Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois (2024)

30 CLASSIFIED ADS DECATUR HERALD Friday, April 18, 1947. Articles for Sale 51 COLLAPSIBLE baby buggy, good Condi lion. S6. 455 s. ELECTRIC room beaters at off $7 50 up AutomaUcHeatCg241 Eldorado GOOD flat-top office desk and chair.

Oak 204 E. Jackson. Sullivan. Ill Money to Loan 40 LOANS on citv. siihurban nnri farm lnnrit J.

D. Johnson Sons, general Insurance ana real estate. 114 N. Water. 5131.

Dogs Cats Other Pets 47 CANARIES, singer, good selection, for Mother's Day. 2190 Main. Hold co*ckERS, registered. 10 weeks old. Sired oy cnampion stocKdale Regent.

125, $30 703 W. Clay, Clinton. COOKERS. Manchester. Afghans, Collies! Fox Terriers.

A.K.C. registered. Visitors welcome. Rreks Kennels. 7 east on 36.

co*ckER puppies. Black pedigreed. Excel-lent blood lines. Phone 2-8769. co*ckER PUP.

blonde male, thoroughbred. aj3. Kiversiae. co*ckER SPANIEL, black male, thorough- preq. zuoj wuiiam.

Alter 6. 2-4180. SANDEMAC all breed dog show. Entries ciosea April zi Blanks at Morehouse Wells Information call 2-8771 or 2-8816 Ka bbits Furs Supplies 47A PEDIGREED Hlmalayans. one buck.

goes, sv.au. Z64 w. Harrison. 3-2739. AL'S RABBITRJES 855 20 years same location S.

Broadway Nuff said. YOUNG RABBITS for sale. 863 W. Olive. Farmers Market 48 AIXIS-CHALMERS 3 bottom plow, high lift.

Fred Becker. 5'i southeast Mowea- qua. ALUS CHALMERS Model HD-10W trac tor wun Buckeye model 510 bulldozer, less than year old: Le Tourneau Model LS scraper 11946). like new. Write P.

O. Box 30. Phone 884. Clinton, 111. BAY MARE 4 years old." well broke.

1000 ins. Brooder nnuse 7x9: 2 shoals, aver age 140 lbs. 2nd house west Texaco i.igmnouse. "BEN-HUR" HOME FREEZERS JUST IDEAL FOR FARM USE 12 CU. FT.

ALL WHITE! SEALED UNITI MOREHOUSE WELLS BAsem*nT BRONZE turkey eggs. 30c each. R. Still apower. Hammond.

Phone 67. BROODER HOUSE. 12x8. Inquire Latham uraae scnool, Latham. CASE 10' combine.

Model C. B. Wayne rarr, Finoiay. III. CASE PLOW, 2-16, 2 years old.

Slightly used. G. Harbarger, Hindsboro. phone 19. CATERPILLAR 15: International 3-14 plow; 10' J.

D. Disc. J. D. 14-7 drill, wun or wicnout lertinzer attaenments.

All A-l. Don Wood. Tower Hill. 111. CATTLE! CALVES! HOGSI Received six days weekly.

Phone 5353. collect. Decatur facKing and provision 801 S. Main CHALMERS CULTIVATOR. 2 row and power lilt: 4 row bean attachment for John Deere cultivator.

Lloyd Eklss. Aioweaqua. CHESTER white fall boars and open gilts. farmers prices. a Meyer.

Morrison- vine. 111. CLOVER HAY straw, gravel and paving bricks. H. Wilson Wlllouenbv.

Rear men o. i'rankiin. COBEY wagons with 14" steel sides; stock racks available, c. dt W. Implement Warrensburg, 111.

CORN PICKER 1 row. Minneapolis: first ciass condition, cnaries Meacnum. De- land. mornings. CORN PICKERS: 2 2-row; 2 101 John Deere 1-row.

all new: Used IHC: 2 and 2 1945 models. New 38 Farmers Friend corn dump, com- plete: never set up. Clark. 4 miles South Maroa. CREAM separater, East i2 North Fmery after 6.

CUNNINGHAM weed mowers. 3 foot cut ting bar. in stock. Six Point Implement Bloomington. III.

BE LAVAL milkers and cream separators. H. A. Kuhle. 444 ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANTS New or used.

32 or 110 volts. A C. or to 10 w. standard makes. Service and parts, k.

wni.te. Factory 'Distributor 1375 W. Main St Decatur. Phone 5289. E.

Z. RIDE tractor seats for all model tractors. Umbrellas for sunny days ahead. Boyd Swinford. Charleston.

116 FARNAM-CURRI Cattle and Hog Oilers. Hand and Power Lawnmowers. Bulk and Package Garden. Field and Lawn Seed. Hog waterers.

Hammermills. Gasoline Engines, to 1 h.p. Bruce Implement 429 E. William. 38 HARDWARE STORE, business and fix tures, $1,000 plus invoice, or $7000, walk out.

month rent. Appointments only. I. L. Vancil.

Morrisonville. Office and residence. Phone 19 10 other businesses. Lunch and sandwich route that tours all or the industries, is for sale. This Includes truck and equipment.

For oetaiis can DECATUR REALTY CO. 225 Citizens Bldg. 5321 SALESMAN or apprentice wanted. I must retire in 2 months. I will train you and in 2 months will turn over my complete business to you in Central Illinois ter ritory.

Box 378 Herald-Review. TAVERN CAFE that'll net S10.000 a year. The dominating food and beverage spot in a busy Central Illinois town, not far away A real sold mine that you can buy for less than $10,000. Gebhart, Live- say, ueonart. ijg e.

wuiiam. 2-5135. APPLIANCE STORE. Please write. 380 Herald-Review.

Box CAN YOU invest $75 in merchandise? You can make $J5 day on new inven tion. Write Castello Sales 1954 N. West ern Chicago, ill. DEALER WANTED to handle steel wall tile and complete ba th room fix tu res. Contact Steel Wall Tile Sales Service.

110 W. Mam Urbana. 111. FIRESTONE DEALER STORE: Doing ex cellent business. Reason for selling, poor health.

Dale Huffman, Greenup, 111. Phone 22. LARGE CAFE. Filling station. 5 room house.

4 acres. 1 cabin, on Route 48. Good business. Good going tavern. England St Son, Morrisonville.

MODERN filling station and restaurant on large tract ground. Hesiaurant iuuy equipped, with 2 apts. on ground noor On busy Junction. Ideal location for othei businesses. Can be bought as one unit consider sellling separately.

Good Investment. Box 364. Herald-Review. Money to Loan 40 AUTO LOANS UP TO $500 OR MORE Just Bring in Your Title and Get Your Money in 10 minutest or if you owe a Balance On Your Car That's O- K. Weill Make You a Loan Anyway.

We're E-Z to Deal With and It's Strictly Our New Smaller-Payment Plan Provides Money for Seasonal Needs. Emergencies. Taxes, Old Bills, Car Repairs, or Purchases. Help Relatives or Any Purpose, REPAYMENTS AS LOW AS $100 Auto Loan S2G0 Auto Loan $300 Auto Loan $400 Auto Loan $500 Auto Loan 7.08 Monthly $14.18 Monthly $21.24 Monthly $28.32 Monthly $35.40 Monthly Your Car Need Not Be Fully Paid For! No Filed or Recorded Mortgage Publicity! Employer. Creditors.

