University of MD. He is a statistician for Olitzky Whittle, a marketing firm for pharmaceutical companies. ... Christina Zotis McArdle and her husband, John, are living in the Pittsburgh area. They have three children: Samantha (6), Donny (4) and Mary (3). Christina graduated from The Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine and is practicing part-time in Greentree, PA. ... Eileen Chambers O’Malley, her husband, Brendan, and daughter Grace (2) recently moved back to Cleveland after living in Detroit for almost two years. Eileen received her master’s in educa-tional administration from CSU and teaches lower elementary school. Eileen’s brother Billy married classmate Mollie Kraven Chambers and they have one son, Owen (3). ... Kelly Cunningham received an MBA and a master’s in industrial engi-neering from Cornell. She is living in Chicago and working for Delphi as a sales/account manager. ... Patty Orlino graduated from The College of Medicine at OSU in 2000 and completed a five-year residency at MetroHealth Medical Center in diagnostic radiology. She served as chief resident for a year and is currently working as radiologist at Metro. ... I received more news but couldn’t fit it all in, so you’ll see more. Until next time, the Lord bless you and keep you, Amy

Erin (McNabb) Howe got married March 4 in Chicago to Bill Howe. Erin is in nursing school and will graduate in December 2006. “As much as we want out of Chicago, we’re stuck here until at

least 2008.” Carroll folks who came to the wed-ding were Lorena (Laurie) Urraro, who is working on her Ph.D. at OSU, and Genevieve Volpe, who is living and working in Cleveland Heights. Melissa (Winberry) Gleeson and Irina (Maritzia) Jacobs were both invited, but due to children weren’t there. Irina is back in Madrid with her four children and her husband, who is a chiropractor. Erin and Bill are planning a honeymoon for later in the summer to Spain and Mallorca. ... Collyn Rybarczyk is living in Charleston, SC, selling real estate for Prudential Carolina - [emailprotected]. She loves it and loves the city of Charleston. If anyone is planning a visit to Charleston, contact her. ... Joy Malek Oldfield became a principal member of Hill/Company LLC, a law firm started by one of the partners at her old law firm in Cuyahoga Falls, OH. She works on plaintiff’s civil and business litigation. ... After almost two years of mobilization in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as a member of the U.S. Army Reserve, John Hotek decided to return to active duty with the U.S. Army. He traded in his General Electric corporate gray for U.S. Army camouflage. He’s currently in school at Fort Lee, VA, but upon completion, he will be assigned to the 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne) at Fort Bragg, NC. ... Lauren (O’Neil) Rakvic moved from California to Annapolis in August 2005. Her husband is a professor at the Naval Academy, and she is a third grade teacher. ... John Samol is a physician in the Seven Hills Women’s Health Centers in Cincinnati. ... Gina Girardot has joined the law firm of Tucker Ellis & West LLP in Cleveland as an associate. ... Patricia Tripar is vice president of ABN AMRO Bank in Chicago. ... Louise Aquila, Ph.D. ’97G is a manager of training and curriculum at SynCardia Systems in Tucson, AZ. ... Peter Munson is study-ing Arabic at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, CA. He completed a master’s program in national security affairs (Middle East/North Africa region) at the Naval Postgraduate School in 2005. ... Keep the news coming! Brian

Happy 30th birthday Class of ’98! To celebrate the Big 3-0, my good friend, Ann Hricko, and I went on a seven-day southern Caribbean cruise in March. On the island of Curacao we swam with the dolphins and in St. Thomas we parasailed 400 feet above the ocean. It was an incredibly fun – and relaxing – way to kick off the new decade! Kara Newmeyer said she and her college friends went to Las Vegas to celebrate their 30th. The group included: Jeff and Lisa (Frankl) Kula, who recently had a baby boy, Casey; Melissa (Mekkelson) Hayden, who lives in Beckley, WV, with her husband and recently took a new position as a pharmaceutical representative; Stacy Miros who lives in Seattle, WA, and works for Microsoft; Alison Strell who lives in Washington, DC, and works for Smith Barney; Lisa Zone who lives in Cleveland and works for the public relations firm Dix and Eaton; and Mary Sullivan who lives in Cleveland and works as an attorney. Kara lives in Pittsburgh, PA, and works as a social worker for the elderly. Kara also sent along the picture from Jay Donato’s wedding. Jay and Mary Ellen were married in October 2005. Kara also said DJ and Elizabeth (Chambers) Daniels welcomed baby girl, Zoe, to their lives. The Daniels live in Bay Village, OH. ... At press time Jeannine (Nadasdi) Denholm was getting ready to attend the Daytime Emmy Awards in Hollywood! For three years she has been working on the show Starting Over. Last year she received an Emmy for the series and is nominated again this year for Outstanding Special Class Series. Jeannine is the head of promotions for Starting Over and works closely with the story and production crew to write and produce all the in-show promo content. She also has worked on the television show Animal Planet. Jeannine met her husband, Dave, when they worked together at WKYC in Cleve-land. They now live in Los Angeles where Dave is a radio talk show host for ESPN. ... Congratula-tions to Aaron and Cathy (Mayle) Smith, who had a baby girl, Lucy Catherine, in December 2005. The Smiths were married in October 2002, and live in Memphis, TN. Cathy works from home for Fidelity National Field Services, which is based in Solon, OH. ... Caitlin (McKendry) Schneid and her husband Jim, who married in October 2003, had a baby boy, Colin James, in February 2006. They live in Charlotte, NC. ... Kristin Toth relo-cated to Austin, TX, in July 2004. She works for Dell as a senior compensation consultant on the Global Compensation Programs team. Her work enables her to travel around the world, literally! She recently returned from a three-week work trip to Japan, China, Singapore, Malaysia, and India. ... JJ Mitchell lives in Agoura Hills, CA, which is near Los Angeles. In 2003 he received his MBA in finance from the University of New Mexico. As a biological product specialist for Sanofi Pasteur, JJ educates doctors about current pediatric disease trends and the vaccines to prevent them. Most of his free time is devoted to training for cycling and triathlons. He rides with the Amgen Cycling team

