The Edwardsville Intelligencer from Edwardsville, Illinois (2024)

Quincy, Hebron Favored For State Prep Cage Finals Champaign, 111. ---Quincy and Hebron were favored lu brush aside their opposition and sweep into the finals of the Illinois High School Basketball a Saturday. Quincy meets first Ml Vernon In the game Saturday afternoon and Hebron tackles dark Island in Hie second horse Rock game. Tho winners ol these two games collide for state prep basketball's mosl prized possession at i) p.m. The losers go through the motions for i place lit A now champion assured.

Quincy knocked out defending champion Fiwporl in ilic opening round. Hebron is tin- lavor- to cop the i but Quincy Is Klven the nod by a a ment observers. Both Quincy and Mount Vornon were hard pressed before pulling out victories Friday. The Quincy Blue Devils rolled In the fourth quarter after Taylorville's Billy Ridley fouled to oust tho Tornadoes 69 to 04. Ml.

Vernon outlasted a dogged t'inckneyvilie five to win 5, to 51, in the i a contest Hebron past l.awronecvllle 65 to 55 and Rock Island tin nod back Jacksonville Gl to The Blue Devils' height loomed as a big obstacle for Ml. Vernon. Quincy averages a 6-3 in tin- front line mid boasts of 6-5 Bruce Brothers tossed in 48 points in tho first two game, the tourney. Guard Dick Thompson provided scoring power a i i from I In- back line. He has 1'ired in points in i Tlie a offered scoring punch in a Milk A i and Con McCann bill Ihe.v don't a a able shots i to the i a a The a most i a the a is (i-l t-eiiirr Mose Stokes bill hi- a been up to par recently.

Tiie game will a two teams i like lo a i tor a Mud skiing opportunity. As result the tempo of play may be slow. i also eotilcl be factor in the Ili-bron-Kock Island ai'lnlr. The tall Hocks may be able to a Hellion's fast break hv conlrollinw (he rebounds Thai would cU-priM- Hebron ol one of Its major weapons. However, to a the Jndson i I'iill and a and 6-10 center Hill have been strong otf Ihc boards.

Center Gerald a who won the i in the Conference i season, leads the! Rocks. He has in 29 points in the a and ha; been an outstanding rebounder. Mt, Vernon led Friday's tussle i i'mckneyville but Ihe issue was In doubl i the four-mmule a in the i a quarter. The a Mopped up their attack to collect seven fast points while holding the a to only three. A i zone clelense held the Panthers a a from the close scoring territory.

Mo'ie Stokes paced the Ml. Vernon sforcrs Warren Tallej i was hiKli for Plncknoyvlllc- ami the game. The loss of scoring a Billy Hicl- ley wrecked tlie punch of Taylorville in i a i Quincy Quincy guard Dick Thompson dog' Kklley i i Ilicllcy went to the sidelines i personal fouls. A Blue i coin I press also caused a trouble and i e- suited in a passes beinf! scooped up and I easy i i lui'kets. Bruce 21 i tops for Quincy, Ron Vizkoski led 1'uylorville with 19 points.

The Hebron Green Gianls used a fast break to run Luwrenccville ragged. Lawrcnccvlllc managed to itay close in the first quarter and slaged an uprising late In the game but Hebron just turned on the ond run away. Forward Don Wilbrandl, fre- quenlly Iho whip-man ou Ihc break, tossed in 18 markers. Tom Kelly popped in 20 lallics lo lead his Lnwrcncevlllc males. Jacksonville appeared on Ihc verge of an upset against tall Rock island until Ihe lag end of the second quarter.

Then center Ron Kemp drew his fourth personal foul and was waved to the bench. When he came back in Hie second halt his mates were behind 38 lo 29 and they never could make up the difference. Forward Men-oil Clark paced Rock Island with 22 points, His Bill i i a topped Jacksonville with 14. State Tourney Briefs A A I III. Kids, and many adults, will do anything to tet Into the tournament.

One boy, about lli, was found hiding In a trash can. i newspaper over ills lurid. Hebron in the hottest a snoolli.g average lo date. A 528 a a i a The Green i a made 28 of 53 Davo a center on Hie i i i i team which lost to Froeporl in the state tinal.s, witnessed Frid a i He a convinced the had cluitiged a great deal tliis looks like more lie said. Hebron center Bill a olayei in the al (i-10, took hook shot, a Bowling Fri! Night Ladies Team standings Mad.