Nor Nobody Notified) Wife Doesn't Sign! Loans 75 Miles Away! No Payments If You Are 111 or Injured! Loss of Life Pays the Contract In Full! Low Cost! No Co-Signers! No Red Tape! PEOPLES FINANCE COMPANY "Decatur's Auto Loan Specialists" (Where Friends and Finance Meet) 2nd Floor National Bank of Decatur Bldg. Entrance 130 N. Water St. Phone 2-3364 About Your Money Needs. Loans to $300 Model Loan Co.

R. W. CHAPMAN. MGR. 120 E.

WILLIAM PHONE 2-6013 LOANS: On city property and (arms. 4 mommy reductions, nominal expenses. Moyer Realty 374 Citizens Bldg. 5481. CASH FOR SPRING NEEDS S50.00 TO $300.00 Pay left over winter bills.

Paint and re pair properly, on your own signature and security. FRIENDLY CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE S. W. COE CO. 226 E.

WILLIAM 2-4544 DO YOU REALIZE how easy and Inex pensive is to get tne money you need at Rosenbergs? If it's $5 It will onlv cost you 15c; If it's $10, only 30c: $15 only 45c and so on. And there's no delay at Rosenbergs, 445 N. LOANS $25 $50 $100 $150 $200 $300 on Your own signature: Auto: Furniture Men or Women, single or married are elig- iDiei Borrow lor nome or car repairs school expenses clothing, coal, taxes, etc. "ONE-VISIT SERVICE" No long wait. Pay up old "Bunch" mcra inio one small montniy payment Apply today Cash right away! GENERAL FINANCE LOAN CO.

State Supervised 118 W. Prairie Phone 5358 LOANS $25 TO $300 DECATUR SHORT LOAN CO. C. C. McBee, Mgr.

566 Citizens Bldg. Phone. 8663 LOANS: $25. $50, $100 or more. Need cash? i-ome to Housenoid for a loan on your salary without security or endorsers Loans also made on furniture and car without endorsers.

HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Corporation 4th Ffoor Citizens Bldg. Phone 5277 MONEY TO PAY BILLS! TO MA ICE PURCHASES! FOR OTHER NEEDS! $25 to $300 In One Day ON YOUR NAME ONLS AUTOMOBILE FURNITURE OR OTHER PERSONAL PROPERTY Privately arranged! Visit Our New Office Public Loan CORPORATION 251 Citizens Bldg 2nd floor 250 N. Water St. PHONE 4101 Business Opportunities 5 Help Wanted Mmle. Female 32 EXPERIENCED white woman for cooklm Stay nights.

Own room and bath. Ref erences. 8876. Experienced Waitress GOOD PAY APPLY IN PERSON THE SURREY 134 E. PRAIRIE GENERAL FARM work.

Single man. room. board, married, by day. Mile west, mile Boutn Eiwm. jesse M.

Lanter. GIRLS PACKAGE ice cream and make novelties. Steady work, good pay. Midwest Dairy Products Co. 90 W.

Eldorado. Phone 4301 FEMALE COOK and kitchen help. Roma KMtaurant. 439 n. water.

FEMALE dish washer, apply tn person I own Pump. 602 W. King. GIRL for demonstration work. Some ex perience preferred.

Apply in person. Ford- Hopkins Co. GIRL for dispensing and waitress work Apply person Ford-Hopkins Co. GIRLS WANTED, ago 16 or over for light manufacturing Clean work Good hours me Hi-Flier Mfg 610 Wabasn Av HELP WANTED: Experienced Cable SpIIc ers, combination men and Automatic Central Office Switchmen. Permanent positions for those who can qualify.

Ap ply tn person or write to Illinois Tele phone Company, Bloomington. Illinois. HELP WANTED: COUPLE. Wife to cook and do housework: husband for gardening and lawn care. Modern home: pleasant rooms, meals plus salary: near Chicago.

transportation furnished. Write full details to U. J. Murray. Prairie View.

III. INTELLIGENT reliable girl, with pleasant personality lor on ice worg. Aitracttv hours. Midwest Dairy Products 890 w. Eidnrado.

LADY to do housework, children. 3-1385. take care of LADY to stay with 6 months baby. Sat urday afternoons. Sundays off.

8-4 daily Lunch furnished. 3-2002 after 5. MAN AND WIFE for farm work. 3 room modern house. Good wages and bonus.

Veteran eligible under G. I. Plan. Box 375. Herald-Review.

MAN wanted, steady work, good pay. Apply Dope plant, Wabash car shops, ana and condtt. MAN for painting and wall washing. Steady worn. z-yj.

MARRIED MAN: experienced: year around larm work. EJectricity. Harry Tankers- ley. Mt. Aunurn.

MARRIED MAN, experienced, year around farm work- Close to Decatur. Box JBJ Herald-Review. MARRIED MAN. experienced, year aroun farm work. Electricity.

A. B. Wilcox. 223 E. North after 5 p.

m. MARRIED MAN. general farm work, nca: Mt. Auburn. House with electricity.

Dennis. Dalton City. SINGLE MAN, for farm work, grain and stock farm. Must have clean nanus. Box 384.

Herald-Review. TO PREPARE meals and stay with ill lady not bedfast, days. 2-2145. TWO EXPERIENCED LADIES TO STRETCH CURTAINS. NIGHT SHIFT APPLY IN PERSON, 531 N.

MONROE. WANTED: Capable young men to work in retail store. Must have experience selling clothing, furnishings and shoes. Good pay. Famous Bargain Store, Water at North.

WANTED middle aged lady for housework and care of elderly lady. Modern country home. No laundry. Chas. B.

Hartwig. wi antic. Rl. Phone. WHITE waitress 20 to 35.

Day work Transportation furnished. The Coffee Pot. 4907. WOMAN inder 35 for cashiering. Must be neat, pieasant, eincient.

Must oe oona-able fwe pay bonding costs i. Give full details about yourself in first letter. Box j.2 Heraia Keview. WOMAN for general housework. 52 days week.

Phone 6412. WOMAN for grocery store clerking. Ex perienced, winis Grocery. 248 s. mc- Clellan.

No phone calls. YOUNG GIRLS for inside, and curb ser vice. Must be neat appearing. Decatur rood catering bervice, corner rairview at w. Eldorado after 4.

No phone cam. YOUNG WOMAN to frost cakes, cup cakes, rolls, etc. Experienced. No other need apply, steady, day time work. Eaton Bakery.

YOUNG WOMAN for office work, typing and snorthand necessary. Apply personnel. 7th Floor. Gebhart-Gushard. EXPERIENCED real estate salesmen with established firm.

Reply Box 387, Herald-Review. experienced waitresses. Good Transportation furnished. 4915 2 BOYS 16 years old for inside work. Apply in person.

KemPer park inn 2.120 E. Main. 8913. Salesmen, hales Ladies 35 ATTENTION SALESMEN: Sell year around to homes, factories and business places Good side line or full time. Box 373, Herald-Review.