98send your notes to:Cherie skoczen216-741-1823e-mail: [emailprotected]

97send your notes to:Brian sparks5011 oakes rd.Brecksville, oh 44141Phone: 440-746-0309e-mail: [emailprotected]

Pictured in the front row (left to right) are Eric Rapp ’95, Mary Ellen Donato, Matt Olver ’97, and Brad Wilson; pictured in the back (left to right) are JCU’s swim coach Matt Lenhart, Debbie (Janchar) Fitzmaurice ’97, Laurie (Carrier) Olver ’97, Jay Donato ’98, Kara Newmeyer ’98, Heidi Freytag ’98 and Adam Samko ’98.

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and is working towards the traveling team. ... Best wishes to everyone for a fun and happy spring and summer. Please take a few minutes to send me an e-mail so I can include your name in the next column. Until then, take care – Cherie

Summer is finally here and we have more updates from our fellow Class of 2000 graduates! Clare and Jason Smith recently moved from Coventry to a house in Cleveland Heights. They are looking forward to many weekends spent renovating their home. ... Now on to wedding news. Kevin Garvey and Kim Oblak will be married on April 21, 2007. Kevin and Kim are also new homeowners; they recently bought a house in Strongsville. ... Jane Howarth and Brett Vogelsberger were mar-ried June 3 in Cooperstown, NY. Mary (Howarth) Bibbee served as matron of honor. Jane and Brett live in University Heights. ... Michael Murphey ’01 and Laura Andrasak ’02 were married in July 2005. Michael and Laura live in University Heights and Michael teaches first grade in Chagrin Falls while Laura teaches sixth grade math and science in Kent. ... Amy Rizzuto and Jason Marckel will be married in August in Niagara Falls, NY. ... Lizette Flammer will be married in September in Buffalo. ... Gordon Netschke will be married in June in Cleveland. ... Elizabeth Morris married Rick Johnson ’02 on June 24, 2005. Elizabeth and Rick live in Willowick. Elizabeth teaches sixth grade in Painesville and Rick teaches seventh grade in the Willoughby-Eastlake schools. ... Kelley (Gaughan) and Mike Biscaro welcomed their son, Dominic Michael, in March. ... Nate ’01 and Brooke (Bor-neo) ’01 Goshen welcomed their son, Bennett Da-vid, on April 13. ... Megan Campana is a regional account manager for AIM Healthcare Services Inc. and lives in Lorain, OH. ... Tracy (Thompson) Duemling and her husband, Keith, live in Paines-ville, OH. Tracy is a chemist for Sherwin-Williams. ... Katie (Farrell) and Jeff Norris were married in 2000 and have a two-year-old son, Jeffrey. Katie, Jeff and Jeffrey are moving to Chicago where Katie will study for her master of divinity at Mead-ville Lombard Theological School. Jeff earned his master of computer science from Rensselaer in 2002 and works as a software architect consultant for ThoughtWorks. Congratulations to all our class-mates who are getting married, welcoming new children into the world or changing jobs! ... Take care and keep us informed, Clare and Lisa