Co. Tractor Suhra's Appliance Woodhwn Gardens Bothman's Ford Home Nursery Seven Up I'miius Rusty's Cute Classens Hudson R.R. League 24 12 24 12 22 14 IS 17 18 18 16 20 15 21 14 22 14 22 ..14 22 Ind. high single E. Bellman 234.

Intl. high three Beltman 520. Toam high single Suhre's Appliance 902, Team infill three Suhre's Appliance Seven Up (0)--R. Henry 383, N. Lovurct 348, Brandt 397, R.

Fruit 363, 15. Ilormeicr 401. Woodliivvn (3) Marburger 464, A. Hniwootl 426, B. Marti 470, V.

rit'lelic-i- 397, N. Marburger 445. Rusty's, Cafe (0--V. McDonald 300 Shaw 384, J. Holford 445, H.

Regan 373 A. Oerke 387, tx. (3i-- E. Kirk 400, R. rat- ten 3iJO A.

Loyd 411, B. Bansc 41G, Grrleko 399. Mad, Co Tractor (2)-E. Kesl 332, Pass 438, L. Keliiier 428, Blind 345, P.

Merker 439. Casscns Sanders 344, R. Dtibbrtcic 325, V. Schneider 3G7, Blind 345, 1. Hcnkluufs 42-1.

(0) Sucssen 316, Blind 345, H. Ruehrup 338, W. Crooks 419, D. Wcutherholt 430. Sulu-e (3)--E.

McNellly 421, E. Bettmun 520, V. Chiltlros 480, S. Werner 409 T. Burgdorf 499.

(D--C. 431, M. Snider 390, M. Richardson 418, K. Hi-puller'-UM, B.

Larid 424, Home i (2)--M. a 419, B. itepncns 428, M. Dippold 464, M. Giardma D.

Harmening 323. Office Cat By JUNIUS someone Ihc "It's like For those thouulil Qulney looked Blue Devil a Phillip a i hud i to say: "We have y-l to play our best a in the a Boxing Card Set At Wood River A 10-round a i a round and three four- round tussles have been lined up for this area's lirsl professional boxinK venture' in some years. Ed ward Brave, a I I) a noiuiced SaluriUy. show will be held Local Youth Given Sports Award at College Diek i ol a i a senior at Carlelon college. field i one of a 100 a i a a presented al tilt- a a a i i Sports banquet last Wednesday.

son ol i and Mrs. Richard 1015 Florida avenue, received Ins as a member ol the ski team. Cardinal Rookies Throw Shutout Past Cincinnati ST. Fla. (UP)-With many oi Ihc vole-ran St.

Louis Cardinal pitchers fading, rookies Krt-tl Helm and Ralph Beard gave Eddie Stanky of hope for a pair of adequate replacements Huhn Beard combined to pitch a five-hit as the Cardinal reseives heal the i i a i Reds, 2-0, here Friday. Halm, the first St. Louis pitcher to go as far us six innings tins spring, yielded four hits Beard was touched for one scratch hit In the last three a The Cards did tlieir scoring off who pitched six The boxing at the Wood i Memorial lieldhouse Mou day i auspices of Wood River A i a Legion Post 204. Curl cl I i I i a a i from i i a a meets Chicago's Larry Watson i a i i tlie a 10-roumler. The i i a i will shirt al 8:30 m.

Doors i be open nl 1 30 Chicago i i i i vie In six-round i Jesse a a clever i i i l.i i tiH.ilnsI Lou Kiim, known i These same two i have liiiiiiht tc dr.iws on t-aeli of two previoir i I i i a i Torrj O'Connor, i I a wil a I Ii punches i i i i a i a i O'Connor i niakliif! one ol his first appeal ancos In i i Bailey is i i i a comeback aflei In tlie armed forces, Boll are heavyweights. A lead-off event i Rei Flvans, i i moot itig Mel Weber, a SI. Louisan Kvans, i only Hirer pro flunk bis already has been likened to Irish Bob a i i crowd ploaser. Weber, alsr a comparative newcomer to Hit pro ranks, has had extensive ama experience in Hie SI. Louli area.