AN exceptional opportunity for ambitious salesman. Must have car. in local tern tory. Income possibilities easily exceed sioo weeK. Write lor interview, box 3R8 Hrrald-Revlew.

CANVASSERS for Roofing and Siding work, full or part-time. 6488. ENJOY a real vacation with money you earn yourself. Avon Products Co. offer a pleasant profitable opportunity.

Box 386. Heraia-Keview. LIVE WIRE salerman or woman. Wonder ful opportunity for right person. 6262.

LOCAL representative for Decatur and surrounding territories to represent old established company. Plenty of live furnished. Can make over $150.00 per weeic. Must have car. Intangible or specialty experience helpful but not necessary.

We advance commission. Box 377. Herald-Review. MARRIED MAN, age 25-33, High School, for permanent sales position in Decatur Good earnings from start, excellent future. Sales experience preferred.

Box 367. Herald-Review. SALESMAN wanted, car required, canvassing required. Night work necessary. Selling home freezers.

Local territory Average salesman makes $4000 minimum yearly. Box 361. Herald-Review. WE NEED A MAN Substantial Monthly Guarantee To survey local heating situation and take orders for furnace cleaning and repair service: full time: and very good pay. Finest kind of opportunity to gain heating and air conditioning experience that will qualify you for branch managerial positions with world's largest installers of home heating equipment.

Holland Furnace Co. 660 N. Main St Work Wanted. Male. Female 36 ADDRESSING typing, all kinds in my home.

Call for and deliver. 9805. BABY SITTING: Phone 5784. Go days or nights. HOUSEKEEPING: modern home.

Full charge. In or out of citv. Box 371 Herald-Review. LAUNDRY WOR Kf arniiyT" hoteCbeauty shop or restaurant bundles: -ilks. In your home or mine.

Colored. 3-6091. TAILORING: Expert alterations and slip covers. Call Mrs. Howell.

6805. WASHING AND ironing in my home Phone 6588. WILL CARE for children In my home, days, hour, evenings. 1047 W. Cerro Gordo.

Business Opportunities 38 CAREY'S MARKET: Grocery, meat mar ket, lining station and modern living quarters, in one of the busiest outlying districts In Macon county. Well eouinDed and doing better than $4000 month. For particulars call 4687: 3-3988. GROCERY STORE with nice, clean stock. i-neap rent and living quarters.

Near Decatur. Will inventory out between $4000 and $4500. DALTON CITY. 111. Oil filling station on lot 50x100.

doing good business. $2,000 down buys building and equipment. H. E. CANNON It COMPANY 408-10 Mllllkin Bldg.

2-3214 Business Service 18 CONCRETE WORK, driveways, basem*nts, sidewalks specialty. Free estimates. 2-8469. CONCRETE WORK of all kinds. Free estimates.

Clyde Hall. Phone 3-2426. CONCRETE WORK of all kinds. Water. proofing basem*nt: color coats.

Free es timates. Bonded, Phone 2-8339. CKROMALOX electric range units means cookrr.g at its best. Perfect fit. Fast heating Stubblefield.

235 E. Eldorado. 2-4526 yURNACES Vacuum cleaned S3 Smoki pipe and repairing. Bert Boyd. .9826.

FURNITURE REPAIRED, reflnished, modeled. Master workman. 2-4498. HAULING of all kinds. Black dirt fill dirt.

yards seeded 2-8704. LAWN1IOWERS sharpened, repaired Etc- pert, quick semce. Charles Easley. 3-4323 LAWNMOWERS sharpened and repaired. Prompt, courteous service.

Bott's Sport ing Goods. 5a4 N. water. LAWN MOWERS machine sharpened and repaired. 966 W.

Green. FAINTING and paper cleaning, er.eed 3-3290. Exnerl- PAINTING: PAPERING, wall washing, brings spring inside. Moore. 2-8939.

PAPER CLEANING: now. Experienced. 2-0616. Get your order in 2 veterans. 2-6986.

PAPERHANGING. free estimates, ar.teed paper for sale. 4678. PAPERHANGING and painting. Also paper removed.

2-0040. PAPERHANGING and Interior painting. Experienced. Phone 2-5133 after 4 p. m.

FLASTER patching, chimney work, basem*nts waterproofed, foundations. 29-315. REFRIGERATORS, washers, household appliances repaired Haupt 3-1749 REFRIGERATION Service. "Snows." Commercial, domestic. 535 W.

Green. 3-4234. SPRAY painting a specialty. Interior. Wall washing.

Cooper Son. 2-5447. WALL WASHING, paper cleaning. Experienced. References.

Robert Mooney. 2-1003. WALL washing, paper cleaning, guaranteed. Fay Miller. 2-6343.

WALLPAPER steaming and cleaning. Also r.oor sanding. Phone 2-0457. WALLPAPER CLEANING: Experienced Tr lphone Hawkins. 2-2204 evenings.

WASHINO and ironlni done In my home. Fxpf riencrd Win UTNTOWwXsHINn: Expert Brvice. Sat guaranteed. Call 2-1275 for ap pointment. WASHING and ironing in my home.

759 F. Rogers 3-1391 WASHING woodwork, haullnc trash, etc Woodford. 3-1710 ANY AND all kinds of industrial or do- rrpntic weidinB-. expertly done, superior SCO E. Grand 2-7123.

APPLIANCE, washer repair. AM kinds elec trical wiring. Guaranteed, veteran ownea Iur.n's Electrical Appliance. 3-2724. AUTO GLASS installed.

For all cars, Trucks. New door channels, regulators. Shie-Jds, 444 N. Broadway. 9415.

automatic furnace heat. Gas. oil. coal Stokers. Sheet metal work.

Eklss. 2-3177. BONTJET CEMENT CONTRACTOR TELEPHONE WHTTSON. 1481 CALL VB FOR PAINTING and remodel- your home. 3 years 10 pay.

uz a Call 3-2803. rM I. CRDTFELDT DELIVERY SERV ICE any time. Bonded. Courteous.

4525. DICK'S DELIVERY: An? kind of moving, anrwhere. anvtlme Low rates. 2-6407 GENERAL HAULING, livestock and mov- ir.s. 3847 E.

Marietta. j-41(k GENERAL HAULING. Trash. Black cin-dr5. Dump work.

3-3204. HAULING trash, cinders, dirt. etc. Arthur Quails. 3-1593.

HAULING trash, cinders, coal; clean-up work. Rohman. I4B t. Hutn. mbi.

BROS, basem*nt dinning. Lawn grading. Garden plowing. Mowing. 2-8256.

LOCAL AND OUT OF TOWN hauling. Insured Pnor.e 9246. ICNG'S MOVING. Local, long distance Reasonable. Experienced help.

2-6183. OPEN FOR JI and $1-50 dry cleanina. Cleaners. 733 N. Water.

2-270O. PROMPT, courteous service always at the Illinois Cleaners, 241 N. Main. 9033. SPRING WORK Done Now; Carpets.

Rufs. Upholstery cleaned in your nome. service. Decatur Dura Cleaners. 6892.