Reunion 2006 – June 23-25. If you haven’t sent in an RSVP, you can respond and register via the alumni web site http://www.jcu.edu/alumni/re-union/register06.htm. Until we can be together again, here is the latest update on all of life’s hap-penings. Seth Unger and his wife, Bridget, have been celebrating and increasing their family a little bit each year; Seth and Bridget had three boys in three years: Seth Jr. (2003), Coleman Alexander (2004), and Trent Christian (2006). Family pictures are available at www.sethunger.com. Seth works in the California State Capitol for Senator Chuck Poochigian, the assistant Republican leader, who is running for Attorney General this year against the “infamous Jerry Brown.”... John Shiga announces his recent engagement to Megan Toolis ’03; John and Megan are planning an April 2007 wedding. John currently works as an audit specialist for Nationwide Insurance in Columbus. ... Michael Riebe graduated from the College of Dentistry at OSU last year and is currently practic-ing in Painesville; Michael will be married on June 17 to Dawn DeLooze. ... Beth Loh earned her MD from the University of Cincinnati. Her residency assignment is in pediatrics at Primary Children’s Medical Center - Salt Lake City, UT. ... Mary Beth (Maloney) Soeder is not missing, as published in the last article. She married Michael Soeder ’00 last September. She and Michael live in University Heights and Mary Beth teaches in the Orange City Schools. She also shares that Meghan Collins will marry Rory Neill ’02 in Buffalo this summer. ... Cindy (Fievet) Barker and her husband, Matt, have lived in the Houston area for two years. Cindy taught in Cleveland Municipal Schools for three years and is currently teaching first grade in Humble Independent School District. Cindy will earn her master’s of education from Walden Uni-versity in August. In the meantime, she and Matt are enjoying the newest member of their family, Madilyn May, who was born December 14, 2005. ... Meredith (Merle) Barna earned a master’s of education in 2003 and is currently a kindergarten teacher with Aurora City Schools. She and her husband, Jim Barna, were married last August and live in Fairlawn, OH. ... Jennifer Radivoj is a senior accounts executive for Airfoil Public Rela-tions in Michigan. ... Lauren (Hill) Lesagonicz recently earned an MBA and works as a member/sponsorship manager for the San Diego Interna-tional Sports Council; she lives in San Diego with her husband, Robert. ... Christen McArdle was named the 2006 executive director of the Ann Arbor Film Festival, which recognizes experimen-tal and independent filmmakers from around the world. Christen left Los Angeles and New Crime Productions to accept this new position. Christen has gained recognition for her accomplishments in a variety of fields: she is an award-winning filmmaker, classical and experimental violist, actor, writer and producer. ... Natasha Marin writes,

“Unfortunately, I will be missing out on our re-union this year because I will be in Barcelona and the south of Spain this summer... I recently moved back to Los Angeles to take on a full-time position as the director of Spain Programs and Student Admissions coordinator for Abbey Road Overseas Programs.” ... Please continue to send updates on you and your friends; pictures of any group gather-ings (weddings, reunion, etc.) are encouraged as well. May you continue to be blessed, Maureen

Laura (Andrasak) married Michael ’01 Murphey last July and the couple lives in University Heights. Laura received her master’s in education from JCU in 2005 and teaches 6th grade math and science in Kent. Michael teaches 1st grade in Chagrin Falls. ... Andrea Ellis and Frank Colella ’01 are engaged to be married on September 2, 2006. Andrea is a business system analyst at National City Bank. Frank earned his master’s degree from Case and is working as a clinical nurse educator at Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital. The couple will re-side in Lyndhurst, OH. ... Susie (Memo) Schmitt married Alex ’98 in August 2005, and the couple is living in Hudson. The wedding party included JCU grads Kristen Healy, Amanda (Karpus) Mooney, Meredith (Lewis) Hudac, Nathan Lambert ’98, and Steve Rozman ’98. Susie received an advanced degree in early childhood education and is the Title I reading teacher for Streetsboro City Schools. ... Jeff Neiner is employed by Siemens Business Systems in Deefield, IL (outside of Chicago). He and his wife, Sheila (Buckley), were married last summer, honeymooned in Hawaii and live in Kenosha, WI. ... Nick Rennpage is teaching theology at the National Shrine of the Little Flower High School in Royal Oak, MI. He spends his free time building track bikes, cooking pizzas, and play-ing in country bands. He would also like to share that Jon Miceli ’03 drives a Cadillac. ... Phil Ryan is a senior associate at KPMG LLP in Cleveland. ... Michael Treleaven is living in Columbus, OH, and working as a broker for International Risk Consul-tants Inc. ... Aaron Weir received his law degree from Ohio University in 2005 and is working as an associate attorney at Maguire & Schneider, LLP in Columbus. ... and I (Gina Ferrara) have some news of my own to share. I graduate in May 2006 with my master’s in counseling from Saint Louis University. I will be working at Covenant House Missouri, an international non-profit organization that serves homeless and at-risk adolescents. Also, I got engaged in March and will be marrying Mike Taylor in April 2007. Beth Waide ’03 will be my maid of honor. ... It is wonderful to be able to share my news and yours with our entire class! Please keep the updates coming ... with news of so many engagements lately, I expect to have lots of wedding pictures coming my way by the end of summer! Best wishes, Gina

02send your notes to:Gina Ferrara4974 Bonita ave.st. louis, Mo 63109314.753.3816 (c)e-mail: [emailprotected]

send your notes to:lisa Foster 1808 Coventry rd., #6Cleveland heights, oh 44118440-339-6572

Clare Taft2171 Middlefield rd.Cleveland heights, oh 44106e-mail: [emailprotected]

99send your notes to:Martin Foxe-mail: [emailprotected]

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01send your notes to:Maureen deMers Fariello2133 south Finley rd., #515lombard, il 60148e-mail: [emailprotected]