In a i between middle weights, Henry Bowman, Cinein a i ace, i lock horns with Pa Parks, SI. Louis. Brave said that Watson will bi spotting a legillmat heavyweight, about 17 pounds it tlie main event. Kennedy is ex peeled to weigh in at a 107 for lliu Iteds. The shutout inureiiscd i i a i siring of Kcoivlc-ss innings lo 25, SPAPEfifl IC i i about Watson's weight will 180.

Kennedy's weight To keep Irom i i your i a let wife hold a i --0-P Sales Girl--Could I interest you in a i i sir? Mr. a a i could, baby, but my i is over there al i --0- You a do a kindness loo soon. you never know how soon the kindness may bo loo late. --0- Docior--Thai check you Have me Hi I'tnir hisl visll came hack. Patient--Sorry, Doc, so did my rt Ill-Ills.

--0- InsiTiption a The hand is i than the eye But somewhat slower a the ly Armour. --0-Panda--I understand a the ohnson girl is a beauty, Monlum--A beauty 1 Say, any lay she gels on a bus Ihe bus comp a refunds the bus advertisers heir --0- Thc president of a large business bought a number ol signs "Do It Now," and had hung around the i hop- ng to Inspire his employees with )romptncss and energy in their work, In his private office one day soon nilcrwartl a friend asked him the scheme affected Ihc a 'Well, not just the. way I thought I would," answered tlie proprietor. 'The cashier skipped wilh thirty dollars, the head bookkeeper eloped with the private sec relary, three clerks asked for an ncrease of a a and the office lil out lo become a a rob- K-r. 0 Doctor--Why do you have 764023 tattooed on your back? a i a no a That'.

1 where my i hit me i Iho cai while 1 was holding the garage door open. --0-Never Invest in a bee-keepiiu business. You're liable to slung. --0-The. a OKO Is a strange i There are thousands wlu like lo boasl they live in a crltica A-bomb target area.

--0-A long, slock car pullocl up be side village worthy, and the i or called out: Driver--Will you look after my car for a while, my man? Villager--Sir, I urn the mayor UHs i Driver--Thai's all right. Yoi have an honest face --0- there's Ihe near-slghloc glowurm thai tried to make love lo a cigarette in the dark. --0-- Patlcnl--Doctor, I blush so easily lliat 11 worries me. When I si down and think, I blush. How cai I stop it? Psychologist The best way young lady, is to think about some thing different.

Radio and Television Programs 5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45 6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 8:30" 8:45 9:00 8:15 9:30 9:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 11:00 5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45 6:00 15 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:15 9:00 9:30 9:4.1 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 5:00 KSD (NBC 550 Kc) News; Talk; Music Symphony Newi Songa ol Today News Sporti Kaltenborn NBC Symphony It Bob Ray Judy Canova Grand -Ole Opry Vaughn Monroe Saturday Revue Newi Earl Godwin. Roundup Time News Late Sporti KSD 550 Kc) News 'Pops' Come to Vou The Big Show It Theater Guild tt $64 Question Phil Harris; Allco Am. Forum of the Air Newi Tho Catholic Hour Llghl Classic! News; Conlrasli KSD (NB? 550 Kc) Music Saturday KMOX (CBS 1120 Kc) KXOK (Blut 630 Kc) American Star Review Hlti Lindley Hinei Quiz Show Strikes, Spares Larry Leseur Club Tima This 1 Believe France Laux Dance Music News Operation Underground Baseball Game Gene Autry Hopalong Cassldy Gangbusteri Broadway Ii My Beat It The Lineup Saturday at Shanl'k Quiz Show Guest Star Robert Q's War Works News World News Barn Dance Chas. Kashcr Barn Dance News; Muisc Sunday KMOX (CBS 1120 Kc) KXOK (Blue 630 Kc) My Friend Irma Drew Pearson Don Gardner; Our Miss Brooki Billy Graham The Jack Benny Show Old Fash. Revival Hour Amos 'n Andy Jj Charlie McCarthy Show Stop tho Music Playhouse Corliss Archer Walter Wlnchell Chas Antell Protam Quiz Sammy Kaye's Oreh.