STUBBORN HAIR needs the care of a Specialist Consultation at North Park Ffc-jtv Shop. 244 N. Park. 8733. HARDWARE for savings worth while.

Conco Automatic oil water neat er? Dome top coal water heaters. Gas side arm water heaters. Laundry stoves Help Wanted. Male. Female 32 CARPENTERS wanted.

Call 6223. 724 Packard DISHWASHER Female, nights. Apply Pom Pom. Wood Oakland. FIREMAN and maintenance man.

downtown heating plant, must be good all-around mechanic. Give References. E. H. Bachrach.

Bachrach's Store. FRY COOK Pump. 602 Apply King. in person. Town FOUNTAIN GIRL.

Co 143 N. Water. Roth Johnson Drug HOUSEKEEPER wanted. 2 adults. Small town.

Phone 3-3361. HOUSEKEEPER Middle age woman, to live on farm, take full charge. No children Bit 379 Herald-Review VAID: Hotel work. Angle Hotel. 519 N.

font NIGHT WATCHMAN: 6teady Job for capable man. 4 to 6. 7 or 8 hours nightly. sharing plan and many benefits. Physical exam and bond arranged.

person, second floor. Sears. Roebuck tt CO REAL ESTATE SALESMAN We have a spot for a well seasoned, re-rureefui Real Estate salesman. Phone for ppomiment. Gebhart, Livesav Si Geb-fcart.

108 E. William. 2-5135. SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Experience Not Necessary Apply Second Floor 'JOHN W. SHAW CO.

329 N. Main STENOGRAPHER 25 years or older. salary S30 per week. Chance for td ascement. Must De steady depend ac and ambitious.

Oppurtunlty for I rra career. Lincoln Laboratories, Dial "T59.V 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m.

for TYPIST, 'femalei single, mostly to ad dress ad ertising. Dictation not necessary Steady work. Apply in person. Wal rus MIR. CO.

TYPIST, accurate, must have calculator experience. Good salary for alert young personal Placement Bureau, 316-319 btanaard mas. w.ATTRESS: Experience tiot necessary. App.r Pom Pom. Wood Oakland.

WAITRESS wanted. Call after 3:30 p. 4712. WAITRESS nights, steady work, good pay. no phone calls.

Henry Place. i6l Water. WAITRESS, nights. $25 week. Hours 4 to 12.

12 to 8. Call 2-1664. WAITRESS part time 4 to 12 Monday and Saturday nights. Wayside Inn. 223 Nrth.

WAITRESS wanted: $25 per week. Sun-dars o'! Wayside Inn. 223 North. WAITRESS 4 days week Transportation The Coffee Pot. 4907.

WAITRESS AND WAITER wanted. Grei- cer Cafe. 161 E. Ma In WAREHOUSE MAN and truck driver, handling cement and plaster. 4404.

BOY over 16 to sort laundry and dry clear.icg bundles. Apply Mr. Young. 170 Church. BOY wanted for work in potato chip fac tory.

5iB prairie. COUPLES Cottage Supervisors, Bellefontaine Farms, ace 35 to 45. without dependents. $203 Pf-r mcnth with modern quarters and Man must have farming experience or mechanical experience, wife sr.ust have knowledge of housekeeping ar.d cooking. Apply Department of Personnel.

235 Municipal Courts Building. I4th fc Market Streets. St. Louis 3. Missouri.

EXPERIENCED woman for housework, by a 11 y. ho men Li 2 -3 766 EXPERIENCED silk finisher wanted. Apply Peaco*ck Cleaners, 755 E. Prairie. EXPERIENCED married man lor farm work.

New house with electricity. Fred Awe. Chestnut. liL 48 rJuuvMuuN milk cooLtRS on dis play. Six can coolers available for im mediate delivery.

Bill Montgomery "Complete Tire and Battery Service," 14 t. mooraoo. Decatur. SADDLE and trick horse, seven years old. gentle and sound.

Will do many tricks Harley Stead, 2103 N. Washington, Shel-byville. 111. STORM BUGGY and surrey. Mrs.

L. Mueller. Mt. Zion Road. TURKEY POULTS: Broad-breasted bronze now hatching.

Place your order now. E. M. crawiord, 622 N. water.

3-3627. WAYNE HOG SUPPLEMENT contains 16 scientifically blended ingredients that help you make higher pork profits. Thousands of Wayne customers have proved that 6 du. oi corn and 4U lbs. oi wayne Hog supplement win produce loo lbs.

oi pork. This leaves a nice profit over feed costs and brings you a lot more per bu. for your corn. G. W.

Davis Hatcheries. 1130 E. Eldorado. 5031. "WEED-NO-MORE" in small or large amounts for your lawn, cemeteries, parks, etc.

Heman Grain Warrensburg. Phone 31. BARGAIN, just completed Dandy Brooder house 8x12. Write P. O.

Box 1084 Decatur. BRAND NEW I.H.C. Tandem disc. 7', 8' Price $235, $265. Jesse Hudson.

Shelby vllle. 1055. BRING YOUR LIVESTOCK to Macon County Sale Barn every Monday Sale starts at 11 a. m. Dick Andrews.

3-3358. CALL 2-0362 for Hedge Pulling. Dragline work, soil Erosion and Farm Lakes Karch Construction 504 E. Olive. CASH PAID: For your poultry, eggs and cream, swllt ft 757 N.

Morgan. 519 E. William. New location. 2-4322.

BETTER CHICKS: Our chick customers raise 98 of chicks purchased. You can do the same. Park Poultry Farm Hatchery, Warrensburg. CORN BELT CHICKS provide your chance for satisfactory results year after year New Hampshlres that really live and lay White Rocks. Barred Rocks.

Cross-Bred (Rock and Hampshire), all fast feathering with high egg production Hy-Iine chicks, bred like hybrid seed corn, that lay 30 to 50 more eggs. Hatches each Tuesday and Friday Now Is the time to fry "Corn Belt Chicks." Phone 508. Corn Belt Hatcheries, Monticello. Ill CHURNING CREAM urgently needed Cash premium for sweet cream. Benson Creamery 244 N.

Church. FARM COMPRESSOR AND SPRAY EQUIPMENT 2 3 P. Brlggs Stratton Curtis Compressors. 5 H. P.

Briggs Stratton Curtis Unit. 2 10-gallon material tanks. This is new equipment. The Sherwin-Williams Co. 242 N.

MAIN PHONE 4205 FARM MACHINERY now on hand: Rotary Hoes: Mulchers: Air-Tired Farm Wagons and Utility Trailers: Cylinder Corn Shelters: Hammer Mills. Manure Loaders: 2-row Mounted Corn Pickers- Garden Tractors. Ben Kull Implement Ph. 213. Shelbyvllle.

111. FREE White Rocks. Friday. Call for information. Hayes Bros.

Hatchery. 405 S. Water. FRONT AND REAR cultivator for Fercu-son. George Armintrout.

Warrensburg. GET RID OF WEEDS: Use Purina Weed Killer. Kills dandelions and all foreign weeds In lawns. Very inexpensive but effective. E.