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Great to hear from everyone. We are all so busy with work and everything else that goes on in our lives, it’s a real challenge to keep in touch. But now, with a little help from myspace.com, we can all easily stay connected. I have created a page just for our class, and so far it’s been pretty popular. Just check it out — www.myspace.com/jcu04. We have over 100 classmates already signed up, and hopefully we’ll get more by the time this hits your mailbox. At the page you can send updates to me directly or you can post a message so everyone can see it. So, please take a look. ... I’m looking forward to this having a positive impact, and hope-fully we’ll have more than enough information for next issue. So, here’s what’s been happening in the last few months ... Julie Goldyn went on to KSU after Carroll and got her master’s of educa-tion in school psychology. Now she’s working on her Ph.D. at KSU in school psychology. She’s been pretty busy outside of the classroom, because she is also working with the school doing consulting with teachers and designing interventions to ad-dress academic and behavioral issues in preschool children with disabilities. Soon she will be intern-ing with the Lorain City Schools. ... Ken Fortune is living in Geneva while working corporate secu-rity for Progressive Insurance in Mayfield Heights, OH. ... Darice Kopcak is currently the marketing manager for Porsche and Audi at Stoddard Import-ed Cars, Inc. in Willoughby, OH. She creates ads that are seen in various Porsche parts publications within the U.S. as well as England and Australia. A few of her other ads can be seen in other print publications. ... Matt Joyce graduated from the U.S. Army’s Airborne and Ranger Schools and is now a platoon leader in the 25th Infantry Division in Hawaii. He really misses the Cleveland winters — right! ... Maria Sellers has been living in Lakewood and working in Downtown Cleveland as an editor for KeyBanc Capital Markets. She is engaged to Ben Papay (who she met at work) and they are planning their August 26, 2006 wedding in Canton, OH. ... Joe Lowry recently moved to Arlington, VA, and started a job with the Office of Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Opera-tions for the U.S. House of Representatives where he assists with the various emergency-related pro-grams which they conduct. He’d tell us more but its top secret. ... Sarah Weese will be graduating with her master’s degree in August. She’ll then travel to beaches of North Carolina to pursue a ca-reer working with children and adolescents. ... Joe Hoelzle is teaching Social Studies at Hopewell-Loudon High School which is in Bascom (very rural) between Tiffin and Fostoria in Northwest Ohio. He teaches freshman World History and senior citizenship. Joe stays busy coaching as the assistant varsity football coach — d-line and run-ning backs. His team made it to the state semis in D6. He’s also the Jr. high wrestling coach, and the throwing coach for boys and girls Jr. and Sr. high track teams. This summer he plans on starting his

“Baseball is 90% mental, the other half is physi-cal.” – Yogi Berra … As I write this, I’m watching the Tribe take on the Tigers. Ah, the beginning of the season and so much hope. But, we’re losing, so it’s good there are 162 games in the season. Happy summer, everyone! I received e-mails from several of you for this column – thank you! Here’s what people had to say ... Jen Gardner is graduat-ing this May from American University Washington College of Law and is moving back up to Cleve-land. She’ll spend this summer studying for the bar exam, and then will start as an associate attorney at Climaco, Lefkowitz, Peca, Wilcox & Garofoli Co., LLP. ... Rhodora Donley spent two years teaching special ed at Holy Family Learning, where she met her fiancé, Scott Huffmyer. Rhodora and Scott are getting married in June and recently built a house in Ohio Township in Pittsburgh. ... Kevin Gray is an account executive with Acordia/Wells Fargo in Louisville, KY. ... Collin Braun is moving to L.A. in August, as he was recently accepted to Claremont Graduate University’s Ph.D. in Religion Program. Collin was living in Boston, where he earned his MA in theology from Boston College, and was teaching at Malden Catholic High School. He’s also a part-time tennis pro. ... Brandy (Clark) Howell sent me a nice long e-mail about the girls in Bernet 2F. She passes along the news that she married her sweetheart, Josh, on September 18, 2004; and moved to Stone Mountain, GA. Both Brandy and Josh work in Atlanta for a high-rise remodel-ing firm. ... Brandy also mentioned that Jessica Cornuet married Rob DePascal in April 2005, and Tiffany Robinson married Brian Willmott ’01 in August 2005. ... Veronica Gorley is engaged to James Chufo and they will be married in May. ... Plus Andrea Macy is engaged to Bob Gray and has a wedding planned for Labor Day weekend! ... Jack Gutowitz recently left The West Wing and started to work on a new show. He’s currently a writers’ assistant on a new one-hour drama that will come out on NBC this fall. The show is called Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip and is one of the most anticipated dramas of the upcoming season! Jack is under the direct supervision of Aaron Sor-kin, who created The West Wing and SportsNight and also wrote A Few Good Men and The Ameri-can President. Tune in this fall! ... Patrick Mancuso ’02 moved out to Orange County, CA, in June 2005 and was promoted to general manager of the Cintas Cleanroom Division in Southern California. ... Dennis Burgess ’02 is in St. Simons Island, GA. ... Melissa Allen is working in D.C. as one of six people from the Class of 2005 Office of the Secre-tary Management Intern program. She moved to DC in September to begin her two-year internship at the Main Interior Building. … Erin DeBruin is working as a computer teacher at St. George School in Illinois, and is engaged to Brian Skibinski. They have a July 16th wedding planned in Chicago. Best wishes! ... Thanks again for the news, and have a great summer! Take care, Theresa

master’s in educational administration, most likely at the University of Findlay. ... That’s it for now. Take care, Paul