Stan Daughtery Orch. Bob Trout Paul Harvey Gloria Parker Chot-alleri Moon Drcami News Llndley Hines Hour of Beautiful Music Windshield Wiper Clms Kasher News Drew Pearson Monday KMOX (CB! 1120 Kc) KXOK 630 Kc) Allan Jackson Ed Bonner KWK (MBS 13(0 Kc) News Crosby Show Qulzdown Newi Gil Ncwiome Newi Twenty Question MGM Theater Cecil Brown Lombardoland U. A. News Down You Go Air Force Hour Dance Orch, Bob Crosby News; KWK (MBS 1360 Kc) Crime Does Not Pay Nick Carter Peter Salem High School Revu-t Musical Comedy Sporti Review John J. Anthony Dr.

Klldare Hardy Family Sporti Si Newi Theatre of the Air KWK (MBS 1360 Kc) Bruce Hayward NEW DOUGLAS Mrt, Mabel Schocnmetzler iiiiiniiiniinvininiiiiiiiiianiiiiuiiiinnniHiNiiwiiiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiMinuiiiinnaiiuni Catherint Kisslch Treloggen Mrs. Catherine Kisslch Trelog- gen, widow the late Charles Trologgcn, died i the Highland hospital Friday, March 14. She was 93 years of age. She leaves four sons, Alfred of Dccntur, Ira of Rockford, Harry of Centralia and Robert of Greenville, 12 grandchildren and a number of great and great-great- grandchildren. Also two sisters, Mrs.

Lizzie Bobbins of llillsboro and Mrs. Christina Craig of Oklahoma City, Okla. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Free Methodist church in Greenville, Burial was al Montrose cemetery. Mrs. Trcloggcn was born and raised in the Willis school district, later years moving to Greenville.

vantage may" be tlie deciding fac tor, but Watson Is highly-touted thanks to recent startling victory over Wes Bnscom, contender I'o the llfiht-hunvy crown from Ens St. Louis. Bolh main-evenlers will be ii Wood Hivcr Sunday niul will res i the wolghlng-ln ceremonies the American Legion hall ii Wood River Monday at noon. Tin weigh-in and examination will bi under the supervision of Ar Winch, chief inspector of the Illl nols SUilc Athletic Commission and famous in his own right a former of ex-middle weight champion Tony Zale. 5:15 5:30 5j45 6:15 6:30 6 ii 5 7:15 7:30 7:45 "aloo 8:15 Tom, Dick Harry News Songs of Today Lindlcy Curt Masscy Show Lowell Thomas; Newi News News; Sporti Knltenborn News of the World One Man's Family Beulah Smith Club 15 Edward Murrow France Laui Newi Lone Rangei Gil Newsome Harrisburg Senior Wins Two-Year Scholarship CHiCAGO (UP)--James Crawford, Harrlsburg (111) high school senior, was adjudged runner-up Friday in the ISIh annual Illinois American Legion oratorical contest.

The 17-year-old Crawford won a two-year scholarship lo the Uni- of Illinois for his speech on the topic of "The Constitution and Reconstruction." The winner of the contest was Gerild Goldman, 17, of Chicago, who loceivcd a four-year scholarship lo the University of Illinois. Leave for Training Donald Roscnthal, a right-handed pitcher, will leave Sunday, March 23, for spring training at Thomasville, Ga. After his spring training he will go to Independence, where he wil play baseball in the St. Louis Brown's minor league organization. Regular Meeting The regular meeting of the American Legion auxiliary was held at the Legion hall March 18th.

Meeting was brought lo order by president Harriet Coll man with two substitutes, Gertrude Isaacs for secretary In place of Lizzie Rosen- thai anl Lena Johnson as chaplain in place of Mary Bartcls, the two officers being sick. The Sorcnto auxiliary were invited to the meeting lo plan a trip to Alton. Both auxiliaries will make i lo Alton hospital. There were 16 members present with six Sorcnto women and one visitor, Mrs. Ella Theims in our unit.

We need all members to help. We need you to make this a success foi oui own unit. The new hostesses for April arc Mary Barlcls, Mabel Miller, and Minnie Knop. The next meeting will be held April 15 final plans for the A i which is to be made on A i 17. Railroad Hour Howard Barlow'i Orch.