M. Crawford. 622 N. Water. 3-3627.

GOOD CHANCE to buy light pole for yard cheap. Plenty of broken brick for fills, 'ours for hauling away. Lumber, cut. reaay tor proooer nouse. cheap.

430 W. wooa. GOOD TEAM work horses; 9 years. Kintner. 2 east Casner.

Guy HAYES horse drawn corn planter, late type. International gas engine, develops irom i-2 to zi p. late model. Hal weak-ley. Lake City.

III. HEIFER, first calf, A-l. Virgil Crickman Hammond. Phone LaPlacc. 23F23.

HIGHEST cash prices for dead animals Prompt service. Call or wire Central in. (tendering Co. Harristown 531. Reverse charges.

HIGHEST Cash Prices for dead animals Prfompt service. Call or wire Decatur Scavenger Service. 9811. Reverse ch-rees IP YOU HAVE CATTLE of any kind for sale call Ray c. Scott.

2-1823 IF YOU HAVE LIVESTOCK of any kind can ceorge Blenz Z-B317. LARGE TOULOUSE goose eggs. 30c each lZJD N. ennton. 9716.

LEATHER AND CANVAS REPAIR Serv ice! Complete line of saddles bridles halters, horse blankets. Factory Prices W. (Bill) Heideman's Saddle Si Harness Shop now located 2nd floor Deca-tur Tent Awning Co 140 N. Franklin MABEL' Please come home! We have Servl-soft Soft Water Service now. 6262.

MONEY SAVERS AT SEARS FARM STORE STRAIGHT LIFT PUMP JACK, com plete with 'a h. p. motor, regularly $76.45 now $67.50 HAY TRACK, regularly 23c now per GRAPPLE FORK, regularly $15 95 now 13.95 BROODER HOUSE, all wood con struction, complete with floor, size 8x12, regularly $206, now 159.00 DAVID BRADLEY FLAT RACK, all steel, size 7 X14 bed complete with 700x16 6-ply tires, regularly $369. now 328.00 PROTECT YOUR BUILDINGS with Scars new low cost Lightning Rod Service. Free Estimates.

SEARS ROEBUCK Farm Store, 360 N. Franklin. 2-8501 NEW Dunham 8' disc. Now available. Decatur Farm Supply.

347 E. Main. NEW 1946 I.H C. 4-row corn planter, with fertilizer attachment C. Case tractor with cultivators.

$1750. Joe Berry. Dawson. 111. NEW Oliver 2-row power lift cultivator Johnson and Oliver wagon gears.

1200 lb Oliver lime sower. Lincoln air lubrication gun. Speed Queen troner. Frank Tenney Oliver. 7115.

NEW MACHINERY: 8' Blount disc. 6-row Blount roiary hoe. Corrugated rollers. Field cultivators. Auger type truck loader.

Chestnut Implement Chestnut. 111. Phone 24. NEW 10" John Deere hammermill: a fe AB-202 tractor cultivators. Moweaqua oi call Shelbyvllle 1068.

Howard Alward. PAIR MULES, wagon, harness, plow and harrow, yellow stock horse. 2 fresh cows Styan. Cerro Gcwdo. telephone 136.

REGISTERED Guernsey nulls Old enough for service From high-producing dams with A R. records George Todd Sullivan. 111. Phone 5289 REBISTERED Hereford bull. months old Eldon R.

Schroll. mile east, mile north Forsyth. SADDLE GELDING. 6 years old. sound medium size.

Gentle, attractive. Bargain. See Mr. Parkinson, at Sangamo Acres, first road south of Trail Riders or. Route 121.

SMALL brooder house, some chicken wire $12. 2136 E. Lawrence. SPECIAL: White Rocks. $9 95 per 100 Friday and Saturday only.

Mitchell' Hatcheries. 210 W. Wood. STANDARD'S MASTER "MATING chicks U. S.

Approved; controlled Purebreeds and crossbreeds. Pullets, males or not sexed. Electric and oil brooders. Peat litter. Standard Hatcheries.

E. Wood Maffit Sts. Phone 2-1393. THE GARDEN-ALL: A complete motorized unit for gardens, nurseries, truck garaeners. farmers.

H. A. Kuhle Imple ment Store. 444 E. Main.

5033. TRACTOR TIRES filled with water and calcium on the farm of in our shop. 8-hour service on Tractor Tire Repairing. BILL MONTGOMERY Successor to Hiboard-Montgomerv Service 124 E. Eldorado.

Decatur. 111. Phone 2-417E USED TRACTORS: One M. on 12-38 tires. One F20.

Chestnut Implement 111. Phone 24. USED Model Farmall tractor, rubber, starter, lights. Repainted. Jones Burkholder.

Shelbyvllle, III. Phone 757. USED MACHINERY: Case combine. Holland baler. John Deere 28-50 thresher Chestnut Implement Chestnut.

111. Phone 24. WANTED TO BUY hay and straw Burleigh Stonlngton Phone 2131 WANTED: baled wheat straw or oat straw. F. Maus 1350 N.

Edward Phone 2-6954. Farmers' Market 48 WE Have Garden Tractors: Lawn Mowers; weed cutters, and the most up to date Farts Dept. in central ill. JONES IMPLEMENT CO. P.

O. Box 927 Decatur. Ill WORK HORSES and saddle horses for sale or trade. Also garden plowing. 505 Main.

3-2834. WANTED, single tractor drawn disc. 10' to 21'. Any make, highest prices paid Bob Rose. R3.

Shelby ville. 1055. WILL PAY 34c for nice heavy breed hens. Mitchell's. 210 W.

Wood. 2 SPOTTED Poland sows, pic in 2 weeks: O.I.C. male hog. extra good. First house south Rcas bridge.

2 HAMPSHIRE male, hogs: 2 Hampshire open gilts, wt. around 175. Eligible to register Howard Heinz. Argenta. 3 GUERNSEY heifers, soon freshen.

Reg istered Duroc male, year old. W. Syfert. '40F3. Eement.

6 BUSHELS red clover seed. 3-3314. 8 TONS BALED HAY. Mayer. Mt.

Pulaski. Mrs. Edward O. $55 Buys a. good David Bradley disc.

Frank Wolf. Ramsey. III. 1938 Model Oliver corn picker. 1936 A C.

8' and disc. 3-bottom I.H.C plow. New 3 or 4-section spring tooth harrows. New Farmer's Friend corn elevator. New G.

I. picker for A tractor. New overhead lifting Jacks New Bear Cat garden tractors and mowers. NICHOLS IMPLEMENT CO. Route 51.


WILLIAM FILL DIRT. $1.00 black dirt $2 00 yd Phone 2-1976 2-0515. FRUIT TREES Large Montmorency cherry, 3 Elberta peach, 2 Cortland apple, red Delicious apple, Dutch d'Angou-lene pear. Bartlett pear. Henry Hibbs, 1810 W.

Center. GARDEN PLOWING, grading, general team work. Telephone 2-8413 or 2-8842. GARDEN plowing team, tractor: black fill dirt: grading, team work. 3-2765; 7447 HARDY FLOWERS.

300 varieties. Strong field clumps. Faith ElderJNlantlc PAUL SCARLET ROSES. Delphiniums, Potted tomato plants, spnnbatter Green house. 2736 N.