Hi all! Not much to report this time. Keep sending me your updates or this column is going to get pretty boring. ... J.T. Sturm is teaching pre-calculus and integrated math 1 at Medina High School. Outside of the classroom, he is the head junior varsity boys’ basketball coach. ... Michael J. Costello is a battalion adjutant at Fort Riley, KS, with the U.S. Army 2-70 AR company. ... Dave Summers was recently promoted to sales manager at Best Buy in Mentor. He is the young-est sales manager in the district, and has between 120 and 160 employees under him. ... Lauren Connolly is working as a sales representative for American Phone Centers in Cleveland. ... Andrew Guild is working in downtown Cleveland for the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. ... Amanda Le-onberg was recently accepted into the Creighton University School of Medicine in Omaha, NE, where she’ll start in the fall. ... And in wedding news, Lauren Smith recently got engaged to Craig Setter. Lauren is currently in graduate school at Case Western Reserve University. They are planning an August 2007 wedding in Pittsburgh. ... Janet Kramer is volunteering full-time with the Episcopal Urban Intern Program and AmeriCorps in Inglewood, CA. She works as an employment specialist at a non- profit called Chrysalis, where she helps homeless people find jobs and get the resources they need to become self- sufficient. ... That’s it for now — I love hearing what every-body’s doing, so keep those updates coming! Jennifer

05send your notes to:Jennifer Tolhurst1360 W. Clifton Blvd.lakewood, oh 44107614.370.1565 (c)e-mail: [emailprotected]

September 22-24, 2006

Parade around JCU

Street Fair

Beer Garden

JCU Football

Seeing old classmates

Alumni Mass & Breakfast

For more information regarding Homecoming 2006 visit www.jcu.edu/alumni

2006 Homecoming

03send your notes to:Theresa Polachek4844 Westbourne rd.lyndhurst, ohio 44124e-mail: [emailprotected]

04send your notes to:Paul s. Clapp2274 Chapel rd.Jefferson, oh 44047440.812.3837 (c)e-mail:[emailprotected]

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in MemoriamThomas E. Downey, Sr. ’35 6/19/00Mary C. Malone ’37 2/21/06Frank V. Baldo ’38 1/09/06Raymond J. McGorray ’40 2/23/06John F. O’Brien ’41 3/06/06Thomas J. Coates ’44 3/21/06Joseph R. Shaker ’45 4/03/06Samuel D. Gunning ’46 4/02/06Kevin F. Smith ’48 4/17/06Jack J. Corrigan ’49 4/03/06Francis O. Calkins ’50 12/08/05John Charles Gstalder ’50 2/20/06Patrick J. Kelly ’50 3/31/06Paul V. Dougherty ’50 4/04/06Thomas J. Hamann ’50 2/26/06Leonard J. Raimer ’51 2/18/06Joseph L. Fortuna ’52 4/23/06

Leonard A. Weisenberg ’52 4/2/06Samuel U. Wetzel ’52 3/7/06Charles D. Consolo ’53 2/10/06William G. Cibula ’54 11/30/05Cornelius D. O’Connell ’55 3/11/06James R. Shalala ’55 3/12/06Frank J. Novak ’56 4/07/06John T. Boyle ’56 5/22/05Russell C. Drago ’56 2/15/06James R. Phalen ’59 2/11/06David F. Starre ’60 4/23/06Thomas H. Smayda ’62 7/28/05William L. DiMuzio ’66 12/31/05John A. Coffin ’66G 4/09/06Nicholas T. Stowe ’68G 12/25/04William F. Peinert ’68G 2/11/06John H. Bruening ’69G 2/26/06

Donald J. Fornadel ’72 2/11/06Nikki Babbit ’74G 4/20/06Michael J. Dambach ’74 3/08/06Gary E. Mapes ’75 2/08/06Richard F. Connors ’76 4/07/06Judith S. Lesser ’76G 3/06/06David J. Czernicki ’80 2/23/03John W. Brewton ’83G 2/4/06Patrick D. Goold ’84 4/15/06Patrick A. Maestranzi ’91 2/12/06Patrick J. Downing ’91 5/11/05Albert N. Cousins Retired faculty 3/20/06

September 22-24, 2006

Parade around JCU

Street Fair

Beer Garden

JCU Football

Seeing old classmates

Alumni Mass & Breakfast

For more information regarding Homecoming 2006 visit www.jcu.edu/alumni

Frank Percaciante met Megan Macho on his 19th birthday, april 9, 1999. the place was Murphy hall and the catalyst was classmate Brendan Joilet ’04, who is now walking the mean streets of iraq. it took Megan and Frank a while to bond, but they ended the millennium with the promise to each other. they were an item through their last years at John Carroll, as Frank played football and studied finance and Megan built her base in psychology.

their engagement happened in 2003 and there was a more than two-year journey before the wedding occurred in December of last year. Because theirs is so strongly a John Carroll romance, Megan and Frank wanted to hold an event, a shower, on campus before the wedding. that happened late last fall in the atrium of the Dolan Center.