Suspense Talent Scouti Henry Taylor Headquarters Big Hand Bobby Benson Wild Bill Hlckok News Edwirdivllli, Illlnoli 6 March 22, 1952 8:43 Donald Voorhces Band oil America Lux Radio Frank Race D. Conrad Nagel Gabriel Hcattcr Sports A News War Front; Home Front 9:00 9:18 9:30 9:45 Al Goodman Citizens Drama Dangerous Assignment The Bob Hawk Show Grand Central Music Hnll Music Hall Moon Dreams News Frank Edwards News Woman of tho Year 0:00 0:15 0:30 1:00 News News ol the World Vcrn King News; Sports Lindlcy I Believe The Antell Show You and tho World Newi Beautiful Music News First Five Revut Dance Orch. Music Hold- Sid Coca a a a 22 3'30--Cisco i "Jewelry up. Rogers Show (NBC). (NBC).

A Show. WO--Paul Whlteman TV Teen Club. Week End News Re- vlaw. Parade of Magic. Man's Family (NBC).

Revue (NBC). Show of Shows Caesar and Imogene (NBC) in Marigold Gardens (Du Mont). Squad (CBS). Godfrey's a Scouts (CBS). Parade Film.

1 to Sunday, March 23 A.M. Church Federation; Ur a W. Clarke. Inventory 10.00-Industry on Parade i a i Clown i i i i 11.00--Amcrlear Foi'um (CBS). of Kayo (CBS).

Name's the Same A 1 30--Televiews ol' the week's nows i Richard Arlen, Chufler Morris, Jean Par- koi- in Wrecking Crew," The Press tlie Masters (NBC). 1'00--Super Circus (ABC). Parade (NBC). Than Fiction. 5: IB--Washington Spotlight, W.

Chlkls i Stu Ei-win Show (ABC), Slory of Lazarus. A Mr. Bobbin: Jackie Kclk (NBC). Hour; Tony Martin, Playhouse ((NBC) Skelton Shaw (NBC). Louis Symplionette, Love Lucy (CBS) (film).

of Stars (CBS) My Line? (CBS). i KSD-TV. Phyoff Ralph Edwards' Show (NBC) Smith Show (NBC), Falls (NBC). Buckeye Four, Doody (NBC). angler's Club; a Bruce.

Cadets A Inghnm's Sportsvlew, Forecast. Telenews. Fran and Ollie Bennett Show. 6.30--'Iliosc Two Caravan (NBC). Winchcll Show (NBC).

Barlow's Orchestra (NBC). (CBS). Montgomery Theater (NBC) One (CBS). Shriner Show A Mr. Mnlone (ABC) 12:15 to Personals Mr.

and Mrs. Clarence Long hat as i al their home Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. F.d\\ard Miller of Klkhardt, and Mrs. William Beard and children of 'Salem.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oilman of Worden visited Tuesday al the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Oilman.

Mr. and Mrs. i i a Kline, Mrs. Truitt Foulk and Mrs. Leo Kline were visitors in Kasl St.

Louis Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. B. H.

Harris lefl the past week for Monrova, for an extended slay. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Collman had as dinner guests at their home Sunday Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Sleb- hur and children, Reno; Mr, and Thrifty Boy Determined On College Education TRENTON, (UP)-A 14- vcar-old boy who started saving al age of nine and now has more than $2.000 toward a college education finds it pays lo gel up early and keep going. Jerry L. Hasscll was only nine when he took over his mother's milk deliveries so he could start Ijuying savings stamps. Later he got an afternoon paper route and then added a morning route. Jerry would get up al 4'45 every morning for his first paper delivcr- and finish up late at by selling popcorn at stock car races.

Mrs. Bernard Voshollcr and children, Highland; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meltlcr and family, New Douglas; Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Mueller, Highland. Mr. and Mrs. L. R.

Wall had as dinner guests at their home Thursday Mrs. G. W. Hughes and son Dennis of Fall River, William Wall, Mr. and Mrs.

Laurence Wall and Mrs. Dave Gcnczo and son. Mrs. Charles Ernst, a patient at St. Francis hospital in reported as improving at this lime.

Floyd Flack Is a patient at St. Joseph hospital In Highland, suffering from an infection jaw. Mrs. G. G.

Eardlcy and Mrs. William Freund were visitors in Lilchficld Tuesday. Mrs. Laurence Wall, Mrs. G.

W. Hughes and Mrs, Dave Genczo visited Mrs. William Wall, a patient at St Francis hospital, Thursday. Mrs. Fred Meyer of Wood River was a visitor heie Thursday.