Broadway. 2-1337. SODDING. Grading, landscaping. For free estimate call 3-3512.

STRAWBERRY plants. "Blakemore." 2 per 100. Phone- 2-8073. TREES trimmed ana removed. Basem*nts dug under houses.

Will wreck or move buildings. D. McQueen. 3-1212 "WHOA HORSE!" "Come up. mule." garden None to small, none too large with George Hcrron.

will come! 550 S. Haworth. ROSE BUSHES 2 AND 3 YEAR OLD BUSHES Autumn Talisman Columbia Briarcllff Red Radiance Van Fleet 51 VARIT1ES TO CHOOSE FROM MONTHLY BLOOMING AND CLIMBERS $1 AND $1.50 Morehouse Wells 800 RED raspberry plants. 10c each. Mary Frantz.

Cerro Gordo. 111. Articles for Sale 51 AIR CONDITION System Mitchell for home, oltice. room, work snop. Immediate delivery.

World Radio. 110 E. William. BABY BUGGY collapsible, and play pen. Good -condition.

1540 E. Marietta. BABY BASKET on legs with mattress. excellent condition: Baby renda. 3-2898 BALL BEARING Roller Skates.

Strong all meta.1 last moving skates. Get your pair today. Black Hardware. 125 E. North.

BASSINETTE AND PAD. Please nhone 29-202. BROWNIE Stoker used, less controls. In good condition and as Is 9032 CABINET TOP LINOLEUM and metal edging "Congowal" Inlaid linoleum and "Tylac" In stock. Complete line of cements and trim.

Brlnkoelters. 129 Water. Ph. 5017. COAL hot" water heater, 40 gallon tank Phone 6581.

COPPER KETTLE: 20 gal. Brass cylinder pitcher pump. Large rural mail box Taylor's Used Furniture. 465 N. 22nd.

CURTAIN STRETCHERS. Wren houses Clothes driers. Hatfield 136 Oakland. Phone 2-4710 DISH PANS. 14 Qt.

Aluminum: commodes: batll and baby scales: heavy Iron skillets Lylc's Variety. 745 N. Water. FURNACE Economy complete for 6 rooms. Tank and gas heater.

FURNACE- Used, cast Iron, with stoker and controls. $250. 3-4312. GAS automatic watei heaters 1-3 off $65.50 up Automatic Heal. 241 Eldoiadc H.

R- Super sportsman revolver, like new. $50. 4502. HIGH CHAIR, never used. $11.

Miller. 1341 E. Prairie. HUSSMANN Meat Cases. New and used.

Angle N. 2-6734 LAWNMOWERS. used, serviceable. $5 each. 2-2477.

LAWNMOWERS7 pre-war: Briggs engines, used outboard motors, gas and electric: Eureka sweeper. Thor washer. 1381 Oakland. LAWNMOWERS sharpened and repaired Schuerman Key Shop 359 East. 3-2311 LAWNMOWERS Hand type Use our Bud get Plan Goodrich Stores.

317 VI Wood MACHINE for cutting quick angles on screen frames and picture frames. 25? N. Park. ")IL CLOTH: 46-inch. 60 yard, white with blue, green or red patterns.

Blalock's. 5c to $1 Store. 136 Main. OIL. GAS.

COAL FURNACES MACON CO. APPLIANCE HEATING CO. 3510 E. William. 2-5350 2-8046 PHILCO air conditioners.

Order early, limited supply. Rusk Morrow. 141 N. Jas-per. 8445.

SINGER ELECTRIC tailor sewing ma ciiine 31-15 power jnotorL 6555. TTOKOI. Mn fed stoker, complete with thermostai. controls, etc. Good eondi-tion.

M25 "hone 6132. MP. cr-iTIONTNG Carrier units Homes off'c-s. Industrial In stock Free estimates. Frank Tenney 5263 ALL METAL LAWN MOWER Rubber tired 16" self sharpening blade $19 50 Housewares.

Basem*nt. Linn Scruggs All Metal Trunks 9 95 Guaranteed Pocket Watches 4.50 Majestic Radio Phonograph 94.75 $50 Maiched Ring Set 36.75 Fine large diamonds 98.50 BEN ((KING OF DIAMONDS) MILLER 445 N. Water Phone 6111 ALL POPULAR BRANDS of clgarcts in ciuaiug camels. $1 66 pel carton Henry's Place. 761 Watei BLIND LADY MRS RILEY YlTl Monroe 2-5146 Brooms, brushes, mops rubber door mats Retail Wholesale CASE BEER Populai brands $3 case.

Premium brands. $3 50 case. 1'ay Included, small rieposil on bott'es we deliver Henry's Place. 761 Watet COAL hot water heater and tank, $25.00. rnone z-uiu.

Farmers' Market 449 1 1 Building. Supplies. Service S3 PLANNING to Bulid? Let me fumisn tte lumber. $S5 per thousand. All auea.

Number 2 grade 2-3032 I SMALL build.r.g 8x10 to be wrecked cr' moved. 508 Leaflar.d 3-2J; SMALL house to be moved 8C0 N. Woo loro. STEEL and vltrlout cr.lna 4" center faucets, tuba. Water heaters for natural gas.

20 gal. 30 gal. 40 cal Or Brothers Supply Co Villa Grove. EI THE WIRING OF YOUR HOUSE a Get the best! Call Sia Electric Service. 3-3611.

746 N. TWO DOZEN Winri-w sash. 24x4. One Window frame. 2-4074.

Business and Office Equipment 54 BARAND RESTAURANT fixtures for sa.e. due to remodeling. See Jack Carocy. The Wooden Shoe, 241 E. BURROUGHS adding machine.

9 col-irn. No phone calls please. 1470 w. Ft CASH REGISTER Na'lonai. 4 ivi clafs showcase.

$35. Hobby Hcuse. 11M Water. COCA COLA cooler. 2-2613.

large. $15. Fnoc GLASS showcase. Good condition. Lisa's le.

Ta lorvj Me Phone 605 REX-O-GR APH llauid duplicators BoUl hano ana electric Immediate derjvvry. McKarlln 250 Park STFKL letter files. dess. desk Umrs. ripper cases: scotch tare; per.

Wflllrnder-Pennington. 1M Main. 3-7 1AVKHN EQUIPMENT 35 Bar. 34 ft. hark bar 15 booths, a tab, chair.

Olhrr Itrm. WooriVn Shoe. 241 T. Main. fi.

SLICtHS: will quick cut meat aawa. scales, choppera. Food Store EoulBttant Co. D27 Broadway. 3-2613 USED check writer, multigrapn with print lug attachments, two sales, saiea tiexec machine, roll top desk, chairs, stools, flies, lecgers.

other office equipment ar.d supplies. Al Hicks. Altamont. VERY FINE Prima Vera bior.ce fir.isr. fixtures, including 8 dress case.

eT counter, wall shelf with sliding doors ar.d deeo drawers, show case, skirt rack, mirrors, chairs. millinery heads and ufanrts. drrsscretlc. adding n.achir.e norr.g buslnrfis Will aarrlln-e a. 120 S.