Frank made a little speech celebrating the university and Megan and the prom-ise of their life together. he recalls now, “i said there were a lot of things i owed John Carroll for giving me: a great liberal education, the opportunity to play football and a great bunch of friends, but the greatest thing was the opportunity to meet Megan.”

Classmates and fellow gridders erik Warren ’02 and tom Kaufman ’03 were in the wedding, as was Megan’s friend, sarah

Frank and Megan Percaciante ’02: another JCu romance

Klein ’02.life together is underway. Frank, the

son of the university copy center’s lois Percaciante, is now a controller for Garland industries in Cleveland. Megan is earning a master’s at Cleveland state university in occupational therapy.

alumni Medal noMinationsThe Alumni Office is seeking nominations for the Alumni Association’s highest honor, the Alumni Medal.

the award is given on the basis of distinguished service to a profession, exemplary family and personal life, contributions to community, and leadership service to the university and the association. Please send the name, title, organization and class year of the nominee, as well as a brief career summary to:

ryan DalyDirector of alumni relationsJohn Carroll university20700 north Park Boulevarduniversity heights, oh 44118 nominations can be made at www.jcu.edu/alumni or by e-mailing to [emailprotected] by February 16, 2007

This is the deceased list as we know it. We apologize for any omission and ask that you please notify Joan Brosius at 216.397.4332. Thank you.

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sam Wetzel was many things to many people. he was the beloved husband of the late audrey, the devoted father of five daughters and three sons and the grandfather of 32. he was a successful

businessman who served his customers throughout a long career in real estate.

the first line of the Plain Dealer obituary read: “Dave starre, 67, who sold food by day but gave it away at night, died sunday at Fairview hospital.” those contraries – selling and giving – spoke

profoundly of Dave starre. he was a re-spected food broker who supplied grocery stores. he was also the consummate man for others. For three decades he ran the

Mr. Wetzel was also one of the most loving of the sons of John Carroll. one of 12 children, he followed his brothers John ’46, and tom ’47 and preceded Gene ’53 here. Mr. Wetzel cherished his years on campus and worked hard to maintain the vitality of his Carroll relationship.

he was a longtime class columnist, who was honored last year with the silver Quill given to the year’s outstanding scribe. in one of his many reflections on the ties that bind, Mr. Wetzel said: “after 45 busy years raising

sam Wetzel ’52, silver Quill recipientfamilies and pursuing ambitious careers, what a tonic it is now to have the time and the energy to mingle and reminisce about those years on the Carroll campus.”

the silver Quill citation concluded, “it is a matter of relationships and the quality of the columnist’s heart and soul. sam’s heart and soul were luminously manifest through his decade of service.”

Mr. Wetzel is survived by his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and a host of friends.

Dave starre ’60, hunger serviceMonday night meal program at his parish, st. Malachi’s, on Cleveland’s West side.

his friend Jim laubenthal said some time ago, “he is singularly responsible for the development of a community around delivering the meal. this is his ministry.”

scores who didn’t know Dave starre knew of him. though he was notably self effacing, he was a well-known volunteer and during his long battle with cancer, he also became an exemplar of courage. John Carroll included him in the magazine’s first Making a Difference class.

Mr. starre and his wife, Barbara, agreed

to marry after three dates but waited until he graduated from the university in 1960. they never strayed far from where they grew. they raised their own two sons and two daughters, became deeply rooted members of the st. Malachi Community and lived lives of purpose and service. the one somewhat exotic element in their lives was their devotion to their land in rural Medina County. last year they moved to it as their primary residence.

Mr. starre is survived by Barbara; by his four children; by 13 grandchildren; two brothers and a sister.







“ B u s i n e s s m a n ” sounds almost like “cover,” obscuring the reality of Pat Goold. the Class of 1984 graduate was indeed the owner/manager of two litehouse Pools

branches, and he used his rich gifts to suc-ceed in business. From the testimony of his multitudinous friends, though, Mr. Goold was truly a relationship artist, one who had a rare ability to build deep connections with

Pat Goold ’84, businessmana large number of people.

When it became clear that his remain-ing days were few, several hundred people marched through the streets of Bay village, ohio, proclaiming that “life is Goold!”

in his eulogy, Mr. Goold’s brother-in-law, sean Mcandrews, said, “the nurses and doctors at the Cleveland Clinic, having never seen anything like it, as literally hundreds of Pat’s friends paraded into his room, labeled him The RockStar…”

according to Mcandrews and other friends – there clearly is a consensus – Mr. Goold had a remarkable ability to listen

without judgment and with care. the result was that his fellow humans were drawn to Mr. Goold as if he possessed a powerful magnet inside himself. Mcandrews said, “the more you knew Pat, the greater a man he was…this church filled to capacity today is testimony to his life.’’ the obvious fact is that Mr. Goold lived a rich humanity, which was his great and memorable gift.

Mr. Goold is survived by his wife, Cathy; by his sons, Jack and Matthew; by his daughter, Katie; by his parents; by three sisters and a grandfather.