EDEN Bowling Alleys LEAGUE BOWLING Monday, Tutsdiy, Thursday, Friday OPEN BOWLING Wednesday and Saturday Evenings and Sunday Afternoon Evening by Appointment Call RALPH KIPP, Phone 426W 225 South Main St Mar- Monday, March 24 Dave a a d-Amccho Show (ABC), Godfrey (CBS). and Groom (CBS). 100 Years (CBS). Moore Show (CBS) Moore Show (CBS) It Rich (CBS). lliOO-Ruth Lyons' 50 Club (NBC) of Lifo (CBS).

for Tomorrow (CBS) thi! Ladles; Russ Scvcrin ami Harry Honlg. Moore Show (CBS), WORDEN Miss Nora Birmingham Ph 2271 Class Meeting The Willing Workers class of the Christian Sunday school held rcgu- ar meeting Thursday evening al lie hom*o of Mrs. Carl Madoux, vho was presented with a surprise bliowcr by the members. Luncheon was served, Underwent Surgery Mrs. Edward Randlo underwent surgery at SI.

Francis hospital in Lilchfielcl Tuesday. Collection of a of Dimes The total of (ho March of Dimes drive was S533.53. Two Indiana Men Stage Price War SOUTH BEND, Ind, A drug store manager said Saturday he'd keep the price of a 50-cenl breakfast al one penny if his competitor across the street cut his breakfast prices. Tho other drug store manager made the same threat. Tiic price-threat war was on when J.

Barnluirl, manager of Ihc Ford-Hopkins drug store here glanced across the street and saw Iho Walgreen drug store had lowered Its breakfast price. Barnluirl quickly went into action and prices began falling. Busboys soon were dashing back and forth across the street noting prices and posting new ones. Walgreen manager Lee Banner accused Barnhart of starting the war but both agreed business was terrific, Customers were able to get an egg, two strips of bacon, toast and coffee--all for penny, Both managers said they'd hold out until the other gave in, Berlin, having regained its standing as a cosmopolitan city, attracted 805,000 visitors in the first eight months of last year, compared with 530,000 for the corresponding period In the previous year, Returned to Carbondale Alfred Slivka student at Southern I i i a university at Carbondale left Sunday after spending the spring vocation with relatives Personals Mr. and Mrs.

Lawrence Wood niul sons Gary and David of dcro, left Tuesday after a visil with relatives, Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Plcper ind son Sfil. Robert Piepcr Saturday in Springfield, Mrs. Chris Heinemeicr visited with relatives in Edwardsvlllc Friday Mr and Mrs. George Xirgcs and Mrs, AugtiFt H.

Zlrgcs visited with Edwnrdsvllle relatives Friday. Mrs Pear) Crackels of Ml. Carmol returned home Monday after a visit with Mr. and Mrs G. F.

Mills Mr, and Mrs. George Randle visited in Litchfield Thursday. Mrs, William Roberson and son Glenn of Harrisburg spent a few days here with relatives last week, Mr. and Mrs L. W.

Madoux are visiting with M-Sgt, and Mrs. Eugene Pioudre at Clrclcville, 0. Miss Nora Birmingham visited wilh relatives in Litchfield Thursday afternoon Mr. and Mrs, Victor Mueller and son Richard and Mr, and Mrs. Paul Schmidt nnd son Terry of Ed- wardsvlllc were guests of relatives Sunday.

Mr, and Mrs, G. F. Mills spent a few days (his week with relatives ut Mt. Cnrmcl. Americans spent $400 million year on foreign travel before World War II.

NOW! B.F. Goodrich Tire FOR ONLY $11195 12 6.00-16 A AND YOUR OLD TIKI DEFIANCE FULLY GUARANTEED RUGGED CONSTRUCTION 6.70-1 DEFIANCI ONLY AND rouR oio AS IOW AS $1.00 DOWN PUTS ONE ON YOUR CAR Get B. F. Goodrich I that Protect Against Blowouts! 1. Special Hit-tcttining inner lining built into prevents sudden blowoutt.

In of tire bruise, lir escape slowly--giving you niilci of safe (topping distance. 1. Scull punctures, too. Gummy compound under trcid icaU punctures ylu drive. Cassens Sons SERVICE STATION LEROY LANGE, Manager 120 HILLSBORO AVE.


The Edwardsville Intelligencer from Edwardsville, Illinois (2024)


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.