I7lh. Plume 37. Valtoon. Li 5" HOOTHsT 15 stool air rond.uoaijvir complete. The Coflee Pot 4907.

Typewriters and Sopplies 54 A Rt CONDITION Typewriters for is. rentals, service, all maxes Office Service Co. 218 Main Deeanir 321 Fuel Dealers. Haulers 54 FUEL OIL: Diesel: farmer's CSV iGttlfl Ryan. 2500 N.

Water. 8301: 3-3796. SOUTHERN Illinois washed egg $8 35: Hawthorn Nokomis lump 15. Ir.d:arav J7.80: Brazil egg $8 35. Hi-Grade.

S3 Good Thine to Eat 57 BANANAS: Ask about our delivery service. Crow Market. 2697 N. Water. 2-5231 FKIFS.

BAKING HENS drcsed. stead s. 815 Van Dyke 7077 FRYING CHICKENS 3 40c lb. OweB Smith, Mowraqua. 7246.

SUGAR CURED! DRY PACKED! HICKORY SMOKED! HAMS! BACONS! BUY THEM AT YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY Decatur Packing and Provision Company (YOUNG BROTHERS) 801 MAIN PHONE 5:51 Home-Made Things 58 HAND MADE crochrted rugs New materials 1275 W. Kir.e 3-3378 Household Goods 59 A B.C. WASHER. Briggs fc stratton motor. Good.

Lloyd Eklss. Moweaqua. ARMSTRONG. Bird. Gold Seal UEOIeutn.

Congowall. wool goods, window shsdes. Venetian blinds, carpet sweepers. Weill's Linoleum Rug Co 322 N. Mia.

BED and springs. for sale. Telephone 2-2527 BED AT CHEST to match, new. Left over from suite. Walnut.

Latest modem stvle. Ideal for a spare or rnom. Onlv $65 complete. Wolfe's. 246 North.

LED DAVENPORT ar.d chair. Slrjer sew ing machine. 1828 N. Van Dyke BEDROOM SUITE with twin beds, com plete. 2 piece living room suite witn practically new slip covers.

2-O0C9. after 5 30. BOTTLE GAS and City Gas Stoves! Au tomatic and electric gas water nea'-ers. Estate Home Freezers. Immediate Installation.

We handle most al! makes of appliances. Gas Electric Sales Co. 1 miles east, south of Elwin Phcr.e 24 BISHOP HOME FOOD free7ers Medial octo-Plane freezing Pot W. Gould. 535 S.

22nd Place. 3-222. BOOKCASES'. Beautiful, genuine malr.ut. open, with adjustable shelves.

43" wide. 4R" high, two drawers in each Each ca- worth $75. will sell for $70 CEDAR CHESTS JUST RECEIVED A NEW SHIPMENT OF WALNUT CEDAR CHESTS. FULL QEDAR LINED WITH EXTRA TRAY. PRICED FROM S54.95.


ELDORADO FURNITURE STORE 653 E. ELDORADO 2-56T7 EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT SEE OUR WINDOWS CHAIRS AND ROCKERS REDUCED'! 'w fniumrs OI DClier occasional. iOLPge, platform rockers and "lounge. Rockers, reduced as much as $12 25 occasional chairs now $7 88! $60 Loucg chairs, now $29 $32 50 Platform rocx-ers. now $55 Lounge Rockers enow 834 501! Wolfe's.

246 E. North. CHESTS OF DRAWERS, new. all sites. rimsned and unfinished.

Values to reduced to $8.95. $10 95. $13 95. $15 95. Wolfe's.

246 E. North. COOK stove. Round Oak. good condition.

hup tarioeman. Moweaqua COOK STOVE Green-cream. Ir.ouira Latham Jrade School. Latham. DABELV chest of drawers.

Good condl- Hon. 2233 Locust DINING ROOM SUITE; good con- Ionion j-mil DRESSER "old" fashioned, solid walnut. 3 drawers, mirror. 2-8774. GOVERNMENT SURPLUS waterproof larpaunns.

neavny treated size 6X8. $3.64. size 8X10. $6.40: 9x12. $8 64: 12x14.

$13 44. Painters Drop Cloths 8'Axl2. $5.50: 11x12. $7 28. 12x16 $10 56 1 dav repair service on all leather and canvas items Decatur Tent Awning 140 N.

Franklin. Phone 2-1458 SEE THE CENTURY fully automatic oil furnace before you buy a heating plant Estimate free. Barry's. 3-4312. STURDY.

5-gallon buckets with handle. 25c. Tylac Monticello THE BUILDERS DEPT. STORE WALL PAPER CLEANER Nationally Advertised Walvet 39r Absorene 15c PREEN FLOOR WAX Cleans and waxes in one operation 6Sc pt. TAVERN WAXES We carry a complete line of Tavern Waxes JOHNSONS GLO-COAT Floor Polish 5l)c pi.

DECATUR LUMBER CO. 666 N. Waler Phone 3-3431 WANTED TO RENT: Hoop skirt for window display. Margaret Shaffer. Haines it Essick.

4375. WE HAVE a complete stock of trellises. from Si ll on up. Black Hardware. JHl NWater 8 INCH Delia saw.

Never used. Phone 3-2760 16 Movie prulrrtnr Mound Prao- tlcallv new $400 Phone J-54M 22" furnace complete Willi pipes, automatic damper controls- A-I. 2-43(l. 30 GALLON hot water tank with coal burning hunter. $15.

Phone 2-5107 today's "Swaps" S1A EXCHANGE new shower lor good used batll tub. 2-0358 TRADE OR 8E1X. 540; 1937 Lincoln Zephyr motor for V8 motor. 945 S. 17th.

555.1. Boats and Accessories 52 B. F. GOODRICH compact rubber boat, lightweight, ersy to carry. Deflatable.

Immediate delivery B. F. Goodrich Stores. 317 Wood. MOTOR BOAT 12 ft.

plvwood runabout. Oood condition. $125. 2-7237. 943 N.

Water. THOMPSON Special 14' boat Wheel and throttle control 33 hp. 4-cvhndrr Evin-rude motor. Balllnger easv loading trailer. All In good eondtllon.

Best offer buys outfit. Rav summers. Louisville. Ill Phone 185 WATER WITCH outboard motor. 42 model.

3 9 P. 6834. INBOARD boat. 16 ft. good condition Ready to be put in water.

$600. Call 2-0852 between 6 and 7 p. m. KEEP Your Boat trim and watertight Decatur Boat. Ar Motor.

744 N. Water. NEW CHAMPION Outboard motors Use our Budget Plan. B. F.

Goodrich Stores 317 Wood WANTED: 2-1655. 12' or 14' rowboat. 3 H. P. outboard motor, like new.

2345 F. Norm Building Supplies. Service 53 AERO 22" steam and hot water radiators Automatic Heat Co 241 Eldorado BRICKS' Good, used Cheap. 618 W. Wood Phone 2-2613 mornings.

BUILDING 8'xlO'. suitable brooder house, hog house. 862 N. Taylor. CINDERS' $4 a load.

4 bed. Hauling trash, ashes. Telephone 5763. DOOPS and used lumber. 430 Wood.