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Carroll News wins big again

For the second consecutive year, the Carroll News was named the best weekly in region four by the society of Professional Journalists. the judges said: “the staff knows its audience, focusing on student-related articles.” Kevin yanik ’06 won a first for sports writing; and third place distinctions went to Jake oresick ’06 for opinion; Jonathan tramontana ’07 for sports photography; andrew rafferty ’09 for news; James Carney ’07 for news design; and Melissa Cigoi ’07 for editorial cartoon.

Krystina McGiffin ’07, right, recently assumed the editorship of the paper from senior tricia Graham, center. the newspaper advisor, Bob noll, is also pictured above.

JCu’s Joe Adair ’00 was one of the stars of God or the Girl, a five-part tv series that concluded apr 23 on the a&e network. adair, coordinator of immersion experiences and a resident campus minister at JCu, joined three other men in sharing the process of discerning whether or not they have a vocation for the priesthood. Joe, who led the university’s trips to new orleans in winter and spring (see Making a Difference) became a considerable celebrity this spring, appearing on the television morning shows and being deluged with letters and e-mails – many of them from intrigued young women.

Dolar wins rOTC’s Marshall awardChristopher J. Dolar ’06 of north olmsted, oh, has been named the George C. Marshall award winner from JCu. Given annually, this award is presented to the most outstanding cadet in the army rotC program at John Carroll.

JCu’s four in Crain’s “20 in their 20s.”John Carroll placed four recent alumni

in Crain’s on-their-way up feature

charting 20-somethings who are doing

notable things. The four are: Hannah

Fritzman ’03 (see Making a Difference),

Jason Therrien ’01 of Thunder::Tech,

Brian Edelstein ’01 of Edward Howard,

and Joseph DelRe ’00.

a professor’s bequest to GrasselliThe widow of the late Professor Conrad

Rawski, former dean of the Case

Western Reserve University School

of Library Science, has donated the

3200 volumes in his personal scholarly

collection to Grasselli Library. Mrs.

Rawski said that her husband was a

devout Catholic and would be pleased

to know his collection had found a

home in a Catholic university.



Two more firsts for JCu neuroscience studentsJacqueline Kemp ‘06G won first place for a research paper in biology/

physiology and senior Crystal Woodside took a first in the biology/

endocrinology category at the 60th Annual Eastern Colleges Science Conference

on April 22. The young women were winners in a field that included over 600

hundred participants from more than 30 universities. It was the 18th of 19 years

that neuroscience concentration students of Drs. Cyrilla Wideman and Helen

Murphy have garnered firsts at the conference.

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ten years ago, a small Jesuit school on Chicago’s southwest side began an educational revolution. Cristo rey com-bined traditional Jesuit education and an innovative work-study program. it was designed to serve lower-income families who couldn’t afford a private-school tu-ition. Median income of the first class was around $30,000 for a family of six.

the families came from the pre-dominantly Mexican Pilsen/little village neighborhood, and the school engaged a vastly different demographic from schools like loyola academy in Wilmette, il – my alma mater – where most students came from white, upper-middle class families and had names like o’Brien.

Cristo rey was created so students could earn over 70% of their tuition while going to school; earn that money in real jobs where students were integrated into offices hospitals, banks, and law firms.

then and now, at their jobs, students earn 70% of their tuition, which pays for 70% of the school’s operating costs. yes, 70% of the staff’s salary comes from stu-dents working. the students work one full 8- hour day per week, while attending class the other four days. Companies pay the school for the students’ services, allowing the tuition payable by the students to be lowered from $8,000 to $2,500.

Companies fell and stayed in love with the idea. they received energetic young workers to handle the office work like mailings, copying, faxing, computer input, etc. Many students are soon given greater responsibility. at Cristo rey, those who e bilingual were able to utilize their spanish skills – proud, not embarrassed, to be speaking the language of their heritage. While i worked there, i heard many stories of our students translating for patients, co-workers, etc. When the only one in the

the Cristo rey model: transforming urban education

By Dan o’Brien’93

office that can speak spanish is 14, that student’s self-esteem goes through the roof.

in the ten years that have passed since Cristo rey opened its doors, 12 other schools have copied the model. Five more are set to open in 2007. i should tell you that not all of the schools are Jesuit-run; some are Christian Brothers sponsored; some are sponsored by Catholic dioceses, and the new school in Kansas City will be run by the sisters of leavenworth.

the model involves far more than a work-study program and a new way of paying the educational bills. the model is carefully crafted to get kids excited about education, stay in school and go to college. Cristo rey boasts a 95% graduation rate and a similar college attendance rate in a neighborhood where the public school drop-out rate is 75%. these students now have options for college. the question is no longer, “are you going to college” but, “Where are you going to college?” letters of recommendation now come not only from english teachers, but also from hr

directors and CFo’s.i had the privilege of working at Cristo

rey for two years in the work-study pro-gram before i defected to Denver to start arrupe Jesuit high school. We opened in 2003 and will be graduating our first class next June of 2007. i am the director of the work-study program. the number of com-panies involved in employing our students has doubled every year since we opened and we possess a 90% sponsor retention rate. next year, our student body of 270 in Denver will earn over $1,000,000 of their own education.

let me share with you a recent email i received from one of our law firm sponsors::

i just wanted to thank you for the fine job the arrupe program does in preparing their students to come into the corporate world and succeed. We have not had one conversation with either of our arrupe stu-dents about tardiness, dress or performance – evidence that what you are doing at ar-rupe is working, that your training program is thorough and your students are learning! thanks for the quality of young people you are sending us, and for the arrupe program.