DRAIN-TILE. sewer tile. Portland and mortar cement. Immedl-ate delivery. Midland Products Co 3-3601 FLOOR SANDERS arid edger for rent Complete stock of sand paper.

Brinkoet-ters. 139 S. Water Phone 5017. GARAGE DOORS. 7' 10" hich.

10' 4" wide. Complete with track. 2-0358. HARDWOOD- select white oak Absolutely dry. Phone 2-1018.

1428 Monroe. INSULATED brick siding. $12 00: 55 lb roofing. l. 95: In 5.1 Asnhall shingles $4 70: Overhead door hardware.

$15 00 coal chutes 40: Basem*nt sash. SI 5.V. Metal lath 60c: Picket fence $8 50: Posts 33c: Plaster. 95c: Roof coating. 5 cal S2.25- Cement.

80c. All lumber and flooring reduced to S90. Canfield-Lucas Co 2500 N. Woodford. 8142 IRON Fireman coa' furnaces all sizes in stock Automatic Heat 241 Eldo MIXED CONCRETE GROI1NE 7769 PREFAB Surplus Army buildings.

Fasllv converted Into homes. Buildings, have t2 casem*nt windows. 2x4 studding, floor and roof. $590 F. Stark.

Florida Trucked to vour lot or bv rail. On displav at Doetsch Bros. Lumber Co Route 16. Mat-toon. Open Sun.

10 to 4. 8036. SAND AND GRAVEL Also Haydite chimney mixed concrete. blocks. TRAVER SUPPLY CO.

1902 N. Water SOIL PIPE AND FITTINGS AT LOWEST PRICES Jark I.oeb's Salvage A Wrecking 256 Wabash Ave. Phone 2-4712 STEAM unit heater clearance sale Automat icIleatCo241EEldorado WINDOW frames made to order. Some sash and frames. 990 W.

Harrison. 3-1381 ABOUT 200' 6268. '-a" oak flooring, vick Wilson. ALL kinds of building repairs, carpentrv painting. etc.

Home Repair Service. 8516 FLOOR gas furnaces with automatic con trols Automatic Heat Co 24! Eldorado GET THE BEST! We apply siding and roofing Call now for free estimate No down psvment. 36 months to oav. Mur-phv Roofing Co. 2-3969 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY THESE SCARCE ITEMS 25-32 OAK FLOORING BEVEL SIDING.

6 INCH AND 8 INC! FRAMES AND WINDOWS HUNTER-POGUE LUMBER CO. 705 N. OAKLAND PHONE 4487 JOHN LUCAS outside, barn and house paints. varnishes. stains.

enamels shellacs, roof cement. H. R. Morns. 1691 Cantrell.

OIL burning furnaces and boilers now Automatic Heat Co 241 Eldorado YOU CANT BEAT A YOUNGSTQWN SINK AT ANY PRICE! BASE CABINETS TO MATCH 13x36; 2-1x36; 39x36: 48x36 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY HANSEN'S N. WATER PHONE 2-1733 CAR GARAGE for sale. Clinton. FARMALL on rubber fully equipped. Leonard Bowles Imp.

Vandalla. III. Phone 908 4. FARMALL on rubber, fully equipped. Leonard Bowles Imp Vandalla.

111. Phone 908 4. FERTILIZER I have a few tons of 8-8-8: 3-12-12; 3-18-9. available for immediate delivery. K.

F. Hawley, Warrensburg. 111. FORD 1943 tractor outfit, in Al condition. Fred H.

Krlle, Windsor. III. Rl Phone 14-62. "FRIGID" FOOD FREEZER, especially designed for farm, ranch or suburban estate use. 20 cu.

ft. holds 700 lbs. of frozen food. Maximum freezing efficiency at minimum cost. See this freezer at Firestone.

400 N. Main. F-20 Tractor on rubber. A-l condition: corn cultivator for Fi20: 6-row spring tooth ean cultivator. James H.

Shelton Southwest Bethany on black top road Phone 22FU GRAIN DRILL: Good used Van Brunt 14x7. Howard Alward. Moweaqua, or Call Shelbyvllle 1068. GUERNSEY COW. heifer calf 4 months old.

5th house southwest Boody, Rt. 48 George Jenkins: call Sunday. HENS AND FRIERS WANTED: Robertson's Poultry. 224 N. 22nd.

2-3761. INTERNATIONAL 4-row corn planter: 4-row International corn plow: International power mower. Never been set up. C. R.

Stanleton, 503 West side of square. Clinton. 111. INTERNATIONAL 3-14 plow on rubber Never used. Leonard, 1st farm south of Bearsdale.

INTERNATIONAL 1942 tractor, on rubber. Good condition. Carroll Dunaway. Cowden, 111. INTERNATIONAL loader, never used: 2 saddle horses: 2 ponies.

Sari Canull. north Hammond. INTERNATIONAL Farmall and cultivator: A tractor, starter, lights: 2 new cultivators for tractor. Glen Robinson. Bethany.

Ill INTERNATIONAL culflvator fit or Tractor. Hand lift. Hal Lash. FIndlay INTERNATIONAL 2-row mounted planter for H. or M.

Fertilizer attachment. George Stoerger. R. 2, Box 17, Monticello. 111.

Phone 712F2. INTERNATIONAL pickup. 1939, with grain sides, stalk rack, good 6 ply tires. A. Schreiber.

International Dealers, Blue Mound. HI. JOHN DEERE Model D. on rubber. Good condition.

John Deere 10' tandem disc new. both for $1500. New Model Panec culter. New 8 binder: new 10' power binder, new harrows, trailers, hammer-mills, and a complete line of John Deere repairs, in stock. See us for a new set of tires for vour tractor Rothe Tractor and Eouioment Co St Peter III LINCOLN beans 'rom "certified seed.

Llnn Rau. Kenney. 111. MAGNETO ant Briggs Stratton repair ing. Louis Kolbeck.

437 E. North. MASSE Y-HARRIS. 16-7" drill, power lift grass seed attachment New this spring Bill Booker. Hj south Illiopolis.

MASSEY HARRIS Challenger, with power lift cultivator. Late model John Deere A. with hydraulic lift corn cultivator and bean bar. John Nolan. Ivesdale, HI.

McCORMICK 22-36 tractor, Hamilton. R. 2. Taylorville. plow.

Ray Model tractor on good rubber with cultivator, power take off. Virgil Renlro. east. 2 south Macon. NUTRENA CHICK GRANULES.

Best By Test. Two to Oncl No Waste: Faster Growth: Better Digestion: Vitamin Rein, forced! The feed that Secures your Future! Central Illinois Feed Co. 629 Eldorado. OLIVER Ann Arbor Jr. 1946 block type pickup hay baler.

Ealed only 1000 bales $150f. Box 254, Pana. 111. PAINT spraying equipment complete with cimcs guns, water and oil traps, material and air hoses. 2, 5 and 10-gallon mixing pails.

Gasoline or electric driven. BROWN'S AUTO SUPPLY 302 N. Franklin. Phone 5474 PONIES, new pony saddles, pony cart. Ingham.

mile west Heman. Phone 79F21, Warrensburg..

Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois (2024)


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.