John Carroll is a work-study sponsor for Cleveland’s version of the Cristo rey model: st. Martin de Porres located in the former st. vitus school on Cleveland’s near east side. Moreover, former JCu President Fr. edward Glynn, sJ, was recent-ly named president of Christ the King high school, the version of the educational model scheduled to open in newark, nJ, scheduled in 2007.

this is one of the most innovative models i have ever seen and it has been exciting to be part of it. a former student of mine at Cristo rey, a recent graduate of Marquette, told me : “My life changed when i went to Cristo rey.” Mine did too.



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When the ortega sisters and their parents left the cab at the hotel in Miami on July 4, 1979, fireworks suddenly erupted and olga and Mariana started running. They didn’t know July 4th and had come from a war. The Sandinista revolution in nicaragua traumatized the family and drove them to the u.S., where they became political refugees. norma ortega, a lawyer, welcomed the Sandinista overthrow of the Somoza dictatorship, but her husband, Roberto, also a lawyer, was a Somocista and the family feared he would be punished by the Sandinistas.

Love bridged the gap between the parents’ politics, but politics tore the upper-middle class family from their home and caused them to irrevocably leave behind possessions and wealth. Southern california was the destination. They all went to work cleaning houses and struggling to survive in a strange land. The parents never again were lawyers. Thirteen-year-old Mariana learned the language and stayed after school reading Plato’s Republic with her teacher.

Philosophy captured her soul and never let go. She had been ravaged by life’s chaos and wanted the meaning and truth philosophy might bring. She clung to philosophy’s abstract argument as a line out of the messy flux of her young life: “it was a movement away from the everyday, so i could think in an abstract way because i was scared.”

But there was always a tension. her interests were metaphysics –“because i wanted to move away” from lived life – and existentialism – “because it’s about your actual life.” ultimately, while she found a haven in philosophy’s order she was irresistibly drawn to the philosophy of “actual life.”

She earned a Ph.d. at the university of california at San diego, and despite cold weather she has never gotten used to, Mariana ortega came to Jcu 11 years ago. She was drawn by the Jesuit justice mission – she has never been able to get away from the “actual life” suffering of so many. The hiroshima survivor in Japan mesmerized her. She was all but obsessed with the holocaust at a time when she was unable to look hard at the

suffering in nicaragua. While she is a grateful citizen, she is unhappy with the u.S. government’s history of aiding oppressive regimes in central america.

She loves teaching. She said, “i love teaching because i get to open up a world, and i can see it when their eyes light up and they are first starting to think about issues.But it’s hard because you’re opening them up to a difficult world. Philosophy has helped me so much; i’m hoping it will help them too.”

When she won the culicchia award for the excellence of her teaching last year, in front of her students and her colleagues and her family and the teacher with whom she read Plato as a girl, she said: “i live to see that light in their eyes.”

ortega is spending much of her time bringing her philosophical tools to the study of “Latina consciousness,” and the experience of people who have more than one culture or are in some other way “in between,” as she is. She speaks Spanish with her family and says she is a different person when she visits her sister in Miami. She lives with tensions, such as the big one between the purity of thought and the riveting chaos of actual life.

She looks ... serious, and then you experience the tropical flower of the smile, the sonrisa, which is more radiant than most, perhaps because

of the contrast with the seriousness.You tell her that her very warm smile, her affect in friendly

dialogue, seems “childlike,” which instantly feels stupid to say to someone who was 13 in 1979, is manifestly serious and has a strong reputation for using the scalpel of her analytical mind to cut away what encrusts truth. nonetheless, there clearly is unusual warmth and play behind a facade that at first says: “hip, Latin american intellectual.”

She says: “i don’t think i have healed. it (displacement) really formed my way of being. it made me who i am.” It is, for worse and better, part of her complexity and the world’s. But in her case, it has been turned into a gift to students at this university.


dr. Mariana ortega: ‘i live to see that light in

their eyes’

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The Jesuit University in Cleveland

20700 North Park BoulevardUniversity Heights, Ohio 44118

Parents: If this issue of John Carroll is addressed to your daughter or son who has established a separate permanent address, please notify us of the new address: [emailprotected]

Make your plans to attend Reunion Weekend

Information is on the Web at www.jcu.edu/alumni/reunion, and for your convenience, you can register online.

Your classmates travel from near and far to reunite with old friends, so won’t you join them? Come for the entire weekend or choose to attend lunch or dinner a la carte. Bring yourself, a guest or your whole family!

For last minute questions, contact Rosalie Massey at 216.397.3014 or at [emailprotected].

See you at Reunion 2006!

June 23 – 25, 2006

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.